Submissions by Wyatt, David ( 1072 items: 365 texts and 707 translations )
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- Cease your tears, my book : it was not ordained [translation of: Le poète à son livre | Cesse tes pleurs, mon livre : il n’est pas ordonné]
- Du jour que je fus amoureux; title: "Du jour que je fus amoureus"
- From the day I fell in love; title: "From the day I fell in love" [translation of: Du jour que je fus amoureus | Du jour que je fus amoureux]
- Il me semble que la journée; title: "Il me semble que la journée"
- It seems to me that a day; title: "It seems to me that a day" [translation of: Il me semble que la journée | Il me semble que la journée]
- La Lune est coustumiere
- The moon is accustomed; title: "The moon is accustomed" [translation of: A sa maîtresse | La Lune est coustumiere]
- Le comble de ton sçavoir; title: "Le comble de ton sçavoir"
- The sum of your learning; title: "The sum of your learning" [translation of: Le comble de ton sçavoir | Le comble de ton sçavoir]
- Le cruel amour vainqueur
- Cruel love, conqueror [translation of: Le cruel amour vainqueur | Le cruel amour vainqueur]
- Le Soleil et nostre Roy; title: "Le Soleil et nostre Roy"
- The Sun and our King; title: "The Sun and our King" [translation of: Le Soleil et nostre Roy | Le Soleil et nostre Roy]
- Mais que me vaut d’entretenir; title: "Mais que me vaut d’entretenir"
- But what use is it to hold on; title: "But what use is it to hold on" [translation of: Mais que me vaut d’entretenir | Mais que me vaut d’entretenir]
- Nous avons quelque fois grand faute; title: "Nous avons quelque fois grand faute"
- We have sometimes a great lack; title: "We have sometimes a great lack" [translation of: Nous avons quelque fois grand faute | Nous avons quelque fois grand faute]
- O Dieux ! que j’ay de plaisir; title: "O Dieux que j’ay de plaisir"
- O gods ! what pleasure I get; title: "O gods ! what pleasure I get" [translation of: O Dieux que j’ay de plaisir | O Dieux ! que j’ay de plaisir]
- O maid more tender; title: "O maid more tender" [translation of: O Pucelle plus tendre | O Pucelle plus tendre]
- Amour, quiconque ait dit que le ciel fut ton pere; title: "Amour, quiconque ait dit que le ciel fut ton pere"
- Love, whoever said that heaven was your father; title: "Love, whoever said that heaven was your father" [translation of: Amour, quiconque ait dit que le ciel fut ton pere | Amour, quiconque ait dit que le ciel fut ton pere]
- Celuy qui n’ayme est malheureux; title: "Celui qui n’ayme est malheureux"
- He who loves not is unfortunate; title: "He who loves not is unfortunate" [translation of: Celui qui n’ayme est malheureux | Celuy qui n’ayme est malheureux]
- Cesse tes pleurs, mon livre : il n’est pas ordonné
- Oh Death, to what a condition you convert me now ! [translation of: Regrets | Ah Mort, en quel estat maintenant tu me changes !]
- Here lie your bones, my fair Marie; title: "Marie's epitaph" [translation of: Épitaphe de Marie | Ci reposent les os de toi, belle Marie]
- As a buck, when spring destroys [translation of: Comme un chevreuil, quand le printemps détruit | Comme un chevreuil, quand le printemps destruit]
- Demandes-tu, chere Marie
- My soul, because of a bed, is so affected by regrets [translation of: J'ai l'âme, pour un lit | J'ai l'âme, pour un lit, de regrets si touchée]
- I am not at all, my warlike Cassandra [translation of: Je ne suis point ma guerriere Cassandre | Je ne suis point, ma guerrière Cassandre]
- I’m planting this tree of Cybele for you [translation of: Sonnet pour Hélène | Je plante en ta faveur cet arbre de Cybèle]
- I want to read Homer’s Iliad in three days [translation of: Je veux lire l'Iliade | Je veux lire en trois jours l’Iliade d’Homere]
- Thinking of my noble Beloved, I want [translation of: À Corydon | Je veux, me souvenant de ma gentille amie]
- O sweet speech whose soft words [translation of: Le Siège d'Ilion | O doux parler dont les mots doucereux]
- Since she is all winter, all its ice [translation of: Puisqu'elle est tout hiver | Puis qu’elle est tout hyver, toute la mesme glace]
- Whether her golden hair curls lightly [translation of: Soit que son or se crespe lentement | Soit que son or se crêpe lentement]
- O my Tyard, they used to say at the beginning [translation of: Thiard, chacun disoit à mon commencement]
- Three days have now passed while I’ve been starved [translation of: Trois jours sont jà passés, que je suis affamé | Trois jours ont jà passé que je suis affamé]
- A childlike beauty just fifteen years old [translation of: Une beauté de quinze ans enfantine | Une beauté de quinze ans enfantine]
- Wanting, my sweet other half [translation of: Chanson | Voulant, ô ma douce moitié]
- Sommeillez vous, ma belle Aurore?; title: "Sommeillez vous"
- Are you sleeping, my fair Aurora Dawn? [translation of: Sommeillez vous | Sommeillez vous, ma belle Aurore?]
- Hastez vous, petite folle; title: "Hastez vous, petite folle"
- Hurry up, you silly little thing [translation of: Hastez vous, petite folle | Hastez vous, petite folle]
- Jamais on n'a que tristesses; title: "Jamais on n'a que tristesses"
- Always we have such sadnesses [translation of: Jamais on n'a que tristesses | Jamais on n'a que tristesses]
- Vivons, mignarde, en noz amours
- Beauté qui, sans pareille; title: "Beauté qui, sans pareille"
- My beauty, who unequalled [translation of: Beauté qui, sans pareille | Beauté qui, sans pareille]
- O Dieux, permettez moy, permettez moy que celle; title: "O Dieux, permettez moy que celle qui cause ma douleur"
- O gods, grant me, o grant me that she [translation of: O Dieux, permettez moy que celle qui cause ma douleur | O Dieux, permettez moy, permettez moy que celle]
- Tutto lo giorno piango, hoime meschino; title: "Tutto lo giorno piango"
- All day long I weep, poor me [translation of: Tutto lo giorno piango | Tutto lo giorno piango, hoime meschino]
- I am dying, alas, I am dying, my angel [translation of: Je meurs, helas, quand je la voy si belle | Je meurs, Paschal, quand je la vois si belle]
- Tu dis que c'est, mignarde; title: "Tu dis que c'est, mignarde"
- You say it’s sweet [translation of: Tu dis que c'est, mignarde | Tu dis que c'est, mignarde]
- Adieu, adieu, ma nimphette amiable; title: "Adieu, adieu, ma nimphette amiable"
- Farewell, farewell, lovely young nymph [translation of: Adieu, adieu, ma nimphette amiable | Adieu, adieu, ma nimphette amiable]
- De nuict, le bien que de jour je pourchasse
- At night, the delights which I purchase by day [translation of: De nuict, le bien que de jour je pourchasse | De nuict, le bien que de jour je pourchasse]
- S'il est ainsi que tu m'aymes mignonne; title: "S'il est ainsi que tu m'aymes mignonne"
- If thus you love me, my darling [translation of: S'il est ainsi que tu m'aymes mignonne | S'il est ainsi que tu m'aymes mignonne]
- Hola, hola, Caron, nautonnier infernal
- Hola, hola, Caron, nautonnier infernal; title: "Hola, hola, Caron, nautonnier infernal"
- Ahoy there, Charon, hell’s sailor! [translation of: Hola, hola, Caron, nautonnier infernal]
- Sur moy, Seigneur, ta main pesante et dure; title: "Sur moy, Seigneur, ta main pesante et dure"
- Upon me, o Lord, your heavy and harsh hand [translation of: Sur moy, Seigneur, ta main pesante et dure | Sur moy, Seigneur, ta main pesante et dure]
- Las! ô pauvre Didon contre amour qui fostine; title: "Las! ô pauvré Didon"
- Alas, poor Dido, you rage against love [translation of: Las! ô pauvré Didon | Las! ô pauvre Didon contre amour qui fostine]
- Pucelle, en qui la triple grace; title: "Pucelle, en qui la triple grace"
- Maid on whom the three Graces [translation of: Pucelle, en qui la triple grace | Pucelle, en qui la triple grace]
- Le cœur loyal qui n'a l'ocasion; title: "Le cœur loyal qui n'a l'ocasion"
- The loyal heart which has no opportunity [translation of: Le cœur loyal qui n'a l'ocasion | Le cœur loyal qui n'a l'ocasion]
- S'il advient au combat, par un coup d'avanture; title: "S'il advient au combat, par un coup d'avanture"
- If it happens in battle, by some mischance [translation of: S'il advient au combat, par un coup d'avanture | S'il advient au combat, par un coup d'avanture]
- O doux plaisir, ô mon plaisant dommage!
- O sweet pleasure, o pleasant pain! [translation of: O doux plaisir | O doux plaisir, ô mon plaisant dommage!]
- Du feu chaut l'ardente fureur; title: "Du feu chaut l'ardente fureur "
- The furious heat of a hot fire [translation of: Du feu chaut l'ardente fureur | Du feu chaut l'ardente fureur]
- Ah Mort, en quel estat maintenant tu me changes !
- De moins que riens l’on peut à peu venir; title: "De moins que riens l’on peut à peu venir"
- De plus qu’assez l’on peut à trop venir
- To less than nothing one can come in a little while [translation of: De moins que riens l’on peut à peu venir | De moins que riens l’on peut à peu venir]
- To more than enough one can come too much [translation of: De plus qu’assez l’on peut à trop venir]
- Je ne sçay que c'est qu'il me faut; title: "Je ne sçay que c'est qu'il me faut"
- I know not what I need; title: "I know not what I need" [translation of: Je ne sçay que c'est qu'il me faut | Je ne sçay que c'est qu'il me faut]
- Comme la corne argentine; title: "Chant des nymfes de la Seine"
- As the silvery horns; title: "Song of the nymphs of the Seine" [translation of: Chant des nymfes de la Seine | Comme la corne argentine]
- D’où vient l’amour soudaine; title: "D’où vient l’amour soudaine"
- Whence comes that sudden love; title: "Whence comes that sudden love" [translation of: D’où vient l’amour soudaine | D’où vient l’amour soudaine]
- Helas mon Dieu y a il en ce monde; title: "Helas mon Dieu y a il en ce monde"
- Alas, my God, is there in this world [translation of: Helas mon Dieu y a il en ce monde | Helas mon Dieu y a il en ce monde]
- Absence, forgetfulness, the course of time [translation of: À Cassandre | Derniers vers pour Cassandre | L'absence, ni l'oubli, ni la course du jour]
- I’ve finished my work : it is harder than iron; title: "To his muse" [translation of: À sa Muse | Plus dur que fer, j’ai fini mon ouvrage]
- My sad heart is in torment; title: "Song" [translation of: Chanson | Mon triste cueur est en torment]
- When I was free, and cruel love [translation of: Quand j'estois libre | Quand j'estois libre, ains que l'amour cruelle]
- Goodness, how I envy; title: "The lark" [translation of: L'alouette | Hé Dieu, que je porte d’envie]
- Ah, my eyes, I beg you, be so kind [translation of: Ah ! Je vous pri', mes yeux | Ah ! je vous pri', mes yeux, soyez-moi si courtois]
- When your neck, the colour of rose; title: "Other kiss" [translation of: Autre bayser | Quand ton col de couleur de rose]
- Who will lend the word; title: "The lament of the desperate" [translation of: La complainte du désespéré | Qui prestera la parolle]
- If he’s spoken true, let the foliage of the holy tree [translation of: S'il a dit vrai | S'il a dict vray, seiche pour moy l'ombrage]
- There are not so many boats in Venice [translation of: Sérénade | Il n'est point tant de barques à Venize]
- Where can I put that pleasant kiss [translation of: Ou mettra l'on ung baiser favorable | Ou mettra l'on ung baiser favorable]
- In the open sea, far from ports and beaches; title: "In the open sea, far from ports and beaches" [translation of: Par l'ample mer, loin des ports et arènes | Par l'ample mer, loin des ports et arènes]
- A beautiful young wife; title: "A beautiful young wife" [translation of: Une belle jeune espousée | Une belle jeune espousée]
- Au matin quand je suis levé, volentiers desjeuneroie; title: "Au matin quand je suis levé"
- In the morning when I've got up, I'd happily breakfast; title: "In the morning when I've got up" [translation of: Au matin quand je suis levé | Au matin quand je suis levé, volentiers desjeuneroie]
- Que Dieu se monstre seulement; title: "Que Dieu se monstre seulement"
- Lett God but rise, his very face shall cast
- D'où vient, Seigneur, que tu nous as espars; title: "D'où vient, Seigneur"
- O God, why has thou thus
- Qui au conseil des malins n'a esté; title: "Qui au conseil des malins n'a esté"
- The man is blest, that hath not bent
- O eternel, Dieu des vengeances; title: "O eternel, Dieu des vengeances"
- O Lord thou doest revenge all wrong
- Avec les tiens, Seigneur, tu as faict paix; title: "Avec les tiens, Seigneur"
- Mighty Lord from this thy land
- O Dieu, donne moy delivrance; title: "O Dieu, donne moy delivrance"
- O God, give me deliverance [translation of: O Dieu, donne moy delivrance | O Dieu, donne moy delivrance]
- Revenge moy, pren la querelle; title: "Revenge moy, pren la querelle"
- Quand j’ay cuidé les louanges choisir; title: "Quand j’ay cuidé les louanges choisir"
- When I planned to choose the praises [translation of: Quand j’ay cuidé les louanges choisir | Quand j’ay cuidé les louanges choisir]
- Bruller de chaut et tousjours se glacer; title: "Bruller de chaut et tousjours se glacer"
- Burning with heat and still freezing; title: "Burning with heat and still freezing" [translation of: Bruller de chaut et tousjours se glacer | Bruller de chaut et tousjours se glacer]
- D'amour et de fureur, de flesches et de flammes; title: "D'amour et de fureur, de flesches et de flammes"
- With love and madness, with arrows and fire [translation of: D'amour et de fureur, de flesches et de flammes | D'amour et de fureur, de flesches et de flammes]
- Mon père si m’y maria; title: "Mon père si m’y maria "
- Father, if you truly; title: "Father, if you truly" [translation of: Mon père si m’y maria | Mon père si m’y maria]
- Las je me meurs, las je me meurs, cruelle; title: "Las je me meurs, las je me meurs, cruelle"
- Alas I am dying, alas I am dying, cruel one; title: "Alas I am dying, alas I am dying, cruel one" [translation of: Las je me meurs, las je me meurs, cruelle | Las je me meurs, las je me meurs, cruelle]
- Par ne sçay quelle estrange inimitié; title: "Par ne sçay quelle estrange inimitié"
- Through some strange enmity; title: "Through some strange enmity" [translation of: Par ne sçay quelle estrange inimitié | Par ne sçay quelle estrange inimitié]
- Bien mille fois et mille j’ay tenté; title: "Bien mille fois et mille j’ay tenté"
- Oh, a thousand and a thousand times I’ve tried [translation of: Bien mille fois et mille j’ay tenté | Bien mille fois et mille j’ay tenté]
- Je te supplye Amour, arreste ma guerriere; title: "Je te supplye Amour, arreste ma guerriere"
- I beg you, Love, stop my warrior maid [translation of: Je te supplye Amour, arreste ma guerriere | Je te supplye Amour, arreste ma guerriere]
- La vertu mon Pigeon qui ta jeunesse honore; title: "La vertu mon Pigeon qui ta jeunesse honore"
- The virtue, my Pigeon, which gilds your youth [translation of: La vertu mon Pigeon qui ta jeunesse honore | La vertu mon Pigeon qui ta jeunesse honore]
- Mon dieu, mon dieu, que j’ayme ma Déesse; title: "Mon dieu, mon dieu, que j’ayme ma Déesse"
- My God, my God, how I love my goddess [translation of: Mon dieu, mon dieu, que j’ayme ma Déesse | Mon dieu, mon dieu, que j’ayme ma Déesse]
- Voici du gay Printems l’heureux advenement; title: "Voici du gay Printems l’heureux advenement"
- See the happy arrival of joyous Springtime [translation of: Voici du gay Printems l’heureux advenement | Voici du gay Printems l’heureux advenement]
- Dames, qui par vos yeux amoureusement doux; title: "Dames, qui par vos yeux amoureusement doux"
- Ladies who with your sweet loving eyes [translation of: Dames, qui par vos yeux amoureusement doux | Dames, qui par vos yeux amoureusement doux]
- Ayant pour vostre amour mille fois soupiré; title: "Ayant pour vostre amour mille fois soupiré"
- Having sighed a thousand times for your love [translation of: Ayant pour vostre amour mille fois soupiré | Ayant pour vostre amour mille fois soupiré]
- Le ciel ne pouvoit mieux nous monstrer son sçavoir; title: "Le ciel ne pouvoit mieux nous monstrer son sçavoir"
- Heaven could not better have shown us its wisdom [translation of: Le ciel ne pouvoit mieux nous monstrer son sçavoir | Le ciel ne pouvoit mieux nous monstrer son sçavoir]
- Ces yeux doux et glacez m’ont si doucement pris; title: "Ces yeux doux et glacez m’ont si doucement pris"
- Those sweet, icy eyes have so sweetly captured me [translation of: Ces yeux doux et glacez m’ont si doucement pris | Ces yeux doux et glacez m’ont si doucement pris]
- You siou you que m’apelli Mathiou; title: "You siou you que m’apelli Mathiou"
- I am he who is called Mathiou [translation of: You siou you que m’apelli Mathiou | You siou you que m’apelli Mathiou]
- Вечерком румяну зорю; title: "Вечерком румяну зорю"
- Ты прости, наш соловей; title: "Прощание с соловьем"
- Что с прелестью ее очей; title: "Очи"
- Спи спокойно, не пугайся; title: "Баюшки баю: Спи спокойно, не пугайся"
- Итак, с тобою я расстался
- Затмилась зарница, краса наших дней; title: "Печальная песнь"
- E canta il grillo, e canta la cicala; title: "E canta il grillo"
- The cricket sings, the grasshopper sings; title: "The cricket sings" [translation of: E canta il grillo | E canta il grillo, e canta la cicala]
- Tenor and baritone, we are respectively; title: "Tenor and baritone"
- I have come from the silent forest; title: "Nirvana"
- Дней моих ещё весною; title: "Путешественник"
- Младой Рогер свой острый меч берет; title: "Верность до гроба"
- Вижу, бабочка летает; title: "Вижу, бабочка летает"
- Её два раза видел я; title: "Её два раза видел я"
- Ты слишком, милый, острожен!; title: "Ты слишком, милый, осторожен"
- Давно ль в беспечности счастливой; title: "Давно ль в беспечности счастливой"
- Если б ты любил меня; title: "Желание: Если б ты любил меня"
- Ах! внучка, убегай любви !"; title: "Ах, внучка, убегай любви"
- Едва она узрела светь уж; title: "Сиротка"
- Пламенные очи душу зажигают; title: "Пламенные очи"
