Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by J. Raynor
See Opus Order
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
The symbol ⊗ indicates a translation that is missing an original text.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
Song Cycles, Collections, Symphonies, etc.:
- Four Cornish Songs
- no. 1. A Simple Song [x]
- no. 2. The Fisher Boy [x]
- no. 3. The Lighthouse [x]
- no. 4. South Wind [x]
- The Lady of Shalott, op. 36
- no. 1. On either side the river lie (Text: Alfred Tennyson, Lord) FRE
- no. 2. There she weaves by night and day (Text: Alfred Tennyson, Lord) FRE
- no. 3. A bow-shot from her bower-eaves (Text: Alfred Tennyson, Lord) FRE
- no. 4. In the stormy east-wind straining (Text: Alfred Tennyson, Lord) FRE
- The Pageant of Life
- no. 1. Twilight (Text: John Masefield)
- no. 2. The Golden City of St. Mary (Text: John Masefield)
- no. 3. Sorrow of Mydath (Text: John Masefield)
- no. 4. The Ballad Of Sir Bors (Text: John Masefield)
- no. 5. Laugh and Be Merry (Text: John Masefield)
- no. 6. The Word (Text: John Masefield)
- Three Melancholy Songs
- no. 1. Oft have I sigh'd (Text: Thomas Campion)
- no. 2. What then is Love? (Text: Thomas Campion)
- no. 3. Follow thy fair sun (Text: Thomas Campion)
- Three Songs of Sadness
- no. 1. Pour Forth, Mine Eyes (Text: Anonymous)
- no. 2. Take, o Take (Text: Anonymous) CAT DUT DUT FIN FRE FRE GER GER GER POL
- no. 3. Love (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor , as Theodore Livingston) [x]
- Two Quiet Songs
- no. 1. Weep You No More (Text: 16th century) FRE GER
- no. 2. A Cradle Song (Text: Padraic Colum)
- Two Songs
- no. 1. Chopcherry (Text: George Peele) DUT
- no. 2. Harvester's Song (Text: George Peele)
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- A bow-shot from her bower-eaves, op. 36 no. 3 (in The Lady of Shalott) (Text: Alfred Tennyson, Lord) FRE
- A Carol Of Poverty, op. 472 [x]
- A Child's Grace, op. 609 (Text: Robert Herrick)
- A Christmas Lullaby, op. 245 (Text: John Addington Symonds)
- A Cottager, op. 173 (Text: Seumas O'Sullivan)
- A Cradle Song (Balulalow), op. 662 (Text: The brothers Wedderburn after Martin Luther) DUT FRE GER
- A Cradle Song, op. 86 (in Two Quiet Songs) (Text: Padraic Colum)
- A Cradle Song, op. 284 (Text: Padraic Colum)
- A Deserted Home, op. 194 (Text: Sidney Royse Lysaght) [x]
- A Good Boy, op. 100 (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson) FRE FRE
- A Gravestone, op. 327 (Text: William Allingham)
- Ah, My Dear Angry Lord, op. 630 (Text: George Herbert)
- A Humble Carol, op. 449 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor) [x]
- Ah, What Is Love?, op. 377 (Text: Robert Greene)
- A Lapful Of Nuts, op. 512 (Text: Samuel Ferguson, Sir)
- Alas, Poor Heart, op. 633 (Text: J. A. Symons after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) [x]
- A Late Lark, op. 66 (Text: William Ernest Henley)
- A Laughing Song, op. 295 (Text: William Blake) CHI RUS
- A Little Child, op. 679 [x]
- All Suddenly The Wind Comes Soft, op. 585 (Text: Rupert Brooke)
- All That's Past, op. 17 (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- All Ye That Lovely Lovers Be, op. 661 (Text: George Peele)
- Alone, op. 41 (Text: Walter De la Mare) [x]
- A Lovely Rose Is Sprung, op. 600 [x]
- A Lullaby, op. 561 (Text: John Phillips) [x]
- A Lullaby, op. 313 (Text: Alfred Perceval Graves) [x]
- Amaryllis, op. 261 (Text: Thomas Campion) DUT FRI
- A Mind Content, op. 478 (Text: Robert Greene)
- And Is It Night?, op. 275 (Text: Anonymous)
- And wilt thou leave me thus?, op. 202 (Text: Thomas Wyatt, Sir)
- And wilt thou leave me thus?, op. 474 (Text: Thomas Wyatt, Sir)
- And wilt thou leave me thus?, op. 560 (Text: Thomas Wyatt, Sir)
- And Ye Shall Walk In Silk Attire, op. 505 (Text: Susanna Blamire) GER
- And Ye Shall Walk, op. 424 [x]
- An Epitaph, op. 332 (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- An Old Carol, op. 677 [x]
- An Old Lullaby, op. 553 (Text: Eugene Field)
- An Old Scottish Cradle Song, op. 246 (Text: Eugene Field) [x]
- An Old Tale, op. 40 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor) [x]
- Anterôs: A Dirge, op. 91 (Text: William Johnson Cory)
- A Poet Of One Mood, op. 448 (Text: Alice Christina Meynell)
- A Prayer To The Moon, op. 114 (Text: Alfred Tennyson, Lord) [x]
- April, op. 28 (Text: Robert Seymour Bridges)
- A Sad Song, op. 392 (Text: Charlotte Mew) [x]
- As I Lay Sleeping, op. 351 (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- A Simple Song, op. 233 (in Four Cornish Songs) [x]
- Ask Me No More, op. 116 (Text: Alfred Tennyson, Lord)
- A Soft Day, op. 252 (Text: Winifred Mary Letts)
- A Song of Leinster, op. 305 (Text: Louise Imogen Guiney)
- A Song of Spring, op. 297 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor , as Theodore Livingston) [x]
- A spirit haunts the year's last hours, op. 67 (Text: Alfred Tennyson, Lord)
- At Departure, op. 324 (Text: Robert Heath, Sir) [x]
- At The Mid Hour Of Night, op. 471 (Text: Thomas Moore after Volkslieder ) CAT FRE
- Aunt Mary's Tree, op. 172 (Text: Robert Stephen Hawker)
- Aunt Mary's Tree, op. 670 (Text: Robert Stephen Hawker)
- Autumn Dusk, op. 146 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor) [x]
- Autumn Twilight, op. 155 (Text: Arthur Symons) CHI
- Autumn Twilight, op. 195 (Text: Arthur Symons) CHI
- Autumn, op. 73 (Text: Douglas Pope) [x]
- Auvergnat, op. 108 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- Awake, My Heart, To Be Loved, op. 480 (Text: Robert Seymour Bridges)
- Awake, Sad Heart, op. 631 (Text: George Herbert)
- Away in a Manger, op. 605 (Text: Volkslieder )
- Away in a Manger, op. 558 (Text: Volkslieder )
- A Welsh Carol, op. 636 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Aye Waking O!, op. 451 (Text: Robert Burns)
- Balow, op. 273 (Text: Volkslieder )
- Balulalow, op. 431 (Text: The brothers Wedderburn after Martin Luther) DUT FRE GER
- Balulalow, op. 379 (Text: The brothers Wedderburn after Martin Luther) DUT FRE GER
