Texts by R. Tagore set in Art Songs and Choral Works
Text Collections:
- Fireflies
- Fruit-Gathering
- Gitanjali
- গীতাঞ্জলি (Gitanjali)
- Lover's Gift and Crossing
- Sacrifice
- Songs of Kabîr
- The Crescent Moon
- The Cycle of Spring
- The Fugitive and Other Poems
- The Gardener
- The Religion of Man
Texts set in art song or choral works (not necessarily comprehensive):
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
The symbol ⊗ indicates a translation that is missing an original text.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Special notes: All titles and first lines are included in this index, including those used by composers.
Titles used by the text author appear in boldface. First lines appear in italics.
A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
- #1 from A sheaf of songs () - J. Ordansky [x]
- #38 from Gitanjali (That I want thee, only thee) (from Gitanjali) - J. Ordansky FRE GER DUT ITA ⊗
- #44 from Gitanjali (This is my delight, thus to wait) (from Gitanjali) - J. Ordansky GER DUT GER ⊗
- #96 (When I go from hence let this be my parting word) (from Gitanjali) - J. Ordansky GER ⊗
- আলো আমার আলো ওগো, আলো ভূবন ভরা (from গীতাঞ্জলি (Gitanjali)) ENG - C. Bauer, R. Schafer
- Abendlied (Vom dunklen Fluss her klingt Musik) - H. Gál (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) ⊗
- À cette heure du départ (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) ENG GER GER - A. Casella
- Ah me, why did they build my house (from The Gardener) ⊗
- Ah, poet, the evening draws near (from The Gardener) SRB ⊗
- Ah, these jasmines, these white jasmines! (from The Crescent Moon) RUS - G. Read (The first jasmines) ⊗
- All things are created by the Om; (from Songs of Kabîr) FRE ⊗
- Allvarsdagen (På den allvarsdag, då när döden) - E. Melartin ENG GER GER GER FIN FRE
- Alo amar, alo ogo (আলো আমার আলো ওগো, আলো ভূবন ভরা) (from গীতাঞ্জলি (Gitanjali)) - C. Bauer ENG
- Als de rest van ener herfstwolk (Als de rest van ener herfstwolk) - F. Wiemans ENG GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Als de rest van ener herfstwolk ENG GER - F. Wiemans (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Als die Lampe an meinem Bett ausging (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) ENG RUS - W. de Haan
- Als die Lampe an meinem Bette ausging (Als die Lampe an meinem Bett ausging) (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) - W. de Haan ENG RUS
- Als die Lampe an meinem Bette ausging (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) ENG RUS
- Als Gij mij zegt te zingen (Als Gij mij zegt te zingen) - A. De Klerk ENG FRE GER FRE ITA RUS SWE
- Als Gij mij zegt te zingen ENG FRE GER FRE ITA RUS SWE - A. Coenen, A. De Klerk
- Als gij niet spreekt (Als gij niet spreekt) - H. Andriessen ENG FRE GER [x]
- Als gij niet spreekt ENG FRE GER - H. Andriessen [x]
- Als het niet mijn deel is U te ontmoeten in mijn leven (Als het niet mijn deel is U te ontmoeten in mijn leven) - A. Coenen ENG GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Als het niet mijn deel is U te ontmoeten in mijn leven ENG GER - A. Coenen (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Als je het wilt zal ik ophouden te zingen (Als je het wilt) (from De Hoovenier) - B. Geuer ENG ITA
- Als je het wilt zal ik ophouden te zingen (from De Hoovenier) ENG ITA
- Als je het wilt (from De Hoovenier) ENG ITA - B. Geuer
- À mes côtés, il est venu s'asseoir (À mes côtés, il est venu s'asseoir) (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) - G. Bachlund ENG GER ITA DUT GER RUS
- À mes côtés, il est venu s'asseoir (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) ENG GER ITA DUT GER RUS - G. Bachlund, J. Cras
- An dem Tage, da der Tod an deine Türe klopfen wird ENG SWE FIN FRE - S. Wolpe
- An dem Tage, da der Tod (An dem Tage, da der Tod an deine Türe klopfen wird) - S. Wolpe ENG SWE FIN FRE
- An dem Tage, da der Tod ENG SWE FIN FRE
- An unbelieving smile flits on your eyes (from The Gardener) ⊗
- Aprel'skoj nochi mgla. Gorit svetil'nik nado mnoj = Апрельской ночи мгла. Горит светильник надо мной (Aprel'skoj nochi mgla. Gorit svetil'nik nado mnoj = Апрельской ночи мгла. Горит светильник надо мной) - M. Steinberg ENG GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Aprel'skoj nochi mgla. Gorit svetil'nik nado mnoj = Апрельской ночи мгла. Горит светильник надо мной ENG GER - M. Steinberg (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Arrival () (from Gitanjali) - M. Wilkins [x]
- Art thou abroad on this stormy night on thy journey of love, my friend? (from Gitanjali) FRE GER GER FRE FRE SWE ⊗
- Art thou abroad on this stormy night (from Gitanjali) FRE GER GER FRE FRE SWE - G. Konstantinidis, F. Ticheli ⊗
- Ascolta, o cuore: nel suo flauto ENG FRE
- As tuas mãos nas minhas mãos ENG FRE FRE GER GER RUS SWE - A. Nepomuceno
- At the immortal touch of thy hands my little heart (from Gitanjali) DUT FRE FRE GER ITA ⊗
- At the immortal touch of thy hands (Thou hast made me endless, such is thy pleasure) (from Gitanjali) - M. Baranauskas DUT FRE FRE GER ITA ⊗
- At the well (When the two sisters go to fetch water) (from The Gardener) - R. Hageman ⊗
- At this time of my parting (At this time of my parting) (from Gitanjali) - A. Koerner FRE GER GER ⊗
- At this time of my parting (from Gitanjali) FRE GER GER - H. Hadley, A. Koerner ⊗
- Au cœur du crépuscule pluvieux du Juillet (Au cœur du crépuscule pluvieux du Juillet) - Y. Gunst ENG GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Au cœur du crépuscule pluvieux du Juillet ENG GER - Y. Gunst (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Au petit matin un bruissement a dit (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) ENG GER IRI - L. Durey
- Au petit matin (Au petit matin un bruissement a dit) (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) - L. Durey ENG GER IRI
- Awaiting () (from Gitanjali) - M. Wilkins [x]
- A wandering madman was seeking the touchstone (from The Gardener) CZE ⊗
- Ayez pitié de votre serviteur (Ayez pitié de votre serviteur) - D. Milhaud ENG [x]
- Ayez pitié de votre serviteur ENG - D. Milhaud [x]
- Beautiful is thy wristlet, decked with stars (from Gitanjali) GER - R. Sweet ⊗
- Beautiful is thy wristlet (Beautiful is thy wristlet, decked with stars) (from Gitanjali) - R. Sweet GER ⊗
- Befrei mich von den Banden deiner Süße, Lieb! (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) ENG FRE ITA - A. Zemlinsky
- Behalt es nicht für dich, das Geheimnis (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) CZE ENG ITA FRE - H. Reiter
- Behalt es nicht für dich (Behalt es nicht für dich, das Geheimnis) (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) - H. Reiter CZE ENG ITA FRE
- Beloved - If you speakest not (If thou speakest not) (from Gitanjali) - G. Walker FRE GER ITA SPA SWE ⊗
- Bird of the wilderness (My heart, the bird of the wilderness) (from The Gardener) - F. Berresford CZE CZE FRE GER GER ITA POL SWE RUS SWE ⊗
- Bist draußen in stürmischer Nacht ENG FRE FRE FRE SWE - S. Wolpe
- Bist du draussen in stürmischer Nacht (Bist draußen in stürmischer Nacht) - S. Wolpe ENG FRE FRE FRE SWE
- Bist du draussen in stürmischer Nacht ENG FRE FRE FRE SWE
- Blumenlied (Die Stunden schleichen müde hin) - H. Gál (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) ⊗
- Bring ich dir buntes Spielzeug, mein Kind dann ENG - J. van Gilse
- Bring ich dir buntes Spielzeug, mein Kind (Bring ich dir buntes Spielzeug, mein Kind dann) - J. van Gilse ENG
- Bring ich dir buntes Spielzeug, mein Kind ENG
- Butterfly sails (Light, my light, the world-filling light) (from Gitanjali) - T. Wegren FRE GER GER ITA FRE
- By all means they try to hold me secure (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- Canción de "El asceta" () - J. Castro (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- Candura (As tuas mãos nas minhas mãos) - A. Nepomuceno ENG FRE FRE GER GER RUS SWE
- Chanson de batelier (Les nuages sont menaçants et le vent fait rage) (from Poèmes chantés Présentés, traduits et adaptés par Alain Daniélou) - A. Daniélou, R. Tagore [x] *
- Clouds heap upon clouds and it darkens (from Gitanjali) FRE GER GER ITA SWE ⊗
- Cœur à cœur, au profond du bleu () - A. Labarsouque (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- Cogli, prendi questo fiorellino (Cogli, prendi questo fiorellino) - F. Alfano ENG FRE GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Cogli, prendi questo fiorellino ENG FRE GER - F. Alfano (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Colsi il tuo fiore, o mondo! (Colsi il tuo fiore, o mondo!) - F. Alfano CZE ENG FRE GER GER SPA SWE SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Colsi il tuo fiore, o mondo! CZE ENG FRE GER GER SPA SWE SWE - F. Alfano, G. Balestrazzi (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Colsi il tuo fiore (Colsi il tuo fiore, o mondo!) - G. Balestrazzi CZE ENG FRE GER GER SPA SWE SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Come as you are; do not loiter over your toilet (from The Gardener) ⊗
- Come to my lake (If you would be busy and fill your pitcher) (from The Gardener) - A. Callaway GER ⊗
- "Come to us, youth, tell us truly (from The Gardener) ⊗
- Corbeille de fruits (Écoute, mon cœur) - A. Caplet ENG ITA
- Corro come il cervo muschiato (Corro come il cervo muschiato) - F. Alfano CZE DUT ENG GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Corro come il cervo muschiato CZE DUT ENG GER - F. Alfano (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Cuando el camino me fatiga () - J. Plaza (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- Cueille cette frêle fleur, prends-la vite ! (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) ENG GER ITA - J. Cras, L. Durey
- Cueille cette frêle fleur (Cueille cette frêle fleur, prends-la vite !) (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) - L. Durey ENG GER ITA
- Dag aan dag komt hij en gaat weer heen (Dag aan dag komt hij, en gaat weer heen) (from De Hoovenier) - B. Geuer CZE ENG GER ITA RUS
- Dag aan dag komt hij, en gaat weer heen (from De Hoovenier) CZE ENG GER ITA RUS - B. Geuer
- Dans une salutation suprême, mon Dieu (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) ENG GER DUT DUT SWE - A. Casella, M. Landowski
- Das ist nun so, daß Deine Freude ganz mich ausfüllt ENG FRE - C. Ogermann (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Das ist nun so (Das ist nun so, daß Deine Freude ganz mich ausfüllt) - C. Ogermann ENG FRE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Das letzte Lied (Vollende denn das letzte Lied) (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) - K. Szymanowski ENG FRE ITA ITA POL
- Dat is mijn lust, aldus te wachten en te waken aan de kant van den weg (Dat is mijn lust, aldus te wachten en te waken aan de kant van den weg) - A. Coenen ENG GER GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Dat is mijn lust, aldus te wachten en te waken aan de kant van den weg ENG GER GER - A. Coenen (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Day after day he comes and goes away (from The Gardener) CZE DUT GER ITA RUS - F. Bridge, J. Foley, B. Wegener-Koopman ⊗
- Day after day, O Lord of my Life (Day after day, O lord of my life) (from Gitanjali) - F. Grier GER IRI ⊗
- Day after day, O lord of my life (from Gitanjali) GER IRI - J. Alexander, F. Grier, M. Metcalf, G. Oost ⊗
- Day after day (Day after day he comes and goes away) (from The Gardener) - F. Bridge, B. Wegener-Koopman CZE DUT GER ITA RUS ⊗
- Day after day (Day after day, O lord of my life) (from Gitanjali) - J. Alexander, M. Metcalf GER IRI ⊗
- Day by day I float my paper boats (from The Crescent Moon) - D. Milhaud (Paper boats) ⊗
- Death cannot swallow life, which is immortal (Death cannot swallow life, which is immortal) (from Wings of Death: The Last Poems of Rabindranath Tagore - 4. Last Poems (Sesh Lekhā)) - A. Hinton [x] ⊗ *
- Death cannot swallow life, which is immortal (from Wings of Death: The Last Poems of Rabindranath Tagore - 4. Last Poems (Sesh Lekhā)) - A. Hinton [x] ⊗ *
- Death, my death, come and whisper to me (O thou the last fulfilment of life) (from Gitanjali) - G. Walker FRE GER GER DUT ⊗
- Death, thy servant, is at my door (from Gitanjali) FRE GER GER SPA - M. Someren-Godfery ⊗
- Death, thy servant (Death, thy servant, is at my door) (from Gitanjali) - M. Someren-Godfery FRE GER GER SPA ⊗
- De dag is voorbijgegaan (De dag is voorbijgegaan) - F. Wiemans ENG FRE FRE GER GER ITA GER SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- De dag is voorbijgegaan ENG FRE FRE GER GER ITA GER SWE - F. Wiemans (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Defamation (Why are those tears in your eyes, my child?) (from The Crescent Moon) - D. Milhaud ⊗
- Deity of the ruined temple (Deity of the ruined temple!) (from Gitanjali) - A. Biales GER GER ⊗
- Deity of the ruined temple! (from Gitanjali) GER GER - A. Biales ⊗
- De komst () - J. Pouwels ENG GER GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Deliverance is not for me in renunciation (from Gitanjali) GER - J. Alexander, R. Groot ⊗