- Quand j'estois libre, ains que l'amour cruelle
- The sky is black, the earth is white [translation of: Le Jésus des Neiges | Noël ! | Le ciel est noir, la terre est blanche]
- Enfeebled dawn [translation of: Soleils couchants | Une aube affaiblie]
- Jane, en te baisant tu me dis
- Joanne, as I kissed you you told me [translation of: Jane en te baisant | Jane, en te baisant tu me dis]
- Las ! force m'est qu'en bruslant je me taise
- Alas, I am forced as I burn to be quiet; title: "Alas, I am forced" [translation of: Las ! force m'est | Las ! force m'est qu'en bruslant je me taise]
- Ores que je suis dispos; title: "Ores que je suis dispos"
- Since I'm settled; title: "Since I'm settled" [translation of: Ores que je suis dispos | Ores que je suis dispos]
- Ton nom que mon vers dira; title: "Ton nom que mon vers dira"
- Your name, of which my verse will speak; title: "Your name, of which my verse will speak" [translation of: Ton nom que mon vers dira | Ton nom que mon vers dira]
- Quand j’apperçoy ton beau chef jaunissant; title: "Quand j’apperçoy ton beau chef jaunissant"
- When I see your fair golden hair [translation of: Quand j’apperçoy ton beau chef jaunissant | Quand j’apperçoy ton beau chef jaunissant]
- Si le ciel est ton pays et ton pere
- My little turtledove [translation of: Ma petite colombelle | Ma petite colombelle]
- S'il y a quelque fille en toute une contrée
- If there is any girl in the whole land; title: "If there is any girl in the whole land" [translation of: S'il y a quelque fille en toute la contrée | S'il y a quelque fille en toute une contrée]
- Son chef est d'or, son front est un tableau
- Her hair is golden, her brow a picture; title: "Her hair is golden, her brow a picture" [translation of: Son chef est d'or, son front est un tableau | Son chef est d'or, son front est un tableau]
- Un chaste feu qui en l'ame domine
- A chaste fire which rules in my soul; title: "A chaste fire which rules in my soul" [translation of: Un chaste feu qui en l'ame domine | Un chaste feu qui en l'ame domine]
- Verray-je point le doux jour qui m'apporte
- Shall I never see the sweet day which will bring me; title: "Shall I never see the sweet day" [translation of: Verray-je point le doux jour qui m'apporte | Verray-je point le doux jour qui m'apporte]
- Quel Dieu malin, quel astre, me fit estre
- What malign god, what star made me; title: "What malign god, what star made me" [translation of: Quel dieu malin, quel estre me fit estre | Quel Dieu malin, quel astre, me fit estre]
- Que n'ay-je, Dame, en escrivant la grace
- Why have I not, my Lady, as I write, the divine [translation of: Que n'ay-je dame et la plume et la grace | Que n'ay-je, Dame, en escrivant la grace]
- Si j'estois Jupiter, Sinope, vous seriez
- If I were Jupiter, Sinope, you would be; title: "If I were Jupiter, Sinope, you would be" [translation of: Si j'estois Jupiter Sinope vous seriez | Si j'estois Jupiter, Sinope, vous seriez]
- Quand je vous voy, ou quand je pense en vous; title: "Quand je vous voy ou quand je pense en vous"
- When I see you, or when I think of you; title: "When I see you, or when I think of you" [translation of: Quand je vous voy ou quand je pense en vous | Quand je vous voy, ou quand je pense en vous]
- Marie vous avez la joue aussi vermeille
- Marie, your cheek is the crimson; title: "Marie, your cheek is the crimson" [translation of: Mignonne vous avez la jouë aussi vermeille | Marie vous avez la joue aussi vermeille]
- Mille vrayment, et mille voudroyent bien
- Truly a thousand ladies, and another thousand; title: "Truly a thousand ladies, and another thousand" [translation of: Mille vrayment et mille voudroient bien | Mille vrayment, et mille voudroyent bien]
- Mon fol penser, pour s'en-voler plus haut
- My mad thoughts, to fly higher; title: "My mad thoughts, to fly higher" [translation of: Mon fol penser pour s'envoler plus haut | Mon fol penser, pour s'en-voler plus haut]
- Ores l'effroy et ores l'esperance
- Now fear and now hope; title: "Now fear and now hope" [translation of: Ores l'effroy et ores l'esperance | Ores l'effroy et ores l'esperance]
- Pour estre en vain tes beaux soleils aimant
- For being a lover in vain of your lovely suns eyes; title: "For being a lover in vain" [translation of: Pour estre en vain tes beaux soleils aimant | Pour estre en vain tes beaux soleils aimant]
- Puisse advenir qu'une fois je me vange
- Oh, if only just once I could chance to take revenge; title: "Oh, if only just once" [translation of: Puisse avenir qu'une fois | Puisse advenir qu'une fois je me vange]
- Quand au matin ma Déesse s'habille; title: "Quand au matin ma déesse s'habille"
- When my goddess dresses in the morning; title: "When my goddess dresses in the morning" [translation of: Quand au matin ma déesse s'habille | Quand au matin ma Déesse s'habille]
- Quand au premier la dame que j'adore
- When first the lady I love; title: "When first the lady I love" [translation of: Quand au premier la dame que j'adore | Quand au premier la dame que j'adore]
- Quand ravy je me pais de vostre belle face
- When I am bowed over your beautiful face; title: "When I am bowed over your beautiful face" [translation of: Quand je suis tout baissé sur vostre belle face | Quand je suis tout baissé sur vostre belle face]
- When exalted I nourish myself with your beautiful face; title: "When exalted I nourish myself with your beautiful face" [translation of: Quand ravy je me pais de vostre belle face]
- Amour et Mars sont presque d'une sorte
- Love and Mars are nearly alike; title: "Love and Mars are nearly alike" [translation of: Amour & Mars | Amour et Mars sont presque d'une sorte]
- Ange divin, qui mes playes embâme
- Holy Angel, who heals my wounds; title: "Holy Angel, who heals my wounds" [translation of: Ange divin, qui mes playes embâme | Ange divin, qui mes playes embâme]
- A ton frere Paris tu sembles en beauté; title: "A ton frere Paris tu sembles en beauté"
- You are like your brother Paris in beauty; title: "You are like your brother Paris in beauty" [translation of: A ton frere Paris tu sembles en beauté | A ton frere Paris tu sembles en beauté]
- Celuy qui fit le monde façonné; title: "Celuy qui fit le monde façonné"
- He who made the world formed; title: "He who made the world formed" [translation of: Celuy qui fit le monde façonné | Celuy qui fit le monde façonné]
- Cent et cent fois penser un penser mesme
- Thinking the same thought a hundred times and more; title: "Thinking the same thought a hundred times and more" [translation of: Cent et cent fois penser un penser mesme | Cent et cent fois penser un penser mesme]
- C’est grand cas que d’aimer : si je suis une année
- It's a great thing to love: if I spent a whole year; title: "It's a great thing to love" [translation of: C'est grand cas que d'aimer | C’est grand cas que d’aimer : si je suis une année]
- Contre le Ciel mon cœur estoit rebelle
- Against heaven my heart was in revolt; title: "Against heaven my heart was in revolt" [translation of: Contre le ciel mon cœur estoit rebelle | Contre le Ciel mon cœur estoit rebelle]
- De quelle plante, ou de quelle racine
- With what plant, what root; title: "With what plant, what root" [translation of: De quelle plante ou de quelle racine | De quelle plante, ou de quelle racine]
- D'un abusé je ne seray la fable
- I shall not be the tale of a misused man; title: "I shall not be the tale of a misused man" [translation of: D'un abusé je ne seroy la fable | D'un abusé je ne seray la fable]
- Estre indigent et donner tout le sien
- To be poor yet give everything you own; title: "To be poor yet give everything you own" [translation of: Estre indigent et donner tout le sien | Estre indigent et donner tout le sien]
- Franc de raison, esclave de fureur
- Clear of reason, a slave of madness; title: "Clear of reason, a slave of madness" [translation of: Franc de raison, esclave de fureur]
- Clear of reason, a slave of madness; title: "Clear of reason, a slave of madness" [translation of: Franc de raison, esclave de fureur | Franc de raison, esclave de fureur]
- Je me nourris d'une telle Ambrosie; title: "Je me nourris d'une telle ambrosie"
- I am fed by such ambrosia; title: "I am fed by such ambrosia" [translation of: Je me nourris d'une telle ambrosie | Je me nourris d'une telle Ambrosie]
- Je ne suis point, Muses, accoustumé
- I am not at all accustomed, Muses; title: "I am not at all accustomed" [translation of: Je ne suis point | Je ne suis point, Muses, accoustumé]
- Je voudroy bien richement jaunissant
- I wish that, in the rich yellow; title: "I wish that, in the rich yellow" [translation of: À Cassandre | Je voudroy bien richement jaunissant]
- Las, je ne veux ny me puis déffaire
- Alas I neither wish to nor can escape; title: "Alas I neither wish to nor can escape" [translation of: Las, je ne veux ny ne me puis déffaire | Las, je ne veux ny me puis déffaire]
- Las ! sans la voir à toute heure je voy
- Alas! Without sight of it, at every moment I see; title: "Alas! Without sight of it, at every moment I see" [translation of: Las ! sans la voir à toute heure je voy | Las ! sans la voir à toute heure je voy]
- Le plus toffu d'un solitaire bois
- The thickest foliage of a solitary tree; title: "The thickest foliage of a solitary tree" [translation of: Le plus touffu d'un solitaire bois | Le plus toffu d'un solitaire bois]
- L'homme est vraiment ou de plomb ou de bois
- A man is truly made of lead or wood; title: "A man is truly made of lead or wood" [translation of: L'homme est vrayment ou de plomb ou de bois | L'homme est vraiment ou de plomb ou de bois]
- Lors que mon oeil pour t’oeillader s’amuse
- When my eye amuses itself with eyeing you; title: "When my eye amuses itself with eyeing you" [translation of: Lors que mon œil pour t'œillader s'amuse | Lors que mon oeil pour t’oeillader s’amuse]
- Mes souspirs, mes amis, vous m'estes agréables
- My sighs, my friends, you please me; title: "My sighs, my friends, you please me" [translation of: Mes soupirs mes amis vous m'estes agreables | Mes souspirs, mes amis, vous m'estes agréables]
- Love, you made me see like three great wonders; title: "Love, you made me see like three great wonders" [translation of: Amour tu me fis voir pour trois grandes merveilles | Amour, tu me fis voir pour trois grandes merveilles]
- Amour, tu me fis voir pour trois grandes merveilles
- Je ne suis variable, et si ne veux aprendre; title: "Je ne suis variable, et si ne veux apprendre"
- I am not changeable, and yet don’t wish to learn; title: "I am not changeable, and yet don’t wish to learn" [translation of: Je ne suis variable, et si ne veux apprendre | Je ne suis variable, et si ne veux aprendre]
- Ma plume sinon vous ne sçait autre sujet
- My pen knows no other subject but you; title: "My pen knows no other subject but you" [translation of: Ma plume sinon vous ne sçait autre sujet | Ma plume sinon vous ne sçait autre sujet]
- Puis qu’aujourd’huy, pour me donner confort
- Since today, to give me comfort; title: "Since today, to give me comfort" [translation of: Puis qu’aujourdhuy pour me donner confort | Puis qu’aujourd’huy, pour me donner confort]
- Ton chef est d’or, ton front est un tableau; title: "Ton chef est d’or, ton front est un tableau"
- Your hair is golden, your brow a picture; title: "Your hair is golden, your brow a picture" [translation of: Ton chef est d’or, ton front est un tableau | Ton chef est d’or, ton front est un tableau]
- In loving, he has a sweet life [translation of: En amer a douce vie | En amer a douce vie]
- Lady, from whom comes all my joy [translation of: Dame, de qui toute ma joie vient | Dame, de qui toute ma joie vient]
- Lady, I give to you without taking back [translation of: Dame, a vous sans retollir | Dame, a vous sans retollir]
- Lady, my heart remains in you [translation of: Dame, mon cuer en vous remaint | Dame, mon cuer en vous remaint]
- Love makes me desire; title: "Love makes me desire" [translation of: Amours me fait desirer | Amours me fait desirer]
- Love which has the power; title: "Love which has the power" [translation of: Amours qui a le pouoir | Amours qui a le pouoir]
- Beauty to equal all beauties; title: "Beauty to equal all beauties" [translation of: Biauté qui toutes autres pere | Biauté qui toutes autres pere]
- Certainly, my eye aimed richly and well; title: "Certainly, my eye aimed richly and well" [translation of: Certes, mon oueil richement visa bel | Certes, mon oueil richement visa bel]
- How better could one speak of his ills [translation of: Comment puet on miex ses maus dire | Comment puet on miex ses maus dire]
- Lady, to whom; title: "Lady to whom" [translation of: Dame, à qui | Dame, à qui]
- Lady, I am he who wishes to endure; title: "Lady, I am he who wishes to endure" [translation of: Dame, je sui cils qui vueil endurer | Dame, je sui cils qui vueil endurer]
- My lady, if you are far from me; title: "My lady, if you are far from me" [translation of: Dame, se vous m'estes lointeinne | Dame, se vous m'estes lointeinne]
- Fortune I must both complain of and praise; title: "Fortune I must both complain of and praise" [translation of: De Fortune me doi pleindre et loer | De Fortune me doi pleindre et loer]
- Of all flowers and of all fruits I had none; title: "Of all flowers and of all fruits I had none" [translation of: De toutes flours n'avoit et de tous fruis | De toutes flours n'avoit et de tous fruis]
- God, Beauty, Sweetness, and Nature; title: "God, Beauty, Sweetness, Nature" [translation of: Diex, Biauté, Douceur, Nature | Diex, Biauté, Douceur, Nature]
- Sweet and pretty lady; title: "Sweet and pretty lady" [translation of: Douce dame jolie | Douce dame jolie]
- Sweet lady, as long as I live; title: "Sweet lady, as long as I live" [translation of: Douce dame, tant com vivray | Douce dame, tant com vivray]
- To keep faith; title: "To keep faith" [translation of: Foy porter | Foy porter]
- Ah, noble lady; title: "Ah, noble lady !" [translation of: Hé! dame de valour | Hé! dame de valour]
- I do not believe that to any creature ever; title: "I do not believe that to any creature ever" [translation of: Je ne cuit pas qu'oncques à creature | Je ne cuit pas qu'oncques à creature]
- I can too well compare my Lady; title: "I can too well compare my Lady" [translation of: Je puis trop bien ma dame comparer | Je puis trop bien ma dame comparer]
- I would live happily; title: "I would live happily" [translation of: Je vivroie liement | Je vivroie liement]
- Alas, how shall I forget; title: "Alas, how shall I forget?" [translation of: Lasse! comment oiblieray | Lasse! comment oiblieray]
- I behave happily; title: "I behave happily" [translation of: Liement me deport | Liement me deport]
- My end is my beginning; title: "My end is my beginning" [translation of: Ma fin est mon commencement | Ma fin est mon commencement]
- I shall die if I do not see you; title: "I shall die if I do not see you" [translation of: Mors sui, se je ne vous voy | Mors sui, se je ne vous voy]
- Harder than a diamond; title: "Harder than a diamond" [translation of: Plus dure qu'un dyamant | Plus dure qu'un dyamant]
- If I sigh profoundly; title: "If I sigh profoundly" [translation of: Se je souspir parfondement | Se je souspir parfondement]
- If all that love can give a lover; title: "If all that love can give a lover" [translation of: Se quanque amours puet donner à amy | Se quanque amours puet donner à amy]
- So sweetly do I feel myself imprisoned; title: "So sweetly do I feel myself imprisoned" [translation of: Tant doucement me sens emprisonnés | Tant doucement me sens emprisonnés]
- She is so much more beautiful than Beauty itself; title: "She is so much more beautiful than Beauty itself" [translation of: Trop plus est bele que biauté | Trop plus est bele que biauté]
- All my thoughts; title: "All my thoughts" [translation of: Tuit mi penser | Tuit mi penser]
- My lady keeps a viper in her heart; title: "My lady keeps a viper in her heart" [translation of: Une vipere en cuer ma dame meint | Une vipere en cuer ma dame meint]
- O Christ, who are light and day; title: "O Christ, who are light and day" [translation of: Christe, qui lux es et dies | Christe, qui lux es et dies]
- Motetus; title: "Happy virgin, mother of Christ" [translation of: Felix virgo, mater Christi | Felix virgo, mater Christi]
- You who lead your flock; title: "You who lead your flock" [translation of: Tu qui gregem tuum ducis | Tu qui gregem tuum ducis]
- The little child Love Cupid; title: "Love wounded" [translation of: L'amour blessé | Le petit enfant Amour]
- Mais voyez mon cher esmoy
- Ah see, my dear trouble! [translation of: Mais voyez mon cher esmoy | Mais voyez mon cher esmoy]
- Ma maistresse est toute angelette
- My mistress is all angel [translation of: Ma maistresse est toute angelette | Ma maistresse est toute angelette]
- Oh to be kissed by the kiss of her mouth [translation of: Osculetur me osculo oris sui]
- I am a demi god when seated face to face [translation of: Je suis un demi Dieu | Je suis un Demi-dieu, quand assis vis à vis]
- Je veux aymer ardentement; title: "Je veux aymer ardentement"
- I hope to love ardently [translation of: Je veux aymer ardentement | Je veux aymer ardentement]
- I want to sing in these verses of my sadness [translation of: Chanson | Je veux chanter en ces vers | Je veux chanter en ces vers ma tristesse]
- Jodelle, the other day Cytherea’s child [translation of: Jodelle, l'autre jour, l'enfant de Cytherée]
- Demandes-tu, douce ennemie; title: "Demandes-tu, douce ennemie"
- Do you ask, sweet enemy [translation of: Demandes-tu, douce ennemie | Demandes-tu, douce ennemie]
- Devant les yeux nuit et jour me revient
- Before my eyes night and day bring back to me [translation of: Devant les yeux nuit et jour me revient | Devant les yeux nuit et jour me revient]
- Dites, maitresse, hé que vous ay-je fait !