- Balulalow, op. 643 (Text: The brothers Wedderburn after Martin Luther) DUT FRE GER
- Balulalow, op. 111 (Text: The brothers Wedderburn after Martin Luther) DUT FRE GER
- Balulalow, op. 596 (Text: The brothers Wedderburn after Martin Luther) DUT FRE GER
- Balulalow, op. 572 (Text: The brothers Wedderburn after Martin Luther) DUT FRE GER
- Before Parting, op. 188 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor , as Theodore Livingston) [x]
- Behold, my Heart, op. 160 (Text: John Ruskin after Volkslieder )
- Beside the Evening Sea, op. 167 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor , as Theodore Livingston) [x]
- Be Still, My Sweet Sweeting, op. 298 (Text: John Phillip)
- Be Thou At Peace, op. 328 (Text: Edward Lewis Davison) [x]
- Blessed is he that has come to the heart of the world, op. 84 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- Blow, bugle, blow, op. 68 (Text: Alfred Tennyson, Lord) CAT FRE GER NYN SPA
- Blow The Wind Southerly, op. 437 (Text: Volkslieder ) FRE
- Bonny Bobby Shaftoe, op. 443 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Brave Lads, op. 54 (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson)
- Break, Break, Break, op. 110 (Text: Alfred Tennyson, Lord) GER GER
- Bredon Hill, op. 134 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Bredon Hill, op. 568 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Bright Is The Ring Of Words, op. 71 (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson) CAT HUN ITA LIT
- Bright is the Ring of Words, op. 577 (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson) CAT HUN ITA LIT
- Bury Her At Sea, op. 382 (Text: Katherine Harris Bradley , as Michael Field; Edith Emma Cooper , as Michael Field)
- By-By, Lullaby, op. 403 [x]
- Canzonet, op. 301 [x]
- Captain Stratton's Fancy, op. 13 (Text: John Masefield)
- Care-Charming Sleep, op. 483 (Text: Francis Beaumont; John Fletcher)
- Carol Of The Village Boys, op. 272 (Text: Blanche Elizabeth Lindsay, Lady) [x]
- Carol, op. 526 (Text: Louise Imogen Guiney) [x]
- Cheetie-Poussie-Cattie, O!, op. 316 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Chopcherry, op. 244 (Text: George Peele) DUT
- Chopcherry, op. 247 (Text: George Peele) DUT
- Chopcherry, op. 151 (in Two Songs) (Text: George Peele) DUT
- Christmas Candles, op. 629 [x]
- Christ, My Beloved, op. 259 (Text: William Baldwin)
- Close Now Thine Eyes, op. 342 (Text: Francis Quarles)
- Come Away, Death, op. 183 (Text: William Shakespeare) DUT DUT FIN FRE GER GER GER GER ITA NOR NOR POL SWE
- Come, Be My Valentine, op. 504 (Text: Lancelot Andrewes)
- Come, Be My Valentine, op. 504 (Text: Lancelot Andrewes)
- Come, dark-eyed Sleep, op. 383 (Text: Katherine Harris Bradley , as Michael Field; Edith Emma Cooper , as Michael Field)
- Come Home Again, op. 337 [x]
- Come, Kiss Me, op. 323 (Text: George Wither) [x]
- Come, Love, Let's Walk, op. 260 (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- Come Not, When I Am Dead, op. 255 (Text: Alfred Tennyson, Lord) GER
- Come, O Come, My Life's Delight, op. 176 (Text: Thomas Campion) FRE
- Come, O Come, My Life's Delight, op. 413 (Text: Thomas Campion) FRE
- Come, O Come, My Life's Delight, op. 564 (Text: Thomas Campion) FRE
- Come, O Come, My Life's Delight, op. 522 (Text: Thomas Campion) FRE
- Come, rock His cradle, op. 652 (Text: George Ratcliffe Woodward)
- Come, Shepherds, Come!, op. 271 (Text: John Fletcher)
- Come, Sleep, op. 574 (Text: John Fletcher) FRE GER SPA
- Come, Sleep, op. 223 (Text: John Fletcher) FRE GER SPA
- Come, Sleep, op. 304 (Text: John Fletcher) FRE GER SPA
- Come, Sleep, op. 415 (Text: John Fletcher) FRE GER SPA
- Come, You Whose Loves Are Dead, op. 419 (Text: Francis Beaumont; John Fletcher)
- Consider, op. 156 (Text: Ford Madox Ford)
- Consider, op. 598 (Text: Ford Madox Ford)
- Cradle Song, op. 535 (Text: William Blake) [x]
- Crossing the Bar, op. 135 (Text: Alfred Tennyson, Lord) CHI
- Cuckoo!, op. 62 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- Curly Locks, op. 546 (Text: Volkslieder )
- Daisies, op. 410 (Text: Frank Dempster Sherman) [x]
- Damon the Mower, op. 322 (Text: Andrew Marvell)
- D'Avalos Prayer, op. 9 (Text: John Masefield)
- Daybreak, op. 209 (Text: John Donne)
- Day's End, op. 288 (Text: Laurence Binyon)
- Death Song, op. 294 (Text: Robert Stephen Hawker)
- Derek Barnes, op. 262 (Text: Derek Barnes) [x]
- Desire in Spring, op. 576 (Text: Francis Ledwidge) GER SPA
- Diaphenia, op. 524 (Text: Henry Constable; Henry Chettle) FRE
- Diaphenia, op. 220 (Text: Henry Constable; Henry Chettle) FRE
- Diddle Diddle Dumpling, op. 547 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Doctor Foster, op. 550 (Text: Volkslieder ) RUS
- Donnycarney, op. 425 (Text: James Joyce) FRE
- Down By The River, op. 624 (Text: Volkslieder )
- Down by the River, op. 567 (Text: Volkslieder )
- Down By The Salley Gardens, op. 158 (Text: William Butler Yeats) CAT DUT FRE FRI FRI GER
- Down By The Salley Gardens, op. 482 (Text: William Butler Yeats) CAT DUT FRE FRI FRI GER
- Draw On, Sweet Night, op. 228 (Text: Anonymous) DUT
- Draw On, Sweet Night, op. 463 (Text: Anonymous) DUT
- Dreams, op. 43 (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- Drinking Song, op. 326 (Text: Alexander Broome) [x]
- Drop, Drop, Slow Tears, op. 614 (Text: Phineas Fletcher) DUT
- Duncton Hill, op. 45 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- Durisdeer, op. 385 (Text: Alicia Ann Spottiswoode , as Lady John Douglas Scott)
- Early One Morning, op. 446 (Text: Volkslieder ) CAT FIN FRE
- Echoes, op. 70 (Text: Thomas Moore) CAT FRE GER
- Eia, Eia, op. 599 [x]
- Endymion, op. 356 (Text: Edward Shanks)
- Epiphany, op. 290 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor , as Theodore Livingston) [x]
- Epitaph Upon A Child That Died, op. 610 (Text: Robert Herrick)
- Escape At Bedtime, op. 101 (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson) FRE FRE
- Evening Prayer, op. 181 (Text: Herbert Francis Westlake) [x]
- Evensong, op. 215 (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson)