- Deliverance (Deliverance is not for me in renunciation) (from Gitanjali) - J. Alexander GER ⊗
- De opklaring () - J. Pouwels ENG GER GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Departure (Art thou abroad on this stormy night) (from Gitanjali) - F. Ticheli FRE GER GER FRE FRE SWE ⊗
- Der junge Prinz I (Mutter, der junge Prinz muß an unsrer Türe vorbeikommen) (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) - K. Szymanowski ENG FRE ITA ITA POL SPA
- Der junge Prinz II (Mutter, der junge Prinz ist an unsrer Türe vorbeigekommen) (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) - K. Szymanowski ENG FRE ITA ITA POL SPA
- Der Schlaf, der auf Kinderaugen ruht (Der Schlaf, der auf Kindesauge ruht) - J. Móry ENG
- Der Schlaf, der auf Kindes Auge ruht (Der Schlaf, der auf Kindesauge ruht) - J. van Gilse ENG
- Der Schlaf, der auf Kindesauge ruht ENG - J. van Gilse, J. Móry
- Der Tag ist schon dahin und Schatten lagert ENG FRE FRE ITA DUT SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Der Tag ist schon dahin (Der Tag ist schon dahin) - C. Ogermann ENG FRE FRE ITA DUT SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Der Tag ist schon dahin ENG FRE FRE ITA DUT SWE - C. Ogermann (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Der Tod, Dein Diener, steht vor meiner Tür ENG FRE SPA
- Det var en høi dag, da du gik (Det var en høi dag, da du gik) - S. Bull ENG (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Det var en høi dag, da du gik ENG - S. Bull (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Devant moi s'étend l'océan de paix (Devant moi s'étend l'océan de paix) (from Poèmes chantés Présentés, traduits et adaptés par Alain Daniélou) - A. Daniélou, R. Tagore [x] *
- Devant moi s'étend l'océan de paix (from Poèmes chantés Présentés, traduits et adaptés par Alain Daniélou) - A. Daniélou, R. Tagore [x] *
- Did you leave behind you your love, my heart (from The Cycle of Spring) - W. Hiscocks
- Did you leave behind you your love? (Did you leave behind you your love, my heart) (from The Cycle of Spring) - W. Hiscocks
- Die Nacht ist dunkel, und dein Schlummer ist tief ENG SPA - W. Burkhard (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Die Nacht ist dunkel (Die Nacht ist dunkel, und dein Schlummer ist tief) - W. Burkhard ENG SPA (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Dies ist an Dich mein Gebet, Herr! (Dies ist an Dich mein Gebet, Herr!) - J. Móry ENG SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Dies ist an Dich mein Gebet, Herr! ENG SWE - J. Móry (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Dies ist meine Wonne (Dies ist meine Wonne) - J. Móry ENG DUT (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Dies ist meine Wonne ENG DUT - J. Móry (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Die Stunden schleichen müde hin - H. Gál (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) ⊗
- দিনগুলি মোর সোনার খাঁচায় রইল না— FRE - R. Tagore (দিনগুলি মোর সোনার)
- দিনগুলি মোর সোনার (দিনগুলি মোর সোনার খাঁচায় রইল না—) - R. Tagore FRE
- Dinguli mor sonar khnaachay roilo na (Mes jours de leur cage d'or se sont enfuis) [x] *
- Do not go, my love, without asking my leave (from The Gardener) GER ITA RUS FRE RUS SPA - K. Al-Zand, J. Cooper, R. Hageman, A. Koerner, B. Wegener-Koopman ⊗
- Do not go, my love (Do not go, my love, without asking my leave) (from The Gardener) - K. Al-Zand, J. Cooper, R. Hageman, A. Koerner, B. Wegener-Koopman GER ITA RUS FRE RUS SPA ⊗
- Do not keep to yourself the secret of your heart (from The Gardener) CZE GER GER ITA FRE - K. Al-Zand, F. van Gompel, R. Hanson ⊗
- Do not keep to yourself the secrets of your heart (from The Gardener) CZE GER GER ITA FRE ⊗
- Do not keep to yourself (Do not keep to yourself the secret of your heart) (from The Gardener) - K. Al-Zand, F. van Gompel, R. Hanson CZE GER GER ITA FRE ⊗
- Dort bei der Furt () - J. Móry ENG FRE FRE ITA DUT SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Dreams, resonant with melodies (He came and sat by my side) (from Gitanjali) - M. Wilkins FRE GER ITA DUT GER RUS ⊗
- Du bist die Abendwolke (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) CZE ENG FRE ITA SPA - J. Móry, A. Zemlinsky
- Du bist mein Eigen (Du bist die Abendwolke) (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) - J. Móry CZE ENG FRE ITA SPA
- Du haut de votre trône ENG GER ITA DUT - D. Santa Cruz Wilson (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Durch die schweigende Nacht höre ich (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Du welterfüllendes, mein Herz erhebendes Licht! ENG FRE ITA FRE - T. Schubert
- Dweller in my deathless dreams (You are the evening cloud) (from The Gardener) - F. Bridge CZE FRE GER GER SPA ⊗
- Early in the day it was whispered (Early in the day it was whispered) (from Gitanjali) - L. Ronald FRE FRE GER IRI ⊗
- Early in the day it was whispered (from Gitanjali) FRE FRE GER IRI - W. Arlen, C. Banerji, I. Bell, D. Leisner, L. Ronald ⊗
- Early in the day (Early in the day it was whispered) (from Gitanjali) - W. Arlen, C. Banerji FRE FRE GER IRI ⊗
- Écoute, mon cœur ENG ITA - A. Caplet
- Egli mormorò: Amor mio, alza i tuoi occhi (Egli mormorò: "Amor mio, alza i tuoi occhi.") - F. Alfano ENG (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Egli mormorò: "Amor mio, alza i tuoi occhi." ENG - F. Alfano (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Eindeloos hebt Gij mij gemaakt, naar uw behagen ENG FRE FRE GER ITA
- Eines Morgens im Blumengarten (Eines Morgens im Blumengarten) - H. Eisler ENG SPA SWE RUS (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Eines Morgens im Blumengarten ENG SPA SWE RUS - H. Eisler (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- El astrónomo () (from La luna nueva, poema de niños) - J. Castro ENG [x]
- El encuentro () - A. Vega (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- El príncipe () (from Obras de Rabindranath Tagore: El jardinero) - J. Castro ENG FRE GER GER ITA POL [x]
- El principio () (from La luna nueva, poema de niños) - J. Castro ENG [x]
- En cette nuit d'orage, ô mon ami, es-tu en route pour le voyage d'amour ENG GER GER SWE - R. de Nesle (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- En cette nuit d'orage (En cette nuit d'orage, ô mon ami, es-tu en route pour le voyage d'amour) - R. de Nesle ENG GER GER SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- En mi cielo al crepúsculo eres como una nube (from Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada) CZE ENG FRE GER GER - W. Rogers *
- En mi cielo al crepúsculo (En mi cielo al crepúsculo eres como una nube) (from Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada) - W. Rogers CZE ENG FRE GER GER *
- En morgon kom i örtagården en blind flicka ENG SPA GER RUS (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- En morgon kom i örtagården ENG SPA GER RUS - V. Dahl (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- `Epilog = Эпилог ( = ) - D. Melkikh (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- Er kam und saß mir zur Seite (Er kam und saß mir zur Seite) - J. Móry ENG FRE ITA DUT RUS (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Er kam und saß mir zur Seite ENG FRE ITA DUT RUS - J. Móry (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Er kommt (Hast du nicht Seinen leisen Schritt gehört?) - C. Ogermann ENG DUT ITA (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Er was een tijd dat ik mijzelven niet voor U bereid hield (Er was een tijd dat ik mijzelven niet voor U bereid hield) - A. Coenen ENG GER GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Er was een tijd dat ik mijzelven niet voor U bereid hield ENG GER GER - A. Coenen (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Es-tu sorti par cette nuit? (Es-tu sorti par cette nuit?) - H. Poupard ENG GER GER SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Es-tu sorti par cette nuit? ENG GER GER SWE - H. Poupard (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Es war gerade an dem Tag, als ich für Dich mich nicht ENG DUT (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Es war gerade an dem Tag (Es war gerade an dem Tag) - C. Ogermann ENG DUT (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Es war gerade an dem Tag ENG DUT - C. Ogermann (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Es war im Mai (Es war im Mai) - H. Eisler ENG (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Es war im Mai ENG - H. Eisler (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- È tempo per me d'andare, mamma, me ne vado ENG FRE - O. Respighi
- Ever in my life have I sought thee with my songs (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- Extasis () - M. Moleiro (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- Finisci l'ultimo canto e dividiamoci ENG FRE GER GER POL - F. Alfano, L. Gorgni (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Finisci l'ultimo canto (Finisci l'ultimo canto e dividiamoci) - F. Alfano, L. Gorgni ENG FRE GER GER POL (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- First song (The night is nearly spent) (from Gitanjali) - J. Harvey GER ⊗
- Flores () - A. Nepomuceno [x] ⊗
- Flower of simplicity () (from Gitanjali) - T. Wegren [x]
- Forget the night (Then finish the last song) (from The Gardener) - A. Buzzi-Peccia FRE GER GER ITA POL ⊗
- Fourth song (O thou the last fulfilment of life) (from Gitanjali) - J. Harvey FRE GER GER DUT ⊗
- Free me from the bonds of your sweetness, my love! (from The Gardener) FRE GER GER - J. Cooper, E. Fogg ⊗
- Free me from the bonds of your sweetness (Free me from the bonds of your sweetness, my love!) (from The Gardener) - E. Fogg FRE GER GER ⊗
- Free me from the bonds (Free me from the bonds of your sweetness, my love!) (from The Gardener) - J. Cooper FRE GER GER ⊗
- Friede mein Herz! (Friede, mein Herz) (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) - J. Móry ENG ENG FRE ITA
- Friede, mein Herz (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) ENG ENG FRE ITA - J. Móry, A. Zemlinsky
- Gij daaldet af van Uwen troon en stond voor de deur van mijn hut (Gij daaldet af van Uwen troon en stond voor de deur van mijn hut) - A. Kenswil ENG GER ITA FRE [x]
- Gij daaldet af van Uwen troon en stond voor de deur van mijn hut ENG GER ITA FRE - A. Kenswil, J. Schaddelee [x]
- Giorno per giorno egli viene, egli viene, e poi sen va! CZE DUT ENG GER RUS - F. Alfano (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Giorno per giorno egli viene CZE DUT ENG GER RUS (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Giorno per giorno (Giorno per giorno egli viene, egli viene, e poi sen va!) - F. Alfano CZE DUT ENG GER RUS (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Gitanjali no. 1 (Thou hast made me endless, such is thy pleasure) (from Gitanjali) - R. Schafer DUT FRE FRE GER ITA ⊗
- Gitanjali no. 29 (He whom I enclose with my name is weeping in this dungeon) (from Gitanjali) - R. Schafer FRE GER ⊗
- Gitanjali no. 2 (When thou commandest me to sing) (from Gitanjali) - R. Schafer DUT FRE GER DUT FRE ITA RUS SWE ⊗
- Gitanjali no. 57 (Light, my light, the world-filling light) (from Gitanjali) - R. Schafer FRE GER GER ITA FRE
- Gitanjali : Tre sånger [song cycle] () (from Gitanjali) - T. Wilhelmi [x]
- Gitanjali (I am here to sing thee songs) (from Gitanjali) - R. D'Mello FRE GER SWE ⊗
- Gottheit des zertrümmerten Tempels (Gottheit des zertrümmerten Tempels!) - J. Móry, S. Wolpe ENG
- Gottheit des zertrümmerten Tempels! ENG - J. Móry, S. Wolpe
- Hände schlingen sich in Hände, und Augen hangen an Augen (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) ENG FRE POR RUS SWE - H. Reiter
- Hände schlingen sich um Hände (Hände schlingen sich in Hände, und Augen hangen an Augen) (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) - H. Reiter ENG FRE POR RUS SWE
- Hands cling to hands and eyes linger on eyes (from The Gardener) FRE GER GER POR RUS SWE - R. Hanson ⊗
- Hand slutes i hand ENG FRE GER GER POR RUS - E. Melartin (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Hast du nicht Seinen leisen Schritt gehört? ENG DUT ITA - C. Ogermann (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Have mercy upon your servant, my queen! (from The Gardener) FRE ⊗
- Have you not heard his silent steps? (Have you not heard his silent steps?) (from Gitanjali) - E. Toch GER GER DUT ITA ⊗
- Have you not heard his silent steps? (from Gitanjali) GER GER DUT ITA - E. Toch ⊗
- Heaven's river (Light, my light, the world-filling light) (from Gitanjali) - K. Boelter FRE GER GER ITA FRE
- Hebt gij Zijn stille schreden niet gehoord? (Hebt gij Zijn stille schreden niet gehoord?) - A. Coenen ENG GER GER ITA [x]
- Hebt gij Zijn stille schreden niet gehoord? ENG GER GER ITA - A. Coenen [x]
- He came and sat by my side (He came and sat by my side) (from Gitanjali) - L. Ronald FRE GER ITA DUT GER RUS ⊗
- He came and sat by my side (from Gitanjali) FRE GER ITA DUT GER RUS - G. Konstantinidis, L. Ronald, M. Wilkins ⊗