- Say mistress, eh? what have I done to you? [translation of: Dites maistresse hé que vous ay-je fait ? | Dites, maitresse, hé que vous ay-je fait !]
- Doncques pour trop aymer il faut que je trespasse
- So, from loving too much I must die [translation of: Doncques pour trop aymer il faut que je trespasse | Doncques pour trop aymer il faut que je trespasse]
- Douce beauté qui me tenez le cœur
- Sweet beauty, you who hold my heart [translation of: Douce beauté qui me tenez le cœur | Douce beauté qui me tenez le cœur]
- Douce maîtresse, touche
- Sweet mistress, touch – [translation of: Douce maîtresse, touche | Douce maîtresse, touche]
- Doux fut le trait qu'Amour hors de sa trousse; title: "Doux fut le trait"
- Sweet was the arrow which Love drew from his bag; title: "Sweet was the arrow" [translation of: Doux fut le trait | Doux fut le trait qu'Amour hors de sa trousse]
- D'un gosier masche-laurier
- Shouting with her laurel-chewing throat [translation of: D'un gosier machelaurier | D'un gosier masche-laurier]
- En mon cœur n'est point escrite
- In my heart is engraved [translation of: En mon cœur n’est pointe écrite | En mon cœur n'est point escrite]
- Errant par les champs de la Grâce
- Straying through the fields of Grace [translation of: Ode à Michel de L'Hospital | Errant par les champs de la Grâce]
- He Dieu du Ciel je n’eusse pas pensé
- Oh God of Heaven, I would not have thought [translation of: He Dieu du Ciel je n’eusse pas pensé | He Dieu du Ciel je n’eusse pas pensé]
- Heureuse fut l'estoile fortunée
- Happy was the lucky star [translation of: Heureuse fut l’estoille fortunée | Heureuse fut l'estoile fortunée]
- Je ne veux plus que chanter ma tristesse
- I want no more than to sing of my sadness [translation of: Je ne veux plus que chanter de tristesse | Je ne veux plus que chanter ma tristesse]
- Je sens portraits dedans ma souvenance
- I see portrayed within my memory [translation of: Je sens portraits dedans ma souvenance]
- Je suis Amour, le grand maistre des Dieux
- I am Love, great master of the gods [translation of: Je suis Amour, le grand maistre des Dieux | Je suis Amour, le grand maistre des Dieux]
- Ces liens d'or, ceste bouche vermeille
- These bonds of gold, these crimson lips [translation of: Ces liens d’or, ceste bouche vermeille | Ces liens d'or, ceste bouche vermeille]
- Cet œil besson dont goulu je me pais; title: "Cet œil besson dont goulu je me pais"
- Those twin eyes on which, a glutton, I feast [translation of: Cet œil besson dont goulu je me pais | Cet œil besson dont goulu je me pais]
- Comme l'aigle fond d'enhaut
- As the eagle swoops from on high [translation of: Comme l’aigle fond d’en haut | Comme l'aigle fond d'enhaut]
- As one who takes a cup [translation of: Comme un qui prend une coupe | Comme un qui prend une coupe]
- Heaven does not wish me, Lady, to enjoy [translation of: Le ciel ne veut, Dame, que joüisse | Le ciel ne veut, Dame, que je jouysse]
- Autant qu'on voit aux cieux de flammes
- Just as we see the lights in heaven [translation of: Autant qu’on voit aux cieux de flammes | Autant qu'on voit aux cieux de flammes]
- Beauté dont la douceur pourroit vaincre les Rois; title: "Beauté dont la douceur pourroit vaincre les roys"
- Beauty, whose softness could conquer kings [translation of: Beauté dont la douceur pourroit vaincre les roys | Beauté dont la douceur pourroit vaincre les Rois]
- Bien qu’à grand tort il te plaist d’allumer
- Although, a great wrong, it pleases you to light [translation of: Bien qu’à grand tort il te plaist d’allumer | Bien qu’à grand tort il te plaist d’allumer]
- Qui prestera la parolle; title: "La complainte du désespéré"
- Ce beau corail, ce marbre qui souspire
- That fair coral, that breathing marble [translation of: Ce beau corail, ce marbre qui souspire | Ce beau corail, ce marbre qui souspire]
- Douce beauté à qui je doy la vie
- Sweet beauty to which I owe my life [translation of: Douce beauté à qui je dois la vie | Douce beauté à qui je doy la vie]
- Eh? What are you trying to say? Are you so cruel [translation of: Hé que voulez-vous dire, estes vous si cruelle | Hé que voulez-vous dire ? estes-vous si cruelle]
- I compare to the sun which I adore [translation of: Je parangonne au soleil que j’adore | Je parangonne au soleil que j’adore]
- Je parangonne au soleil que j’adore
- Le Printemps n’a point tant de fleurs
- Spring has not as many flowers [translation of: Le printemps n'a point tant de fleurs | Le Printemps n’a point tant de fleurs]
- Ni les dédains d'une Nymfe si belle; title: "Ni les dédains d'une nimphe si belle"
- Not the disdain of so fair a nymph [translation of: Ni les dédains d'une nimphe si belle | Ni les dédains d'une Nymfe si belle]
- O trais fichés jusqu’au fond de mon ame
- O strokes fixed right in the bottom of my soul [translation of: O trais fichez jusqu'au fond de mon ame | O trais fichés jusqu’au fond de mon ame]
- Franc de raison, esclave de fureur
- Hé que voulez-vous dire ? estes-vous si cruelle
- ¿Por qué entre sombras el ruiseñor; title: "La maja y el ruiseñor"
- Why in the shadows does the nightingale; title: "The girl and the nightingale" [translation of: La maja y el ruiseñor | ¿Por qué entre sombras el ruiseñor]
- You despise nature. Are you so cruel; title: "You despise nature" [translation of: Vous méprisez nature | Vous méprisez nature: êtes-vous si cruelle]
- Marie, baisez-moy ; non, ne me baisez pas
- Marie, kiss me ; no, don't kiss me; title: "Darling, kiss me" [translation of: Mignonne, baisez-moi | Marie, baisez-moy ; non, ne me baisez pas]
- En mon ame n'est ecrite; title: "La Marguerite"
- In my soul is engraved; title: "Daisy" [translation of: La Marguerite | En mon ame n'est ecrite]
- Pour these roses next to the wine [translation of: À la Rose | Versons ces roses près ce vin]
- Take off your beauty, take off your youth [translation of: Sonnet pour Hélène | Ôtez votre beauté, ôtez votre jeunesse]
- Nicolas, let's make good cheer [translation of: À Simon Nicolas, Secretaire du Roy | Nicolas, faisons bonne chère]
- Nicolas, let's make good cheer; title: "To Nicholas" [translation of: À Nicolas | Nicolas, faisons bonne chère]
- What are you saying and doing, pensive dove [translation of: Dialogue de la tourterelle | Que dis tu, que fais tu, pensive tourterelle]
- What are you saying and doing, pensive one [translation of: Que dis tu, que fais tu, pensive | Que dis tu, que fais tu, pensive]
- Whoever wishes to see a god overcoming me; title: "Whoever wishes to see a god overcoming me" [translation of: Qui voudra voir comme un Dieu me surmonte | Qui voudra voir comme un Dieu me surmonte]
- Pour these roses into the wine [translation of: Versons ces roses en ce vin | Versons ces roses en ce vin]
- Hail mother of the Redeemer; title: "Hail mother of the Redeemer" [translation of: Alma Redemptoris Mater | Alma Redemptoris Mater]
- Celeste beneficium introivit in orbem; title: "Celeste beneficium"
- A heavenly gift has entered the world; title: "A heavenly gift" [translation of: Celeste beneficium | Celeste beneficium introivit in orbem]
- Gaude Maria virgo cunctas haereses sola interemisti; title: "Gaude Maria"
- Rejoice, virgin Mary, you alone ended all heresies; title: "Rejoice, Mary" [translation of: Gaude Maria | Gaude Maria virgo cunctas haereses sola interemisti]
- Undefiled mother of God, noble maiden; title: "Undefiled mother of God" [translation of: Intemerata Dei mater | Intemerata Dei mater, generosa puella]
- Permanente vierge, plus digne que nesune; title: "Permanente vierge / Pulchra es / Sancta Dei genetrix"
- Forever virgin, worthier than anyone; title: "Forever virgin / You are beautiful / Holy mother of God" [translation of: Permanente vierge / Pulchra es / Sancta Dei genetrix | Permanente vierge, plus digne que nesune]
- You chatterbox who always comes; title: "You chatterbox who always comes" [translation of: Babillarde, qui toujours viens | Babillarde, qui toujours viens]
- The cold sloth; title: "In spring" [translation of: Du printemps | La froidure paresseuse]
- You kill me so sweetly; title: "You kill me so sweetly" [translation of: Vous me tuez si doucement | Vous me tuez si doucement]
- Like someone lost is a deep forest; title: "Like someone lost" [translation of: Sonnet | Comme un qui s'est perdu dans la forest profonde]
- The inexorable heavens; title: "Sad song" [translation of: Chanson | Félicité passée | Les Cieux inexorables]
- Overcome with sloth and melancholy; title: "The sluggard" [translation of: Le paresseux | Accablé de paresse et de mélancolie]
- In this lonely, dark vale; title: "Solitude" [translation of: La solitude | Corine | Dans ce val solitaire et sombre]
- As you might see in the sky a radiant burst of light; title: "On the death of Diana" [translation of: Sur la mort de Diane | Comme on voit parmi l'air un éclair radieux]
- Orsus, filles, que l'on me donne; title: "Orsus, filles"
- Up, girls, give me; title: "Up, girls!" [translation of: Orsus, filles | Orsus, filles, que l'on me donne]
- Robin par bois et compagnes; title: "Robin par bois et compagnes"
- Robin, through woods and fields; title: "Robin, following through woods and fields" [translation of: Robin par bois et compagnes | Robin par bois et compagnes]
- Cold, dark night; title: "Cold, dark night" [translation of: La nuit froide et sombre | La nuict froide & sombre]
- Calextone, qui fut dame terrouse; title: "Calextone, qui fut dame"
- Callisto who was an earthly lady; title: "Callisto who was a lady" [translation of: Calextone, qui fut dame | Calextone, qui fut dame terrouse]
- Corps feminin, par vertu de Nature; title: "Corps feminin"
- The female body, by Nature's gift; title: "The female body" [translation of: Corps feminin | Corps feminin, par vertu de Nature]
- En l'amoureux vergier vis une flour; title: "En l'amoureux vergier"
- In the lovers' orchard I saw a flower; title: "In the lovers' orchard" [translation of: En l'amoureux vergier | En l'amoureux vergier vis une flour]
- Fumeux fume par fumee; title: "Fumeux fume"
- The smoker smokes, through smoke; title: "The smoker smokes" [translation of: Fumeux fume | Fumeux fume par fumee]
- Helas! Je voy mon cuer a fin venir; title: "Helas! Je voy mon cuer"
- Alas, I see my heart coming to its death; title: "Alas, I see my heart" [translation of: Helas! Je voy mon cuer | Helas! Je voy mon cuer a fin venir]
- Joieux de cuer en seumellant estoye; title: "Joieux de cuer"
- Joyful at heart I was sleeping; title: "Joyful at heart" [translation of: Joieux de cuer | Joieux de cuer en seumellant estoye]
- Le basile de sa propre nature; title: "Le basile"
- The basilisk by his own nature; title: "The basilisk" [translation of: Le basile | Le basile de sa propre nature]
- Pluseurs gens voy qui leur pensee; title: "Pluseurs gens"
- Many people I see who give their thoughts; title: "Many people" [translation of: Pluseurs gens | Pluseurs gens voy qui leur pensee]
- Most noble heart, loving and welcoming; title: "Most noble heart" [translation of: Très gentil cuer | Très gentil cuer amoureux attraians]
- S'aincy estoit que ne feust la noblesce; title: "S'aincy estoit"
- So it would be, that were it not for the nobility; title: "So it would be" [translation of: S'aincy estoit | S'aincy estoit que ne feust la noblesce]
- Adieu vous di, tres doulce compaygnie; title: "Adieu vous di"
- I bid you farewell, sweetest companion; title: "I bid you farewell" [translation of: Adieu vous di | Adieu vous di, tres doulce compaygnie]
- Le mont Aön de Trace, doulz pais; title: "Le mont Aön de Trace"
- Mount Aön in Thrace, a sweet land; title: "Mount Aön in Thrace" [translation of: Le mont Aön de Trace | Le mont Aön de Trace, doulz pais]
- A young girl; title: "The plump lass and the slim lass" [translation of: Gayeté III | Grasselette et maigrelette | Une jeune pucelette]
- You bristling junipers and hollies spined
- When you are old, at evening candle-lit
- Dum vastos Adriae fluctus; title: "Dum vastos Adriae"
- While Iacchus Jacquet wondered at the vast waves of the Adriatic; title: "While the vast waves of the Adriatic" [translation of: Dum vastos Adriae | Dum vastos Adriae fluctus]
- Muses, offspring of thrice-greatest Jupiter; title: "Muses of Jupiter" [translation of: Musae Jovis | Musae Jovis ter maximi]
- O mors inevitabilis; title: "Lamentatio super morte Josquin"
- O inevitable death; title: "Lamentation on the death of Josquin" [translation of: Lamentatio super morte Josquin | O mors inevitabilis]
- O good and sweet Lord Jesus; title: "O good and sweet Lord Jesus" [translation of: O bone et dulcis Domine Jesus]
- O Virgin most wise; title: "O Virgin most wise / Blessed mother" [translation of: O Virgo prudentissima / Beata mater | O Virgo prudentissima]
- O Virgin of virgins; title: "O Virgin of virgins" [translation of: O Virgo virginum | O Virgo virginum]
- You are a refuge of the poor; title: "You are a refuge of the poor" [translation of: Tu pauperum refugium | Tu pauperum refugium]
- Like Phoebus' sister the moon with her light reigns over the stars opposing her; title: "Like Phoebus in her shining" [translation of: Ut Phoebi radiis | Ut Phoebi radiis soror obvia sidera luna]
- Absalon, fili mi; title: "Absalon, fili mi"
- Absalom, my son; title: "Absalom, my son" [translation of: Absalon, fili mi | Absalon, fili mi]
- Absolve quaesumus, Domine, animam famuli tui NN; title: "Absolve quaesumus"
- O Lord, pardon we pray the soul of your servant NN; title: "Pardon, we pray" [translation of: Absolve quaesumus | Absolve quaesumus, Domine, animam famuli tui NN]
- Ave caro Christi cara; title: "Ave caro Christi cara"
- Hail, dear flesh of Christ; title: "Hail, dear flesh of Christ" [translation of: Ave caro Christi cara | Ave caro Christi cara]
- Ave Christe, immolate in crucis ara; title: "Ave Christe immolate"
- Hail O Christ, sacrificed on the altar of the cross; title: "Hail Christ sacrificed" [translation of: Ave Christe immolate | Ave Christe, immolate in crucis ara]
- Ave nobilissima creatura; title: "Ave nobilissima creatura"
- Hail, most noble creation; title: "Hail most noble creation" [translation of: Ave nobilissima creatura | Ave nobilissima creatura]
- Ave vera virginitas; title: "Ave vera virginitas"
- Hail true virginity; title: "Hail true virginity" [translation of: Ave vera virginitas | Ave vera virginitas]
- Benedicta es caelorum regina; title: "Benedicta es caelorum regina"
- Blessed are you, queen of heaven; title: "Blessed are you, queen of heaven" [translation of: Benedicta es caelorum regina | Benedicta es caelorum regina]
- Christus mortuus est pro peccatis nostris; title: "Christus mortuus est "
- Christ died for our sins; title: "Christ died" [translation of: Christus mortuus est | Christus mortuus est pro peccatis nostris]
- Christum ducem qui per crucem; title: "Christum ducem"
- Christ our leader let our joyful assembly praise; title: "Christ our leader" [translation of: Christum ducem | Christum ducem qui per crucem]
- Qui velatus facie fuisti; title: "Qui velatus"
- You whose face was veiled; title: "You who were veiled" [translation of: Qui velatus | Qui velatus facie fuisti]
- Domine, non secundum peccata nostra quae fecimus nos; title: "Domine, non secundum"
- Lord, repay us not according to our sins; title: "Lord, not according" [translation of: Domine, non secundum | Domine, non secundum peccata nostra quae fecimus nos]
- Ecce tu pulchra es, amica mea!; title: "Ecce tu pulchra es"
- See, you are beautiful, my beloved!; title: "See, you are beautiful" [translation of: Ecce tu pulchra es | Ecce tu pulchra es, amica mea!]
