Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by Anonymous
See Opus Order
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
The symbol ⊗ indicates a translation that is missing an original text.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
Song Cycles, Collections, Symphonies, etc.:
- 60 Kinderlieder von G. Chr. Dieffenbach für 2 Singstimme mit leichter Pianofortebegleitung [multi-composer]
- no. 1. Waldkonzert, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 2. Frau Schwalbe, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach) ENG
- no. 3. Das Vöglein in der Wiege, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 4. Der Lerche Morgenlied, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 5. Der Sperling, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 6. Der Vöglein Dank, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 7. Der lustige Musikant, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 8. Im Walde, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 9. Vom dankbaren Vöglein, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 10. Der Frühling ist nah!, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 11. Vom fleißigen Vöglein, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 12. Das Fischlein, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 13. Blütenlust, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 14. Der Blumen Dank, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 15. Vom Blümchen und vom Bächlein, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 16. Im Sommer, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 17. Vom fleißigen Bächlein, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 18. Unter dem Baume, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 19. Das junge Stürmchen, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 20. Der alte Herr Sturm, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 21. Die Sternennacht, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 22. Der Schmied, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 23. Die Wolkenschäflein, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 24. Der Spätherbst, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 25. Der Fuhrmann, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 26. Der Postillon, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 27. Die kleinen Wanderburschen, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 28. Der Tannenbaum, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 29. Kindersehnen, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 30. Der Jäger und das Häslein, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 31. Der Maikäfer, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 32. Der Storch, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 33. Die Soldaten, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 34. Des Schäfers Morgenlied, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 35. Die kleine Gärtnerin, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 36. Das Kind und die Lerche, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 37. Der Abend, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 38. Der Bauer, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 39. Es steht eine Mühle im Wiesengrund, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 40. Vom armen Häslein, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 41. Dorfmusik, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 42. Der Jäger, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 43. Der Fischer, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 44. Der Maurer, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 45. Der Gockelhahn, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 46. Der Meister Zimmermann, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 47. Die Bachstelze, composed by Karl August Kern
- no. 48. Schlummerlied, composed by Karl August Kern