- Evenstar, op. 161 (Text: Robert Malise Bowyer Nichols)
- Fain Would I Change That Note, op. 123 (Text: Anonymous)
- Fain would I change that note, op. 206 (Text: Anonymous)
- Fain would I have a pretty thing, op. 277 (Text: Anonymous)
- Fair and True, op. 231 (Text: Nicholas Breton)
- Fair Love And True, op. 625 (Text: J. A. Symons after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) [x]
- Faithful Cross, op. 672 (Text: John Mason Neale after Venantius Fortunatus, Saint) DUT FRE GER
- Faithful Johnny, op. 420 (Text: William Smyth; Anne Grant) FRE GER
- Faithful Shepherd, op. 616 (Text: Thomas Benson Pollock) [x]
- Faith's Bethlehem, op. 639 (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- Fare Well, op. 14 (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- Far-Far-Away, op. 117 (Text: Alfred Tennyson, Lord)
- Far in a western brookland, op. 139 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Fear No More The Heat Of The Sun, op. 554 (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE GER GER ITA SPA
- Fear no more the heat o' the sun, op. 416 (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE GER GER ITA SPA
- Fear no more the heat o' the sun, op. 132 (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE GER GER ITA SPA
- Fine Flowers in the Valley, op. 506 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Fitty for a Fair Lass, op. 240 [x]
- Follow thy fair sun, op. 213 (in Three Melancholy Songs) (Text: Thomas Campion)
- Forget Not Yet, op. 300 (Text: Thomas Wyatt, Sir)
- From Far, From Eve And Morning, op. 658 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Full Moon on the Sea, op. 237 [x]
- Georgie Porgy, op. 541 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Give Light, O Lord, op. 617 (Text: Lawrence Tuttiett)
- God Who Created Me, op. 592 (Text: Henry Charles Beeching) [x]
- Golden Slumbers, op. 381 (Text: Thomas Dekker)
- Go, Lovely Rose, op. 308 (Text: Edmund Waller; Henry Kirke White) SPA
- Go, Lovely Rose, op. 534 (Text: Edmund Waller; Henry Kirke White) SPA
- Go, Songs, op. 395 (Text: Francis Thompson)
- Grace For Light, op. 462 (Text: Agnes Shakespeare Higginson , as Moira O'Neill) [x]
- Green Grows The Holly Tree, op. 278 (Text: Blanche Elizabeth Lindsay, Lady) [x]
- Had I A Golden Pound, op. 399 (Text: Francis Ledwidge after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist)
- Had I The Heavens' Embroidered Cloths, op. 479 (Text: William Butler Yeats) FRE GER HUN
- Had Sorrow Ever Fitter Place?, op. 476 (Text: Samuel Daniel)
- Ha'nacker Mill, op. 53 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- Handsome Dan, op. 267 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Hans Andersen's Carol, op. 644 (Text: Anonymous after Hans Christian Andersen) FRE GER GER GRE
- Hans Andersen's Carol, op. 400 (Text: Anonymous after Hans Christian Andersen) FRE GER GER GRE
- Hardelôt, op. 312 (Text: Olwen Picton-Jones) [x]
- Hark, Hark, the Lark, op. 516 (Text: William Shakespeare) CHI DUT FIN FRE GER GER GER GER ITA
- Harvester's Song, op. 152 (in Two Songs) (Text: George Peele)
- Heaven-Haven, op. 104 (Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins) GER
- Hector Protector, op. 545 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- He Is So Sweet And Small, op. 406 (Text: Gerald William Bullett) *
- Heraclitus, op. 366 (Text: William Johnson Cory after Callimachus)
- Heraclitus, op. 189 (Text: William Johnson Cory after Callimachus)
- Heraclitus, op. 92 (Text: William Johnson Cory after Callimachus)
- Heraclitus, op. 291 (Text: William Johnson Cory after Callimachus)
- Heraclitus, op. 417 (Text: William Johnson Cory after Callimachus)
- Heraclitus, op. 632 (Text: William Johnson Cory after Callimachus)
- He Smiles Within His Cradle, op. 594 (Text: Robert Graves after David Gregor Corner) [x]*
- Hesperus, op. 230 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor , as Theodore Livingston) [x]
- He That Loves A Rosy Cheek, op. 498 (Text: Thomas Carew) GER
- Hey Derry Down, op. 329 (Text: Thomas Delaney) [x]
- Homage, op. 75 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- Home no more home to me, op. 210 (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson) CAT GER ITA LIT
- Honey Bear, op. 456 (Text: Elizabeth Lang)
- How Dear To Me The Hour, op. 469 (Text: Thomas Moore) FRE FRE GER SWE
- How Many Days Has My Baby To Play?, op. 457 [x]
- Hughley Steeple, op. 162 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Hushaby Baby, op. 540 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Hymn To Diana, op. 434 (Text: Ben Jonson) CAT FRE NYN SPA
- I-Brasîl, op. 24 (Text: William Sharp , as Fiona Macleod) GER
- I Drew My Ship, op. 582 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- I Got Me Flowers, op. 613 (Text: George Herbert)
- I'll Sing You a Song, op. 537 (Text: Volkslieder )
- I Love All Beauteous Things, op. 508 (Text: Robert Seymour Bridges)
- In a College Garden, op. 309 (Text: Arthur Christopher Benson)
- In A Garden Wild, op. 281 (Text: Blanche Elizabeth Lindsay, Lady) [x]
- In A Glorious Garden Grene, op. 352 [x]
- In an Arbour Green, op. 221 (Text: R. Wever, probably Richard Wever)
- In An Arbour Green, op. 641 (Text: R. Wever, probably Richard Wever)
- In An Arbour Green, op. 673 (Text: R. Wever, probably Richard Wever)
- In Bethlehem, op. 653 (Text: John Mason Neale) [x]
- In Dreams, Unhappy, op. 584 (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson) CAT GER ITA LIT
- Infant Holy, op. 650a [x]
- In Merioneth, op. 575 (Text: Lionel Pigot Johnson) [x]
- In Praise of Love, op. 7 (Text: Tobias Hume)
- In Praise Of Melancholy, op. 405 (Text: John Fletcher)
- In Praise Of Music, op. 464 (Text: William Strode)
- In September, op. 269 (Text: Francis Ledwidge)
- In The Bleak Mid-Winter, op. 667 (Text: Christina Georgina Rossetti) DUT FRI GER
- In the stormy east-wind straining, op. 36 no. 4 (in The Lady of Shalott) (Text: Alfred Tennyson, Lord) FRE
- In This Time Of Christmas, op. 665 [x]