- Fama malum qua non aliud velocius ullum; title: "Fama malum"
- Rumour -- no other evil is swifter than her; title: "Rumour, an evil" [translation of: Fama malum | Fama malum qua non aliud velocius ullum]
- Gaude Virgo Mater Christi; title: "Gaude Virgo Mater Christi"
- Rejoice, virgin mother of Christ; title: "Rejoice, virgin mother of Christ" [translation of: Gaude Virgo Mater Christi | Gaude Virgo Mater Christi]
- Homo quidam fecit coenam magnam; title: "Homo quidam fecit coenam magnam"
- A certain man made a great feast; title: "A certain man made a great feast" [translation of: Homo quidam fecit coenam magnam | Homo quidam fecit coenam magnam]
- Illibata Dei virgo nutrix; title: "Illibata Dei Virgo nutrix"
- Unblemished Virgin nurse of God; title: "Unblemished Virgin nurse of God" [translation of: Illibata Dei Virgo nutrix | Illibata Dei virgo nutrix]
- In principio erat Verbum et Verbum erat apud Deum et Deus erat Verbum; title: "In principio erat verbum"
- In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God; title: "In the beginning was the Word" [translation of: In principio erat verbum | In principio erat Verbum et Verbum erat apud Deum et Deus erat Verbum]
- Inter natos mulierum non surrexit maior Ioanne Baptista; title: "Inter natos mulierum"
- Among those born of women there has not arisen one greater than John the Baptist; title: "Among those born of women" [translation of: Inter natos mulierum | Inter natos mulierum non surrexit maior Ioanne Baptista]
- Liber generationis Jesu Christi filii David filii Abraham; title: "Liber generationis Jesu Christi"
- The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham; title: "The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ" [translation of: Liber generationis Jesu Christi | Liber generationis Jesu Christi filii David filii Abraham]
- O admirabile commercium: creator generis humani; title: "O admirabile commercium"
- O wonderful trade: the creator of the human race; title: "O wonderful trade" [translation of: O admirabile commercium | O admirabile commercium: creator generis humani]
- O bone et dulcissime Jesu; title: "O bone et dulcissime Jesu"
- O good and most sweet Jesus; title: "O good and most sweet Jesus" [translation of: O bone et dulcissime Jesu | O bone et dulcissime Jesu]
- O Domine Jesu Christe, adoro te in cruce pendentem; title: "O Domine Jesu Christe"
- O Lord Jesus Christ, I worship you hanging on the cross; title: "O Lord Jesus Christ" [translation of: O Domine Jesu Christe | O Domine Jesu Christe, adoro te in cruce pendentem]
- O Jesu, fili David, miserere mei; title: "O Jesu, fili David"
- O Jesus, son of David, have pity on me; title: "O Jesus, son of David" [translation of: O Jesu, fili David | O Jesu, fili David, miserere mei]
- Pauper sum ego; title: "Pauper sum ego"
- I have been poor; title: "I am poor" [translation of: Pauper sum ego | Pauper sum ego]
- Planxit autem David planctu huiuscemodi; title: "Planxit autem David"
- David then lamented with a lamentation like this; title: "David then lamented" [translation of: Planxit autem David | Planxit autem David planctu huiuscemodi]
- Praeter rerum seriem; title: "Praeter rerum seriem"
- Beyond the natural order of things; title: "Beyond the natural order of things" [translation of: Praeter rerum seriem | Praeter rerum seriem]
- Recordare, virgo mater; title: "Recordare, virgo mater"
- Remember, o virgin mother; title: "Remember, o virgin mother" [translation of: Recordare, virgo mater | Recordare, virgo mater]
- Responsum acceperat Simeon a Spiritu Sancto; title: "Responsum acceperat Simeon"
- Simeon received this reply from the Holy Spirit; title: "Simeon received this reply" [translation of: Responsum acceperat Simeon | Responsum acceperat Simeon a Spiritu Sancto]
- Rubum quem viderat Moyses incombustum; title: "Rubum quem viderat"
- In the bush which Moses saw unburned; title: "The bush which Moses saw" [translation of: Rubum quem viderat | Rubum quem viderat Moyses incombustum]
- Tu lumen, tu splendor patris; title: "Tu lumen, tu splendour patris"
- You the light and the splendour of the Father; title: "You the light and the splendour of the Father" [translation of: Tu lumen, tu splendour patris | Tu lumen, tu splendor patris]
- The Father's Light and Splendour Thou
- Tu solus qui facis mirabilia; title: "Tu solus qui facis mirabilia"
- You only are the one who performs wonders; title: "You only who perform wonders" [translation of: Tu solus qui facis mirabilia | Tu solus qui facis mirabilia]
- Tulerunt Dominum meum, et nescio ubi posuerunt eum; title: "Tulerunt Dominum meum"
- They have taken my Lord, and I do not know where they have put him."; title: "They have taken my Lord" [translation of: Tulerunt Dominum meum | Tulerunt Dominum meum, et nescio ubi posuerunt eum]
- Victimae paschali laudes
- May Christians offer; title: "Praises to the Easter victim" [translation of: Victimae paschali laudes | Victimae paschali laudes]
- Virgo prudentissima, quo progrederis; title: "Virgo prudentissima"
- O most wise virgin, where are you going; title: "O most wise virgin" [translation of: Virgo prudentissima | Virgo prudentissima, quo progrederis]
- Virgo salutiferi; title: "Virgo salutiferi"
- O virgin, unblemished mother; title: "Virgin of salvation" [translation of: Virgo salutiferi | Virgo salutiferi]
- Dear mother of our redeemer; title: "Dear mother of our redeemer" [translation of: Alma Redemptoris Mater | Alma Redemptoris Mater]
- Hail queen of heaven; title: "Hail queen of heaven" [translation of: Ave, Regina coelorum]
- Hail, star of the sea; title: "Hail, star of the sea" [translation of: Ave, maris stella | Ave, maris stella]
- O relics, sweet as long as fate and the god allowed; title: "Sweet relics, as long as fate and the god allow" [translation of: Dulces exuviae | Dulces exuviae, dum fata deusque sinebat]
- Sancta Maria, regina caeli
- Holy Mary, queen of heaven [translation of: Sancta Maria, regina caeli]
- O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful is your name in the whole earth!; title: "Psalm 8" [translation of: Psalmus 8 | Domine, Dominus noster, quam admirabile est nomen tuum in universa terra!]
- A psalm of David, for the commemoration of the Sabbath [translation of: Psalmus 37 (38) | Domine, ne in furore tuo arguas me]
- A praise-song by David himself, on the day before the Sabbath; title: "The Lord has reigned" [translation of: Psalmus 92 | Laus cantici ipsi David, in die ante sabbatum]
- A psalm of David, when his son Absalom was pursuing him [translation of: Psalmus 142 (143) | Domine, exaudi orationem meam]
- A psalm of David [translation of: Psalmus 90 (91) | Qui habitat in adjutorio Altissimi]
- Hail O queen. Mother of mercy; title: "Hail O queen" [translation of: Salve Regina | Salve Regina, Mater misericordiae]
- Come, holy spirit; title: "Come, Holy Spirit" [translation of: Veni, Sancte Spiritus | Veni, Sancte Spiritus]
- Christ, Son of God; title: "Christ, Son of God / I've fallen in love" [translation of: Christe Fili Dei -- J'ay pris amours | Christe Fili Dei]
- Love ordered me to come down here from starry Heaven Olympus; title: "Here from starry heaven / They grieve for him" [translation of: Huc me sydereo/Plangent eum | Huc me sydereo descendere jussit Olimpo]
- Undefiled, unblemished and pure are you, Mary; title: "Undefiled" [translation of: Inviolata | Inviolata, integra, et casta es Maria]
- David was grieving for Absalom; title: "David was grieving for Absalom" [translation of: Lugebat David Absalon | Lugebat David Absalon]
- S'elle m'amera je ne scay
- If she will love me [translation of: S'elle m'amera je ne scay]
- Tant fuz gentement resjouy; title: "Tant fuz gentement resjouy"
- I have been made so pleasantly happy; title: "I have been made so pleasantly happy" [translation of: Tant fuz gentement resjouy | Tant fuz gentement resjouy]
- Ung aultre l'a n'en queres plus; title: "Ung aultre l'a"
- It belongs to another, I shall seek it no more; title: "It belongs to another" [translation of: Ung aultre l'a | Ung aultre l'a n'en queres plus]
- Save only the expectation that I'll die; title: "Save only the expectation that I'll die" [translation of: Fors seulement | Fors seulement l'actente que je meure]
- Aultre Venus estes sans faille; title: "Aultre Venus estes"
- A second Venus you are, faultless; title: "A second Venus you are" [translation of: Aultre Venus estes | Aultre Venus estes sans faille]
- Au travail suis que peu de gens croiroient; title: "Au travail suis"
- I am struggling, though few would believe it; title: "I am struggling" [translation of: Au travail suis | Au travail suis que peu de gens croiroient]
- My heart would humiliate itself to love another; title: "To love another" [translation of: D'un autre amer | D'un autre amer mon cuer s'abesseroit]
- Ce n'est pas jeu desloignmer ce qu'on ame; title: "Ce n'est pas jeu "
- It is no game to be away from her you love; title: "It is no game" [translation of: Ce n'est pas jeu | Ce n'est pas jeu desloignmer ce qu'on ame]
- Fors seulement contre ce qu'ay promis; title: "Fors seulement"
- Perhaps I shall only be caught between many choices; title: "Perhaps only" [translation of: Fors seulement | Fors seulement contre ce qu'ay promis]
- Il ne m'en chault plus de nul ame; title: "Il ne m'en chault"
- I do not care any more for any soul; title: "I do not care" [translation of: Il ne m'en chault | Il ne m'en chault plus de nul ame]
- Je n'ay dueil que je ne suis morte; title: "Je n'ay dueil"
- I am not grieved, except because I am not dead; title: "I am not grieved" [translation of: Je n'ay dueil | Je n'ay dueil que je ne suis morte]
- La despourveue et la bannye; title: "La despourveue"
- I'm bereft and banished; title: "I'm bereft" [translation of: La despourveue | La despourveue et la bannye]
- L'autre d'antan l'autrier passa; title: "L'autre d'antan"
- My other lover from long ago passed me the other day; title: "My other lover from long ago" [translation of: L'autre d'antan | L'autre d'antan l'autrier passa]
- Les desleaux ont la saison; title: "Les desleaux"
- Disloyalty is in season; title: "Disloyalty" [translation of: Les desleaux | Les desleaux ont la saison]
- Ma bouche rit et ma pensee pleure; title: "Ma bouche rit"
- My lips are smiling but my thoughts are crying; title: "My lips are smiling" [translation of: Ma bouche rit | Ma bouche rit et ma pensee pleure]
- Ma maistresse et ma plus grant amye; title: "Ma maistresse"
- My mistress and my greatest love; title: "My mistress" [translation of: Ma maistresse | Ma maistresse et ma plus grant amye]
- Mort tu as navre de ton dart; title: "Mort tu as navre"
- Death, you have wounded with your dart; title: "Death, you have wounded" [translation of: Mort tu as navre | Mort tu as navre de ton dart]
- O rosa bella o dolce anima mia; title: "O rosa bella"
- O beautiful rose, o sweet heart of mine; title: "O beautiful rose" [translation of: O rosa bella | O rosa bella o dolce anima mia]
- Prenez sur moi vostre exemple amoureux; title: "Prenez sur moi"
- Take from me your example of a lover; title: "Take from me" [translation of: Prenez sur moi | Prenez sur moi vostre exemple amoureux]
- Presque trainsi ung peu moins qu'estre mort; title: "Presque trainsi"
- Almost gone, a bit less than being dead; title: "Almost gone" [translation of: Presque trainsi | Presque trainsi ung peu moins qu'estre mort]
- Quant ce viendra au droit destraindre; title: "Quant ce viendra"
- When it comes to main force; title: "When it comes" [translation of: Quant ce viendra | Quant ce viendra au droit destraindre]
- Quant de vous seul je pers la veue; title: "Quant de vous seul"
- When I simply lose sight of you; title: "When I simply lose sight of you" [translation of: Quant de vous seul | Quant de vous seul je pers la veue]
- Qu'es mi vida preguntays; title: "Qu'es mi vida preguntays"
- What is my life, you ask?; title: "What is my life, you ask?" [translation of: Qu'es mi vida preguntays | Qu'es mi vida preguntays]
- Resjois toy terre de France; title: "Resjois toy -- Rex pacificus"
- Rejoice, land of France; title: "Rejoice -- The King of Peace" [translation of: Resjois toy -- Rex pacificus | Resjois toy terre de France]
- Ô ma belle maistresse ! à tous les moins prenez
- Ô ma belle maistresse à tout le moins prenez; title: "Ô ma belle maistresse"
- O my fair mistress, whatever you do take; title: "O my fair mistress" [translation of: Ô ma belle maistresse | Ô ma belle maistresse à tout le moins prenez]
- O my fair mistress, whatever you do take; title: "O my fair mistress" [translation of: Ô ma belle maistresse | Ô ma belle maistresse ! à tous les moins prenez]
- Frolicsome little Nymph; title: "Frolicsome little Nymph" [translation of: Amourette | Petite Nymfe folatre | Petite Nymfe folatre]
- Quiconques ait mon livre pris; title: "Contre un qui luy desroba son Horace"
- Whoever took my book; title: "Against one who stole his Horace" [translation of: Contre un qui luy desroba son Horace | Quiconques ait mon livre pris]
- When you are good and old, in the evening by candlelight [translation of: Quand vous serez bien vieille | Quand vous serez bien vieille, au soir à la chandelle]
- What are you saying? What are you doing, my darling?; title: "What are you saying? What are you doing, my darling?" [translation of: Que dites-vous, que faites-vous, mignonne | Que dites-vous, que faites-vous, mignonne?]