- no. 49. Abendlied, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 50. Der Kuckuck, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 51. Die Henne und ihr Küchlein, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 52. In stiller Nacht, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 53. Der helle Stern, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 54. Frau Gans will singen, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 55. Der Osterhas, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 56. Der Christbaum im Himmel, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 57. Gottes Auge, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 58. Hosianna, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 59. Wiegenlied, composed by Anonymous/Unidentified Artist (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- no. 60. Der gute Hirte, composed by Karl August Kern (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- A Set of Five Songs
- I speak not -- I trace not -- I breathe not (Text: George Gordon Noel Byron, Lord Byron) FRE
- Ave Maria
- no. 1. Die Nachtigallen (Text: Guido Moritz Görres) ENG
- no. 2. Die Maikönigin (Text: Guido Moritz Görres) ENG
- no. 4. Die Mutter der Barmherzigkeit (Text: Franz Seraph Kohlbrenner) ENG
- no. 5. Alma Redemptoris Mater ENG
- no. 6. Auf das Rosenkranzfest (Text: Anonymous after St. Bernard of Clairvaux) ENG
- no. 7. Beim Beginne der Maiandacht (Text: J.P. Heuberger) ENG
- no. 8. Opfergesang (Text: Guido Moritz Görres) ENG
- no. 9. Maria, die Demüthige ENG
- no. 10. O meine schönste Hoffnung! (Text: Guido Moritz Görres after Alfonso di Liguori, Saint) ENG
- no. 11. Maria, die Gnadenmutter (Text: Johannes von Geissel, Erzbischof von Cöln) ENG
- no. 12. Festlied (Text: Gall Morel, Pater) ENG
- Cinque Canzonette veneziane "da battello" (Five Venetian 'boat songs') ENG
- no. 1. Diseme pur balordo (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- no. 2. Quei oci me fa guera (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- no. 3. Quele rane via lassé (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- no. 4. Sento che el cuor (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- no. 5. Infin che'l tempo e' belo (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Gurrumino
- Canción de cuna (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Kinderdorf Lieder: 1. Heft: Gemeinschaftslieder, Morgenlieder [multi-composer]
- no. 1. Glaubet! Hoffet! Liebet!, composed by Ernst Klug (Text: Hermann Hesse) CAT ENG
- no. 2. Über jedem Neste, composed by Ernst Klug (Text: Josef Viktor Widmann) ENG
- no. 3. Stark im Leben, composed by Ernst Klug (Text: Ernst Klug) * ENG
- no. 4. Sunne, composed by Ernst Klug (Text: Werner Morf) *
- no. 5. Freund, so du etwas bist, composed by Ernst Klug (Text: Johannes Scheffler) ENG
- no. 6. Spruch, composed by Ernst Klug (Text: Hermann Hesse) CAT ENG FRE
- no. 7. Gemeinschaftslied aus dem Kinderdorf Ben Schemen, Israel, composed by Anonymous/Unidentified Artist (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts) FRE GER
- Kinderdorf Lieder: 2. Heft: Lieder zum Tagesbeginn [multi-composer]
- no. 8. Le reveil, composed by Jean Boeckx (Text: Volkslieder )
- no. 9. Svegliati!, composed by Anonymous/Unidentified Artist (Text: Volkslieder )
- no. 10. Weil der Tag nun fanget an, composed by Anonymous/Unidentified Artist (Text: Volkslieder ) ENG
- no. 11. Ahkeruus on Ilomme, composed by Anonymous/Unidentified Artist (Text: Charlotte Lindholm) GER
- no. 12. Lasst uns singen!, composed by Michael Praetorius (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- no. 13. Come, follow me!, composed by John Hilton (Text: Volkslieder )
- no. 14. Tá símpanada psállun, composed by A. Bodezaia (Text: Volkslieder ) GER
- no. 15. Am Morge, composed by Ernst Klug (Text: Werner Morf) *
- Oak, Ash and Thorn [multi-composer]
- no. 1. Oak, ash and thorn, composed by Peter Bellamy (Text: Rudyard Kipling)
- no. 2. King Henry VIII and the Shipwrights, composed by Anonymous/Unidentified Artist (Text: Rudyard Kipling)
- no. 2. Sir Richard's Song, composed by Peter Bellamy (Text: Rudyard Kipling)
