Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by G. Bachlund
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
The symbol ⊗ indicates a translation that is missing an original text.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
Song Cycles, Collections, Symphonies, etc.:
- A Book of Nonsense
- no. 1. The Dwarf of Battersea (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 2. Little Spider (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 3. O Little Fly (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 4. 'It Worries Me to Know' (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 5. How Fly the Birds of Heaven (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 6. Of Pygmies, Palms and Pirates (Text: Mervyn Peake)
- no. 7. An Old and Crumbling Parapet (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 8. It Is Most Best (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 9. O'er Seas That Have No Beaches (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 10. 'Come, Break the News to Me, Sweet Horse' (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 11. An Angry Cactus Does No Good (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 12. I Cannot Give You Reasons (Text: Mervyn Peake)
- no. 13. The Trouble With Geraniums (Text: Mervyn Peake)
- no. 14. Crocodiles (Text: Mervyn Peake)
- no. 15. O Love! O Death! O Ecstasy! (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 16. O Here It Is! And There It Is! (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 17. I Have My Price (Text: Mervyn Peake)
- no. 18. Lean Sideways on the Wind (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 19. Tintinnabulum (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 20. The Hideous Root (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 21. The Men in Bowler Hats Are Sweet (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 22. Shrink, Shrink (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 23. Aunty Jane (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 24. Aunty Grace (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 25. Uncle Wog (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 26. Aunty Flo (Text: Mervyn Peake)
- no. 27. Aunty Vi (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 28. Uncle Sam (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 29. Aunty Nag (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 30. Aunty Mig (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 31. Aunty Jill (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 32. Uncle Jake (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 33. Crown Me With Hairpins (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 34. Squat Ursula (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 35. Leave the Stronger (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 36. The Thread Remains (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- no. 37. The Adventures of Footfruit (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- "Alice" Songs
- no. 1. Childhood Dreams (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll) FRE FRE
- no. 2. The Little Crocodile (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll) FRE
- no. 3. Pig and Pepper (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll) FRE
- no. 4. The Mock Turtle's Lament (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll) FRE
- no. 5. Jabberwocky (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll)
- no. 6. Tweedledum and Tweedledee (Text: Anonymous) FRE
- no. 7. Humpty Dumpty (Text: Anonymous) FRE
- no. 8. The Lion and the Unicorn (Text: Anonymous) FRE
- no. 9. Queen Alice (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll) FRE
- Busch-lieder
- no. 1. Lüge und Wahrheit (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- no. 2. Ein galantes Abenteuer (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- no. 3. Die Rose sprach zum Mägdelein (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- no. 4. Romanze (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- no. 5. Innerer Wert (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- no. 6. Gute Nacht (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- no. 7. Brüderlein (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- no. 8. Metapheren der Liebe (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- no. 9. Die Zeit (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- no. 10. Sklaverei (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- no. 11. Immer wieder (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- "Calico Pie" and Other Nonsense
- no. 1. Calico Pie (Text: Edward Lear)
- no. 2. An Old Man with a Beard (Text: Edward Lear)