- In Time of the Breaking of Nations, op. 153 (Text: Thomas Hardy) HUN
- Into my heart an air that kills, op. 141 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) ITA
- Invocation, op. 27 (Text: William Sharp , as Fiona Macleod)
- In Youth Is Pleasure, op. 335 (Text: R. Wever, probably Richard Wever)
- In Youth is Pleasure, op. 175 (Text: R. Wever, probably Richard Wever)
- In Youth Is Pleasure, op. 502 (Text: R. Wever, probably Richard Wever)
- In Youth is Pleasure, op. 243 (Text: R. Wever, probably Richard Wever)
- I Saw a Fair Maiden, op. 402 [x]
- I Saw From The Beach, op. 455 (Text: Thomas Moore)
- I Saw Three Ships, op. 412 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- I Shall Go Without Companions, op. 556 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- I Sing Of A Maiden, op. 664 (Text: Anonymous after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) FRE FRE GER
- I Sing Of A Maiden, op. 645 (Text: Anonymous after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) FRE FRE GER
- I Sing The Birth, op. 627 (Text: Ben Jonson)
- Island Rose, op. 302 (Text: Hamish Maclaren) [x]*
- It Freezes, op. 59 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- It Was A Lover And His Lass, op. 518 (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE GER GER GER
- It Was A Lover, op. 89 (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE GER GER GER
- It Was A Lover, op. 523 (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE GER GER GER
- It was a lover, op. 204 (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE GER GER GER
- It Was A Lover, op. 370 (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE GER GER GER
- I Will Give My Love An Apple, op. 495 (Text: Volkslieder ) CAT FRE
- I Would I Were Actaeon, op. 276 (Text: ? Bewe)
- Jessie Vean's Song, op. 499 (Text: Frank Baker) [x]
- Jesu, Sweeté Soné Deare, op. 317 [x]
- Johnnie, My Jingalo, op. 390 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Johnny Shall Have A New Bonnet, op. 543 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- June Twilight, op. 11 (Text: John Masefield)
- La Nuit, op. 359 (Text: Auguste Eck)
- Late Summer, op. 227 (Text: Edward Shanks)
- Laugh and Be Merry, op. 5 (in The Pageant of Life) (Text: John Masefield)
- Lay A Garland, op. 484 (Text: Francis Beaumont; John Fletcher) DUT GER
- Leave Me Not, op. 318 (Text: The brothers Wedderburn ) [x]
- Le Bon Ange, op. 430 (Text: Sabine-Casimire-Amable Tastu) [x]
- Lelant, op. 105 (Text: Edmund Kerchever Chambers)
- Lelant, op. 671 (Text: Edmund Kerchever Chambers)
- Liebeslied, op. 239 (Text: Harold Smith after Rainer Maria Rilke) [x] CAT FRE GER ITA ITA
- Lift Up Your Hearts, op. 58 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- Little Fred, op. 544 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Little Trotty Wagtail, op. 414 (Text: John Clare)
- Lochaber No More, op. 208 (Text: Neil Munro)
- Loch Lomond, op. 533 (Text: Volkslieder )
- Look Not In My Eyes, op. 659 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- Look Not In My Eyes, op. 520 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- Look not in my eyes, op. 130 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- Lord Rendal, op. 450 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Lou's Song, op. 171 (Text: Fay Inchfawn) [x]
- Love Guards the Roses of thy Lips, op. 256 (Text: Thomas Lodge)
- Love Hath a Language, op. 507 (Text: Thomas Moore)
- Love is a sickness, op. 336 (Text: Samuel Daniel; Thomas Maske) GER
- Loveliest Of Trees, op. 656 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- Loveliest Of Trees, op. 530 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- Loveliest Of Trees, op. 389 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- Loveliest of Trees, op. 133 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- Loveliest Of Trees, op. 565 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- Lovely Kind, op. 193 (Text: Nicholas Breton)
- Love me again, op. 293 (Text: Anonymous)
- Love not me for comely grace, op. 380 (Text: Anonymous)
- Love's Drollery, op. 438 (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- Love's Emblems, op. 421 (Text: John Fletcher)
- Love's Likeness, op. 287 (Text: George Darley)
- Love's Philosophy, op. 551 (Text: Percy Bysshe Shelley) CZE FRE FRE GER POL RUS
- Love's Triumph, op. 242 (Text: John Suckling, Sir)
- Love, that looks still on your eyes, op. 368 (Text: William Browne, of Tavistock)
- Love wooing Honour, op. 64 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- Love, op. 200 (in Three Songs of Sadness) (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor , as Theodore Livingston) [x]
- Lullaby (Suo-Gan), op. 440 (Text: Volkslieder )
- Lullaby, op. 678 (Text: Richard Rowlands)
- Lullay, Mine Liking, op. 669 [x]
- Lyonnesse, op. 654 (Text: Thomas Hardy)
- Lyonnesse, op. 109 (Text: Thomas Hardy)
- March, op. 168 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Mary's Carol, op. 216 (Text: Pádraig O'Horan) [x]
- Mary's Madrigal, op. 634 [x]
- Mary's Song, op. 391 (Text: Marion Angus)
- Michael's Song, op. 296 (Text: Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
- Milking Sian, op. 33 (Text: William Sharp , as Fiona Macleod)
- Moonlit Apples, op. 34 (Text: John Drinkwater)
- Music, op. 15 (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- My Ain Countree, op. 362 (Text: Allan Cunningham) GER
- My Dear Lady, op. 578 (Text: Anonymous)
- My Grief on the Sea, op. 253 (Text: Douglas Hyde) [x]
- My Love Bound Me With A Kiss, op. 397 (Text: Anonymous)
- My Love Dwelt In A Northern Land, op. 466 (Text: Andrew Lang) DUT
- My love is neither young nor old, op. 121 (Text: Anonymous)
- My Love's An Arbutus, op. 441 (Text: Alfred Perceval Graves)