- Ronsard lies here, who, bold from childhood; title: "Ronsard lies here, bold from childhood" [translation of: Le tombeau de Ronsard, composé par lui-même | Ronsard repose ici, qui, hardi des l'enfance]
- If I die in your arms, Madame; title: "If I die in your arms, Madame" [translation of: Si je trépasse entre tes bras, Madame | Si je trépasse entre tes bras, Madame]
- If I embrace a thousand pinks or a thousand lilies; title: "If a thousand pinks" [translation of: Si mille oeillets, si mille liz j'embrasse | Si mille oeillets, si mille liz j'embrasse]
- If too often when desire is pressing; title: "If too often" [translation of: Si trop souvent | Si trop souvent quand le désir me presse]
- Earth, open your breast for me, and let me take back; title: "Earth, open for me" [translation of: Terre, ouvre moi | Terre, ouvre moy ton sein, et me laisse reprendre]
- Everything displeases me, but nothing is as bad; title: "Everything displeases me" [translation of: Tout me déplait | Tout me déplait, mais rien ne m'est si gref]
- A child in a bush; title: "Love as a bird" [translation of: L'amour oyseau | Un enfant dedans un bocage]
- A gloomy fog, spread along the horizon; title: "A gloomy fog" [translation of: Un voile obscur | Un voile obscur par l'horizon épars]
- Here is the wood which my holy angel; title: "Here is the wood" [translation of: Voicy le bois | Voici le bois que ma sainte Angelette]
- You are the scent of your own bouquet; title: "The bouquet" [translation of: Vous êtes le bouquet de votre bouquet même | Vous estes le bouquet de vostre bouquet mesme]
- You don't want to? Well, I'm content; title: "You don't want to?" [translation of: Vous ne le voulez pas ? | Vous ne le voulez pas? et bien, j'en suis contant]
- Since you are whiter than the lily; title: "Since you are whiter than the lily" [translation of: Vu que tu es plus blanche | Vu que tu es plus blanche que le lis]
- Oh the long nights of winter, executioners of my life!; title: "Oh the long nights of winter" [translation of: Ah longues nuicts d'hyver | Ah longues nuicts d'hyver, de ma vie bourrelles]
- When we are in the temple church; title: "When we are in the temple" [translation of: Stances | Quand au temple nous serons]
- This water comes from my eye, which adores; title: "This water comes from my eye" [translation of: Cest humeur vient de mon œil | Cet' humeur vient de mon oeil, qui adore]
- Change to gold that colour which gilds; title: "To Venus" [translation of: À Venus | Rendez à l'or cete couleur, qui dore]
- Already Night is assembling in her pen; title: "Already night is assembling in her pen" [translation of: Déjà la nuit en son parc amassait | Déjà la nuit en son parc amassait]
- I consider equal to the sun which I adore; title: "I consider equal to the sun which I adore" [translation of: Pareil j'egalle au soleil que j'adore | Pareil j'egalle au soleil que j'adore]
- The more you realise that I burn for you; title: "Song of Ronsard" [translation of: Plus tu connais que je brûle pour toi | Plus tu connais que je brûle pour toi]
- Many a lover, stripped of his mortal body; title: "Many, stripped of their mortal bodies" [translation of: Plusieurs de leurs corps dénués | Plusieurs de leurs corps dénués]
- To drink upon the tender grass; title: "To drink upon the tender grass" [translation of: Épicurienne | Pour boire dessus l'herbe tendre]
- Because you know very well that I love you too well; title: "Because you know very well" [translation of: Pour-ce que tu sçay bien | Pour-ce que tu sçais bien que je t'aime trop mieus]
- Why turn away your eyes; title: "Why turn away your eyes" [translation of: Pourquoy tournez vous vos yeux | Pourquoy tournez vous vos yeux]
- Take this rose, lovely as yourself; title: "Take this rose" [translation of: Prends cette rose | Prends cette rose aimable comme toi]
- When I see the fair Springtime; title: "When I see the fair Springtime" [translation of: Chanson | Quand ce beau Printemps je vois]
- When from your lips, half-closed; title: "When from your lips" [translation of: Quand de ta lèvre | Quand de ta lèvre à demi close]
- Oh, when while dreaming I stick to my folly; title: "Oh, when while dreaming I stick to my folly" [translation of: Quand en songeant ma folastre j'acole | Quand en songeant ma folâtre j'acolle]
- When I sleep I feel nothing; title: "When I sleep I feel nothing" [translation of: Quand je dors je ne sens rien | Quand je dors je ne sens rien]
- When I think of that day, when near a fountain; title: "When I think of that day" [translation of: Quand je pense à ce jour | Quand je pense à ce jour, où pres d'une fonteine]
- When I see you, my kind mistress; title: "When I see you, my kind mistress" [translation of: Quand je vous voy, ma gentille maitresse | Quand je vous voy, ma gentille maitresse]
- When I see so many colours; title: "Portrait of a girl" [translation of: Le portrait d'une enfant | Quand je voy tant de couleurs]
- When I see so many colours; title: "Portrait of a girl" [translation of: Le portrait d'une enfant | Quand je voy tant de couleurs]
- When my mistress was born into the world; title: "When my mistress was born into the world" [translation of: Quand ma maitresse au monde print naissance | Quand ma maitresse au monde print naissance]
- When you turn your burning eyes; title: "When you turn your burning eyes" [translation of: Quand tu tournes tes yeus ardens | Quand tu tournes tes yeus ardens]
- Page suy moy: par l'herbe plus espesse; title: "Page, suis-moi"
- Page, follow me through the thickest grass; title: "Page, follow me" [translation of: Page, suis-moi | Page suy moy: par l'herbe plus espesse]
- Qui voudra voir dedans une jeunesse; title: "Qui voudra voir dedans une jeunesse"
- Whoever would like to see within one young lady; title: "Whoever would like to see within one young lady" [translation of: Qui voudra voir dedans une jeunesse | Qui voudra voir dedans une jeunesse]
- Tes yeux divins me promettent le don
- Your divine eyes promise me the gift; title: "Your divine eyes" [translation of: Tes yeux divins | Tes yeux divins me promettent le don]
- Corydon, verse sans fin
- Corydon, pour wine unendingly; title: "Pour unendingly" [translation of: Verse sans fin | Corydon | Corydon, verse sans fin]
- Je suis plus aise en mon cœur que les Dieux; title: "Je suis plus aisé que les Dieux"
- Las ! je n'eusse jamais pensé
- Mais de quoy sert le desirer; title: "Mais de quoy sert le désirer"
- I am more at ease in my heart than the Gods; title: "I am more at ease than the Gods" [translation of: Je suis plus aisé que les Dieux | Je suis plus aise en mon cœur que les Dieux]
- Alas, I would never have thought; title: "Alas, I would never have thought" [translation of: Las ! je n'eusse jamais pensé | Las ! je n'eusse jamais pensé]
- What use is desire; title: "What use is desire" [translation of: Mais de quoy sert le désirer | Mais de quoy sert le desirer]
- My little turtledove; title: "To his mistress" [translation of: À sa maîtresse | Ma petite colombelle]
- Ma petite colombelle
- My little turtledove; title: "My little turtledove" [translation of: Ma petite colombelle (Ode à Cassandre) | Ma petite colombelle]
- Kiss me, my sweetheart; title: "Kiss me, my sweetheart" [translation of: Baisé moy, ma doulce amye | Baisez-moi, ma doulce amie]
- O, pining heart which does nothing but think; title: "O, pining heart" [translation of: Cueur langoreulx | Cueur langoreulx qui ne fais que penser]
- Full of all good things is my mistress; title: "Full of all good things" [translation of: De tous biens plaine | De tous biens plaine est ma maistresse]
- Sadness strikes me and sadness maddens me; title: "Sadness strikes me" [translation of: Douleur me bat | Douleur me bat et tristesse m'afolle]
- In the shade of a bush; title: "In the shade of a bush" [translation of: En l'ombre d'un buissonnet | En l'ombre d'un buissonnet]
- From not knowing what he must do; title: "From not knowing" [translation of: En non saichant | En non saichant ce qu'il luy fault]
- Lack of money is unparalleled grief; title: "Lack of money" [translation of: Faute d'argent | Faute d'argent, c'est douleur nompareille]
- I have good reason to lament; title: "I have good reason to lament" [translation of: J'ay bien cause de lamenter | J'ay bien cause de lamenter]
- I am weeping for my lover; title: "I am weeping" [translation of: Je me complains | Je me complains de mon amy]
- A thousand regrets at leaving you; title: "A thousand regrets at leaving you" [translation of: Mille Regres | Mille regretz de vous habandonner]
- Deep regrets and lamentable joy; title: "Deep regrets" [translation of: Parfons regretz | Parfons regretz et lamentable joye]
- Little snub-nose, you have put me to death; title: "Little snub-nose" [translation of: Petite camusette | Petite camusette, à la mort m'avez mis]
- Full of grief and melancholy; title: "Full of grief" [translation of: Plaine de dueil | Plaine de dueil et de mélancolye]
- You are no longer my mistress; title: "You are no longer my mistress" [translation of: Plus n'estes ma maistresse | Plus n'estes ma maistresse]
- Some of the regrets which there are in the world; title: "Some of the regrets" [translation of: Plusieurs regretz | Plusieurs regretz qui sur la terre sont]
- Scaramella goes to war with his lance and round shield; title: "Scaramella" [translation of: Scaramella | Scaramella va alla guerra colla lancia et la rotella]
- If I take a holiday from my love making; title: "If I take a holiday" [translation of: Se congié prens | Si congié prens de mes belles amours]
- Hold me in your arms; title: "Hold me in your arms" [translation of: Tenez moy en voz bras | Tenez moy en voz bras]
- You shall have it, if you want it, my lady; title: "You shall have it, if you want it" [translation of: Vous l'arez, s'il vous plaist | Vous l'arez, s'il vous plaist, ma dame]
- Little shepherdess of Savoy; title: "Little shepherdess of Savoy" [translation of: Bergerette savoyenne | « Bergerette Savoyenne]
- Cela sans plus, et puis ola!; title: "Cela sans plus"
- « Bergerette Savoyenne; title: "Bergerette savoyenne"
- That and no more, and then -- ciao!; title: "That and no more!" [translation of: Cela sans plus | Cela sans plus, et puis ola!]
- Comment peult avoir joye; title: "Comment peult haver joye"
- How can anyone feel joy; title: "How can you feel joy" [translation of: Comment peult haver joye | Comment peult avoir joye]
- En l'ombre d'ung buissonet; title: "En l'ombre d'un buissonet"
- In the shade of a bush; title: "In the shade of a bush" [translation of: En l'ombre d'un buissonet | En l'ombre d'ung buissonet]
- Entré je suis en grant pensée; title: "Entré je suis en grant pensée"
- I have begun a great plan; title: "I have begun a great plan" [translation of: Entré je suis en grant pensée | Entré je suis en grant pensée]
- Unceasingly I am given over to torment; title: "Unceasingly" [translation of: Incessament livré suis à martire | Incessament livré suis à martire]
- Incessament livré suis à martire; title: "Incessament livré suis à martire"
- Je ne me puis tenir d'aimer; title: "Je ne me puis tenir d'aimer"
- I cannot keep myself from loving; title: "I cannot keep myself from loving" [translation of: Je ne me puis tenir d'aimer | Je ne me puis tenir d'aimer]
- La plus des plus, seulle sans per; title: "La plus de plus"
- The best of the best, alone without peer; title: "The best of the best" [translation of: La plus de plus | La plus des plus, seulle sans per]
- Ma bouche rit et ma pensée pleure; title: "Ma bouche rit"
- My mouth laughs and my thoughts cry; title: "My mouth laughs" [translation of: Ma bouche rit | Ma bouche rit et ma pensée pleure]
- Nesse pas ung grant desplaisir; title: "N'esse pas ung grant desplaisir"
- Isn't it a great displeasure; title: "Isn't it a great displeasure?" [translation of: N'esse pas ung grant desplaisir | Nesse pas ung grant desplaisir]
- Que vous madame je le jure; title: "Que vous madame"
- My lady, I swear this to you; title: "I swear to you, my lady" [translation of: Que vous madame | Que vous madame je le jure]
- Qui belles amours a; title: "Qui belles amours a"
- He who has fair loves; title: "He who has fair loves" [translation of: Qui belles amours a | Qui belles amours a]
- Si j'avoye Marion, helas; title: "Si j'avoye Marion"
- If I had Marion, alas; title: "If I had Marion" [translation of: Si j'avoye Marion | Si j'avoye Marion, helas]
- You shall not, if I can stop you, have; title: "You shall not have it" [translation of: Vous ne l'arez pas | Vous ne l'arez pas si je puis]
- Vous ne l'arez pas si je puis; title: "Vous ne l'arez pas"
- L'homme, l'homme armé; title: "L'homme, l'homme armé"
- The man, the armed man; title: "The man, the armed man" [translation of: L'homme, l'homme armé | L'homme, l'homme armé]
- Memento homo quod cinis es; title: "Memento homo"
- Remember, o man, that you are dust; title: "Remember, o man" [translation of: Memento homo | Memento homo quod cinis es]
- Siderum rector, Deus alme, nostris; title: "Siderum rector"
- We pray to you, before the end of day; title: "We pray to you, before the end of day" [translation of: Te lucis ante terminum | Te lucis ante terminum]
- To thee before the close of day
- Candidi facti sunt Nazarei eius; title: "Candidi facti sunt"
- They were made shining-white, his Nazarenes; title: "They were made shining-white" [translation of: Candidi facti sunt | Candidi facti sunt Nazarei eius]
- Da mihi auxilium de tribulatione; title: "Da mihi auxilium"
- Domine secundum actum meum noli me iudicare; title: "Domine secundum actum meum"
- Lord in accordance with my deeds do not judge me; title: "Lord in accordance with my deeds" [translation of: Domine secundum actum meum | Domine secundum actum meum noli me iudicare]
- Diliges Dominum Deum tuum ex toto corde tuo; title: "Diliges Dominum"
- In ieunio et fletu orabant sacerdotes; title: "In ieunio et fletu"
- In fasting and weeping the priests prayed; title: "In fasting and weeping" [translation of: In ieunio et fletu | In ieunio et fletu orabant sacerdotes]
- You shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart; title: "You shall love the Lord" [translation of: Diliges Dominum | Diliges Dominum Deum tuum ex toto corde tuo]
- Suscipe quaeso Domine vocem confitentis; title: "Suscipe quaeso Domine"
- Accept I pray, o Lord, the voice of one confessing; title: "Accept I pray, o Lord" [translation of: Suscipe quaeso Domine | Suscipe quaeso Domine vocem confitentis]
- Si enim iniquitates recordaberis, quis sustineat?; title: "Si enim iniquitates"
- If indeed you will record our sins, who could bear it?; title: "If indeed you will record our sins" [translation of: Si enim iniquitates | Si enim iniquitates recordaberis, quis sustineat?]