- no. 3. The Duck and the Kangaroo (Text: Edward Lear)
- no. 4. Eyes (Text: Edward Lear , as Derry Down Derry)
- no. 5. The Daddy Long-Legs and the Fly (Text: Edward Lear)
- no. 6. The Birds Sat Upon It (Text: Edward Lear)
- no. 7. The Owl and the Pussy-Cat (Text: Edward Lear) GER RUS
- no. 8. An Old Lady (Text: Edward Lear)
- no. 9. The Jumblies (Text: Edward Lear)
- Chamber Music
- no. 1. Make Music Sweet (Text: James Joyce) FRE POL
- no. 2. Twilight (Text: James Joyce) FRE
- no. 3. Goldenhair (Text: James Joyce) FRE IRI POL
- no. 4. Where Love Did Sometime Go (Text: James Joyce) FRE
- no. 5. Pain (Text: James Joyce) FRE
- no. 6. Companion (Text: James Joyce) FRE
- no. 7. Gentle lady (Text: James Joyce) FRE POL
- no. 8. Rain has fallen (Text: James Joyce) FRE GER POL SPA
- no. 9. I Hear an Army (Text: James Joyce) FRE GER
- chansons innocentes (1923)
- no. 1. in Just- (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- no. 2. hist whist (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- no. 3. Tumbling-hair (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- chansons innocentes (1925)
- no. 1. why did you go (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- no. 2. little tree (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- "crazy jay blue)" and other poems
- no. 1. crazy jay blue (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- no. 2. dominic has a doll (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- no. 3. in time of daffodils (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- no. 4. as joe gould says (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- no. 5. when mack smacked phyllis (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- no. 6. the old almost lady (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- no. 7. when any mortal(even the most odd) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- no. 8. what the hell (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Das tierische Lied von der Erde
- no. 1. Das ästhetische Wiesel (Text: Christian Morgenstern) DUT ENG FRE
- no. 2. Das Krokodil (Text: Hermann von Lingg) ENG
- no. 3. Eine traurige Geschichte (Text: Joseph Viktor von Scheffel) ENG
- no. 4. Der alte Marabu (Text: Edwin Bormann) ENG
- no. 5. Ein Wiegenlied (Text: Matthias Claudius) ENG
- no. 6. Wassermaus und Kröte (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Deux Chansons
- no. 1. Chat, chat, chat (Text: Arthur Justin Léon Leclère , as Tristan Klingsor) ENG
- no. 2. Où le coq a-t-il la plume? (Text: Arthur Justin Léon Leclère , as Tristan Klingsor)
- Deux petites chansons
- Dos Canciones de Rosalía de Castro
- no. 1. La eterna primavera (Text: Rosalia de Castro)
- no. 2. No eres vano sueño (Text: Rosalia de Castro)
- Drei einfache Lieder von Theodor Storm
- no. 1. Noch einmal (Text: Theodor Storm) ENG FRE
- no. 2. Zwischen mir und Dir (Text: Theodor Storm) ENG FRE
- no. 3. Tag (Text: Theodor Storm) ENG ENG FRE
- Drei Kleinigkeiten
- no. 1. dreck (Text: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) ENG
- no. 2. eine menge Nobleße (Text: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) ENG
- no. 3. so, ich bitte (Text: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) ENG
- Drei Lieder von Hugo von Hofmannsthal
- no. 1. Regen in der Dämmerung (Text: Hugo Hofmann, Edler von Hofmannsthal) ENG FRE
- no. 2. Wolken (Text: Hugo Hofmann, Edler von Hofmannsthal) ENG
- no. 3. Sturmnacht (Text: Hugo Hofmann, Edler von Hofmannsthal) ENG FRE
- Drolleries and Wisdom
- no. 1. Wine and water (Text: Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
- no. 2. In My Own Nursery (Text: Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
- no. 3. The Englishman (Text: Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
- no. 4. A Ballade of Suicide (Text: Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
- no. 5. The Holy of Holies (Text: Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
- no. 6. A Ballade of an Anti-Puritan (Text: Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
- Echoes from the Cabin
- no. 1. Uncle Eph's Banjo Song (Text: James Edwin Campbell)
- no. 2. Ol' Doc' Hyar (Text: James Edwin Campbell)
- no. 3. When Ol' Sis' Judy Pray (Text: James Edwin Campbell)
- no. 4. Negro Serenade (Text: James Edwin Campbell)
- no. 5. De Cunjah man (Text: James Edwin Campbell)
- e. e.'s songs
- no. 1. Jimmie's got a goil (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- no. 2. raise the shade will youse dearie? (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- no. 3. mary green (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- no. 4. says ol man no body - (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- no. 5. time, be kind (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- no. 6. plato told him (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Elses Liebeslieder