- My Own Country, op. 184 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- My Own Country, op. 46 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- My Own Country, op. 106 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- My Own Country, op. 268 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- My Own Country, op. 460 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- My Own Country, op. 566 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- My true love hath my heart, op. 159 (Text: Philip Sidney, Sir) FRE GER
- My True Love Hath My Heart, op. 521 (Text: Philip Sidney, Sir) FRE GER
- My true love hath my heart, op. 80 (Text: Philip Sidney, Sir) FRE GER
- My true love hath my heart, op. 201 (Text: Philip Sidney, Sir) FRE GER
- My True Love Hath My Heart, op. 514 (Text: Philip Sidney, Sir) FRE GER
- My True Love Hath My Heart, op. 581 (Text: Philip Sidney, Sir) FRE GER
- My True Love Hath My Heart, op. 347 (Text: Philip Sidney, Sir) FRE GER
- My True Love Hath My Heart, op. 563 (Text: Philip Sidney, Sir) FRE GER
- Nightfall In The Boathouse, op. 145 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor) [x]
- Nightingales, op. 16 (Text: Robert Seymour Bridges)
- Noël, op. 55 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- Noël, op. 331 (Text: Pierre-Jules-Théophile Gautier) CHI ENG
- No Flower So Fair, op. 647 [x]
- November Eves, op. 125 (Text: James Elroy Flecker)
- November Stillness, op. 481 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor , as Theodore Livingston) [x]
- November, op. 124 (Text: Douglas Pope) [x]
- Now Is The Gentle Season, op. 475 [x]
- Now Sleep, op. 607 (Text: James Mabbe after Fernando de Rojas)
- Now Would I Fain Some Mirthés Make, op. 494 [x]
- October Morning, op. 76 (Text: Robert Frost)
- Oft have I sigh'd, op. 211 (in Three Melancholy Songs) (Text: Thomas Campion)
- Of the Moon, op. 258 (Text: Charles Best)
- Oft In The Stilly Night, op. 452 (Text: Thomas Moore) CAT FRE GER GER
- O Gather Me The Rose, op. 432 (Text: William Ernest Henley)
- Oh fair enough are sky and plain, op. 187 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Oh Stay At Home, My Lad, op. 587 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- O Jësulein Zart, op. 279 (Text: Volkslieder )
- Old Arun, op. 82 (Text: Douglas Pope) [x]
- O Leave Your Sheep, op. 409 [x]
- O Little One Sweet, op. 595 [x]
- O Love, How Strangely Sweet, op. 343 (Text: John Marston)
- O Men from the Fields, op. 573 (Text: Padraic Colum)
- O Mistress Mine, op. 515 (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE GER GER GER IRI ITA NOR POL
- O Mistress Mine, op. 81 (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE GER GER GER IRI ITA NOR POL
- O Mistress Mine, op. 330 (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE GER GER GER IRI ITA NOR POL
- O Mistress Mine, op. 372 (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE GER GER GER IRI ITA NOR POL
- O Mistress Mine, op. 282 (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE GER GER GER IRI ITA NOR POL
- O Mistress Mine, op. 591 (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE GER GER GER IRI ITA NOR POL
- O, My Dere Heart, op. 638 (Text: The brothers Wedderburn after Martin Luther) DUT FRE GER
- On Eastnor Knoll, op. 12 (Text: John Masefield)
- On either side the river lie, op. 36 no. 1 (in The Lady of Shalott) (Text: Alfred Tennyson, Lord) FRE
- O Nightingale, op. 361 (Text: J. A. Symons) [x]
- O Night, O Jealous Night, op. 376
- On Sussex Hills, op. 49 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- On Wenlock Edge, op. 142 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- On Your Midnight Pallet Lying, op. 513 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Orpheus With His Lute, op. 398 (Text: John Fletcher) DUT FIN FRE GER GER GER SWE
- O That 'twere Possible, op. 620 (Text: Alfred Tennyson, Lord)
- Over The Water, op. 548 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- O Western Wind, op. 207 (Text: Anonymous)
- O, Wind, Where Have You Been?, op. 583 (Text: Christina Georgina Rossetti)
- Pack, Clouds Away, op. 491 (Text: Thomas Heywood)
- Pack, Clouds, Away, op. 346 (Text: Thomas Heywood)
- Passing By, op. 174 (Text: Anonymous) GER GER
- Pirate Story, op. 95 (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson)
- Pour Forth, Mine Eyes, op. 198 (in Three Songs of Sadness) (Text: Anonymous)
- Prayer For A Little Child, op. 427 (Text: Winifred Mary Letts) *
- Puer Nobis Natus Est, op. 528
- Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat, op. 538 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Rain, Rain, Go Away, op. 542 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Red Robin, op. 408 (Text: R. O. M.) [x]
- Remembrance, op. 29 (Text: William Sharp , as Fiona Macleod)
- Rest, op. 344 (Text: George William Russell)
- Ring O' Roses, op. 411 (Text: W. G. Robertson) [x]
- Rose, op. 107 (Text: Hilaire Belloc) CHI
- Sad Am I Without Thee, op. 555 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Salcombe, op. 35 (Text: John Masefield)
- Sally's Goodbye, op. 79 (Text: Douglas Pope) [x]
- Scythe Song, op. 470 (Text: Andrew Lang)
- Sea Wrack, op. 386 (Text: Agnes Shakespeare Higginson , as Moira O'Neill)
- She comes not when Noon is on the roses, op. 180 (Text: Herbert Trench)
- Sheiling Song, op. 31 (Text: William Sharp , as Fiona Macleod)
- She Weeps Over Rahoon, op. 250 (Text: James Joyce) FRE GER
- Sigh, Heart, And Break Not, op. 428 (Text: Warren John Byrne Leicester, Baron de Tabley)
- Sigh No More, Ladies, op. 369 (Text: William Shakespeare) DUT DUT FIN FIN FRE FRE GER ITA ITA POL
- Sigh No More, Ladies, op. 519 (Text: William Shakespeare) DUT DUT FIN FIN FRE FRE GER ITA ITA POL
- Sing, All Ye Christian People!, op. 459 (Text: Joyce Maxtone Graham , as Jan Struther)
- Sing Lullaby, My Little Boy, op. 363 (Text: Richard Verstegan) [x]
- Skye Boat Song, op. 453 [x]
- Sleep, Baby, Sleep, op. 325 [x]
- Sleep, Little Friend, op. 666 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor) [x]
- Sleep, Wayward Thoughts, op. 375
- Slumber Song, op. 350 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor) [x]
- Snow, op. 458 (Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) [x]