- He comes (Day after day he comes and goes away) (from The Gardener) - J. Foley CZE DUT GER ITA RUS ⊗
- He it is, the innermost one, who awakens my being with his deep hidden touches (from Gitanjali) GER GER ⊗
- He it is, the innermost one, who awakens my being (from Gitanjali) GER GER - A. Shepherd ⊗
- He it is (He it is, the innermost one, who awakens my being) (from Gitanjali) - A. Shepherd GER GER ⊗
- Here is thy footstool and there rest thy feet (from Gitanjali) FRE GER SWE ⊗
- Here is thy footstool (Here is thy footstool) (from Gitanjali) - P. Creston FRE GER SWE ⊗
- Here is thy footstool (from Gitanjali) FRE GER SWE - P. Creston ⊗
- Het gouden hert (Ik jaag het gouden hert) (from De Hoovenier) - B. Geuer ENG
- Het muskushert (Ik ren als het muskus-hert rent) (from De Hoovenier) - B. Geuer CZE ENG GER ITA
- Het verlangen () - J. Pouwels ENG FRE GER ITA (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Het zoeken () - J. Pouwels ENG FRE GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- He whispered, "My love, raise your eyes." (from The Gardener) ITA - K. Al-Zand, F. van Gompel ⊗
- He whispered, my love (He whispered, "My love, raise your eyes.") (from The Gardener) - K. Al-Zand ITA ⊗
- He whispered (He whispered, "My love, raise your eyes.") (from The Gardener) - F. van Gompel ITA ⊗
- He whom I enclose with my name is weeping in this dungeon (from Gitanjali) FRE GER - R. Schafer ⊗
- Hide and seek (Deliverance is not for me in renunciation) (from Gitanjali) - R. Groot GER ⊗
- Hier bin ich, Lieder dir zu singen (Hier bin ich, Lieder dir zu singen) - G. Bachlund ENG ENG FRE SWE
- Hij kwam en zat aan mijn zijde (Hij kwam en zat aan mijn zijde) - H. Schouwman ENG FRE GER ITA GER RUS (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Hij kwam en zat aan mijn zijde ENG FRE GER ITA GER RUS - H. Schouwman (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Humanity's freedom () (from Gitanjali) - T. Wegren [x]
- I am going alone in this world (I am going alone in this world) (from Sacrifice) - J. Foulds [x]
- I am going alone in this world (from Sacrifice) - J. Foulds [x]
- I am here to sing thee songs (I am here to sing thee songs) (from Gitanjali) - R. Schafer FRE GER SWE ⊗
- I am here to sing thee songs (from Gitanjali) FRE GER SWE - R. D'Mello, G. Oost, R. Schafer, N. Sohal, G. Walker ⊗
- I am here to sing (I am here to sing thee songs) (from Gitanjali) - G. Oost FRE GER SWE ⊗
- I am like a Remnant of a Cloud of Autumn (I am like a remnant of a cloud of autumn) (from Gitanjali) - A. Biales, J. Carpenter GER DUT ⊗
- I am like a remnant of a cloud of autumn (from Gitanjali) GER DUT - A. Biales, J. Carpenter ⊗
- I am only waiting for love (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- I am restless. I am athirst for far-away things (from The Gardener) FRE GER GER - R. Hanson ⊗
- I am restless (I am restless. I am athirst for far-away things) (from The Gardener) - R. Hanson FRE GER GER ⊗
- I asked nothing from thee (from Gitanjali) FRE GER DUT - M. Wilkins ⊗
- I asked nothing, only stood at the edge of the wood (from The Gardener) ⊗
- I ask for a moment's indulgence (from Gitanjali) FRE GER ⊗
- I boasted among men that I had known you (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- I bring to thee, night, my day's empty cup (from Fireflies) GER GER
- I came out alone on my way to my tryst (from Gitanjali) GER - R. Beckett ⊗
- Ich bin friedlos, ich bin durstig nach fernen Dingen (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) ENG FRE ITA - J. Móry, A. Zemlinsky
- Ich bin friedlos (Ich bin friedlos, ich bin durstig nach fernen Dingen) (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) - J. Móry ENG FRE ITA
- Ich bringe dir, o Nacht (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Ich erwachte () - J. Móry ENG (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Ich ging als Bettler von Türe zu Türe (Ich ging als Bettler von Tür zu Türe am Dorfweg) - S. Wolpe ENG DUT
- Ich ging als Bettler von Türe zu Türe ENG DUT
- Ich ging als Bettler von Tür zu Türe am Dorfweg ENG DUT - S. Wolpe
- Ich habe die Ladung gehabt (Ich habe die Ladung gehabt) - H. Eisler ENG FRE DUT (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Ich habe die Ladung gehabt ENG FRE DUT - H. Eisler (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Ich hab meinen Urlaub erhalten (Ich hab meinen Urlaub erhalten) - S. Wolpe ENG FRE
- Ich hab meinen Urlaub erhalten ENG FRE - S. Wolpe
- Ich laufe wie ein Bisam läuft (Ich laufe, wie ein Bisam läuft) - H. Gál CZE DUT ENG ITA (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Ich laufe, wie ein Bisam läuft CZE DUT ENG ITA - H. Gál (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Ich lieb dich Geliebter (Ich liebe dich, Geliebter. Vergib mir meine Liebe) (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) - W. de Haan ENG ITA FRE
- Ich liebe dich, Geliebter. Vergib mir meine Liebe (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) ENG ITA FRE - W. de Haan
- Ich pflückte deine Blume, o Welt! (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) CZE ENG FRE ITA SPA SWE SWE - H. Eisler, H. Gál
- Ich pflückte deine Blume (Ich pflückte deine Blume, o Welt!) (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) - H. Eisler, H. Gál CZE ENG FRE ITA SPA SWE SWE
- Ich weiß, da ist nichts als deine Liebe, Geliebter DUT ENG FRE ITA - J. van Gilse
- Ich weiss, da ist nichts als deine Liebe (Ich weiß, da ist nichts als deine Liebe, Geliebter) - J. van Gilse DUT ENG FRE ITA
- Ich weiss es wird kommen der Tag (Ich weiss, es wird kommen der Tag) - S. Wolpe ENG SWE
- Ich weiss, es wird kommen der Tag ENG SWE - S. Wolpe
- I dive down into the depth of the ocean of forms (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- I dreamt that she sat by my head (I dreamt that she sat by my head) (from Lover's Gift and Crossing) - R. Hanson
- I dreamt that she sat by my head (from Lover's Gift and Crossing) - R. Hanson
- If I can, I shall find once again (If I can, I shall find once again) (from Wings of Death: The Last Poems of Rabindranath Tagore - 4. Last Poems (Sesh Lekhā)) - A. Hinton [x] ⊗ *
- If I can, I shall find once again (from Wings of Death: The Last Poems of Rabindranath Tagore - 4. Last Poems (Sesh Lekhā)) - A. Hinton [x] ⊗ *
- If it is not my portion to meet thee in this life (from Gitanjali) GER DUT - R. Sweet ⊗
- If it is not my portion (If it is not my portion to meet thee in this life) (from Gitanjali) - R. Sweet GER DUT ⊗
- If it is the pang of separation (It is the pang of separation that spreads throughout the world) (from Gitanjali) - R. Sweet GER POR ⊗
- If I were only a little puppy (from The Crescent Moon) - D. Milhaud (Sympathy) ⊗
- If love be denied me then why does the morning (from Lover's Gift and Crossing) SPA
- If the day is done (from Gitanjali) FRE GER SPA GER SWE ⊗
- If thou speakest not (If thou speakest not) (from Gitanjali) - M. Metcalf FRE GER ITA SPA SWE ⊗
- If thou speakest not (from Gitanjali) FRE GER ITA SPA SWE - M. Metcalf, M. Trotta, G. Walker ⊗
- If you would be busy and fill your pitcher (from The Gardener) GER - A. Callaway, R. Hanson ⊗
- If you would be busy (If you would be busy and fill your pitcher) (from The Gardener) - R. Hanson GER ⊗
- If you would have it so, I will end my singing (from The Gardener) DUT ITA ⊗
- If you would have it so (If you would have it so) (from The Gardener) - K. Al-Zand, H. Hadley DUT ITA ⊗
- If you would have it so (from The Gardener) DUT ITA - K. Al-Zand, H. Hadley ⊗
- I had gone a-begging from door to door in the village path (from Gitanjali) GER GER DUT ⊗
- I have got my leave (from Gitanjali) FRE GER GER ⊗
- I have had my invitation to this world's festival (from Gitanjali) FRE GER DUT GER - G. Oost, N. Sohal ⊗
- I have seen the vision (from The Religion of Man) ⊗
- I hold her hands and press her to my breast (from The Gardener) ⊗
- I hunt for the golden stag (from The Gardener) DUT ⊗
- Ik ben genoodigd tot het feest dezer waereld (Ik ben genoodigd tot het feest dezer waereld) - D. Ruyneman ENG FRE GER GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Ik ben genoodigd tot het feest dezer waereld ENG FRE GER GER - D. Ruyneman (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Ik jaag het gouden hert (from De Hoovenier) ENG - B. Geuer
- Ik moet mijn boot te water laten (Ik moet mijn boot te water laten) (from Wijnzangen) - J. Beyerman-Walraven ENG GER [x]
- Ik moet mijn boot te water laten (from Wijnzangen) ENG GER - J. Beyerman-Walraven [x]
- I know not from what distant time (from Gitanjali) DUT GER ITA FRE ⊗
- I know not how thou singest, my master! (from Gitanjali) DUT FRE GER DUT ITA - N. Sohal, T. Wegren ⊗
- I know not how thou singest (I know not how thou singest, my master!) (from Gitanjali) - N. Sohal DUT FRE GER DUT ITA ⊗
- I know that the day will come when my sight of this earth shall be lost (from Gitanjali) GER GER SWE ⊗
- I know that the day will come (I know that the day will come) (from Gitanjali) - J. Alexander GER GER SWE ⊗
- I know that the day will come (from Gitanjali) GER GER SWE - J. Alexander ⊗
- I know thee as my God and stand apart (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- Ik ren als het muskus-hert rent (from De Hoovenier) CZE ENG GER ITA - B. Geuer
- Ik vroeg niets van u (Ik vroeg niets van u) - F. Wiemans ENG FRE GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Ik vroeg niets van u ENG FRE GER - F. Wiemans (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Ik weet niet uit welken verren tijd (Ik weet niet van uit welken verren tijd Gij) - H. Schouwman ENG GER ITA FRE
- Ik weet niet van uit welken verren tijd Gij ENG GER ITA FRE - D. Ruyneman, H. Schouwman
- Ik weet niet van uit welken verren tijd (Ik weet niet van uit welken verren tijd Gij) - D. Ruyneman ENG GER ITA FRE
- Ik weet niet van uit welken verren tijd ENG GER ITA FRE
- Il giorno non è più (Il giorno non è più) - F. Alfano ENG FRE FRE GER GER DUT GER SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Il giorno non è più ENG FRE FRE GER GER DUT GER SWE - F. Alfano (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Il mio cuore, uccel del deserto CZE CZE ENG FRE GER GER POL SWE RUS SWE - F. Alfano (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) *
- Il mio cuore, uccel (Il mio cuore, uccel del deserto) - F. Alfano CZE CZE ENG FRE GER GER POL SWE RUS SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) *
- Il mio cuore, uccel CZE CZE ENG FRE GER GER POL SWE RUS SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) *
- I long to speak the deepest words I have to say to you (from The Gardener) - N. Sohal ⊗
- I love you, beloved. Forgive me my love (from The Gardener) GER GER ITA FRE ⊗
- Il segretto (Non nascondere il secreto del tuo cuore) - V. Gnecchi Ruscone CZE ENG GER GER FRE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- I must launch out my boat (from Gitanjali) GER DUT ⊗
- In desperate hope I go and search for her (from Gitanjali) GER GER DUT - W. Hiscocks ⊗
- In desperate hope (In desperate hope I go and search for her) (from Gitanjali) - W. Hiscocks GER GER DUT ⊗
- In dieser Zeit meines Abschieds (In dieser Zeit meines Abschieds) - S. Wolpe ENG FRE
- In dieser Zeit meines Abschieds ENG FRE - S. Wolpe
- In éénen groet aan u, mijn God (In éénen groet aan u, mijn God) - A. Coenen ENG FRE GER SWE [x]
- In éénen groet aan u, mijn God ENG FRE GER SWE - A. Coenen, B. Zweers [x]
- Infant's secret (The sleep that flits on baby's eyes) (from Gitanjali) - T. Wegren GER GER ⊗
- In front stretches the ocean of Peace (In front stretches the ocean of Peace) (from Wings of Death: The Last Poems of Rabindranath Tagore - 4. Last Poems (Sesh Lekhā)) - A. Hinton [x] ⊗ *
- In front stretches the ocean of Peace (from Wings of Death: The Last Poems of Rabindranath Tagore - 4. Last Poems (Sesh Lekhā)) - A. Hinton [x] ⊗ *
- In one salutation to thee, my God (from Gitanjali) FRE GER DUT DUT SWE - P. Pieters, G. Walker ⊗
- In one salutation to thee (In one salutation to thee, my God) (from Gitanjali) - P. Pieters FRE GER DUT DUT SWE ⊗
- In the deep shadows of the rainy July (from Gitanjali) FRE FRE GER - G. Konstantinidis ⊗
- In the dusky path of a dream I went to seek (from The Gardener) - E. Fogg ⊗
- In the dusky path of a dream (In the dusky path of a dream I went to seek) (from The Gardener) - E. Fogg ⊗
- In the flower garden (One morning in the flower garden) (from The Gardener) - A. Buzzi-Peccia SPA SWE GER RUS ⊗
- In the grey, warm and rainy moonlight (In the deep shadows of the rainy July) (from Gitanjali) - G. Konstantinidis FRE FRE GER ⊗
- In the morning I cast my net into the sea (from The Gardener) GER - A. Callaway ⊗
- In the night of weariness (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- Invocation - I am here to sing thee songs (I am here to sing thee songs) (from Gitanjali) - G. Walker FRE GER SWE ⊗
- Io cesserò il mio canto se vuoi che così sia DUT ENG - N. Rota
- Io cesserò il mio canto (Io cesserò il mio canto se vuoi che così sia) - N. Rota DUT ENG