- no. 1. Eros (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler)
- no. 2. Melodie (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler)
- no. 3. Unser Liebeslied (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler)
- no. 4. Ein Liebeslied (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler)
- Fantaisies Décoratives
- no. 1. Le Panneau (Text: Oscar Wilde) HUN
- no. 2. Les Ballons (Text: Oscar Wilde)
- Five Poems of Countée Cullen
- no. 1. Saturday's child (Text: Countee Cullen)
- no. 2. Incident (Text: Countee Cullen) GER
- no. 3. The loss of love (Text: Countee Cullen)
- no. 4. For a poet (Text: Countee Cullen)
- no. 5. The wise (Text: Countee Cullen)
- Five Sonnets
- no. 1. Sonnet VIII - "Music to hear, why hear'st thou music sadly?" (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE FRE HUN ITA RUS
- no. 2. Sonnet XVIII - "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" (Text: William Shakespeare) DUT FIN FRE FRE GER ITA RUS RUS
- no. 3. Sonnet XIX - "Devouring Time" (Text: William Shakespeare) FRE FRE ITA RUS
- no. 4. Sonnet XXX - "When to the sessions of sweet silent thought" (Text: William Shakespeare) FRE GER ITA RUS
- no. 5. Sonnet LXVI - "Tir'd with all these, for restful death I cry" (Text: William Shakespeare) CZE FRE GER ITA POL RUS RUS
- Four Little Cat Songs
- no. 1. Saph goes under the bed (Text: Julie Dalton Williamson) *
- no. 2. Our Ginger Moggy (Text: Julie Dalton Williamson) *
- no. 3. Vin was my cat (Text: Julie Dalton Williamson) *
- no. 4. Zoe! Zoe!/ Come down off the shelf! (Text: Julie Dalton Williamson) *
- Four Seasons
- no. 1. Summer (Text: Anton Gill) *
- no. 2. Autumn (Text: Anton Gill) *
- no. 3. Winter (Text: Anton Gill) *
- no. 4. Spring (Text: Anton Gill) *
- Four Songs of a Woman
- no. 1. I want to die while you love me (Text: Georgia Douglas Johnson)
- no. 2. The heart of a woman (Text: Georgia Douglas Johnson)
- no. 3. Youth (Text: Georgia Douglas Johnson)
- no. 4. My little dreams (Text: Georgia Douglas Johnson)
- Four Songs of Gerard Manley Hopkins
- no. 1. Pied Beauty (Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins) FIN
- no. 2. God's Grandeur (Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins)
- no. 3. Spring (Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins)
- no. 4. To Call Thee Love (Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins)
- Frivole Lieder
- no. 1. Die freizügige Geliebte (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) ENG
- no. 2. Trinklied (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) ENG ENG
- no. 3. Madrigal (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) ENG
- no. 4. Anrufung der Parzen (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) ENG
- no. 5. Bacchantische Couplets (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) ENG
- no. 6. Die Opfergabe (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) ENG
- no. 7. Goldene Jugend (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) ENG
- no. 8. Serenade (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) ENG
- From Cautionary Tales for Children
- no. 1. Henry King (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- no. 2. Matilda (who told such dreadful lies) (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- no. 3. George (The boy who played with dangerous toys) (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- From the Song of Songs
- no. 1. I am black but comely (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts) RUS
- no. 2. My Love (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts) FRE LAT LAT LAT
- no. 3. I am sick with love (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts) FRE FRE LAT
- no. 4. Return! (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts) FRE FRE LAT RUS
- no. 5. A Seal Upon Your Heart (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts) FRE
- Fünf Fablen (Five Fables) ENG
- no. 1. Aesopus und der Esel (Text: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing) ENG
- no. 2. Eine philosophische Maus (Text: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing) ENG
- no. 3. Der Fuchs und der Storch (Text: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing) ENG
- no. 4. Der kriegerische Wolf (Text: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing) ENG
- no. 5. Die Wasserschlange (Text: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing) ENG
- Goethe-lieder
- no. 1. Das Alter (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- no. 2. Ja, schelte nur (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- no. 3. Das Beste (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG FRL ITA