- Miserere mihi, Domine; title: "Miserere mihi Domine"
- Have pity on me, Lord; title: "Have pity on me, Lord" [translation of: Miserere mihi Domine | Miserere mihi, Domine]
- Tribue, Domine, ut donec; title: "Tribue, Domine"
- Grant, o Lord, that while I am placed; title: "Grant, o Lord" [translation of: Tribue, Domine | Tribue, Domine, ut donec]
- Te deprecor, supplico et rogo, auge fidem; title: "Te deprecor"
- I pray, beg and ask you, increase my faith; title: "I pray" [translation of: Te deprecor | Te deprecor, supplico et rogo, auge fidem]
- Gloria Patri, qui creavit nos; title: "Gloria Patri, qui creavit"
- Glory to the Father who created us; title: "Glory to the Father who created us" [translation of: Gloria Patri, qui creavit | Gloria Patri, qui creavit nos]
- Deliver me, Lord; title: "Deliver me, Lord, from death" [translation of: Libera me | Libera me, Domine]
- Miserere nostri, Domine; title: "Miserere nostri, Domine"
- Have pity on us, o Lord; title: "Have pity on us" [translation of: Miserere nostri, Domine | Miserere nostri, Domine]
- Salvator mundi, salva nos; title: "Salvator mundi"
- Saviour of the world, save us; title: "Saviour of the world" [translation of: Salvator mundi | Salvator mundi, salva nos]
- Absterge Domine delicta mea; title: "Absterge Domine"
- Wipe away o Lord my sins; title: "Wipe away o Lord" [translation of: Absterge Domine | Absterge Domine delicta mea]
- In manus tuas, Domine; title: "In manus tuas"
- Into your hands, o Lord; title: "Into your hands" [translation of: In manus tuas | In manus tuas, Domine]
- Emendemus in melius; title: "Emendemus in melius"
- Let us change for the better those sins; title: "Let us change for the better" [translation of: Emendemus in melius | Emendemus in melius]
- Libera me, Domine, et pone me iuxta te; title: "Libera me, Domine, et pone"
- Deliver me, Lord, and place me next to you; title: "Deliver me Lord and place me" [translation of: Libera me, Domine, et pone | Libera me, Domine, et pone me iuxta te]
- As I was sinning daily; title: "As I was sinning daily" [translation of: Peccantem me quotidie | Peccantem me quotidie]
- O light born of light; title: "O light born of light" [translation of: O nata lux | O nata lux de lumine]
- Aspice, Domine, quia facta est desolata; title: "Aspice Domine quia facta est"
- Behold, O Lord, how the city full of riches; title: "Behold, O Lord" [translation of: Aspice Domine quia facta est | Aspice, Domine, quia facta est desolata]
- Attolite portas, principes, vestras et elavamini; title: "Attolite portas"
- Lift up your gates, princes, and be lifted up, eternal gates; title: "Lift up your gates" [translation of: Attolite portas | Attolite portas, principes, vestras et elavamini]
- O blessed light and Trinity; title: "O blessed light and Trinity" [translation of: O lux beata Trinitas | O lux beata Trinitas]
- Derelinquat impius viam suam; title: "Derelinquant impius"
- Let the wicked man give up his path; title: "Let the wicked man give up" [translation of: Derelinquant impius | Derelinquat impius viam suam]
- Dum transisset Sabbatum; title: "Dum transisset sabbatum"
- When the Sabbath had passed; title: "When the Sabbath had passed" [translation of: Dum transisset sabbatum | Dum transisset Sabbatum]
- Honor virtus et potestas et imperium; title: "Honor virtus et potestas"
- May honour, virtue and power and rule; title: "Honour, virtue and power" [translation of: Honor virtus et potestas | Honor virtus et potestas et imperium]
- Sermone blando angelus; title: "Sermone blando"
- With sweet speech the angel; title: "With sweet speech" [translation of: Sermone blando | Sermone blando angelus]
- Glorious apostle, chosen by God; title: "Glorious apostle, chosen by God" [translation of: Apostolo glorioso, da Dio electo | Apostolo glorioso, da Dio electo]
- Hail queen of heaven; title: "Hail queen of heaven" [translation of: Ave regina coelorum | Ave regina coelorum]
- Balsam and clear wax; title: "Balsam and clear wax" [translation of: Balsamus et munda cera | Balsamus et munda cera]
- Rome, seat of the church militant; title: "The church militant" [translation of: Ecclesie militantis | Ecclesie militantis]
- Radiant splendour of God's church; title: "Radiant splendour of God's church" [translation of: Fulgens iubar ecclesiae dei | Fulgens iubar ecclesiae dei]
- Here the happy; title: "Here the happy world obtains" [translation of: Hic iocundus sumit mundus | Hic iocundus]
- Generously your great families accept praise, my Berne; title: "Generously your great families accept praise" [translation of: Magnanime gentes laudes | Magnanime gentes laudes patiare, mi Berna]
- By way of life and by family joined; title: "By way of life and by family" [translation of: Moribus et genere | Moribus et genere Christo]
- Lately rose flowers; title: "Lately rose flowers" [translation of: Nuper rosarum flores | Nuper rosarum flores]
- O jewel, light and mirror; title: "O jewel, light and mirror" [translation of: O gemma, lux et speculum | O gemma, lux et speculum]
- O Saint Sebastian; title: "O Saint Sebastian" [translation of: O sancte Sebastiane | O sancte Sebastiane]
- According to custom, let us sing to St James the Greater; title: "According to custom, let us sing to St James the Greater" [translation of: Rite majorem Jacobus canamus | Rite majorem Jacobus canamus]
- Hail flower of the Tuscan race, Florence, hail [translation of: Salve flos Tusce gentis | Salve flos Tusce gentis, Florentia, salve]
- The supreme good for mortal men is; title: "The supreme good for mortal men" [translation of: Supremum est mortalibus bonum | Supremum est mortalibus bonum]
- You are a royal surety, so rejoice; title: "You are a royal surety, so rejoice" [translation of: Vasilissa, ergo gaude | Vasilissa, ergo gaude]
- The King's standards advance; title: "The King's standards advance" [translation of: Vexilla regis | Vexilla Regis prodeunt]
- Exultet celum laudibus; title: "Exultet celum laudibus"
- Let heaven exult with praises; title: "Let heaven exult with praises" [translation of: Exultet celum laudibus | Exultet celum laudibus]
- Inclita stella maris; title: "Inclita stella maris"
- Famed star of the sea; title: "Famed star of the sea" [translation of: Inclita stella maris | Inclita stella maris]
- Mirandas parit hec urbs florentina puellas; title: "Mirandas parit"
- Wonderful girls to whom this city of Florence gives birth!; title: "Wonderful girls" [translation of: Mirandas parit | Mirandas parit hec urbs florentina puellas]
- Alas, I weep with thousand upon thousand upon thousand; title: "Alas, I weep with thousand upon thousand sighs" [translation of: Las, je me plain de mille et mille et mille | Las, je me plain de mille et mille et mille]
- Alas, hopeless I pine in great wrong; title: "Alas, hopeless I pine in great wrong" [translation of: Las ! sans espoir je languis | Las ! sans espoir je languis à grand tort]
- Alas, you who are my perfection; title: "Alas, you who are my perfection" [translation of: Las, toi qui es de moi | Las, toi qui es de moi la quintessence]
- The little child Love Cupid; title: "Love wounded" [translation of: L'Amour piqué par une abeille | Le petit enfant Amour]
- On the first day of May, my lady; title: "On the first day of May" [translation of: Le premier jour du mois de mai | Le premier jour du mois de mai, ma dame]
- Love does not enjoy so many tears; title: "Dedication, by Pierre de Ronsard" [translation of: Dédicace de Pierre de Ronsard | Les amours n'aiment tant les pleurs]
- When Bacchus possesses me; title: "When Bacchus possesses me" [translation of: Lorsque Bacchus entre chez moi | Lors que Bacchus entre chez moy]
- My sweet youth has gone; title: "My sweet youth has gone" [translation of: Ma douce jouvence est passée | Ma douce jouvence est passée]
- Marie, anyone who tried mixing up your lovely name; title: "Marie, anyone who tried mixing up your lovely name" [translation of: Marie qui voudrait votre nom retourner | Marie, qui voudroit vostre beau nom tourner]
- My darling, get up, you are being lazy; title: "My darling, get up, you are being lazy" [translation of: Aubade | Mignonne, levés-vous, vous estes paresseuse]
- My God, my God, my mistress is so beautiful!; title: "My God, my mistress is so beautiful!" [translation of: Mon dieu, mon dieu, que ma maistresse est belle!]
- My sad heart is in torment [translation of: Mon triste cœur | Mon triste cœur est en tourment]
- Las ! Pleust à Dieu n'avoir jamais tasté
- Alas, would to God I'd never nibbled; title: "Alas, would to God I'd never nibbled" [translation of: Las ! pleut à Dieu | Las ! Pleust à Dieu n'avoir jamais tasté]
- Would to God I'd never nibbled; title: "Would to God I'd never nibbled" [translation of: Plût-il à Dieu n'avoir jamais tâté | Plût-il à Dieu n'avoir jamais tâté]
- Not the curly treasure of her head; title: "Not the curly treasure of her head" [translation of: Ni de son chef le tresor crépelu]
- Night or day, I just dream; title: "Night or day" [translation of: Ni nuit ne jour | Ni nuit ne jour, je ne fais que songer]
- We do not hold in our hands; title: "We do not hold in our hands" [translation of: Nous ne tenons en nostre main | Nous ne tenons en notre main]
- O fountain Bellerie [translation of: Ode | Ô Fontaine Bellerie]
- O earth, o sea, o wide heavens; title: "Epipalinode" [translation of: Épipalinodie | O terre, ô mer, ô ciel épars]
- Eye, which with your glance wipes away my tears; title: "Eye, which with your glance wipes away my tears" [translation of: Œil qui mes pleurs de tes rayons essuye | Oeil, qui mes pleurs de tes rayons essuye']
- In the serenity of her twin flashing eyes; title: "In the serenity of her twin flashing eyes" [translation of: Dans le serein de sa jumelle flamme | Dans le serein de sa jumelle flamme]
- Within this wood there is no wild beast; title: "Within this wood" [translation of: Dedans ce bois | Dedans ce bois n'y a bête sauvage]
- Sweet was the arrow which Love drew from his bag; title: "Sweet was the arrow which Love drew from his bag" [translation of: Sonnet de Ronsard | Doux fut le trait qu'Amour hors de sa trousse]
- I don't care about the Grand Turk; title: "I don't care about the Grand Turk" [translation of: L'insouciant | Du grand Turc je n'ai souci]
- Bristling junipers and you prickly holly; title: "Bristling junipers" [translation of: Genièvres hérissés | Genièvres hérissés, et vous, houx épineux]
- Ah, fair welcome, how treacherously your sweet word; title: "Ah, fair welcome" [translation of: Ha, bel accueil | Ha, bel accueil, que ta douce parole]
- Oh Lord God, how many graces blossoming; title: "Oh Lord God, how many graces blossoming" [translation of: Ha seigneur Dieu, que de graces écloses | Ha, seigneur dieu, que de graces écloses]
- O fortunate worry, I can in you alone; title: "O fortunate worry" [translation of: Heureux ennui | Heureux ennui en toi seul je puis]
- I compare with your young beauty; title: "I compare with your young beauty" [translation of: Je parangonne à ta jeune beauté | Je parangonne à ta jeune beauté]
- I avoid the paths well-trodden by the wicked generality; title: "I avoid the paths well-trodden" [translation of: Je fuis les pas frayés | Je fuy les pas frayez du meschant populaire]
- I lament with no comfort; title: "I lament" [translation of: Stances | Je me lamente | Je lamente sans réconfort]
- I die, Paschal, when I see her looking so lovely; title: "I die, Paschal, when I see her looking so lovely" [translation of: Je meurs, helas, quand je la voy si belle | Je meurs, Paschal, quand je la vois si belle]
- I'm not just in love with Marie; title: "I'm not just in love with Marie" [translation of: Je ne suis seulement amoureux de Marie | Je ne suis seulement amoureux de Marie]
- Je suis tellement langoureus; title: "Je suis tellement langoureus"
- I am so in love [translation of: Chanson | Je suis tellement amoureux | Je suis tellement amoureux]
- I am so feeble; title: "I am so feeble" [translation of: Je suis tellement langoureus | Je suis tellement langoureus]
- I am a demi god when seated face to face; title: "Song" [translation of: Chanson | Je suis un Demi-dieu, quand assis vis à vis]
- I greet you, Peace, bringer of good fortune; title: "Ode" [translation of: Ode | Je te salue heureuse Paix]
- I wish I could die for your beauty, Mistress; title: "I wish I could die for your beauty" [translation of: Je veux mourir pour tes beautez | Je veux mourir pour tes beautés, Maîtresse]
- I'd be Ixion and Tantalus [translation of: Je voudrois estre Ixion et Tantale | Je voudrois estre Ixion et Tantale]
- I send you a bouquet which my own hand [translation of: Sonnet à Marie | Sonnet | Je vous envoie un bouquet, que ma main]
- I can spot my Nymph among a hundred ladies; title: "I can spot my Nymph" [translation of: Je vy ma nymphe | Je vy ma Nymphe entre cent damoyselles]
- Jane, while kissing you tell me; title: "Serenade of a greybeard" [translation of: Sérénade d'un barbon | Jeanne, en te baisant tu me dis]
- Alas, I cannot love you for loving you too much; title: "Alas, I cannot love you for loving you too much" [translation of: Las ! Pour vous trop aymer | Las! pour vous trop aymer je ne vous puis aymer]
- Adieu, jusque je vous revoye; title: "Adieu, jusque je vous revoye"
- Farewell until I see you again; title: "Farewell until I see you again" [translation of: Adieu, jusque je vous revoye | Adieu, jusque je vous revoye]
- Adieu mes tres belles amours; title: "Adieu mes tres belles amours "
- Farewell my beautiful love; title: "Farewell my beautiful love" [translation of: Adieu mes tres belles amours | Adieu mes tres belles amours]
- Adieu mon amoureuse joye; title: "Adieu mon amoureuse joye"
- Farewell my happiness in love; title: "Farewell my happiness in love" [translation of: Adieu mon amoureuse joye | Adieu mon amoureuse joye]
- Amoureux suy, et me vient toute joye; title: "Amoureux suy"
- I am in love, and all joy comes to me; title: "I am in love" [translation of: Amoureux suy | Amoureux suy, et me vient toute joye]
- Ay! doloureux disant hélas; title: "Ay! doloureux"
- Ah, sadly saying alas; title: "Ah, sadly" [translation of: Ay! doloureux | Ay! doloureux disant hélas]
- De plus en plus se renouvelle; title: "De plus en plus"
- Dueil angoisseus, rage desmesurée
- Anguished grief, fury beyond measure; title: "Anguished grief" [translation of: Deuil angoisseus | Dueil angoisseus, rage desmesurée]
- Esclave puist yl devenir; title: "Esclave puist yl devenir"