- I only said, "When in the evening the round full moon (from The Crescent Moon) SPA (The astronomer) - ⊗
- I plucked your flower, O world! (from The Gardener) CZE FRE GER GER ITA SPA SWE SWE - A. Hinton ⊗
- I plucked your flower (I plucked your flower, O world!) (from The Gardener) - A. Hinton CZE FRE GER GER ITA SPA SWE SWE ⊗
- I ruki l'nut k rukam, i ochi smotrjat v ochi = И руки льнут к рукам, и очи смотрят в очи ENG FRE GER GER POR SWE - M. Ippolitov-Ivanov (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- I ruki l'nut k rukam = И руки льнут к рукам (I ruki l'nut k rukam, i ochi smotrjat v ochi = И руки льнут к рукам, и очи смотрят в очи) - M. Ippolitov-Ivanov ENG FRE GER GER POR SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- I run as a musk-deer runs (from The Gardener) CZE DUT GER ITA - R. Hageman ⊗
- I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times - R. Panufnik (Unending Love) ⊗ *
- Is it beyond thee to be glad with the gladness of this rhythm? (from Gitanjali) GER - J. Alexander, A. Biales, W. Kleucker, J. Rogers ⊗
- Is it beyond thee to be glad (Is it beyond thee to be glad with the gladness of this rhythm?) (from Gitanjali) - J. Rogers GER ⊗
- Is it beyond thee (Is it beyond thee to be glad with the gladness of this rhythm?) (from Gitanjali) - J. Alexander GER ⊗
- I thought I should ask of thee - but I dared not (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- I thought that my voyage had come to its end (from Gitanjali) GER - W. Arlen ⊗
- I thought that my voyage (I thought that my voyage had come to its end) (from Gitanjali) - W. Arlen GER ⊗
- It is the pain of separation (It is the pang of separation that spreads throughout the world) (from Gitanjali) - W. Hiscocks GER POR ⊗
- It is the pang of separation that spreads throughout the world (from Gitanjali) GER POR - W. Hiscocks, R. Sweet ⊗
- It is time for me to go, mother; I am going (from The Crescent Moon) FRE ITA (The end) - ⊗
- I try to weave a wreath all the morning (from The Gardener) ⊗
- It was in May. The sultry noon seemed endlessly long (from The Gardener) GER - K. Al-Zand, E. Fogg, A. Koerner ⊗
- It was in May (It was in May. The sultry noon seemed endlessly long) (from The Gardener) - K. Al-Zand, E. Fogg, A. Koerner GER ⊗
- It was mid-day when you went away (from The Gardener) NOR ⊗
- I want to give you something, my child (from The Crescent Moon) - D. Milhaud (The gift) ⊗
- I was not aware of the moment (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- I was walking by the road, I do not know why (from The Gardener) ⊗
- I will deck thee with trophies, garlands of my defeat (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- I will keep still (If thou speakest not) (from Gitanjali) - M. Trotta FRE GER ITA SPA SWE ⊗
- I would ask for still more, if I had the sky with all its stars (from Lover's Gift and Crossing) - K. Al-Zand ⊗
- I would ask for still more (I would ask for still more, if I had the sky with all its stars) (from Lover's Gift and Crossing) - K. Al-Zand ⊗
- Ja berech' budu svezhest' travy = Я беречь буду свежесть травы (Ja berech' budu svezhest' travy = Я беречь буду свежесть травы) - M. Steinberg (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- Ja berech' budu svezhest' travy = Я беречь буду свежесть травы - M. Steinberg (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- Ja, da ty = Я, да ты ( = ) - D. Melkikh (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- Jag plockade din blomma (Jag plockade din blomma) - L. Hedwall CZE ENG FRE GER GER ITA SPA [x]
- Jag plockade din blomma CZE ENG FRE GER GER ITA SPA - L. Hedwall [x]
- Ja, ik weet het, dit is enkel Uw liefde (Ja, ik weet het, dit is enkel Uw Liefde) - A. Kenswil, H. Schouwman ENG FRE GER GER ITA
- Ja, ik weet het, dit is enkel Uw Liefde ENG FRE GER GER ITA - A. Kenswil, H. Schouwman, B. Zweers
- J'ai mon congé (J’ai mon congé !) (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) - M. Landowski ENG GER GER
- J’ai mon congé ! (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) ENG GER GER - M. Landowski
- J'ai veillé pour t'attendre (Ô toi, suprême accomplissement de la vie) (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) - M. Landowski ENG GER GER DUT
- Ja proshu tebja milosti odnoj = Я прошу тебя милости одной (Ja proshu tebja milosti odnoj = Я прошу тебя милости одной) - S. Vasilenko (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- Ja proshu tebja milosti odnoj = Я прошу тебя милости одной - S. Vasilenko (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- Já světa vzala květ v ruce své! ENG FRE GER GER ITA SPA SWE SWE - J. Foerster
- Já sveta vzala kvet (Já světa vzala květ v ruce své!) - J. Foerster ENG FRE GER GER ITA SPA SWE SWE
- Je me reclamais rien de toi (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) ENG GER DUT
- Je ne réclamais rien de toi (Je ne réclamais rien de toi) (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) - E. Barraine ENG GER DUT
- Je ne réclamais rien de toi (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) ENG GER DUT - E. Barraine
- Je suis ici pour te chante de chanson (Je suis ici pour te chanter des chansons) (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) - E. Barraine FRE GER SWE
- Je suis ici pour te chanter des chansons (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) FRE GER SWE - E. Barraine
- Je t'aime mon bien aimé Pardonne moi, oiseau égaré ENG - I. Cohen [x] ⊗
- Je t'aime mon bien aimé (Je t'aime mon bien aimé Pardonne moi, oiseau égaré) - I. Cohen ENG [x] ⊗
- Jsi oblak večerní, plynoucí ENG FRE GER GER SPA (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Jsi oblak večerní (Jsi oblak večerní) - P. Haas ENG FRE GER GER SPA (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Jsi oblak večerní ENG FRE GER GER SPA - P. Haas (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Každý den přijde a jde dále DUT ENG GER ITA RUS - J. Foerster
- Každý den (Každý den přijde a jde dále) - J. Foerster DUT ENG GER ITA RUS
- Když šla kolem mě rychlými kroky (Když šla kolem mě rychlými kroky) - P. Haas ENG GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Když šla kolem mě rychlými kroky ENG GER - P. Haas (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- খরবায়ু বয় বেগে, চারি দিক ছায় মেঘে FRE - R. Tagore (খরবায়ু বয় বেগে)
- খরবায়ু বয় বেগে (খরবায়ু বয় বেগে, চারি দিক ছায় মেঘে) - R. Tagore FRE
- Kogda noch'ju idu ja odna na svidan'e = Когда ночью иду я одна на свиданье (Kogda noch'ju idu ja odna na svidan'e = Когда ночью иду я одна на свиданье) - A. Dzegelenok ENG GER [x]
- Kogda noch'ju idu ja odna na svidan'e = Когда ночью иду я одна на свиданье ENG GER - A. Dzegelenok [x]
- Kogda svet u lozha pogas, s pervoj ptichkoj ja probudilas' = Когда свет у ложа погас, с первой птичкой я пробудилась (Kogda svet u lozha pogas = Когда свет у ложа погас) - M. Steinberg ENG GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Kogda svet u lozha pogas = Когда свет у ложа погас ENG GER - M. Steinberg (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Kogda ty velish' mne pet' = Когда ты велишь мне петь (Kogda ty velish' mne pet' = Когда ты велишь мне петь) - S. Vasilenko ENG (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- Kogda ty velish' mne pet' = Когда ты велишь мне петь ENG - S. Vasilenko (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- La escuela de las flores [song cycle] () - A. Palma [x]
- La escuela de las flores () - J. Castro (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- La Fine (È tempo per me d'andare, mamma, me ne vado) - O. Respighi ENG FRE
- La flor de la Champaca () - J. Castro (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- La Muerte, tu servidora, está a mi puerta ENG FRE GER GER - M. Ponce (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Languor is upon your heart (from Gitanjali) GER DUT ⊗
- Laß alle Melodien der Freude in meinem letzten Liede sich vereinen ENG FRE DUT (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Laß alle Melodien der Freude ENG FRE DUT - C. Ogermann (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Laß alle Spannung der Freude (Laß alle Spannung der Freude) - H. Eisler ENG FRE DUT (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Laß alle Spannung der Freude ENG FRE DUT - H. Eisler (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Lásko má, duše moje touží ENG GER GER - J. Foerster
- Lásko má (Lásko má, duše moje touží) - J. Foerster ENG GER GER
- Leave this chanting and singing and telling of beads! (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- Le jardinier d'amour (Parle-moi, mon amour. Dis-moi en mots que tu chantais) - P. Schœller ENG GER GER ITA POL (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Le jour meurt, l'ombre descend sur la terre (Le jour meurt) - Y. Gunst ENG GER GER ITA DUT GER SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Le jour meurt ENG GER GER ITA DUT GER SWE - Y. Gunst (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Le jour n'est plus (Le jour n’est plus) (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) - L. Durey ENG GER GER ITA DUT GER SWE
- Le jour n’est plus (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) ENG GER GER ITA DUT GER SWE - L. Durey
- Le jour où la mort (Le jour où la mort) - H. Poupard ENG GER GER GER SWE FIN (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Le jour où la mort ENG GER GER GER SWE FIN - H. Poupard (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Les nuages s’entassent sur les nuages (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) ENG GER GER ITA SWE - L. Durey, D. Milhaud
- Les nuages s'entassent (Les nuages s’entassent sur les nuages) (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) - L. Durey ENG GER GER ITA SWE
- Les nuages sont menaçants et le vent fait rage (from Poèmes chantés Présentés, traduits et adaptés par Alain Daniélou) - A. Daniélou, R. Tagore [x] *
- Lest I should know you too easily, you play with me (from The Gardener) ⊗
- Let all the strains of joy mingle in my last song (from Gitanjali) FRE GER GER DUT GER ⊗
- Let all the strains of joy (Let all the strains of joy) (from Gitanjali) - W. Hiscocks, L. Ronald FRE GER GER DUT GER ⊗
- Let all the strains of joy (from Gitanjali) FRE GER GER DUT GER - W. Hiscocks, L. Ronald ⊗
- Let my world awake (Where the mind is without fear) (from Gitanjali) - W. Kleucker GER ⊗
- Let only that little be left of me whereby I may name thee my all (from Gitanjali) FRE GER ⊗
- Let only that little be left of me (Let only that little be left of me) (from Gitanjali) - R. Hanson FRE GER ⊗
- Let only that little be left of me (from Gitanjali) FRE GER - R. Hanson ⊗
- Let your work be, bride. Listen, the guest has come (from The Gardener) ⊗
- Letztes Lied (Laß alle Melodien der Freude) - C. Ogermann ENG FRE DUT (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Leven van mijn leven! ENG FRE GER
- Licht, mein Licht! Du welterfüllendes Licht! (Du welterfüllendes, mein Herz erhebendes Licht!) - T. Schubert ENG FRE ITA FRE
- Lieb, mein Herz, sehnt sich Tag und Nacht (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) CZE CZE ENG
- Life of my life, I shall ever try to keep my body pure (from Gitanjali) DUT FRE GER ⊗
- Life of my life, I shall ever try (Life of my life) (from Gitanjali) - L. Ronald DUT FRE GER ⊗
- Life of my life (from Gitanjali) DUT FRE GER - L. Ronald ⊗
- Light, my light, the world-filling light (Light, my light, the world-filling light) (from Gitanjali) - R. Schafer FRE GER GER ITA FRE
- Light, my light, the world-filling light (from Gitanjali) FRE GER GER ITA FRE - J. Alexander, K. Boelter, J. Carpenter, J. Harvey, T. Hastings, W. Hiscocks, D. Leisner, J. Rogers, L. Ronald, R. Schafer, A. Shepherd, F. Ticheli, T. Wegren
- Light, my light (Light, my light, the world-filling light) (from Gitanjali) - J. Alexander, J. Carpenter, W. Hiscocks, J. Rogers, L. Ronald, A. Shepherd FRE GER GER ITA FRE
- Light, oh where is the light (Light, oh where is the light?) (from Gitanjali) - A. Biales FRE GER DUT ⊗
- Light, oh where is the light? (from Gitanjali) FRE GER DUT - A. Biales, M. Wilkins ⊗
- Light (Light, my light, the world-filling light) (from Gitanjali) - D. Leisner, F. Ticheli FRE GER GER ITA FRE
- Light (Light, oh where is the light?) (from Gitanjali) - M. Wilkins FRE GER DUT ⊗
- Listen, my heart (from Fruit-Gathering) FRE ITA ⊗
- Loomheid is op uw hart (Loomheid is op uw hart) - H. Andriessen ENG GER [x]
- Loomheid is op uw hart ENG GER - H. Andriessen [x]
- Love, my heart longs day and night (Love, my heart longs day and night) (from The Gardener) - D. Milhaud, B. Wegener-Koopman CZE CZE GER GER ⊗
- Love, my heart longs day and night (from The Gardener) CZE CZE GER GER - R. Hanson, D. Milhaud, B. Wegener-Koopman ⊗
- Love, my heart longs (Love, my heart longs day and night) (from The Gardener) - R. Hanson CZE CZE GER GER ⊗