- no. 4. Our fathers of old, composed by Peter Bellamy (Text: Rudyard Kipling)
- no. 5. A three-part song, composed by Peter Bellamy (Text: Rudyard Kipling)
- no. 6. Cold iron, composed by Peter Bellamy (Text: Rudyard Kipling) CZE
- no. 7. Frankie's trade, composed by Peter Bellamy (Text: Rudyard Kipling)
- no. 8. The Ballad of Minepit Shaw, composed by Peter Bellamy (Text: Rudyard Kipling)
- no. 9. Poor honest men, composed by Anonymous/Unidentified Artist (Text: Rudyard Kipling)
- no. 10. Philadelphia, composed by Peter Bellamy (Text: Rudyard Kipling)
- no. 11. Brookland Road, composed by Peter Bellamy (Text: Rudyard Kipling)
- no. 12. The looking-glass, composed by Peter Bellamy (Text: Rudyard Kipling)
- Quarto Canciones en Ladino (Four Spanish-Hebrew Songs, translated by Anne Evans) ENG
- no. 1. A la una yo nací (Text: Anonymous after Volkslieder ) ENG
- no. 2. Al deredor de la mi cama (Text: Anonymous after Volkslieder ) ENG
- no. 3. Ya viene el cativo (Text: Anonymous after Volkslieder ) ENG IRI
- no. 4. Avre tu puerta cerrada (Text: Anonymous after Volkslieder ) ENG
- Songs of the Hebrides
- no. 1. An gille dubh ciar-dubh (Text: Volkslieder ) ENG
- no. 2. Maighdeanan na h-àiridh (Text: Kenneth Macleod) GER
- The Dutch Courtezan [a play - incidental music]
- The dark is my delight (Text: John Marston)
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- A! a! a! Das Kindlein lieget da! (Text: Anonymous)
- Ack Värmeland, du sköna (Text: Anders Fryxell)
- Across the river (Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
- Afraid, alas, and why so suddenly? (Text: Anonymous)
- Ah, el novio no quere dinero (Text: Anonymous after Volkslieder )
- Ahkeruus on Ilomme (in Kinderdorf Lieder: 2. Heft: Lieder zum Tagesbeginn) (Text: Charlotte Lindholm) GER
- Ah, my dear, ah, my dear son! (Text: Anonymous)
- A la una yo nací (in Quarto Canciones en Ladino ) (Text: Anonymous after Volkslieder ) ENG
- Al deredor de la mi cama (in Quarto Canciones en Ladino ) (Text: Anonymous after Volkslieder ) ENG
- Alla cazza (Text: Anonymous)
- Alma che scarca (Text: Anonymous)
- Alma Redemptoris Mater (in Ave Maria) ENG
- Alma Redemptoris Mater (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts) DUT ENG ENG FIN
- Al pie del duro sasso'ove sepolto (Text: Anonymous)
- Alta Trinità beata (Text: 16th century) ENG GER
- Alter Christgesang aus Thüringen (Text: Volkslieder )
- Amintor, ah, thou faithless swain (Text: 17th century)
- Amors m'art con fuoc am flama (Text: Anonymous)
- Angels We Have Heard on High (Text: James Chadwick after Volkslieder )
- An gille dubh ciar-dubh (in Songs of the Hebrides) (Text: Volkslieder ) ENG
- Ar hyd y nos (Text: John Ceiriog Hughes) GER
- Auf das Rosenkranzfest (in Ave Maria) (Text: Anonymous after St. Bernard of Clairvaux) ENG
- Au matin quand je suis levé (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Aussöhnung (Text: Johann Wilhelm Christoph Bittkow)
- Avre tu puerta cerrada (in Quarto Canciones en Ladino ) (Text: Anonymous after Volkslieder ) ENG
- Aylye lyulye (Text: Volkslieder ) ENG
- Ayo visto lo mappamundi (Text: Anonymous)
- Ay, trista vida corporal (Text: Anonymous) ENG GER
- Az alföldön hal´szlegény vagyok én (Text: Gáspár Bernát) GER
- Beim Beginne der Maiandacht (in Ave Maria) (Text: J.P. Heuberger) ENG
- Betrothal (Text: James Russell Lowell) CHI
- Bitte an den Mond (Text: Volkslieder )
- Black is the Colour (Text: Volkslieder )
- By day, amid my endless cares (Text: Helen Dellenbauch Tretbar after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) [x]
- Byssan lull (Text: Volkslieder )
- Canción de cuna (in Gurrumino) (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Cançó de les Mentides (Text: Volkslieder ) ENG
- Canon (Text: Anonymous)
- C'est un amant, ouvrez la porte ENG
- Christmas Bells (Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
- Christus mortuus est (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts) ENG
- Come gather round me, Parnellites (Text: William Butler Yeats)
- Come pretty wag and sing (Text: Anonymous)