- Song Of Apple Trees, op. 19 (Text: William Sharp , as Fiona Macleod)
- Song Of The Royal Nurse, op. 20 (Text: Dan Totheroh) *
- Sonnet XXVI, op. 83 (Text: Hilaire Belloc) [x]
- Sorrow of Mydath, op. 3 (in The Pageant of Life) (Text: John Masefield)
- South Wind, op. 236 (in Four Cornish Songs) [x]
- So we'll go no more a-roving, op. 203 (Text: George Gordon Noel Byron, Lord Byron) FRE GER
- Spring Sorrow, op. 562 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor , as Theodore Livingston) [x]
- Spring, The Sweet Spring, op. 635 (Text: Thomas Nashe) GER
- Spring, op. 532 (Text: Thomas Nashe) GER
- Spring, op. 63 (Text: Thomas Nashe) GER
- Spring, op. 197 (Text: Thomas Nashe) GER
- St. Mary's Bells, op. 39 (Text: John Masefield)
- Strings in the Earth, op. 266 (Text: James Joyce) FRE POL
- Sunday Evening, op. 222 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor , as Theodore Livingston) [x]
- Sweet And Low, op. 115 (Text: Alfred Tennyson, Lord) GER GER GER
- Sweet, Come Again, op. 552 (Text: Anonymous)
- Sweet, Come Again!, op. 122 (Text: Anonymous)
- Sweet Day, op. 615 (Text: George Herbert) FRE GER
- Sweet Dreams, Form a Shade, op. 473 (Text: William Blake)
- Sweet in her Green Dell, op. 289 (Text: George Darley)
- Sweet Love, Mine Only Treasure, op. 497 (Text: A. W.) [x]
- Sweet was the song, op. 401 (Text: Anonymous)
- Sweet Was The Song, op. 604 (Text: Anonymous)
- Take, O Take Those Lips Away, op. 517 (Text: Anonymous) CAT DUT DUT FIN FRE FRE GER GER GER POL
- Take, o Take, op. 199 (in Three Songs of Sadness) (Text: Anonymous) CAT DUT DUT FIN FRE FRE GER GER GER POL
- Take, O Take, op. 373 (Text: Anonymous) CAT DUT DUT FIN FRE FRE GER GER GER POL
- Tears, Idle Tears, op. 65 (Text: Alfred Tennyson, Lord)
- Tell me not here, op. 169 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- The Absent Love, op. 164 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor , as Theodore Livingston) [x]
- The Aspen, op. 130 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- The Ballad Of Sir Bors, op. 4 (in The Pageant of Life) (Text: John Masefield)
- The Bard's Love, op. 612 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- The Bells Of Youth, op. 23 (Text: William Sharp , as Fiona Macleod)
- The Best Beloved, op. 340 (Text: Francis Quarles) FRE
- The Birds In The Spring, op. 454 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- The Birds, op. 461 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- The Birds, op. 51 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- The Birds, op. 649 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- The Blackbird, op. 357 [x]
- The Blacksmith's Courtship, op. 264 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- The Californy song, op. 77 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- The Carol-Singers, op. 129 (Text: Eilmed Lewis) [x]
- The Cats' Carol, op. 334 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor , as Theodore Livingston) [x]
- The Children's King, op. 626 (Text: Mark Guy Pearse) [x]
- The Choirboy's Carol, op. 646 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor) [x]
- The Christ Child, op. 88 (Text: Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
- The Christ Child, op. 680 (Text: Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
- The Country Faith, op. 384 (Text: Norman Rowland Gale) [x]
- The Countryman, op. 676 (Text: John Chalkhill)
- The Countryman, op. 217 (Text: John Chalkhill)
- The Countryman, op. 163 (Text: John Chalkhill)
- The Country Scene, op. 165 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor , as Theodore Livingston) [x]
- The Cradle Of Gold, op. 314 (Text: Alfred Perceval Graves) [x]
- The Crying Of Water, op. 157 (Text: Arthur Symons)
- The Cup, op. 315 (Text: Edward Shanks) [x]
- The Daffodils, op. 510 (Text: William Wordsworth) CHI CZE GER GER HUN POL
- The Daisies, op. 441a (Text: James Stephens) SPA
- The Distant Land, op. 238 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor , as Theodore Livingston) [x]
- The Divine Lover, op. 226 [x]
- The Double Dawn, op. 219 [x]
- The Exile, op. 26 (Text: William Sharp , as Fiona Macleod)
- The Faithless Lover, op. 503 [x]
- The Falling of the Leaves, op. 30 (Text: William Butler Yeats)
- The Falling Of The Leaves, op. 622 (Text: William Butler Yeats)
- The Feathers Of The Willow, op. 94 (Text: Richard Watson Dixon)
- The Fisher Boy, op. 234 (in Four Cornish Songs) [x]
- The Fishing Fleet, op. 166 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor , as Theodore Livingston) [x]
- The Flowering Rush, op. 190 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor , as Theodore Livingston) [x]
- The Foggy Foggy Dew, op. 249 (Text: Volkslieder ) CAT
- The Forest Lake, op. 144 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor) [x]
- The Forsaken Lover, op. 265 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor , as Theodore Livingston) [x]
- The Full Heart, op. 320 (Text: Robert Malise Bowyer Nichols) [x]
- The Garden Of Death, op. 248 (Text: Eugene Field) [x]
- The Ghosts' High Noon, op. 126 (Text: William Schwenck Gilbert)
- The Golden City of St. Mary, op. 2 (in The Pageant of Life) (Text: John Masefield)
- The Green Apple Tree, op. 492 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- The Half Moon Westers Low, op. 586 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- The Happy Islands, op. 489 (Text: Vivian Locke-Ellis) [x]
- The Happy Lover, op. 232 [x]
- The Happy Ploughboy, op. 306 [x]
- The Haunt of Pain, op. 191 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor , as Theodore Livingston) [x]
- The Hayloft, op. 102 (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson)
- The Heart Of The Woods, op. 149 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor) [x]
- The Heart of Youth, op. 214 (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson) CAT GER ITA LIT
- The Holytide, op. 69 (Text: Frederick Tennyson)
- The Hounds, op. 229 (Text: John Frederick Freeman)
- The Islands, op. 56 (Text: Hilaire Belloc) [x]