- Luce... luce mia... luce che illumini il mondo ENG FRE GER GER FRE - F. Alfano (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Luce (Luce... luce mia... luce che illumini il mondo) - F. Alfano ENG FRE GER GER FRE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Lumière ! ma lumière ! lumière emplissant le monde (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) ENG ENG GER GER ITA - G. Bachlund, C. Banerji, J. Cras, A. Désenclos, L. Durey, R. Falcinelli
- Lumière! ma lumière! (Lumière ! ma lumière ! lumière emplissant le monde) (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) - G. Bachlund, C. Banerji, A. Désenclos, L. Durey, R. Falcinelli ENG ENG GER GER ITA
- Lustro, part two - Alo amar alo ogo bhubon-bhora (আলো আমার আলো ওগো, আলো ভূবন ভরা) (from গীতাঞ্জলি (Gitanjali)) - R. Schafer ENG
- Má milá, srdce mé touží den a noc (Má milá, srdce mé touží den a noc) - P. Haas ENG GER GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Má milá, srdce mé touží den a noc ENG GER GER - P. Haas (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Mamma, il giovane Principe deve passare avanti la nostra porta ENG FRE GER GER POL SPA - F. Alfano (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Mamma, il giovane Principe (Mamma, il giovane Principe deve passare avanti la nostra porta) - F. Alfano ENG FRE GER GER POL SPA (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- May night (I run as a musk-deer runs) (from The Gardener) - R. Hageman CZE DUT GER ITA ⊗
- Mein Herz, der Vogel der Wildnis (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) CZE CZE ENG FRE ITA POL SWE RUS SWE - J. Móry, K. Szymanowski
- Mein Herz (Mein Herz, der Vogel der Wildnis) (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) - J. Móry, K. Szymanowski CZE CZE ENG FRE ITA POL SWE RUS SWE
- Mein Lied () - H. Fleischer ENG (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Memory, the priestess (from Fireflies) GER
- Me serce, ptak z dzikich caszczy CZE CZE ENG FRE GER GER ITA SWE RUS SWE - K. Szymanowski
- Mes jours de leur cage d'or se sont enfuis - A. Daniélou, R. Tagore (Dinguli mor sonar khnaachay roilo na) [x] *
- Mé srdce pták houštin (Mé srdce pták houštin) - P. Haas ENG FRE GER GER ITA POL SWE RUS SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Mé srdce pták houštin ENG FRE GER GER ITA POL SWE RUS SWE - P. Haas (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Mé srdce, volné to ptáče ENG FRE GER GER ITA POL SWE RUS SWE - J. Foerster
- Mé srdce (Mé srdce, volné to ptáče) - J. Foerster ENG FRE GER GER ITA POL SWE RUS SWE
- Mi canción [song cycle] () - A. Palma [x]
- Mi hai fatto senza fine (Mi hai fatto senza fine) - D. Menichetti DUT ENG FRE FRE GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Mi hai fatto senza fine DUT ENG FRE FRE GER - D. Menichetti (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Mijn Meester! Ik weet niet hoe Gij zingt (Mijn meester! ik weet niet hoe Gij zingt) - A. Kenswil ENG FRE GER ITA
- Mijn meester! ik weet niet hoe Gij zingt ENG FRE GER ITA - A. Kenswil
- Mijn zang heeft hare sieraden afgelegd (Mijn zang heeft hare sieraden afgelegd) - H. Andriessen ENG GER [x]
- Mijn zang heeft hare sieraden afgelegd ENG GER - H. Andriessen [x]
- Mitt hjärta, vildmarkens fågel (Mitt hjärta, vildmarkens fågel) - V. Dahl CZE CZE ENG FRE GER GER ITA POL RUS (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Mitt hjärta, vildmarkens fågel CZE CZE ENG FRE GER GER ITA POL RUS - V. Dahl (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Mitt hjärta (Mitt hjärta) - L. Hedwall CZE CZE ENG FRE GER GER ITA POL RUS [x]
- Mitt hjärta CZE CZE ENG FRE GER GER ITA POL RUS - L. Hedwall [x]
- Młody królewicz I (O, matko, królewicz młody) - K. Szymanowski ENG FRE GER GER ITA SPA
- Młody królewicz II (O, matko, królewicz młody) - K. Szymanowski ENG FRE GER GER ITA SPA
- Moje serce (Me serce, ptak z dzikich caszczy) - K. Szymanowski CZE CZE ENG FRE GER GER ITA SWE RUS SWE
- Mojo serdce - pustynnaja ptica = Моё сердце - пустынная птица (Mojo serdce - pustynnaja ptica = Моё сердце - пустынная птица) - A. Dzegelenok CZE CZE ENG FRE GER GER ITA POL SWE SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Mojo serdce - pustynnaja ptica = Моё сердце - пустынная птица CZE CZE ENG FRE GER GER ITA POL SWE SWE - A. Dzegelenok (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Morning (The fire of April leaps from forest to forest) (from The Cycle of Spring) - W. Baines
- Mort, ta servante, est à ma porte (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) ENG GER GER SPA - A. Casella
- Mother, I shall weave a chain of pearls (Mother, I shall weave a chain of pearls) (from Gitanjali) - C. Banerji GER ⊗
- Mother, I shall weave a chain of pearls (from Gitanjali) GER - C. Banerji, G. Walker ⊗
- Mów do mnie, o miły! Powiedz mi w słowach to, co śpiewałeś ENG FRE GER GER ITA FRE FRE
- Mów do mnie, o miły! (Mów do mnie, o miły!) - G. Bacewicz ENG FRE GER GER ITA FRE FRE
- Mów do mnie, o miły! ENG FRE GER GER ITA FRE FRE - G. Bacewicz
- Mutter, der junge Prinz ist an unsrer Türe vorbeigekommen (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) ENG FRE ITA ITA POL SPA - K. Szymanowski
- Mutter, der junge Prinz muß an unsrer Türe vorbeikommen (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) ENG FRE ITA ITA POL SPA - J. van Gilse, W. de Haan, K. Szymanowski, A. Zemlinsky
- My desires are many and my cry is pitiful (from Gitanjali) FRE GER DUT - N. Sohal ⊗
- My heart, bird of the wilderness (My heart, the bird of the wilderness) (from The Gardener) - E. Bainton, A. Callaway CZE CZE FRE GER GER ITA POL SWE RUS SWE ⊗
- My heart, the bird of the wilderness (My heart, the bird of the wilderness) (from The Gardener) - K. Al-Zand, A. Hinton CZE CZE FRE GER GER ITA POL SWE RUS SWE ⊗
- My heart, the bird of the wilderness (from The Gardener) CZE CZE FRE GER GER ITA POL SWE RUS SWE - K. Al-Zand, E. Bainton, F. Berresford, A. Callaway, P. Creston, G. Franck, A. Hinton, W. Hiscocks, E. Horsman, E. Renaud ⊗
- My heart, the bird (My heart, the bird of the wilderness) (from The Gardener) - W. Hiscocks CZE CZE FRE GER GER ITA POL SWE RUS SWE ⊗
- My heart (My heart, the bird of the wilderness) (from The Gardener) - G. Franck CZE CZE FRE GER GER ITA POL SWE RUS SWE ⊗
- My love, once upon a time your poet (from The Gardener) GER - R. Hanson ⊗
- My love, once upon a time (My love, once upon a time your poet) (from The Gardener) - R. Hanson GER ⊗
- My song has put off her adornments (from Gitanjali) GER DUT ⊗
- My songs are like bees; they follow through the air (from The Fugitive and Other Poems) - K. Al-Zand ⊗
- My songs are like bees (My songs are like bees; they follow through the air) (from The Fugitive and Other Poems) - K. Al-Zand ⊗
- My song (This song of mine will wind its music around you) (from The Crescent Moon) - W. Arlen, J. Hopkins GER ⊗
- My Tears of Sorrow - Mother, I shall weave a chain of pearls (Mother, I shall weave a chain of pearls) (from Gitanjali) - G. Walker GER ⊗
- När du, min Gud, befaller DUT ENG FRE GER DUT FRE ITA RUS - E. Kallstenius [x]
- Ne gardez pas (Ne gardez pas) - D. Milhaud CZE ENG GER GER ITA [x]
- Ne gardez pas CZE ENG GER GER ITA - D. Milhaud [x]
- Negra está la noche (Negra está la noche) - J. Plaza ENG GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Negra está la noche ENG GER - J. Plaza (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Ne pars pas ... mon amour, sans prendre congé de moi ENG - I. Cohen [x] ⊗
- Ne pars pas ... (Ne pars pas ... mon amour, sans prendre congé de moi) - I. Cohen ENG [x] ⊗
- Ne ukhodi, ljubimyj, ne skazavshis' mne = Не уходи, любимый, не сказавшись мне (Ne ukhodi, ljubimyj, ne skazavshis' mne = Не уходи, любимый, не сказавшись мне) - A. Dzegelenok ENG GER ITA FRE SPA [x]
- Ne ukhodi, ljubimyj, ne skazavshis' mne = Не уходи, любимый, не сказавшись мне ENG GER ITA FRE SPA - A. Dzegelenok [x]
- Ne ukhodi, ne prostivshis', moj milyj = Не уходи, не простившись, мой милый (Ne ukhodi, ne prostivshis' so mnoi, moj milyj! = Не уходи, не простившись со мнои, мой милый!) - D. Melkikh ENG GER ITA FRE SPA (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Ne ukhodi, ne prostivshis' so mnoi, moj milyj! = Не уходи, не простившись со мнои, мой милый! ENG GER ITA FRE SPA - M. Ippolitov-Ivanov, D. Melkikh (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Ne ukhodi, ne prostivshis' so mnoi = Не уходи, не простившись со мнои (Ne ukhodi, ne prostivshis' so mnoi, moj milyj! = Не уходи, не простившись со мнои, мой милый!) - M. Ippolitov-Ivanov ENG GER ITA FRE SPA (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Niech zmilknie więc twa ostatnia pieśn' ENG FRE GER GER ITA - K. Szymanowski
- Nightfall (The day is no more) (from Gitanjali) - F. Ticheli FRE FRE GER GER ITA DUT GER SWE ⊗
- No cierres tu corazón al amor (No cierres tu corazón al amor) (from Obras de Rabindranath Tagore: El jardinero) - J. Castro ENG [x]
- No cierres tu corazón al amor (from Obras de Rabindranath Tagore: El jardinero) ENG - J. Castro [x]
- Noc je noc plného máje (Noc je noc plného máje) - P. Haas DUT ENG GER ITA (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Noc je noc plného máje DUT ENG GER ITA - P. Haas (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Nocturne (Parle-moi, mon amour. Dis-moi en mots que tu chantais) - T. Machuel ENG GER GER ITA POL (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- No more noisy, loud words from me - such is my master's will (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- No, my friends, I shall never be an ascetic (from The Gardener) ⊗
- Non hai udito i suoi passi () - F. Alfano ENG GER GER DUT (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Non nascondere il secreto del tuo cuore CZE ENG GER GER FRE - F. Alfano, V. Gnecchi Ruscone (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Non nascondere il secreto (Non nascondere il secreto del tuo cuore) - F. Alfano CZE ENG GER GER FRE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Non partire, amor mio, senza avvertirmi ENG GER RUS FRE RUS SPA - F. Alfano, G. Benvenuti, V. Gnecchi Ruscone (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Non partire, amor mio (Non partire, amor mio, senza avvertirmi) - F. Alfano, G. Benvenuti ENG GER RUS FRE RUS SPA (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Non partire (Non partire, amor mio, senza avvertirmi) - V. Gnecchi Ruscone ENG GER RUS FRE RUS SPA (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Non so come tu canti (Non so come tu canti) - D. Menichetti DUT ENG FRE GER DUT (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Non so come tu canti DUT ENG FRE GER DUT - D. Menichetti (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Non so fin da quale tempo remoto DUT ENG GER FRE - F. Alfano (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Non so (Non so fin da quale tempo remoto) - F. Alfano DUT ENG GER FRE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- No te vayas tú, amor mío (No te vayas tú, amor mío) (from Obras de Rabindranath Tagore: El jardinero) - J. Castro ENG GER ITA RUS FRE RUS [x]
- No te vayas tú, amor mío (from Obras de Rabindranath Tagore: El jardinero) ENG GER ITA RUS FRE RUS - J. Castro [x]
- Now I ask you (I have had my invitation to this world's festival) (from Gitanjali) - G. Oost FRE GER DUT GER ⊗
- Nu mogen alle vreugde-wijzen zich mengen in mijn laatste lied (Nu mogen alle vreugde-wijzen zich mengen in mijn laatste lied) (from Wijnzangen) - J. Beyerman-Walraven ENG FRE GER GER GER [x]
- Nu mogen alle vreugde-wijzen zich mengen in mijn laatste lied (from Wijnzangen) ENG FRE GER GER GER - J. Beyerman-Walraven [x]
- Nutteloze liederen (Oover de groen-en-geele rijstvelden) (from De Hoovenier) - B. Geuer ENG
- O bird, from time to time why do you forget your song? (O bird, from time to time why do you forget your song?) (from Wings of Death: The Last Poems of Rabindranath Tagore - 4. Last Poems (Sesh Lekhā)) - A. Hinton [x] ⊗ *
- O bird, from time to time why do you forget your song? (from Wings of Death: The Last Poems of Rabindranath Tagore - 4. Last Poems (Sesh Lekhā)) - A. Hinton [x] ⊗ *
- Obstinate are the trammels (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- Odnazhdy utrom v cvetnike = Однажды утром в цветнике (Odnazhdy utrom v cvetnike = Однажды утром в цветнике) - A. Dzegelenok ENG SPA SWE GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Odnazhdy utrom v cvetnike = Однажды утром в цветнике ENG SPA SWE GER - A. Dzegelenok (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- O du letzte Erfüllung des Lebens (O du letzte Erfüllung des Lebens) - S. Wolpe ENG FRE DUT
- O du letzte Erfüllung des Lebens ENG FRE DUT - S. Wolpe
- O dwaas! die tracht uzelven te dragen (O dwaas! die tracht uzelven te dragen) - H. Schouwman ENG GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- O dwaas! die tracht uzelven te dragen ENG GER - H. Schouwman (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- O Feuer, mein Bruder, ich singe Sieg dir! ENG - W. Burkhard (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- O Feuer, mein Bruder (O Feuer, mein Bruder, ich singe Sieg dir!) - W. Burkhard ENG (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- O Feuer, mein Bruder ENG (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- O fire, my brother, I sing victory to you (from Fruit-Gathering) GER ⊗