- no. 4. Annonce (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- no. 5. Lebenslust (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- no. 6. Was bleibt denn (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- no. 7. Hab ich nur geschrieben (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- Harte Songs
- no. 1. Mrs. Judge Jenkins (Text: Bret Harte)
- no. 2. Coyote (Text: Bret Harte)
- no. 3. Plain Language from Truthful James (Text: Bret Harte)
- Hot House Ballads
- no. 1. Hot and Blue (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- no. 2. Heavenly Days (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- no. 3. Hot House (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- no. 4. No Body Blues (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Injun Summah
- no. 1. Injun Summah (Text: Benjamin Franklin King)
- no. 2. The River St. Joe (Text: Benjamin Franklin King)
- no. 3. The Cow Slips Away (Text: Benjamin Franklin King)
- no. 4. Gedder in yo' grain (Text: Benjamin Franklin King)
- Kindergebetchen
- no. 1. Erstes (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz)
- no. 2. Zweites (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz)
- no. 3. Drittes (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz)
- Kinderlieder
- no. 1. Alle meine Entchen (Text: Ernst Gebhard Salomon Anschütz) ENG
- no. 2. Fuchs, du hast die Gans gestohlen (Text: Ernst Gebhard Salomon Anschütz) ENG
- no. 3. Was haben wir Gänse für Kleider an? (Text: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben) ENG
- no. 4. Es war eine Mutter (Text: Volkslieder ) ENG
- no. 5. Ein Hund kam in die Küche (Text: Volkslieder ) ENG IRI
- no. 6. Nachtgebet (Text: Johann Wilhelm Hey) ENG ENG
- no. 7. Ein Schneider fing 'ne Maus (Text: Volkslieder ) ENG
- Kleengedichtjes
- no. 1. O Vrije, vlaamsche poësis (Text: Guido Gezelle)
- no. 2. Als de ziele luistert (Text: Guido Gezelle)
- no. 3. Janneke (Text: Guido Gezelle)
- no. 4. De winden (Text: Guido Gezelle)
- no. 5. Nar Hem (Text: Guido Gezelle)
- no. 6. De snee (Text: Guido Gezelle)
- no. 7. In de blijde mei (Text: Guido Gezelle)
- Kleine Wesen (Little Creatures) ENG
- no. 1. Einleitung (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- no. 2. Die Feder (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- no. 3. Der Funke (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- no. 4. Der Edelstein (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- no. 5. Die Seifenblase (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- no. 6. Das Ei (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- no. 7. Der Floh (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- no. 8. Die Nadel (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- no. 9. Das Samenkorn (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- no. 10. Der Wassertropfen (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- no. 11. Der Knopf (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- no. 12. Der Stein (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- no. 13. Der kleine Junge (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- no. 14. Das kleine Mädchen (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Lächerliche Kleinigkeiten
- no. 1. Ich bin aus Bern (Text: Andreas Scheidegger)
- no. 2. I bin Tenor (Text: Andreas Scheidegger)
- La Mort
- no. 1. Prélude
- no. 2. La mort des amants (Text: Charles Baudelaire) ENG ENG GER ITA POL SPA
- no. 3. La mort des pauvres (Text: Charles Baudelaire) CZE ENG GER
- no. 4. La mort des artistes (Text: Charles Baudelaire) CZE ENG GER
- no. 5. La fin de la journée (Text: Charles Baudelaire) CZE ENG GER
- no. 6. La rêve d'un curieux (Text: Charles Baudelaire) CZE GER
- no. 7. Pour l'enfant (Text: Charles Baudelaire) CZE GER RUS
- no. 8. Les vrais Voyageurs (Text: Charles Baudelaire) CZE GER RUS
- no. 9. Interlude
- no. 10. Horreur! (Text: Charles Baudelaire) CZE GER RUS
- no. 11. Pour le voyage (Text: Charles Baudelaire) CZE ENG ENG GER ITA RUS RUS
- Las Canciones de Bécquer
- no. 1. Hoy creo en Dios (Text: Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer) ENG ENG
- no. 2. Un beso (Text: Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer) ENG
- no. 3. Olas gigantes (Text: Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer) ENG FRE GER
- no. 4. ¡Qué hermoso (Text: Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer)
- no. 5. La luz divina (Text: Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer)
- Lausn
- no. 1. Sungið, sagt og téð (Text: Hallgrímur Pétursson)
- no. 2. Þurfamaður (Text: Hallgrímur Pétursson)
- no. 3. Daglega (Text: Hallgrímur Pétursson)
- no. 4. Lofa þinn guð (Text: Hallgrímur Pétursson)
- Little Love Poems
- no. 1. Inconstancy (Text: Joseph Seamon Cotter, Jr.)