- The Islands, op. 559 (Text: Hilaire Belloc) [x]
- The Islands, op. 179 (Text: Hilaire Belloc) [x]
- The Keel Row, op. 444 (Text: Volkslieder )
- The King's Daughter, op. 338 [x]
- The Lads in their Hundreds, op. 570 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- The Lake Asleep, op. 147 (Text: Donald Holden) [x]
- The Lamplighter, op. 98 (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson) ITA
- The Law Of Love, op. 341 (Text: John Heywood)
- The Lemmings, op. 10 (Text: John Masefield)
- The Lent Lily, op. 657 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- The Lent Lily, op. 588 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- The Lent Lily, op. 185 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- The Lighthouse, op. 235 (in Four Cornish Songs) [x]
- The Little King, op. 606 [x]
- The Little Pretty Nightingale, op. 388 (Text: Anonymous)
- The Little Shrine, op. 339 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor , as Theodore Livingston) [x]
- The Little Son, op. 621 (Text: Agnes Shakespeare Higginson , as Moira O'Neill) [x]
- The Little Waves Of Breffny, op. 225 (Text: Eva Selina Laura Gore-Booth)
- The Lonely Swimmer, op. 150 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor) [x]
- The Lonely, op. 170 (Text: John Warburg) [x]
- The Lover and the Field, op. 241 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor , as Theodore Livingston) [x]
- The lover tells of the rose in his heart, op. 143 (Text: William Butler Yeats) FRE
- The Loyal Lover, op. 536 (Text: Volkslieder )
- The Loyal Lover, op. 196 (Text: Volkslieder )
- The Lyre, op. 299 (Text: George Darley)
- The Maid Of Llanwellyn, op. 307 (Text: Joanna Baillie)
- The Mermaid's Vesper-Hymn, op. 292 (Text: George Darley)
- The Merry Heart, op. 360 (Text: J. A. Symons) [x]
- The Moonlit Garden, op. 205 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor , as Theodore Livingston) [x]
- The Moon, op. 511 (Text: William Henry Davies)
- The Moon, op. 99 (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson)
- The Mourners, op. 25 (Text: William Sharp , as Fiona Macleod)
- The Music of a Tree, op. 394 (Text: Walter James Redfern Turner)
- The Nettle, op. 112 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- The New Ghost, op. 44 (Text: Fredegond Cecily Shove)
- The Night has a Thousand Eyes, op. 254 (Text: Francis William Bourdillon) GER RUS
- The Night Is Freezing Fast, op. 603 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- The Night, op. 50 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- The Night, op. 178 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- The Noise Of Many Waters, op. 407 (Text: James Joyce) FRE IRI
- Theocritus (A Vilanelle), op. 120 (Text: Oscar Wilde)
- The October Redbreast, op. 447 (Text: Alice Christina Meynell)
- The Owl, op. 113 (Text: Alfred Tennyson, Lord) GER GER
- The Oxen, op. 628 (Text: Thomas Hardy)
- The Oxen, op. 52 (Text: Thomas Hardy)
- The Poor Tiler, op. 579 (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- The Rain, op. 597 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- The Red Fuschia Tree, op. 319 (Text: Charles Dalmon) [x]
- The Red Rose, op. 349 (Text: Thomas Howell)
- There is a Garden in her Face, op. 404 (Text: Thomas Campion) DUT
- There is a Lady, op. 493 (Text: Anonymous) GER GER
- There is no rose of such virtue, op. 378 (Text: 15th-century) FRE GER
- There's A Sea-Way, op. 8 (Text: John Masefield)
- There she weaves by night and day, op. 36 no. 2 (in The Lady of Shalott) (Text: Alfred Tennyson, Lord) FRE
- There Was A Crooked Man, op. 549 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- The Roadside Fire, op. 580 (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson) CAT GER ITA LIT
- The Rolling English Road, op. 154 (Text: Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
- The Seals, op. 74 (Text: Leonard Alfred George Strong) [x]
- The Seeds Of Love, op. 263 (Text: Volkslieder )
- The Shepherds And The Angels, op. 668 [x]
- The Silent Land, op. 182 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor , as Theodore Livingston) [x]
- The Singer, op. 355 (Text: Edward Shanks)
- The Song Of The Ungirt Runners, op. 393 (Text: Charles Hamilton Sorley) [x]
- The Sons Of Sîr, op. 32 (Text: William Sharp , as Fiona Macleod) [x]
- The Sound of thy Sweet Name, op. 257 (Text: F. Davidson) [x]
- The Spring of Joy is Dry, op. 285
- The Star Of Christmas, op. 128 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor) [x]
- The Stranger, op. 192 (Text: A. G. Herbertson) [x]
- The Stranger, op. 118 (Text: A. G. Herbertson) [x]
- The Sussex Carol, op. 593 [x]
- The Swing, op. 103 (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson) FRE FRE
- The Sycamore Tree, op. 435 (Text: Volkslieder )
- The Traveller, op. 353 (Text: Oliver Goldsmith)
- The Unbidden Christ, op. 93 (Text: Alice Christina Meynell)
- The Unchanging, op. 42 (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- The Useful Plough, op. 270 (Text: Anonymous)
- The Vale Of Tempé, op. 348 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor) [x]
- The Virgin's Cradle-Hymn, op. 365 (Text: Samuel Taylor Coleridge after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) DUT FRE GER
- The Wakening, op. 90 (Text: Anonymous)
- The Watchers, op. 675 (Text: J. T. H. Knight) [x]
- The Water Of Tyne, op. 442 (Text: Volkslieder )
- The Welsh Sea, op. 485 (Text: James Elroy Flecker) [x]
- The White Admiral, op. 148 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor) [x]
- The White Christ, op. 642 (Text: R. Wilson) [x]
- The White Peace, op. 22 (Text: William Sharp , as Fiona Macleod)
- The Wife of Llew, op. 283 (Text: Francis Ledwidge)
- The Winter Moon, op. 61 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- The Woods are Still, op. 311 (Text: Katherine Harris Bradley , as Michael Field)
- The Word, op. 6 (in The Pageant of Life) (Text: John Masefield)
- The World's Desire, op. 486 (Text: Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