- O Fool, try to carry thyself upon thy own shoulders! (from Gitanjali) GER DUT ⊗
- O Frau du bist nicht allein Gottes Geschöpf (O Frau du bist nicht allein Gottes Geschöpf) - J. Móry ENG (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- O Frau du bist nicht allein Gottes Geschöpf ENG - J. Móry (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- O Gij laatste vertoling des leevens ENG FRE GER GER - J. Schaddelee (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- O ich will vor meinen Gast ENG SWE FIN FRE
- Oiseaux fantômes (Mes jours de leur cage d'or se sont enfuis) - A. Daniélou, R. Tagore [x] *
- O mad, superbly drunk (from The Gardener) ⊗
- O, matko, królewicz młody ENG FRE GER GER ITA SPA - K. Szymanowski
- O moj drug, vot cvetok iz pricheski mojej = О мой друг, вот цветок из прически моей CZE DUT ENG GER ITA - M. Ippolitov-Ivanov (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- O moj drug, vot cvetok = О мой друг, вот цветок (O moj drug, vot cvetok iz pricheski mojej = О мой друг, вот цветок из прически моей) - M. Ippolitov-Ivanov CZE DUT ENG GER ITA (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- O mother, the young Prince is to pass by our door (from The Gardener) FRE GER GER ITA POL SPA - A. Koerner ⊗
- O mother, the young Prince is to pass by (O mother, the young Prince is to pass by our door) (from The Gardener) - A. Koerner FRE GER GER ITA POL SPA ⊗
- O Mutter, der junge Prinz muß an unser Tür vorüberkommen (Mutter, der junge Prinz muß an unsrer Türe vorbeikommen) (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) - J. van Gilse ENG FRE ITA ITA POL SPA
- O Mutter, der junge Prinz muß an unsrer Türe vorüberkommen (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) ENG FRE ITA ITA POL SPA
- O Mutter, der junge Prinz muß an unsrer Tür vorüberkommen — (from Irrgarten der Liebe) ENG FRE ITA POL SPA
- O, Mutter, Mutter, der junge Prinz muß an unserer Tür vorüberkommen (Mutter, der junge Prinz muß an unsrer Türe vorbeikommen) (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) - W. de Haan ENG FRE ITA ITA POL SPA
- O my heart! the Supreme Spirit, the great Master, is near you: (from Songs of Kabîr) FRE ⊗
- One morning in the flower garden a blind girl came (from The Gardener) SPA SWE GER RUS ⊗
- One morning in the flower garden (One morning in the flower garden) (from The Gardener) - E. Fogg SPA SWE GER RUS ⊗
- One morning in the flower garden (from The Gardener) SPA SWE GER RUS - A. Buzzi-Peccia, E. Fogg ⊗
- Ó netaj v srdci svém skryté touhy ENG GER GER ITA FRE - J. Foerster
- Ó netaj v srdci (Ó netaj v srdci svém skryté touhy) - J. Foerster ENG GER GER ITA FRE
- On many an idle day (On many an idle day) (from Gitanjali) - A. Csollány, R. Sweet GER ⊗
- On many an idle day (from Gitanjali) GER - A. Csollány, R. Sweet ⊗
- On prishjol = Он пришёл ENG - Y. Gunst (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- On the day when death will knock at thy door (On the day when death will knock at thy door) (from Gitanjali) - J. Carpenter GER GER GER SWE FIN FRE ⊗
- On the day when death will knock at thy door (from Gitanjali) GER GER GER SWE FIN FRE - J. Alexander, J. Carpenter ⊗
- On the day when the lotus bloomed (On the day when the lotus bloomed) (from Gitanjali) - J. Boyd FRE GER ⊗
- On the day when the lotus bloomed (from Gitanjali) FRE GER - J. Boyd, N. Douty ⊗
- On the day (On the day when death will knock at thy door) (from Gitanjali) - J. Alexander GER GER GER SWE FIN FRE ⊗
- On the seashore of endless worlds children meet (from Gitanjali) GER DUT - M. Baranauskas, J. Carpenter, P. Godfrey, T. Kroll, J. Rogers, M. Verhaalen ⊗
- On the Seashore of Endless Worlds (On the seashore of endless worlds children meet) (from Gitanjali) - M. Baranauskas, J. Carpenter, J. Rogers, M. Verhaalen GER DUT ⊗
- On the seashore (On the seashore of endless worlds children meet) (from Gitanjali) - T. Kroll GER DUT ⊗
- On the shores of Rupanārāyan (On the shores of Rupanārāyan) (from Wings of Death: The Last Poems of Rabindranath Tagore - 4. Last Poems (Sesh Lekhā)) - A. Hinton [x] ⊗ *
- On the shores of Rupanārāyan (from Wings of Death: The Last Poems of Rabindranath Tagore - 4. Last Poems (Sesh Lekhā)) - A. Hinton [x] ⊗ *
- On the slope of the desolate river among tall grasses I asked her (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- Oover de groen-en-geele rijstvelden (from De Hoovenier) ENG - B. Geuer
- Op de kust van eindelooze waerelden ENG GER - R. Colaço Osorio-Swaab (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Ostatnia pieśn' (Niech zmilknie więc twa ostatnia pieśn') - K. Szymanowski ENG FRE GER GER ITA
- O thou the last fulfilment of life (from Gitanjali) FRE GER GER DUT - J. Alexander, J. Harvey, G. Walker ⊗
- O thou (O thou the last fulfilment of life) (from Gitanjali) - J. Alexander FRE GER GER DUT ⊗
- Ô toi, suprême accomplissement de la vie (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) ENG GER GER DUT - A. Casella, M. Landowski
- Oui, je le sais bien, ce n'est là rien que ton amour (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) DUT ENG GER GER ITA - G. Bachlund, J. Cras
- Oui, je le sais bien (Oui, je le sais bien, ce n'est là rien que ton amour) (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) - G. Bachlund DUT ENG GER GER ITA
- O värld, jag har plockat dina blomster CZE ENG FRE GER GER ITA SPA - E. Melartin (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- O värld, jag har plockat CZE ENG FRE GER GER ITA SPA (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Over the green and yellow rice-fields (from The Gardener) DUT ⊗
- O woman, you are not merely the handiwork of God (from The Gardener) GER ⊗
- På den allvarsdag, då när döden ENG GER GER GER FIN FRE - E. Melartin
- Paper boats (Day by day I float my paper boats) (from The Crescent Moon) - D. Milhaud ⊗
- Parlami amor mio, dimmi a parole quello che cantasti ENG FRE GER GER POL FRE FRE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Parlami amor mio (Parlami amor mio) - F. Alfano ENG FRE GER GER POL FRE FRE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Parlami amor mio ENG FRE GER GER POL FRE FRE - F. Alfano (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Parle-moi, mon amour. Dis-moi en mots que tu chantais ENG GER GER ITA POL - P. Burgan, T. Machuel, P. Schœller (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Parle moi mon amour ! Dis-moi les mots que tu chantais ENG - I. Cohen [x] ⊗
- Parle moi mon amour ! (Parle moi mon amour ! Dis-moi les mots que tu chantais) - I. Cohen ENG [x] ⊗
- Passacaglia "On the Seashore of Endless Worlds" (On the seashore of endless worlds children meet) (from Gitanjali) - P. Godfrey GER DUT ⊗
- Peace, my heart (Peace, my heart) (from The Gardener) - M. Emery, A. Hinton, J. Hopkins, D. Milhaud FRE GER GER ⊗
- Peace, my heart (from The Gardener) FRE GER GER - M. Emery, E. Fogg, A. Hinton, J. Hopkins, D. Milhaud ⊗
- Peace (Peace, my heart) (from The Gardener) - E. Fogg FRE GER GER ⊗
- Pensées poétiques: L'Offrande; Poème XLIX. Du haut de votre trône (Du haut de votre trône) - D. Santa Cruz Wilson ENG GER ITA DUT (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Perché, allo spuntar del giorno (Perché, allo spuntar del giorno) - F. Alfano ENG (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Perché, allo spuntar del giorno ENG - F. Alfano (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Perchè siedi là e tintinni i tuoi braccialetti ENG RUS - F. Alfano (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Perchè siedi là (Perchè siedi là e tintinni i tuoi braccialetti) - F. Alfano ENG RUS (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Pflück dieses Blümlein, nimm es, zögre nicht! ENG FRE ITA - G. Bachlund
- Pflück dieses Blümlein (Pflück dieses Blümlein, nimm es, zögre nicht!) - G. Bachlund ENG FRE ITA
- Pluck this little flower and take it, delay not! (from Gitanjali) FRE GER ITA - A. Hinton, L. Ronald ⊗
- Pluck this little flower (Pluck this little flower and take it, delay not!) (from Gitanjali) - A. Hinton, L. Ronald FRE GER ITA ⊗
- Poema 84 do Gitanjali () - C. Fonseca ENG GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Poème du Gitanjali (Les nuages s’entassent sur les nuages) (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) - D. Milhaud ENG GER GER ITA SWE
- Poème II Chant de reconnaissance () - D. Santa Cruz Wilson DUT ENG GER DUT ITA RUS SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Poème LXVII Chant d'adoration () - D. Santa Cruz Wilson ENG GER GER ITA (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Poème XLVI. Chant d'allégresse () - D. Santa Cruz Wilson DUT ENG GER ITA (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Poems of Tagore I (I long to speak the deepest words I have to say to you) (from The Gardener) - N. Sohal ⊗
- Potulný šílenec () - L. Janáček ENG [x]
- Prayer - This is my prayer (This is my prayer to thee, my lord) (from Gitanjali) - G. Walker GER GER SWE ⊗
- 'Prisoner, tell me, who was it that bound you?' (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- Prostimsja teper' = Простимся теперь ( = ) - D. Melkikh (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- Quando mi comandi di cantare (Quando mi comandi di cantare) - D. Menichetti DUT ENG FRE GER DUT FRE RUS SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Quando mi comandi di cantare DUT ENG FRE GER DUT FRE RUS SWE - D. Menichetti (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Quando tu sollevi la lampada al cielo (Quando tu sollevi la lampada al cielo) - N. Rota ENG FRE
- Quando tu sollevi la lampada al cielo ENG FRE - N. Rota
- Reverend sir, forgive this pair of sinners (from The Gardener) ⊗
- Rhythms in time () (from Gitanjali) - T. Wegren [x]
- Rozstanie (Zakończ więc pieśń tę ostatnią i rozejdźmy się) - G. Bacewicz ⊗
- Sagan om vårt hjärta (Hand slutes i hand) - E. Melartin ENG FRE GER GER POR RUS (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Sag es mir () - J. Móry ENG RUS (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Sag mir, ob das alles wahr ist, Liebster (Sag mir, ob das alles wahr ist, Liebster) (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) - J. van Gilse ENG RUS
- Sag mir, ob das alles wahr ist, Liebster (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) ENG RUS - J. van Gilse, W. de Haan
- Sag mir, ob das alles wahr ist (Sag mir, ob das alles wahr ist, Liebster) (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) - W. de Haan ENG RUS
- Sail Away (Early in the day it was whispered) (from Gitanjali) - I. Bell FRE FRE GER IRI ⊗
- Salutation - In one salutation to thee, my God (In one salutation to thee, my God) (from Gitanjali) - G. Walker FRE GER DUT DUT SWE ⊗
- Salutation suprême (Dans une salutation suprême, mon Dieu) (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) - M. Landowski ENG GER DUT DUT SWE
- Sång om en blind flicka (En morgon kom i örtagården) - V. Dahl ENG SPA GER RUS (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Scendesti dal tuo trono (Scendesti dal tuo trono) - F. Alfano ENG GER DUT FRE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Scendesti dal tuo trono ENG GER DUT FRE - F. Alfano (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Schäferlied (Wende dein Antlitz nicht ab, mein Lieb!) - H. Gál (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) ⊗
- Seasons come dancing (Is it beyond thee to be glad with the gladness of this rhythm?) (from Gitanjali) - W. Kleucker GER ⊗
- Second song (Light, my light, the world-filling light) (from Gitanjali) - J. Harvey FRE GER GER ITA FRE
- Serenada za nonet i harfu () - D. Despić ENG (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Se taci riempirò il mio cuore ENG FRE GER SPA SWE - F. Alfano (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Se taci (Se taci riempirò il mio cuore) - F. Alfano ENG FRE GER SPA SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Shall I stand before thee? (Day after day, O lord of my life) (from Gitanjali) - G. Oost GER IRI ⊗
- She who ever had remained in the depth of my being (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- Si addensano le nubi ed imbruna. Amore mio ENG FRE GER GER SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Si addensano le nubi ed imbruna ENG FRE GER GER SWE - F. Alfano (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Si addensano le nubi (Si addensano le nubi ed imbruna) - F. Alfano ENG FRE GER GER SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Si el día terminó ENG FRE GER GER SWE - M. Ponce (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Si le jour est passé (Si le jour est passé) (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) - G. Bachlund ENG GER SPA GER SWE
- Si le jour est passé (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) ENG GER SPA GER SWE - G. Bachlund, J. Cras