- Come tread the paths
- Confitemini Domino (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts) FRE GER
- Conseils à une parisienne (Text: Louis Charles Alfred de Musset)
- Danny Boy (Text: Frederick E. Weatherly) IRI ITA
- Das Kaiserblumen-Lied (Text: Hermann Franke)
- Dejlig er jorden (Text: Bernhardt Severin Ingemann) GER
- Der Korb (Text: Johann Heinrich Voss) ENG
- Der Mai (Text: Hermann Adam von Kamp)
- Der Schlosser und sein Gesell (Text: Johann Konrad Grübel)
- Der Tod (Text: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing)
- Det haver så nyligen regnet (Text: Søren Johan Ottosen)
- Det var en lørdag aften (Text: Volkslieder ) GER
- Die Gedanken sind frei (Text: Volkslieder ) ENG IRI
- Diego León (Text: Anonymous)
- Die Maikönigin (in Ave Maria) (Text: Guido Moritz Görres) ENG
- Die Mutter der Barmherzigkeit (in Ave Maria) (Text: Franz Seraph Kohlbrenner) ENG
- Die Nachtigallen (in Ave Maria) (Text: Guido Moritz Görres) ENG
- Diseme pur balordo (in Cinque Canzonette veneziane "da battello") (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Donna pos vos ay chausida (Text: Anonymous)
- Dort in des Waldes traulich stillen Gründen (Text: Anonymous after Volkslieder )
- Drop golden showers (Text: Thomas Goffe)
- Druga vesіl'na pіsnja = Друга весільна пісня (Text: Volkslieder )
- Ecco Maggio (Text: Volkslieder ) GER
- Eeuwen geleden (Text: Catharina Magdalena Van Hille-Gaerthé) GER
- El alcaide de Alhama (Text: Anonymous)
- El Ball de Sant Ferriol (Text: Volkslieder ) ENG
- El coyotillo [x]
- El Jan Petit (Text: Volkslieder )
- El Maridet (Text: Volkslieder ) ENG
- El Mariner (Text: Volkslieder )
- El paso del Mar Rojo (Text: Anonymous)
- El Rossinyol (Text: Volkslieder ) ENG
- Els Tres Tambors (Text: Volkslieder ) ENG
- El sueño de la hija del rey (Text: Anonymous)
- En esta larga ausencia (Text: Lope Felix de Vega Carpio)
- En sømand har sin enegang (Text: Johannes V. Jensen)
- En yndig og frydefuld sommertid (Text: Volkslieder )
- Escogiendo novia (Text: Anonymous)
- Et quant je suis couchée
- False Phillis (Text: Anonymous)
- Faya siton (Text: Volkslieder ) ENG
- Fenesta ca lucive (Text: Anonymous)
- Festlied (in Ave Maria) (Text: Gall Morel, Pater) ENG
- For You O Democracy (Text: Walt Whitman)
- Fuga duarum
- Fuga quatuor vocum ENG
- Gaillardise (Text: François Marie Arouet , as Voltaire)
- Gemeinschaftslied aus dem Kinderdorf Ben Schemen, Israel (in Kinderdorf Lieder: 1. Heft: Gemeinschaftslieder, Morgenlieder) (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts) FRE GER
- Getrennt, aber wie schwer! (Text: Volkslieder )
- Go and catch a falling star (Text: John Donne) ITA
- Go, my flock, go get you hence (Text: Philip Sidney, Sir)
- Good night (Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
- Gyng nu stille i din Vugge! (Text: Bernhardt Severin Ingemann)
- Have you seen but a whyte Lilie grow (Text: Ben Jonson)
- Heart's Ease (Text: Anonymous) ITA
- Heimweh, op. 104 no. 6 (Text: Anonymous)
- Heinillä härkien kaukalon (Text: Anonymous after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) DUT ENG
- Herlichkeit Gottes in der Schöpfung (Text: Wilhelm Wackernagel after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist)
- Himnelriker liknas vid tio jungfrur
- Hommage à l'acte constitutionnel (Text: E. Rousseau)
- Homo fugit velut umbra (Passacaglia della vita) (Text: Anonymous)
- Hr. Oluf han rider så vide om land (Text: Volkslieder )
- I am a poor and harmless maid (Text: 17th century)
- Ich will's dir nimmer sagen (Text: Robert Eduard Prutz) ENG ENG RUS
- Im Wald bin i gsessen (Text: Volkslieder )
- In a green meadow (Text: 17th century)
- Indio enamorado [x]
- Infin che'l tempo e' belo (in Cinque Canzonette veneziane "da battello") (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Io ti vengo, Giesu, drieto (Text: Anonymous)
- I skovens dybe stille ro (Text: Johannes Fritz Emanuel Andersen) GER
- Ísland, farsælda frón (Text: Jónas Hallgrímsson)
- I speak not -- I trace not -- I breathe not (in A Set of Five Songs) (Text: George Gordon Noel Byron, Lord Byron) FRE