- He might as well become a slave; title: "He might as well become a slave" [translation of: Esclave puist yl devenir | Esclave puist yl devenir]
- Filles a marier, ne vous marier ja; title: "Filles a marier"
- Marriageable girls, don't get married; title: "Marriageable girls" [translation of: Filles a marier | Filles a marier, ne vous marier ja]
- Je me recommande humblement; title: "Je me recommande humblement"
- L'ami de ma dame est venu; title: "L'ami de ma dame"
- My lady's love has come; title: "My lady's love" [translation of: L'ami de ma dame | L'ami de ma dame est venu]
- Les tres doulx yeux du viaire madame; title: "Les tres doulx yeux"
- The sweetest eyes of my true lady; title: "The sweetest eyes" [translation of: Les tres doulx yeux | Les tres doulx yeux du viaire madame]
- Mon seul et souverain désir; title: "Mon seul et souverain désir"
- My sole and ruling passion; title: "My sole and ruling passion" [translation of: Mon seul et souverain désir | Mon seul et souverain désir]
- Qui veut mesdire, si mesdie; title: "Qui veut mesdire"
- If someone wants to insult me, let him do it; title: "If someone wants to insult me" [translation of: Qui veut mesdire | Qui veut mesdire, si mesdie]
- Se j'eusse en seul peu d'esperanche; title: "Se j'eusse en seul peu d'esperanche"
- If I had just one ray of hope; title: "If I had just one ray of hope" [translation of: Se j'eusse en seul peu d'esperanche | Se j'eusse en seul peu d'esperanche]
- Se la belle n'a le voloir; title: "Se la belle n'a voloir"
- If my lady has no wish; title: "If my lady has no wish" [translation of: Se la belle n'a voloir | Se la belle n'a le voloir]
- Tant plus ayme, tant plus suy mal amé; title: "Tant plus ayme"
- The more I love, the more I am poorly loved; title: "The more I love" [translation of: Tant plus ayme | Tant plus ayme, tant plus suy mal amé]
- Triste plaisir et douloureuse joye
- Sad pleasure and grievous joy; title: "Sad pleasure" [translation of: Rondeau | Triste plaisir et douloureuse joye]
- Vostre trés doulx regart plaisant; title: "Vostre trés doulx regart"
- Your very sweet and pleasant glance; title: "Your very sweet glance" [translation of: Vostre trés doulx regart | Vostre trés doulx regart plaisant]
- Je ne pouroye estre joyeux; title: "Je ne pouroye estre joyeux"
- I humbly recommend myself; title: "I humbly recommend myself" [translation of: Je me recommande humblement | Je me recommande humblement]
- More and more it renews itself; title: "More and more" [translation of: De plus en plus | De plus en plus se renouvelle]
- Every rich man among the people; title: "They will pray to your image" [translation of: Vultum tuum deprecabuntur | Vultum tuum deprecabuntur]
- Hail Mary full of grace; title: "Hail Mary" [translation of: Ave maria | Ave Maria, gratia plena]
- Holy mother of God; title: "Holy mother of God" [translation of: Sancta Dei genitrix | Sancta Dei genitrix]
- O spotless Virgin; title: "O spotless Virgin" [translation of: O intemerata Virgo | O intemerata Virgo]
- O Mary no such heavy guilt can we have; title: "O Mary no such heavy guilt" [translation of: O Maria, nullam tam gravem | O Maria, nullam tam gravem]
- With our whole soul we beg you; title: "With our whole soul we beg" [translation of: Mente tota tibi supplicamus | Mente tota tibi supplicamus]
- Pray for us, Virgin eternal; title: "Pray for us" [translation of: Ora pro nobis | Ora pro nobis, Virgo sine termino]
- Distraught hearts in every nation; title: "Distraught hearts" [translation of: Cueurs désolez | Cueurs désolez par toute nation]
- Nymphs of the woods, goddesses of the fountains; title: "Nymphs of the woods" [translation of: La Déploration de Johannes Ockeghem: Nymphes des boys | Nymphes des bois, déesses des fontaines]
- Nymphs and Nereids, hamadryads and dryads; title: "Nymphs and nereids" [translation of: Nymphes, nappés / Circumdederunt me | Nimphes, nappés, néridriades, driades]
- Farewell my love affairs, they are waiting; title: "Farewell my love affairs" [translation of: Adieu mes amours | Adieu, mes amours, m'atent]
- Relieve me, sweet laughing brunette; title: "Relieve me" [translation of: Allégez moy | Allégez moy doulce plaisant brunette]
- Hail Mary, full of grace; title: "Hail Mary, full of grace" [translation of: Ave Maria, gratia plena | Ave Maria, gratia plena]
- Farewell, you fine wines of Laon; title: "Farewell, you fine wines of Lannoys" [translation of: Adieu ces bon vins de Lannoys | Adieu ces bon vins de Lannoys]
- Farewell my love, farewell my joy; title: "Farewell my love, farewell my joy" [translation of: Adieu m'amour, adieu ma joye | Adieu m'amour, adieu ma joye]
- Pleasing and gracious lady; title: "Pleasing and gracious lady" [translation of: Belle plaissant et gracieuse | Belle plaissant et gracieuse]
- Fair lady, how have I done you wrong?; title: "Fair lady, how have I done you wrong?" [translation of: Belle, que vous ay je mesfait | Belle, que vous ay je mesfait]
- Fair lady, please keep me; title: "Fair lady, please keep me" [translation of: Belle, veulliés moy retenir | Belle, veulliés moy retenir]
- My fair lady, please avenge me; title: "My fair lady, please avenge me" [translation of: Belle, vueillés moy vengier | Belle, vueillés moy vengier]
- Fair lady, please grant mercy; title: "Fair lady, please grant mercy" [translation of: Belle, vueilliés vostre mercy donner | Belle, vueilliés vostre mercy donner]
- Fair lady, please grant mercy; title: "Fair lady, please grant mercy" [translation of: Belle, vueilliés vostre mercy donner | Belle, vueilliés vostre mercy donner]
- I should indeed serve with all my will; title: "I should indeed serve with all my will" [translation of: Bien doy servir de volenté entiere | Bien doy servir de volenté entiere]
- You are well come, lovers' joy; title: "You are well come, lovers' joy" [translation of: Bien veignés vous, amoureuse liesse | Bien veignés vous, amoureuse liesse]
- A good day, a good month, a good year and good gifts; title: "A good day, a good month, a good year and good gifts" [translation of: Bon jour, bon mois, bon an et bonne estraine | Bon jour, bon mois, bon an et bonne estraine]
- This New Year's Day I'd like to be joyful; title: "This New Year's Day I'd like to be joyful" [translation of: Ce jour de l'an voudray joye mener | Ce jour de l'an voudray joye mener]
- This day requires it, so does the season; title: "This day requires it, so does the season" [translation of: Ce jour le doibt, aussi fait la saison | I./ Ce jour le doibt, aussi fait la saison]
- In this month of May let's be happy and joyous; title: "In this month of May let's be happy and joyous" [translation of: Ce moys de may soyons lies et joyeux | Ce moys de may soyons lies et joyeux]
- It is completely right to have to exalt; title: "It is completely right to have to exalt" [translation of: C'est bien raison de devoir essaucier | I./ C'est bien raison de devoir essaucier]
- I want to fear you, sweet and worthy lady; title: "I want to fear you, sweet and worthy lady" [translation of: Craindre vous vueil, doulce dame de pris | Craindre vous vueil, doulce dame de pris]
- Of my high good fortune; title: "Of my high good fortune" [translation of: De ma haulte et bonne aventure | De ma haulte et bonne aventure]
- God keep my fair lady without reproach; title: "God keep my fair lady without reproach" [translation of: Dieu gard la bone sans reprise | Dieu gard la bone sans reprise]
- Sound the attack on the fortress; title: "Sound the attack on the fortress" [translation of: Donnés l'assault a la fortresse | Donnés l'assault a la fortresse]
- I'd abandoned myself completely; title: "I'd abandoned myself completely" [translation of: Du tout m'estoie abandonné | Du tout m'estoie abandonné]
- In overcoming Cruel Grief; title: "In overcoming Cruel Grief" [translation of: En triumphant de Cruel Dueil | En triumphant de Cruel Dueil]
- Among those most full of grief; title: "Among those most full of grief" [translation of: Entre le plus plaines d'anoy | Entre le plus plaines d'anoy]
- Come all you sweet lovers; title: "Come all you sweet lovers" [translation of: Entre vous, gentils amoureux | Entre vous, gentils amoureux]
- Send me a New Year's gift, and I will send you one too; title: "Send me a New Year's gift, and I will send you one too" [translation of: Estrinez moy, je vous estrineray | Estrinez moy, je vous estrineray]
- Open and noble heart, lady gracious above all others; title: "Open and noble heart, lady gracious above all others" [translation of: Franc cuer gentil, sur toutes gracieuse | Franc cuer gentil, sur toutes gracieuse]
- Hey, friends, let's awake!; title: "Hey, friends, let's awake!" [translation of: He, compaignons, resvelons nous | He, compaignons, resvelons nous]
- Alas, when will I see you?; title: "Alas, when will I see you?" [translation of: Helas, et quant vous veray? | Helas, et quant vous veray?]
- Ah, my lady, among lovers; title: "Ah, my lady, among lovers" [translation of: Helas, ma dame, par amours | Helas, ma dame, par amours]
- Ah my grief, at this blow I am dead; title: "Ah my grief, at this blow I am dead" [translation of: Helas mon dueil, a ce cop sui je mort | Helas mon dueil, a ce cop sui je mort]
- I will wait as long as you wish; title: "I will wait as long as you wish" [translation of: J'atendray tant qu'il vous playra | J'atendray tant qu'il vous playra]
- I have set my heart and thoughts; title: "I have set my heart and thoughts" [translation of: J'ay mis mon cuer et ma pensee | J'ay mis mon cuer et ma pensee]
- I give to all lovers; title: "I give to all lovers" [translation of: Je donne a tous les amoureux | Je donne a tous les amoureux]
- I pine in pitiful martyrdom; title: "I pine in pitiful martyrdom" [translation of: Je languis en piteux martire | I./ Je languis en piteux martire]
- I complain piteously; title: "I complain piteously" [translation of: Je me complains piteusement | Je me complains piteusement]
- I complain piteously; title: "I complain piteously" [translation of: Je me complains piteusement | Je me complains piteusement]
- I never doubted, until the envious; title: "I never doubted, until the envious" [translation of: Je n'ay doubté fors que des envieux | Je n'ay doubté fors que des envieux]
- I can no longer do what I recently could; title: "I can no longer do what I recently could" [translation of: Je ne puis plus ce que y'ai peu | Je ne puis plus ce que y'ai peu]
- I am no longer one who can help others; title: "I am no longer one who can help others" [translation of: Je ne suy plus tel que souloye | Je ne suy plus tel que souloye]
- I'm taking a holiday from you, my love; title: "I'm taking a holiday from you, my love" [translation of: Je prens congié de vous, amours | Je prens congié de vous, amours]
- I ask all lovers; title: "I ask all lovers" [translation of: Je requier a tous amoureux | Je requier a tous amoureux]
- I want to sing with joyful heart; title: "I want to sing with joyful heart" [translation of: Je veuil chanter de cuer joyeux | Je veuil chanter de cuer joyeux]
- I beg you, my sweetest love; title: "I beg you, my sweetest love" [translation of: Je vous pri, mon tres doulx ami | Je vous pri, mon tres doulx ami]
- The beautiful lady sits at the foot of the tower; title: "The beautiful lady sits at the foot of the tower" [translation of: La belle se siet au piet de la tour | La belle se siet au piet de la tour]
- O dearest of my heart; title: "O dearest of my heart" [translation of: Ma plus mignonne de mon cueur | La plus mignonne de mon cueur]
- Alas what shall I do? What will become of me?; title: "Alas what shall I do? What will become of me?" [translation of: Las, que feray? ne que je devenray? | Las, que feray? ne que je devenray?]
- These sorrows, of which I feel so many; title: "Sorrows, of which I feel so many" [translation of: Les douleurs, dont me sens tel somme | Les douleurs, dont me sens tel somme]
- My fair lady, I beg you; title: "My fair lady, I beg you" [translation of: Ma belle dame, je vous pri | Ma belle dame, je vous pri]
- My beautiful sovereign lady; title: "My beautiful sovereign lady" [translation of: Ma belle dame souverainne | Ma belle dame souverainne]
- Unhappy heart, what do you want?; title: "Unhappy heart, what do you want?" [translation of: Malheureux cueur, que vieulx tu faire? | Malheureux cueur, que vieulx tu faire?]
- A thousand welcomes I give you; title: "A thousand welcomes I give you" [translation of: Mille bonjours je vous presente | Mille bonjours je vous presente]
- My happiness, my love and my mistress; title: "My happiness, my love" [translation of: Mon bien, m'amour | Mon bien, m'amour et ma maistresse]
- My dear friend, why have you decided; title: "My dear friend, why have you decided" [translation of: Mon chier amy, qu'avés vous empensé | I./ Mon chier amy, qu'avés vous empensé]
- My heart makes me think every day; title: "My heart makes me think every day of you" [translation of: Mon cuer me fait tous dis penser | Mon cuer me fait tous dis penser]
- Sore wounded I am by a penetrating dart; title: "Sore wounded I am by a penetrating dart" [translation of: Navré je sui d'un dart penetratif | Navré je sui d'un dart penetratif]
- I neither sleep nor am I awake; title: "I neither sleep nor am I awake" [translation of: Ne je ne dors ne je ne veille | Ne je ne dors ne je ne veille]
- Oh may it please God that at his pleasure; title: "Oh may it please God that at his pleasure" [translation of: Or pleust a Dieu qu'a son plaisir | Or pleust a Dieu qu'a son plaisir]
- I have the right to complain and groan; title: "I have the right to complain" [translation of: Par droit je puis bien complaindre et gemir | Par droit je puis bien complaindre et gemir]
- At the sight of your lovely eyes; title: "At the sight of your lovely eyes" [translation of: Par le regard de vos beaux yeux | Par le regard de vos beaux yeux]
- Because I cannot see; title: "Because I cannot see" [translation of: Pour ce que veoir je ne puis | Pour ce que veoir je ne puis]
- For love of my sweet lady; title: "For love of my sweet lady" [translation of: Pour l'amour de ma doulce amye | Pour l'amour de ma doulce amye]
- May I have your mercy?; title: "May I have your mercy?" [translation of: Pouray je avoir vostre mercy? | Pouray je avoir vostre mercy?]
- Since you are a fighter; title: "Since you are a fighter" [translation of: Puisque vous estez campieur | Puisque vous estez campieur]
- What has become of loyalty?; title: "What has become of loyalty?" [translation of: Qu'est devenue leaulté? | Qu'est devenue leaulté?]