- Silent amazement (I know not how thou singest, my master!) (from Gitanjali) - T. Wegren DUT FRE GER DUT ITA ⊗
- Sì, lo so (Sì, lo so) - F. Alfano DUT ENG FRE GER GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Sì, lo so DUT ENG FRE GER GER - F. Alfano (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Si me está negado el amor (Si me está negado el amor) - E. Casella (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Si me está negado el amor - E. Casella (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Simple as a song (Hands cling to hands and eyes linger on eyes) (from The Gardener) - R. Hanson FRE GER GER POR RUS SWE ⊗
- Sinä päivänä, jolloin kuolemme ENG GER GER GER SWE FRE - E. Melartin [x]
- Sinä päivän (Sinä päivänä, jolloin kuolemme ) - E. Melartin ENG GER GER GER SWE FRE [x]
- Si no hablas (Si no hablas) - W. Castro ENG FRE GER ITA SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Si no hablas ENG FRE GER ITA SWE - W. Castro (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Si tu ne parles pas (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) ENG GER ITA SPA SWE - J. Cras
- Skyar hopas på skyar och det mörknar ENG FRE GER GER ITA - E. Melartin
- Skyar (Skyar hopas på skyar och det mörknar) - E. Melartin ENG FRE GER GER ITA
- Sleep, precious sleep (The night is nearly spent) (from Gitanjali) - M. Wilkins GER ⊗
- Smärtan (O värld, jag har plockat dina blomster) - E. Melartin CZE ENG FRE GER GER ITA SPA (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- সমুখে শান্তিপারাবার (সমুখে শান্তিপারাবার—) - R. Tagore FRE
- Soll Tag um Tag ich vor dir stehn ENG IRI - G. Bachlund
- Sólo te pido lo que quieras darme (Sólo te pido lo que quieras darme) (from Obras de Rabindranath Tagore: El jardinero) - J. Castro ENG [x]
- Sólo te pido lo que quieras darme (from Obras de Rabindranath Tagore: El jardinero) ENG - J. Castro [x]
- Songs unsung (The song that I came to sing) (from Gitanjali) - M. Campbell FRE GER SWE ⊗
- Soupirs (Parle-moi, mon amour. Dis-moi en mots que tu chantais) - P. Burgan ENG GER GER ITA POL (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Speak to me, my love! Tell me in words what you sang (from The Gardener) FRE GER GER ITA POL FRE FRE ⊗
- Speak to me, my love! (Speak to me, my love!) (from The Gardener) - F. Bridge, A. Callaway, M. Emery, M. Metcalf FRE GER GER ITA POL FRE FRE ⊗
- Speak to me, my love! (from The Gardener) FRE GER GER ITA POL FRE FRE - F. Bridge, A. Callaway, M. Emery, M. Metcalf ⊗
- Sprich zu mir Geliebter (Sprich zu mir Geliebter) (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) - J. Móry ENG FRE ITA ITA POL FRE FRE
- Sprich zu mir Geliebter (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) ENG FRE ITA ITA POL FRE FRE - J. Móry, A. Zemlinsky
- Sympathy (If I were only a little puppy) (from The Crescent Moon) - D. Milhaud ⊗
- Tag für Tag kommt er und geht wieder (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) CZE DUT ENG ITA RUS - W. de Haan
- Tag für Tag kommt er (Tag für Tag kommt er und geht wieder) (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) - W. de Haan CZE DUT ENG ITA RUS
- Tag um Tag, o Herr meines Lebens, soll ich vor Dir stehen von Angesicht zu Angesicht? ENG IRI - G. Bachlund
- Tag um Tag, o Herr meines Lebens... (Soll Tag um Tag ich vor dir stehn) - G. Bachlund ENG IRI
- Tag um Tag, o Herr meines Lebens (Tag um Tag, o Herr meines Lebens, soll ich vor Dir stehen von Angesicht zu Angesicht?) - G. Bachlund ENG IRI
- Tag um Tag, o Herr meines Lebens ENG IRI
- Tak `eto pravda = Так это правда ( = ) - J. Weissberg ENG (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- T'amo, diletto mio. Perdona al mio amore ENG GER GER FRE - F. Alfano (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- T'amo, diletto mio (T'amo, diletto mio. Perdona al mio amore) - F. Alfano ENG GER GER FRE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Tell me if this be all true, my lover (Tell me if this be all true, my lover) (from The Gardener) - A. Koerner GER GER RUS ⊗
- Tell me if this be all true, my lover (from The Gardener) GER GER RUS - A. Koerner ⊗
- That I should make much of myself and turn it on all sides (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- That I want thee, only thee - let my heart repeat without end (from Gitanjali) FRE GER DUT ITA ⊗
- That I want thee, only thee (That I want thee, only thee) (from Gitanjali) - L. Ronald FRE GER DUT ITA ⊗
- That I want thee, only thee (from Gitanjali) FRE GER DUT ITA - J. Ordansky, L. Ronald ⊗
- The astronomer (I only said, "When in the evening the round full moon) (from The Crescent Moon) SPA ⊗
- The beginning (Where have I come from, where did you pick me up?") (from The Crescent Moon) SPA ⊗
- The bird of the wilderness (My heart, the bird of the wilderness) (from The Gardener) - E. Renaud CZE CZE FRE GER GER ITA POL SWE RUS SWE ⊗
- The birds of the wilderness (My heart, the bird of the wilderness) (from The Gardener) - P. Creston, E. Horsman CZE CZE FRE GER GER ITA POL SWE RUS SWE ⊗
- The Boat (Early in the day it was whispered) (from Gitanjali) - D. Leisner FRE FRE GER IRI ⊗
- The carefree spirits () (from Gitanjali) - T. Wegren [x]
- The child who is decked with prince's robes (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- The dark night of Sorrow (The dark night of Sorrow) (from Wings of Death: The Last Poems of Rabindranath Tagore - 4. Last Poems (Sesh Lekhā)) - A. Hinton [x] ⊗ *
- The dark night of Sorrow (from Wings of Death: The Last Poems of Rabindranath Tagore - 4. Last Poems (Sesh Lekhā)) - A. Hinton [x] ⊗ *
- The day ends (The day is no more) (from Gitanjali) - G. Konstantinidis FRE FRE GER GER ITA DUT GER SWE ⊗
- The day is no more, the shadow is upon the earth (from Gitanjali) FRE FRE GER GER ITA DUT GER SWE ⊗
- The day is no more (The day is no more) (from Gitanjali) - W. Arlen, J. Carpenter, P. Pieters, A. Shepherd, M. Someren-Godfery, M. Wessel FRE FRE GER GER ITA DUT GER SWE ⊗
- The day is no more (from Gitanjali) FRE FRE GER GER ITA DUT GER SWE - W. Arlen, J. Carpenter, G. Konstantinidis, D. Leisner, P. Pieters, A. Shepherd, M. Someren-Godfery, F. Ticheli, M. Wessel ⊗
- The day’s first sun had asked (The day’s first sun had asked) (from Wings of Death: The Last Poems of Rabindranath Tagore - 4. Last Poems (Sesh Lekhā)) - A. Hinton [x] ⊗ *
- The day’s first sun had asked (from Wings of Death: The Last Poems of Rabindranath Tagore - 4. Last Poems (Sesh Lekhā)) - A. Hinton [x] ⊗ *
- The day was when I did not keep myself in readiness for thee (from Gitanjali) GER GER DUT ⊗
- The dream (He came and sat by my side) (from Gitanjali) - G. Konstantinidis FRE GER ITA DUT GER RUS ⊗
- The end (It is time for me to go, mother; I am going) (from The Crescent Moon) FRE ITA ⊗
- The eternal Dream (from The Religion of Man)
- The fire of April leaps from forest to forest (from The Cycle of Spring) - W. Baines
- The First Jasmines (Ah, these jasmines, these white jasmines!) (from The Crescent Moon) - G. Read RUS ⊗
- The gardener (Then finish the last song) (from The Gardener) - R. D'Mello FRE GER GER ITA POL ⊗
- The gift (I want to give you something, my child) (from The Crescent Moon) - D. Milhaud ⊗
- The Light, my Light (Light, my light, the world-filling light) (from Gitanjali) - T. Hastings FRE GER GER ITA FRE
- The light of the sun, the moon, and the stars shines bright: (from Songs of Kabîr) FRE ⊗
- The lotus (On the day when the lotus bloomed) (from Gitanjali) - N. Douty FRE GER ⊗
- The morning sea of silence (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- Then finish the last song (Then finish the last song) (from The Gardener) - K. Al-Zand, A. Hinton FRE GER GER ITA POL ⊗
- Then finish the last song (from The Gardener) FRE GER GER ITA POL - K. Al-Zand, A. Buzzi-Peccia, R. D'Mello, A. Hinton ⊗
- The night darkened. Our day's works had been done (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- The night is dark and your slumber is deep in the hush of my being (from Fruit-Gathering) GER SPA ⊗
- The night is nearly spent (from Gitanjali) GER - J. Harvey, M. Wilkins ⊗
- The night was dark when she went away, and they slept (from The Crescent Moon) - I. Bell (The Recall) ⊗
- The poet’s mind floats and dances on the waves of life (from Fruit-Gathering) GER ⊗
- The rain has held back for days and days, my God, in my arid heart (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- There are numerous strings in your lute (There are numerous strings in your lute) (from Lover's Gift and Crossing) - K. Al-Zand ⊗
- There are numerous strings in your lute (from Lover's Gift and Crossing) - K. Al-Zand ⊗
- The Recall (The night was dark when she went away, and they slept) (from The Crescent Moon) - I. Bell ⊗
- The road is my wedded companion (from Lover's Gift and Crossing) - I. Bell ⊗
- The Road is (The road is my wedded companion) (from Lover's Gift and Crossing) - I. Bell ⊗
- The same stream of life (from Gitanjali) GER - W. Kleucker ⊗
- The sea of light (Thou art the sky and thou art the nest as well) (from Gitanjali) - A. Post FRE GER ITA ⊗
- The shadows of evening fall thick and deep, and the darkness of (from Songs of Kabîr) FRE ⊗
- The sleep that flits on baby's eyes (The sleep that flits on baby's eyes) (from Gitanjali) - J. Carpenter, J. Rogers GER GER ⊗
- The sleep that flits on baby's eyes (from Gitanjali) GER GER - J. Carpenter, J. Rogers, T. Wegren ⊗
- The soil in return for her service (from Fireflies) GER
- The song that I came to sing (The song that I came to sing) (from Gitanjali) - P. Blauvelt FRE GER SWE ⊗
- The song that I came to sing (from Gitanjali) FRE GER SWE - P. Blauvelt, M. Campbell, N. Sohal ⊗
- The stream of life (The same stream of life) (from Gitanjali) - W. Kleucker GER ⊗
- The tame bird was in a cage (from The Gardener) ⊗
- The time of parting (At this time of my parting) (from Gitanjali) - H. Hadley FRE GER GER ⊗
- The time that my journey takes is long and the way of it long (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- The ultimate offering () (from Gitanjali) - T. Wegren [x]
- The unsung song (The song that I came to sing) (from Gitanjali) - N. Sohal FRE GER SWE ⊗
- The world-filling light (I asked nothing from thee) (from Gitanjali) - M. Wilkins FRE GER DUT ⊗
- The yellow bird sings in their tree (from The Gardener) RUS ⊗
- Third song (Thus it is that thy joy in me is so full) (from Gitanjali) - J. Harvey FRE GER GER ⊗
- This autumn morning is tired with excess of light (from Fruit-Gathering) GER - M. Metcalf
- This autumn morning (This autumn morning is tired with excess of light) (from Fruit-Gathering) - M. Metcalf GER
- This is my bliss (This is my delight, thus to wait) (from Gitanjali) - G. Konstantinidis GER DUT GER ⊗
- This is my delight, thus to wait and watch at the wayside (from Gitanjali) GER DUT GER ⊗
- This is my delight, thus to wait (from Gitanjali) GER DUT GER - W. Arlen, A. Biales, R. Hanson, G. Konstantinidis, J. Ordansky ⊗
- This is my delight (This is my delight, thus to wait) (from Gitanjali) - W. Arlen, A. Biales, R. Hanson GER DUT GER ⊗
- This is my prayer to thee, my lord (from Gitanjali) GER GER SWE - G. Walker ⊗
- This song of mine will wind its music around you (from The Crescent Moon) GER - W. Arlen, J. Hopkins (My song) ⊗
- Thou art the sky and thou art the nest as well (from Gitanjali) FRE GER ITA - A. Post, G. Walker ⊗
- Thou art - Thou art the sky (Thou art the sky and thou art the nest as well) (from Gitanjali) - G. Walker FRE GER ITA ⊗
- Though the evening comes with slow steps (Though the evening comes with slow steps) (from The Gardener) - E. Bainton ⊗
- Though the evening comes with slow steps (from The Gardener) - E. Bainton, P. Gordon ⊗
- Though the evening comes (Though the evening comes with slow steps) (from The Gardener) - P. Gordon ⊗
- Thou hast made me endless, such is thy pleasure (from Gitanjali) DUT FRE FRE GER ITA - M. Baranauskas, P. Creston, D. Powers, R. Schafer, N. Sohal ⊗
- Thou hast made me endless (Thou hast made me endless, such is thy pleasure) (from Gitanjali) - P. Creston, D. Powers, R. Schafer, N. Sohal DUT FRE FRE GER ITA ⊗
- Thou hast made me known to friends whom I knew not (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- Through the silent night (from Fireflies) GER GER
- Thus it is that thy joy in me is so full (from Gitanjali) FRE GER GER - J. Harvey ⊗
- Thy gifts to us mortals fulfil all our needs (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- Thy sunbeam comes upon this earth of mine with arms outstretched (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- Time is endless in thy hands, my lord (from Gitanjali) GER GER - J. Alexander ⊗
- Time is endless (Time is endless in thy hands, my lord) (from Gitanjali) - J. Alexander GER GER ⊗
- To be glad with the gladness of this rhythm (Is it beyond thee to be glad with the gladness of this rhythm?) (from Gitanjali) - A. Biales GER ⊗
- To the guests that must go bid God's speed (from The Gardener) DUT ⊗
- To the Stream (The day is no more) (from Gitanjali) - D. Leisner FRE FRE GER GER ITA DUT GER SWE ⊗