- It is the hour (Text: George Gordon Noel Byron, Lord Byron) FRE
- Ja po pervomu snegu bredu = Я по первому снегу бреду (Text: Sergei Aleksandrovich Esenin)
- Jeg gik mig ud en sommerdag (Text: Nikolaj Frederik Severin Grundtvig)
- Jeg lukte op min kiste (Text: Anonymous)
- 击鼓 ENG
- 静女 ENG
- John, you're my husband's man (Text: 17th century)
- King Henry VIII and the Shipwrights (in Oak, Ash and Thorn) (Text: Rudyard Kipling)
- Kljon ty moj opavshij = Клён ты мой опавший (Text: Sergei Aleksandrovich Esenin) CHI
- La dama d'Aragó (Text: Volkslieder )
- Lady Daffadown (Text: Christina Georgina Rossetti)
- Længe nok har jeg bondepige været (Text: Kristen Karstensen)
- La Feuille à l'envers (Text: Gabriel-Charles de Lattaignant)
- La Guillotine d'amour ITA
- L'amour de moi (Text: 15th century) ENG
- La paloma blanca (Text: Volkslieder )
- La teste m’y faict si grant mal
- Le Buisson (Text: Évariste Desiré de Forges, vicomte de Parny) [x]
- Le grand projet (Text: François Marchant)
- 酹江月 (Text: Wen Tianxiang) ENG
- L'emigrant (Text: Jacint Verdaguer i Santaló) ENG
- Les Adieux (Text: Évariste Desiré de Forges, vicomte de Parny) [x]
- L'hereu Riera (Heir Riera) (Text: Volkslieder ) ENG
- L'homme, l'homme armé (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Liebrosinchen (Italisch) (Text: Anonymous after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist)
- Liebrosinchen (Text: Anonymous after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist)
- L'Ondine et le Pêcheur (Text: Pierre-Jules-Théophile Gautier) ENG
- Londonderry Air (Text: Frederick E. Weatherly) IRI ITA
- L'opinion de ces demoiselles (Text: Pierre Jean de Béranger)
- Los bilbilicos cantan en los arbos de la flor (Text: Volkslieder ) ENG
- Lux fulgebit hodie (Text: Anonymous) ENG GER
- 绿衣 (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Ma belle si ton ame (Text: Gilles Durant, sieur de la Bergerie)
- Ma Grand-Mère (Text: Pierre Jean de Béranger)
- Maighdeanan na h-àiridh (in Songs of the Hebrides) (Text: Kenneth Macleod) GER
- Maria, die Demüthige (in Ave Maria) ENG
- Maria, die Gnadenmutter (in Ave Maria) (Text: Johannes von Geissel, Erzbischof von Cöln) ENG
- Merde v'là l'hiver (Text: Gabriel Randon , as Jehan Rictus)
- Mit deinen blauen Augen (Text: Heinrich Heine) CAT DUT ENG FRE ITA RUS SPA SWE
- Mouse Cousins (Text: Christina Georgina Rossetti)
- Múdrost Boha a pravda
- Mu mano tulge, latse (Text: Volkslieder ) GER
- Muntanyes del Canigó (Text: Volkslieder )
- Musicalis scientia / Scientie laudabilis (Text: Anonymous) FRE
- My mother (Text: Ann Taylor)
- Na den narození
- Narodil se Kristus Pán
- Neapolitanischer Volksgesang (Text: Volkslieder )
- Nina (Text: Anonymous) ENG POR
- Novus miles sequitur (Text: Anonymous)
- O bella più ENG
- O dear life, when shall it be (Text: Philip Sidney, Sir)
- O du liebs Ängeli (Text: Volkslieder )
- O gladsome light (Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
- O leggiadri occhi belli (Text: Anonymous) ENG GER
- Óluvu kvæði (Text: Volkslieder ) ENG
- O meine schönste Hoffnung! (in Ave Maria) (Text: Guido Moritz Görres after Alfonso di Liguori, Saint) ENG
- Once as I told in glee (Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
- Once I had a sweetheart (Text: Volkslieder )
- O pálida madona (Text: Antônio Frederico de Castro Alves)
- Op! all den ting, som Gud har giort (Text: Hans Adolf Brorson)
- O pane del ciel (Text: Anonymous)
- Opfergesang (in Ave Maria) (Text: Guido Moritz Görres) ENG
- O teure Heimat! (Text: Anonymous after Ulrich Guttinguer)
- Pajarito Chichiltote [x]
- Pán Ježíš narozený
- Paraneuma české
- Pase el agoa, ma Julieta (Text: Anonymous)
- Passava Amor su arco desarmado (Text: Jorge de Montemayor) ENG
- Patrem mostské
- Patrem
- Pentecostés (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts) GER
- Perspice christicola, quae dignatio (Text: Anonymous after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) ENG GER
- Piangi, piangi, ingrato core (Text: Anonymous)