- Awake, and put on a happy face; title: "Awake, and put on a happy face" [translation of: Resvelliés vous et faites chiere lye | I./ Resvelliés vous et faites chiere lye]
- Awake, awake, lovers; title: "Awake, awake, lovers" [translation of: Resvelons nous, resvelons, amoureux | Resvelons nous, resvelons, amoureux]
- If my face is pale; title: "If my face is pale" [translation of: Se la face ay pale | I./ Se la face ay pale]
- If I might see my Lady; title: "If I might see my Lady" [translation of: Se ma dame je puis veir | Se ma dame je puis veir]
- If there is any pleasure I could do you; title: "If there is any pleasure I could do you" [translation of: S'il est plaisir que je vous puisse faire | S'il est plaisir que je vous puisse faire]
- Too long have I been in Fortune's; title: "Too long have I been in despair" [translation of: Trop long temps ai esté en desplaisir | Trop long temps ai esté en desplaisir]
- Go away my heart, day and night; title: "Go away my heart, day and night" [translation of: Va t'en mon cuer, jour et nuitie | Va t'en mon cuer, jour et nuitie]
- Lovely virgin, clothed with the sun; title: "Lovely virgin, clothed with the sun" [translation of: Vergine bella, che di sol vestita | Vergine bella, che di sol vestita]
- Your face and sweet bearing; title: "Your face and sweet bearing" [translation of: Vo regard et doulce maniere | Vo regard et doulce maniere]
- Your reputation and your great renown; title: "Your reputation and your great renown" [translation of: Vostre bruit et vostre grant fame | Vostre bruit et vostre grant fame]
- Dona gentile, bella come l'oro; title: "Dona gentile, bella come l'oro"
- Noble lady, beautiful as gold; title: "Noble lady, beautiful as gold" [translation of: Dona gentile, bella come l'oro | Dona gentile, bella come l'oro]
- Dona i ardenti rai; title: "Dona i ardenti rai"
- Lady, the burning rays; title: "Lady, the burning rays" [translation of: Dona i ardenti rai | Dona i ardenti rai]
- Invidia inimica; title: "Invidia inimica"
- Envy, the enemy; title: "Envy, the enemy" [translation of: Invidia inimica | Invidia inimica]
- J'ayme bien celui qui s'en va; title: "J'ayme bien celui"
- I love the man who takes leave; title: "I love the man" [translation of: J'ayme bien celui | J'ayme bien celui qui s'en va]
- Je ne vis onques la pareille; title: "Je ne vis onques la pareille"
- I have never seen the equal; title: "I have never seen the equal" [translation of: Je ne vis onques la pareille | Je ne vis onques la pareille]
- Juvenis qui puellam nondum septennem duxit; title: "Juvenis qui puellam"
- A young man loved a lass, not yet seven years old; title: "A young man loved a lass" [translation of: Juvenis qui puellam | Juvenis qui puellam nondum septennem duxit]
- L'alta bellezza tua, virtute, valore; title: "L'alta bellezza tua"
- Your great beauty, virtue, worth; title: "Your great beauty" [translation of: L'alta bellezza tua | L'alta bellezza tua, virtute, valore]
- O tres piteulx de tout espoir fontaine; title: "Lamentatio Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae Constantinopolitanae ('O tres piteulx')"
- O most piteous, source of all hope; title: "The Lament for the Holy Mother Church of Constantinople ('O most piteous')" [translation of: Lamentatio Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae Constantinopolitanae ('O tres piteulx') | O tres piteulx de tout espoir fontaine]
- Le serviteur hault guerdonné; title: "Le serviteur hault guerdonné"
- The highly-paid servant; title: "The highly-paid servant" [translation of: Le serviteur hault guerdonné | Le serviteur hault guerdonné]
- Mon seul plaisir, ma doulce joye; title: "Mon seul plaisir"
- My sole pleasure, my sweet joy; title: "My sole pleasure" [translation of: Mon seul plaisir | Mon seul plaisir, ma doulce joye]
- Passato è il tempo omaj di quei pensieri; title: "Passato è il tempo omaj"
- The time is now past for those thoughts; title: "The time is now past" [translation of: Passato è il tempo omaj | Passato è il tempo omaj di quei pensieri]
- Quel fronte signorille in paradiso; title: "Quel fronte signorille"
- That noble brow to paradise; title: "That noble brow" [translation of: Quel fronte signorille | Quel fronte signorille in paradiso]
- Love, o Love, my mistress is so beautiful!; title: "Love, o Love, my mistress is so beautiful!" [translation of: Mon Dieu que ma tristesse est belle | Amour, amour, que ma maîtresse est belle !]
- Love the Archer with a cannonade rips; title: "Love the archer" [translation of: Amour archer | Amour archer d'une tirade ront]
- Love, you who have the rule of this wide world; title: "Sonnet" [translation of: Sonnet | Amour qui as ton regne en ce monde si ample]
- Weep with me, you really ought; title: "Weep with me" [translation of: Avecques moy pleurer | Avéques moi pleurer vous devriés bien]
- Beauty, whose softness could conquer kings; title: "Beauty, whose softness could conquer kings" [translation of: Beauté dont la douceur pourroit vaincre les Rois]
- Sweet hawthorn, green [translation of: Ode | Bel aubépin | Bel aubespin verdissant]
- Drink to me, Johnny, turn and turn about; title: "Drink to me, Johnny" [translation of: Bois Janin à moi | Bois Janin à moi tour à tour]
- These are just the charms, lures and bait; title: "These are just the charms" [translation of: Ce ne sont qu'ains | Ce ne sont qu'haims, qu'amorces et qu'appas]
- This smile, softer than bees' honey; title: "This smile, softer than bees' honey" [translation of: Ce ris plus doulx que l'oeuvre d'une abeille | Ce ris plus doulx que l'oeuvre d'une abeille]
- A hundred times a day, I think to myself alone; title: "A hundred times a day, I think to myself alone" [translation of: Cent fois le jour, à part moi je repense]
- As long as this lovely month lasts; title: "Ode, in Anacreon's style" [translation of: Ode anacréontique | Cependant que ce beau mois dure]
- Indeed my eye was too adventurous; title: "Indeed my eye was too adventurous" [translation of: Certes mon œil fut trop avantureux | Certes mon œil fut trop avantureux]
- Two lovely brown eyes, twin torches of my life; title: "Two lovely brown eyes" [translation of: Ces deux yeulx bruns | Ces deux yeulx bruns, deux flambeaux de ma vie]
- My song, today's the day; title: "My song, today's the day" [translation of: Chanson, voici le jour | Chanson, voici le jour]
- Dear evening star, golden bright; title: "Dear evening star, golden bright" [translation of: Chère vesper, lumière dorée | Chère vesper, lumière dorée]
- As you see the rose on the branch in May; title: "On the death of Marie" [translation of: Comme on voit sur la branche | Comme on voit sur la branche au mois de May la rose]
- How on parting will I be able to say farewell; title: "How on parting" [translation of: Comment au départir | Comment au départir, adieu pourrais-je dire]
- Against my wish, the attraction of your lovely eyes; title: "Against my wish" [translation of: Contre mon gré l'atrait de tes beaux yeux | Contre mon gré l'atrait de tes beaus yeus]
- My lady, since the first arrow; title: "My lady, since the first arrow" [translation of: Dame, depuis que la premiere fléche]
- Never was there greater pain; title: "Never was there greater pain" [translation of: Nunca fue pena mayor | Nunca fue pena mayor]
- Remember us, Mother of Christ; title: "Remember us, Mother of Christ" [translation of: Memorare, Mater Christi | Memorare, Mater Christi]
- Spare me Lord: for my days are nothing; title: "First lesson" [translation of: Lectio Prima | Parce mihi Domine : nihil enim sunt dies mei]
- My soul is weary of my life; title: "Second lesson" [translation of: Lectio Secunda | Taedet animam meam vitae meae]
- Your hands made me, o Lord; title: "Third lesson" [translation of: Lectio Tertia | Manus tuae Domine fecerunt me]
- Answer me: how many wrongs and sins do I have; title: "Fourth lesson" [translation of: Lectio Quarta | Responde mihi: quantas habeo iniquitates et peccata]
- Man born of woman, living for a brief time; title: "Fifth lesson" [translation of: Lectio Quinta | Homo, natus de muliere, brevi vivens tempore]
- Who could arrange this for me, to protect me as you do in hell; title: "Sixth lesson" [translation of: Lectio Sexta | Quis mihi hoc tribuat, ut in inferno protegeas me]
- My breath is diminished, my days are shortened; title: "Seventh lesson" [translation of: Lectio Septima | Spiritus meus attenuabitur, dies mei breviabuntur]
- My bone sticks to my skin, my flesh is consumed; title: "Eighth lesson" [translation of: Lectio Octava | Pelli meae, consumptis carnibus, adhaesit os meum]
- Why have you brought me out of the womb?; title: "Ninth lesson" [translation of: Lectio Nona | Quare de vulva eduxisti me?]
- These songs which you hear; title: "Chromatic songs" [translation of: Carmina Chromatico | Carmina Chromatico]
- Born of a virgin mother, he will sit on a sway-backed ass; title: "The Persian Oracle" [translation of: Sibylla Persica | Virgine matre satus pando residebit assello]
- Behold the days will come, in which time an eternal prince; title: "The Libyan Oracle" [translation of: Sibylla Libyca | Ecce dies venient, quo aeternus tempore princeps]
- This work will not be slow in coming, but should always be held in a quiet mind; title: "The Delphic Oracle" [translation of: Sibylla Delphica | Nun tarde veniet, tacita sed mente tenendum]
- In her tender years, outstanding in appearance and in honour; title: "The Cimmerian (Black Sea) Oracle" [translation of: Sibylla Cimmeria | In teneris annis facie insignis honore]
- Behold the joyful day will soon come; title: "The Samian Oracle" [translation of: Sibylla Samia | Ecce dies, nigras quae tollet laeta tenebras]
- My most recent words will now remain certain and true; title: "The Cumaean Oracle" [translation of: Sibylla Cumana | Iam mea certa manent et vera novissima verba]
- Once while meditating I saw, decorating a girl with matchless honour; title: "The Hellespontine Oracle (of the Dardanelles)" [translation of: Sibylla Hellespontiaca | Dum meditor quondam, vidi decorare puellam]
- I myself have seen the greatest God wishing to punish; title: "The Phrygian (Turkish) Oracle" [translation of: Sibylla Phrygia | Ipsa Deum vidi summum punire volentem]
- From a virgin's body will come the pure eternal word; title: "The European Oracle" [translation of: Sibylla Europaea | Virginis aeternum veniet de corpore verbum purum]
- The truthful God himself gave me this task of speaking; title: "The Tiburtine Oracle (of Tivoli)" [translation of: Sibylla Tiburtina | Verax ipse Deus dedit haec mihi munia fandi]
- I see the son of God, who has sent himself down from on high; title: "The Erythraean (Red Sea) Oracle" [translation of: Sibylla Erythraea | Cerno Dei natum, qui se dimisit ab alto]
- The highest and brightest will be born in flesh and of a virgin; title: "The Agrippan Oracle" [translation of: Sibylla Agrippa | Summus erit sub carne satus clarissimus atque Virginis]
- To sing joyfully with a sad heart; title: "With sad heart" [translation of: De triste cœur | De triste cœur, chanter joyeusement]
- My tear laydee, resseive my song; title: "My tear laydee" [translation of: Matona mia cara | Matona mia cara, mi follere canzon]
- My dear lady, hear my song; title: "My dear lady" [translation of: Matona mia cara | Matona mia cara, mi follere canzon]
- Oh who could this be; title: "Oh who could this be" [translation of: Mais qui pourroit estre celuy | Mais qui pourroit estre celuy]
- Every night I lie down without you; title: "Every night" [translation of: Toutes les nuits | Toutes les nuits que sans vous je me couche]
- When my old man comes in, the sot; title: "When my old man comes in" [translation of: Quand mon mari vient de dehors | Quand mon mary vient de dehors]
- A young monk left his monastery; title: "A young monk left his monastery" [translation of: Un jeune moine est sorti du couvent | Un jeune moine est sorti du convent]
- With all my heart I love sweet Daisy; title: "With all my heart" [translation of: De tout mon cœur | De tout mon cœur j'aime la Marguerite]
- All things have their time; title: "All things have their time" [translation of: Omnia tempus habent | Omnia tempus habent]
- Earth goes on by drinking the rain; title: "Earth goes on by drinking the rain" [translation of: Ode Anacréontique XXXI | La terre les eaux va buvant | La terre les eaux va buvant]
- Give back my heart; title: "Give back my heart" [translation of: Rends-moi mon cœur | Rends moi mon cœur]
- I hope and fear, I'm silent, I beg; title: "I hope and fear" [translation of: J'espère et crain | J'espere et crain, je me tais et supplye]
- This illness, which stabs me day and night; title: "The lover's illness" [translation of: Chanson | L'amant malheureux | A ce malheur qui jour et nuit me poingt]
- O goddess Bellerie; title: "To the Bellerie fountain" [translation of: À la Fontaine Bellerie | O Déesse Bellerie]
- What are you saying and doing, pensive dove; title: "To the turtle-dove" [translation of: Sonnet en dialogue | À la tourterelle | Que dis tu, que fais tu, pensive tourterelle]
- Saint Blaise, who lives in the heavens [translation of: Des pères de famille. À Sainct Blaise | Sainct Blaise, qui vis aux cieux]
- Little soul of poor little Ronsard; title: "To his Soul" [translation of: À son âme | Ronsard à son âme | Amelette Ronsardelette]
- So that your reputation may go throughout the countryside; title: "The fountain of Helen" [translation of: La fontaine d'Hélène | Afin que ton honneur coule parmy la plaine]
- Oh, Bel-Accueil, how your soft words; title: "Oh, Bel-Accueil" [translation of: Ah! Bel-Acceuil | Ha, Bel-Acceuil, que ta douce parole]
- Je veux, me souvenant de ma gentille amie
- Prends cette rose aimable comme toi
- Je suis tellement amoureux
- Je vy ma Nymphe entre cent damoyselles
- Quand ma maitresse au monde print naissance
- Bel aubespin verdissant
- Certes mon œil fut trop avantureux
- Ces deux yeulx bruns, deux flambeaux de ma vie
- Je parangonne à ta jeune beauté
- Je veux mourir pour tes beautés, Maîtresse
- Las! pour vous trop aymer je ne vous puis aymer; title: "Las ! Pour vous trop aymer"
- Je voudrois estre Ixion et Tantale
- D'un autre amer mon cuer s'abesseroit; title: "D'un autre amer"
- Adieu, mes amours, m'atent; title: "Adieu mes amours"
- Ninfe se liete; title: "Ninfe se liete"
- Nymphs, if you really want; title: "Nymphs, if happily" [translation of: Ninfe se liete | Ninfe se liete]
- The notes of the water-sprite's harp resound; title: "The water-sprite" [translation of: Der Nöck | Es tönt des Nöcken Harfenschall]
- Once on a beautiful spring morning; title: "The brigand" [translation of: Der Räuber | Einst am schönen Frühlingsmorgen]
- A lover had I, who squinted in one eye; title: "Limping feet" [translation of: Hinkende Jamben | Ein Liebchen hatt ich, das auf einem Aug'schielte]
- Once Francis, the saint, sat; title: "St. Francis" [translation of: Das Lob Gottes | Der heilige Franziskus | Franziskus einst, der Heil'ge, saß]
- Wherever I go, i carry a watch with me; title: "The watch" [translation of: Die Uhr | Ich trage, wo ich gehe, stets eine Uhr bei mir]
- Love, Love, give me peace or a truce; title: "Love, Love, give me peace or a truce" [translation of: Amour, Amour, donne moy paix ou treve | Amour, Amour, donne moy paix ou treve]
- She has gone, my best beloved; title: "She has gone" [translation of: Elle s'en va | Elle s'en va de moy la mieux aymée]
- Flower aged 15 years, may God save & preserve you; title: "Flower aged 15 years" [translation of: Fleur de quinze ans | Fleur de quinze ans, si Dieu vous sauve et gard]
- Let us all fly the game of love; title: "Let us all fly the game of love" [translation of: Fuyons tous d'amour le jeu | Fuyons tous d'amour le jeu]
- Alas ! Must I put up with so much misfortune; title: "Alas ! Must I put up with so much misfortune" [translation of: Las! me faut-il | Las! me faut-il tant de mal supporter]
- Now it's getting light, my friends; title: "Now it's getting light, my friends" [translation of: Lucescit jam o socii | Lucescit jam o socii]
- My heart commends itself to you; title: "My heart commends itself to you" [translation of: Mon cœur se reccomande à vous | Mon cœur se reccomande à vous]
- If you recognised the misfortune; title: "If you recognised the misfortune" [translation of: Si du malheur | Si du malheur vous aviez cognoissance]
- A sad heart full of imaginings; title: "A sad heart full of imaginings" [translation of: Un triste coeur | Un triste coeur remply de fantaisie]
- I have a flea in my ear, alas !; title: "I have a flea in my ear, alas" [translation of: Une puce j'ay dedans l'oreille | Une puce j'ay dedans l'oreill' helas !]
- When I was a young companion; title: "Old Goethe" [translation of: Lauf der Welt | Als ich ein junger Geselle war]
- At night, the twelfth hour; title: "The night-time review" [translation of: Die nächtliche Heerschau | Nachts um die zwölfte Stunde]
- Faute d'argent, c'est douleur nompareille; title: "Faute d'argent"
- Sweet slumber, which appeases all else; title: "Sweet slumber" [translation of: Le doux sommeil | Le doux sommeil, qui toute chose appaise]
- Le doux sommeil, qui toute chose appaise; title: "Le doux sommeil"
- Hail, my heart; title: "Hail, my heart" [translation of: Bonjour mon cœur | Bonjour mon cœur]
- Bonjour mon cœur
- Fors seulement l'actente que je meure
- Comme un qui prend une coupe; title: "Comme un qui prend une coupe "
- Las ! sans espoir je languis à grand tort
- Felix virgo, mater Christi; title: "Felix virgo, mater Christi"
- Christe, qui lux es et dies; title: "Christe, qui lux es et dies"
- Tu qui gregem tuum ducis; title: "Tu qui gregem tuum ducis"