- Tránsito () - C. López Buchardo (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- Tránsito () - G. Hernández [x]
- Träume (Vollende denn das letzte Lied) (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) - E. Faltis ENG FRE ITA ITA POL
- Trust love even if it brings sorrow. Do not close up your heart (from The Gardener) SPA ⊗
- Tu es le ciel et tu es le nid aussi bien (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) ENG GER ITA - L. Durey
- Tu es le ciel (Tu es le ciel et tu es le nid aussi bien) (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) - L. Durey ENG GER ITA
- Tu m’as fait infini, tel est ton plaisir (from Gitanjali (L'Offrande lyrique)) DUT ENG GER ITA
- Tu sei il Cielo (Tu sei il Cielo) - F. Alfano ENG FRE GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Tu sei il Cielo ENG FRE GER - F. Alfano (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Tweede Wijzang (Gij daaldet af van Uwen troon en stond voor de deur van mijn hut) - J. Schaddelee ENG GER ITA FRE [x]
- Ty v nebe snov moikh = Ты в небе снов моих (Ty v nebe snov moikh = Ты в небе снов моих) - S. Vasilenko (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- Ty v nebe snov moikh = Ты в небе снов моих - S. Vasilenko (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- Una mañana, en el jardín de las flores ENG SWE GER RUS - M. Ponce (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Unending Love (I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times) - R. Panufnik ⊗ *
- Unspoken things (In the morning I cast my net into the sea) (from The Gardener) - A. Callaway GER ⊗
- Vecher byl, ne gorel jeshche svet, v zabyt'i raspletala ja kosy = Вечер был, не горел еще свет, в забытьи расплетала я косы (Vecher byl, ne gorel jeshche svet = Вечер был, не горел еще свет) - M. Steinberg ENG GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Vecher byl, ne gorel jeshche svet = Вечер был, не горел еще свет ENG GER - M. Steinberg (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Veiled progress () (from Gitanjali) - T. Wegren [x]
- Venne e mi sedette accanto (Venne e mi sedette accanto) - F. Alfano ENG FRE GER DUT GER RUS (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Venne e mi sedette accanto ENG FRE GER DUT GER RUS - F. Alfano (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Voglio te, te solo (Voglio te, te solo) - L. Gorgni ENG FRE GER DUT (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Voglio te, te solo ENG FRE GER DUT - L. Gorgni (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Vollende denn das letzte Lied (Vollende denn das letzte Lied) (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) - W. Burkhard, J. Móry ENG FRE ITA ITA POL
- Vollende denn das letzte Lied (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) ENG FRE ITA ITA POL - W. Burkhard, E. Faltis, J. Móry, K. Szymanowski, A. Zemlinsky
- Voll verzweifelter Hoffnung geh ich umher ENG DUT - S. Wolpe
- Voll verzweifelter Hoffnung (Voll verzweifelter Hoffnung geh ich umher) - S. Wolpe ENG DUT
- Voll verzweifelter Hoffnung ENG DUT
- Volta () - C. Fonseca [x]
- Vom dunklen Fluss her klingt Musik - H. Gál (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) ⊗
- Vstuplenije = Вступление ( = ) - D. Melkikh (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- Waarom doofde de lamp (Waarom doofde de lamp?) (from De Hoovenier) - B. Geuer ENG
- Waarom doofde de lamp? (from De Hoovenier) ENG - B. Geuer
- Was flüsterst du so matt in meine Ohren, o Tod, mein Tod? ENG - H. Gál (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Was flüsterst Du (Was flüsterst du so matt in meine Ohren, o Tod, mein Tod?) - H. Gál ENG (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Wende dein Antlitz nicht ab, mein Lieb! - H. Gál (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) ⊗
- Wenn der Tag vorbei (Wenn der Tag vorbei) - H. Eisler ENG FRE SPA SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Wenn der Tag vorbei ENG FRE SPA SWE - H. Eisler (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Wenn ich Nachts zum Stelldichein gehe (Wenn ich nachts zum Stelldichein gehe) (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) - J. van Gilse ENG RUS
- Wenn ich nachts zum Stelldichein gehe (from Rabindranath Tagore. Der Gärtner) ENG RUS - J. van Gilse
- Wensch den vertrekkenden gasten wel thuis (Wensch den vertrekkenden gasten wel thuis) (from De Hoovenier) - B. Geuer ENG
- Wensch den vertrekkenden gasten wel thuis (from De Hoovenier) ENG - B. Geuer
- What comes from your willing hands I take. I beg for nothing more (from The Gardener) SPA ⊗
- What divine drink wouldst thou have, my God, from this overflowing cup of my life? (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- What divine drink wouldst thou have, my God (from Gitanjali) GER - J. Alexander ⊗
- What divine drink (What divine drink wouldst thou have, my God) (from Gitanjali) - J. Alexander GER ⊗
- When and why (When I bring to you colour'd toys, my child) (from Gitanjali) - D. Milhaud GER GER ⊗
- When death comes and whispers to me (When death comes and whispers to me) - L. Liebermann
- When death comes and whispers to me - J. Hopkins, L. Liebermann
- When death comes (When death comes and whispers to me) - J. Hopkins
- When I bring to you colour'd toys, my child (from Gitanjali) GER GER - J. Carpenter, D. Milhaud, J. Rogers ⊗
- When I bring to you colour’d toys (When I bring to you colour'd toys, my child) (from Gitanjali) - J. Carpenter GER GER ⊗
- When I bring to you coloured toys (When I bring to you colour'd toys, my child) (from Gitanjali) - J. Rogers GER GER ⊗
- When I bring you coloured toys, my child (from Gitanjali) GER GER ⊗
- When I give up the helm I know (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- When I go alone at night to my love-tryst (from The Gardener) GER RUS - A. Buzzi-Peccia ⊗
- When I go alone (When I go alone at night to my love-tryst) (from The Gardener) - A. Buzzi-Peccia GER RUS ⊗
- When I go from hence let this be my parting word (from Gitanjali) GER - J. Ordansky ⊗
- When I sing to make you dance (When I sing to make you dance) (from Gitanjali) - M. Trotta GER GER ⊗
- When I sing to make you dance (from Gitanjali) GER GER - M. Trotta ⊗
- When it was day (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- When my play was with thee (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- When she passed by me with quick steps (from The Gardener) CZE GER - K. Al-Zand, R. Hanson ⊗
- When she passed by me (When she passed by me with quick steps) (from The Gardener) - K. Al-Zand, R. Hanson CZE GER ⊗
- When the creation was new (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- When the heart is hard and parched up (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- When the lamp went out by my bed (from The Gardener) GER RUS ⊗
- When the two sisters go to fetch water (When the two sisters go to fetch water) (from The Gardener) - K. Al-Zand ⊗
- When the two sisters go to fetch water (from The Gardener) - K. Al-Zand, R. Hageman ⊗
- When the warriors came out first from their master's hall (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- When thou commandest me to sing (When thou commandest me to sing) (from Gitanjali) - P. James, P. Pieters, R. Schafer, N. Sohal, R. Sowash DUT FRE GER DUT FRE ITA RUS SWE ⊗
- When thou commandest me to sing (from Gitanjali) DUT FRE GER DUT FRE ITA RUS SWE - P. James, P. Pieters, R. Schafer, N. Sohal, R. Sowash ⊗
- When you hold your lamp in the sky (from Fruit-Gathering) FRE ITA ⊗
- Where are you? (Art thou abroad on this stormy night) (from Gitanjali) - G. Konstantinidis FRE GER GER FRE FRE SWE ⊗
- Where dost thou stand behind them all, my lover (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- Where do you hurry with your basket (from The Gardener) - M. Duchow ⊗
- Where do you hurry (Where do you hurry with your basket) (from The Gardener) - M. Duchow ⊗
- Where have I come from, where did you pick me up?" (from The Crescent Moon) SPA (The beginning) - ⊗
- Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high (from Gitanjali) GER ⊗
- Where the mind is without fear (Where the mind is without fear) (from Gitanjali) - G. Bachlund, P. Creston GER ⊗
- Where the mind is without fear (from Gitanjali) GER - G. Bachlund, P. Creston, W. Kleucker ⊗
- Who is this? (I came out alone on my way to my tryst) (from Gitanjali) - R. Beckett GER ⊗
- Why are those tears in your eyes, my child? (from The Crescent Moon) - F. van Gompel, D. Milhaud (Defamation) ⊗
- Why are those tears in your eyes my child? (Why are those tears in your eyes, my child?) (from The Crescent Moon) - F. van Gompel ⊗
- Why did he choose to come to my door (from The Gardener) ITA ⊗
- Why did the lamp go out? (from The Gardener) DUT ⊗
- Why do you sit there and jingle your bracelets (from The Gardener) ITA RUS ⊗
- Why do you whisper so faintly in my ears, O Death, my Death? (from The Gardener) GER ⊗
- Wijzang CIII (In éénen groet aan u, mijn God) - B. Zweers ENG FRE GER SWE [x]
- Wijzang LIX (Ja, ik weet het, dit is enkel Uw Liefde) - B. Zweers ENG FRE GER GER ITA
- Wij-Zang (Gitanjali) (Als Gij mij zegt te zingen) - A. Coenen ENG FRE GER FRE ITA RUS SWE
- Wijzang (O Gij laatste vertoling des leevens) - J. Schaddelee ENG FRE GER GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Wijzang (Op de kust van eindelooze waerelden) - R. Colaço Osorio-Swaab ENG GER (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Wolken häufen sich auf Wolken, und es dunkelt ENG FRE ITA SWE - C. Ogermann (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Wolken (Wolken häufen sich auf Wolken, und es dunkelt) - C. Ogermann ENG FRE ITA SWE (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Would you put your wreath of fresh flowers on my neck, fair one? (from The Gardener) ⊗
- Ye dweller in the House (Ye dweller in the House) (from Sacrifice) - J. Foulds [x]
- Ye dweller in the House (from Sacrifice) - J. Foulds [x]
- Yes, I know, this is nothing but thy love (Yes, I know, this is nothing but thy love) (from Gitanjali) - L. Ronald DUT FRE GER GER ITA ⊗
- Yes, I know, this is nothing but thy love (from Gitanjali) DUT FRE GER GER ITA - J. Alexander, L. Ronald ⊗
- Yes, I know (Yes, I know, this is nothing but thy love) (from Gitanjali) - J. Alexander DUT FRE GER GER ITA ⊗
- Yo corté tu flor, oh mundo! CZE ENG FRE GER GER ITA SWE SWE - M. Ponce (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- You are my own ! (You are the evening cloud) (from The Gardener) - E. Renaud CZE FRE GER GER SPA ⊗
- You are the evening cloud (You are the evening cloud) (from The Gardener) - A. Callaway, E. Horsman CZE FRE GER GER SPA ⊗
- You are the evening cloud (from The Gardener) CZE FRE GER GER SPA - F. Bridge, A. Callaway, E. Horsman, E. Renaud ⊗
- You came down and stood at my cottage door (You came down from your throne) (from Gitanjali) - R. Schafer GER ITA DUT FRE ⊗
- You came down from your throne (from Gitanjali) GER ITA DUT FRE - R. Schafer ⊗
- You have strewn the path of Creation (You have strewn the path of Creation) (from Wings of Death: The Last Poems of Rabindranath Tagore - 4. Last Poems (Sesh Lekhā)) - A. Hinton [x] ⊗ *
- You have strewn the path of Creation (from Wings of Death: The Last Poems of Rabindranath Tagore - 4. Last Poems (Sesh Lekhā)) - A. Hinton [x] ⊗ *
- You left me and went on your way (from The Gardener) ⊗
- Your questioning eyes are sad (Your questioning eyes are sad) (from The Gardener) - R. Hanson GER ⊗
- Your questioning eyes are sad (from The Gardener) GER - R. Hanson ⊗
- You walked by the riverside path (from The Gardener) ⊗
- Zachem sidish' ty zdes' = Зачем сидишь ты здесь (Zachem sidish' ty zdes' = Зачем сидишь ты здесь) - A. Dzegelenok ENG ITA (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Zachem sidish' ty zdes' = Зачем сидишь ты здесь ENG ITA - A. Dzegelenok (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x]
- Zahradnik (The Gardener) () - J. Burghauser (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- Zakończ więc pieśń tę ostatnią i rozejdźmy się - G. Bacewicz ⊗
- Zeit ist endlos, Herr, in Deinen Händen ENG - C. Ogermann (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Zeit ist endlos, Herr (Zeit ist endlos, Herr, in Deinen Händen) - C. Ogermann ENG (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Zhasmin cvetet = Жасмин цветет (Zhasmin cvetet = Жасмин цветет) - A. Dzegelenok ENG [x]
- Zhasmin cvetet = Жасмин цветет ENG - A. Dzegelenok [x]
- Zhertvennye pesnopenija. № 1 = Жертвенные песнопения. № 1 (On prishjol = Он пришёл) - Y. Gunst ENG (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore) [x] ⊗
- Zhjolten'kaja ptichka v sad nash zaletela = Жёлтенькая птичка в сад наш залетела ENG - M. Ippolitov-Ivanov (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
- Zhjolten'kaja ptichka = Жёлтенькая птичка (Zhjolten'kaja ptichka v sad nash zaletela = Жёлтенькая птичка в сад наш залетела) - M. Ippolitov-Ivanov ENG (Text: Anonymous after Rabindranath Tagore)
Last update: 2025-02-07 20:04:52