- Poor honest men (in Oak, Ash and Thorn) (Text: Rudyard Kipling)
- Prophéties turgotines (Text: Chevalier de Lisle)
- 青玉案 (Text: Xin Qiji) ENG
- Quand je bois du vin clairet – Tourdion (Text: Anonymous)
- 泉水 (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Quant voi la fleur nouvele (Text: Anonymous)
- Quei oci me fa guera (in Cinque Canzonette veneziane "da battello") (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Quele rane via lassé (in Cinque Canzonette veneziane "da battello") (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Roselil' og hendes moder (Text: Christian Molbech)
- Rothkehlchen (Text: Anonymous)
- Sanctus
- Sento che el cuor (in Cinque Canzonette veneziane "da battello") (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Se os meus suspiros pudessem (Text: Anonymous)
- Serenata del Indio [x]
- 式微 (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Sofðu unga ástin mín (Text: Jóhann Sigurjónsson) ENG FRE GER
- Sonho da Boêmia (Text: Antônio Frederico de Castro Alves)
- Sowa na gaju siada (Text: Volkslieder ) GER
- Spring (Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow after Charles, Duc d'Orléans)
- 'S Schätzli (Text: Volkslieder )
- Stakkels Hanne (Text: Peter Christian Sick)
- Stala se jest věc divná
- Sta notte mi sognava ENG
- Stars of the summer night (Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) CHI
- Stripsody (Text: Cathy Berberian) *
- Sumer is icumen in (Text: Anonymous) GER LAT
- Svegliati! (in Kinderdorf Lieder: 2. Heft: Lieder zum Tagesbeginn) (Text: Volkslieder )
- Sweetest love, I do not go (Text: John Donne) ITA
- Sweet, stay awhile
- Te voglio bene assaje (Text: Raffaele Sacco) GER
- The bitter sweet (Text: Jasper Hagwood)
- The Confession of Devorgilla (Text: Frederick E. Weatherly)
- The dark is my delight (in The Dutch Courtezan) (Text: John Marston)
- The day is done (Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) GER
- The Death of Queen Jane
- The happy life (Text: Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey)
- The Little Turtle Dove
- The reign of the Roses (Text: Alfred Tennyson, Lord)
- There was a maid the other day
- The swallow (Text: Christina Georgina Rossetti) GER
- The Viking's bride (Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
- This day day dawes (Text: Anonymous)
- Tief unter der Erd' (Text: Joseph Carl Swiedack , as Karl Elmar) CAT
- Ti zando (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- Trewe Lieb' ist jederzeit zu gehorsamen bereit (Text: Simon Dach) ENG GER
- Trois serors sor rive mer (Text: Anonymous)
- Two Folk-songs of Little Russia (Text: Harold Flammer)
- Tyroler Abschied (Text: Anonymous)
- Tyroler-Lied (Text: Volkslieder )
- Umb Weihnachten (Text: Anonymous after Bible or other Sacred Texts) DAN
- Una dona llarga i prima (Text: Volkslieder )
- Valravnen (Text: Volkslieder )
- Váoční
- Vaterlandslied
- Velikonoční
- Venus went wandering (Text: 17th century)
- Villanella (Text: Angelo Ambrogini , as Poliziano) GER
- Vindarna sucka uti skogarna (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- Viv' el gran Re Don Fernando 1492 (Text: Anonymous)
- Vort modersmål er dejligt (Text: Edvard Lembcke)
- Vous êtes belle (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- Vuestros ojos tienen d'Amor
- Vzdajmež chválu
- Vzhůru, vzhůru Čechové
- Water o' Tyne (Text: Volkslieder )
- Weil der Tag nun fanget an (in Kinderdorf Lieder: 2. Heft: Lieder zum Tagesbeginn) (Text: Volkslieder ) ENG
- Wiegenlied zu Weihnachten (Text: Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart) CAT ENG FRE
- Wiegenlied, op. 36 no. 59 (in 60 Kinderlieder von G. Chr. Dieffenbach für 2 Singstimme mit leichter Pianofortebegleitung) (Text: Georg Christian Dieffenbach)
- Wie hab' ich doch so gern die Zeit, wenn's Frühjahr wieder kommt (Text: Franz von Kobell after Franz von Kobell) [x] PAL SWB
- 小重山 (Text: Yue Fei) ENG
- 雄雉 ENG
- 燕燕 ENG
- Ya viene el cativo (in Quarto Canciones en Ladino ) (Text: Anonymous after Volkslieder ) ENG IRI
- Zdrávas, ciesařovno
- 终风 ENG
Last update: 2025-01-28 04:23:43