- They can't ration love (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor)
- Thine Elder That I Am, op. 345 (Text: Katherine Harris Bradley , as Michael Field; Edith Emma Cooper , as Michael Field)
- Think no more, lad, op. 138 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- This Joyful Eastertide, op. 590 [x]
- To a Child, op. 387 (Text: Robert Herrick)
- To An Isle In The Water, op. 623 (Text: William Butler Yeats) FRE IRI
- To Ask For All Thy Love, op. 423 (Text: John Donne)
- To Blossoms, op. 488 (Text: Robert Herrick)
- To Daffodils, op. 487 (Text: Robert Herrick) CAT CHI DUT FIN GER
- To Daffodils, op. 224 (Text: Robert Herrick) CAT CHI DUT FIN GER
- To Daisies, Not To Shut So Soon, op. 422 (Text: Robert Herrick)
- To-Morrow, op. 38 (Text: John Masefield)
- To One Song In A Silent Time, op. 496 (Text: Alice Christina Meynell)
- Torches, Torches, op. 601 [x]
- To the Willow Tree, op. 608 (Text: Robert Herrick)
- Trade Winds, op. 37 (Text: John Masefield) SPA
- Trevean, op. 310 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor) [x]
- Tryste Noel, op. 527 (Text: Louise Imogen Guiney)
- Tutto è sciolto, op. 251 (Text: James Joyce) FRE GER
- Twelfth Night Carol, op. 57 (Text: Hilaire Belloc) [x]
- Twelfth Night, op. 650 (Text: Hilaire Belloc) [x]
- Twilight, op. 465 (Text: Andrew Lang after Jean Richepin)
- Twilight, op. 1 (in The Pageant of Life) (Text: John Masefield)
- Two Fond Hearts, op. 321 (Text: Llew Tegid after Volkslieder ) [x]
- Two Generations, op. 78 (Text: Leonard Alfred George Strong)
- Under A Tree, op. 663 [x]
- Under The Greenwood Tree, op. 674 (Text: William Shakespeare) DUT FIN FRE GER GER
- Under The Greenwood Tree, op. 371 (Text: William Shakespeare) DUT FIN FRE GER GER
- Up Now, Laggardly Lasses, op. 602 (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- Upon Westminster Bridge, op. 127 (Text: William Wordsworth)
- Venitia, op. 48 (Text: William Sharp , as Fiona Macleod) [x]
- Watching The Wheat, op. 611 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Weathers, op. 655 (Text: Thomas Hardy)
- Weep You No More, Sad Fountains, op. 418 (Text: 16th century) FRE GER
- Weep You No More, Sad Fountains, op. 557 (Text: 16th century) FRE GER
- Weep You No More, op. 85 (in Two Quiet Songs) (Text: 16th century) FRE GER
- Weep You No More, op. 218 (Text: 16th century) FRE GER
- Weep You No More, op. 648 (Text: 16th century) FRE GER
- We'll To The Woods No More, op. 589 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- We'll to the woods no more, op. 140 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- We Must Not Part, op. 396 [x]
- We Pray, Kind Gentles, op. 280 (Text: Blanche Elizabeth Lindsay, Lady) [x]
- Westering Home, op. 439 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- West Sussex Drinking Song, op. 87 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- What Shall We Give?, op. 640 (Text: Huw Lewis) [x]
- What then is Love?, op. 212 (in Three Melancholy Songs) (Text: Thomas Campion)
- Whenas the Nightingale, op. 500 (Text: John Cleveland)
- Whenas The Rye, op. 660 (Text: George Peele) DUT
- Whence Is That Goodly Fragrance?, op. 501 (Text: Allen Beville Ramsay after Volkslieder )
- Whence Is That Goodly Fragrance, op. 119 (Text: Allen Beville Ramsay after Volkslieder )
- When daffodils begin to peer, op. 374 (Text: William Shakespeare) CHI FRE GER
- When I Am Dead, My Dearest, op. 436 (Text: Christina Georgina Rossetti) GER GER GER GER ITA
- When I Came Last to Ludlow, op. 186 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- When I think on the happy days, op. 303 (Text: Anonymous)
- When Jesus Christ in manger lay, op. 333 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor) [x]
- When Jesu Was A Little Child, op. 274 (Text: Blanche Elizabeth Lindsay, Lady) [x]
- When June Is Come, op. 509 (Text: Robert Seymour Bridges)
- When The Boats Come In, op. 426 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- When to her Lute Corinna Sings, op. 364 (Text: Thomas Campion)
- When within my arms I hold you, op. 177 (Text: Robert Malise Bowyer Nichols)
- When You Are Old And Grey, op. 531 (Text: William Butler Yeats) CHI FRE GER HUN ITA
- Where Go The Boats?, op. 97 (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson) ITA
- Whether Your Servant Love Or No, op. 490 [x]
- Whitebeard Winter, op. 286 (Text: Sylvia Townsend Warner) [x]*
- White in the moon the long road lies, op. 137 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- White in the Moon, op. 569 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Who Are These?, op. 429 (Text: John Theodore Livingston Raynor) [x]
- Who Is At My Window, Who?, op. 367 (Text: Anonymous) GER
- Who Is This Child?, op. 529 [x]
- Willy Boy, op. 539 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Will Ye No' Come Back Again?, op. 445 (Text: Volkslieder )
- Will Ye No' Come Back Again?, op. 467 (Text: Volkslieder )
- Windy Nights, op. 525 (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson) FRE FRE GER
- Windy Nights, op. 96 (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson) FRE FRE GER
- Winter, op. 18 (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- Winter, op. 47 (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson)
- Wither's Rocking Hymn, op. 21 (Text: George Wither)
- With Margerain Gentle, op. 358 (Text: John Skelton)
- With Rue my Heart is Laden, op. 72 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- With Rue My Heart Is Laden, op. 571 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- With rue my heart is laden, op. 136 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Ye Banks And Braes, op. 468 (Text: Robert Burns) CZE FRE GER IRI
- You Blessed Bowers, op. 477 (Text: Anonymous)
- Young, But A-Growing, op. 637 (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Your Life, op. 60 (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- Youth, op. 433 (Text: R. Wever, probably Richard Wever)
- Youth, op. 354 (Text: R. Wever, probably Richard Wever)
Last update: 2025-01-24 04:46:14