- no. 2. Love (Text: Joseph Seamon Cotter, Jr.)
- no. 3. Memories (Text: Joseph Seamon Cotter, Jr.)
- Love Songs for Dorothy
- no. 1. Romance Novel (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- no. 2. Cigarette Smoke (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- no. 3. What about it? (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- no. 4. Jumbled (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- no. 5. A Litany of Symptoms (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Mäuselein, Mauskätzchen und Spätzchen
- no. 1. O Mäuselein (Text: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben) FRE
- no. 2. Mauskätzchen (Text: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben)
- no. 3. Spatz und Katze (Text: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben)
- New York Sorrows
- no. 1. Central Park at Dusk (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- no. 2. Broadway (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- no. 3. The kiss (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- no. 4. The old maid (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- no. 5. Coney Island (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- no. 6. Less than the cloud to the wind (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- no. 7. Summer night, riverside (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- Nursery Rhymes and Children's Prayers
- no. 1. Cobbler! Mend my shoe (Text: Anonymous)
- no. 2. Mary Had a Little Lamb (Text: Anonymous)
- no. 3. The Child and the Star (Text: Volkslieder )
- no. 4. Pat-a-cake, Baker's Man (Text: Volkslieder )
- no. 5. Little Drops of Water (Text: Julia Abigail Fletcher, Carney)
- no. 6. The Rain Is Failing (Text: Gary Bachlund after Robert Louis Stevenson) FRE ITA
- no. 7. Rich Man, Poor Man (Text: Volkslieder )
- no. 8. Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (Text: Anonymous)
- Of Time and Eternity
- no. 1. I died for beauty (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER GER
- no. 2. The bustle in a house (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- no. 3. I went to thank her (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- no. 4. Dialogue (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Pieces of Peacock Pie
- no. 1. The lost shoe (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- no. 2. Tired Tim (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- no. 3. The huntsmen (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- no. 4. Some one (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- no. 5. Miss T. (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- no. 6. The cupboard (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- no. 7. Hide and seek (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- no. 8. Then (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- no. 9. Full moon (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- no. 10. Poor Henry (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- no. 11. Will ever? (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- no. 12. Song of the secret (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- Poèmes pour la paix
- no. 1. Bonjour (Text: Eugène Émile Paul Grindel , as Paul Éluard)
- no. 2. Splendide! (Text: Eugène Émile Paul Grindel , as Paul Éluard)
- no. 3. O! mes amis! (Text: Eugène Émile Paul Grindel , as Paul Éluard)
- no. 4. Près de toi (Text: Eugène Émile Paul Grindel , as Paul Éluard)
- no. 5. Mon enfant (Text: Eugène Émile Paul Grindel , as Paul Éluard)
- no. 6. Travaille (Text: Eugène Émile Paul Grindel , as Paul Éluard)
- no. 7. Ma belle (Text: Eugène Émile Paul Grindel , as Paul Éluard)
- no. 8. Pour être heureux (Text: Eugène Émile Paul Grindel , as Paul Éluard)
- no. 9. Une amoureuse (Text: Eugène Émile Paul Grindel , as Paul Éluard)
- no. 10. Je rêve (Text: Eugène Émile Paul Grindel , as Paul Éluard)
- no. 11. Mon jardin (Text: Eugène Émile Paul Grindel , as Paul Éluard)
- Poets on Pigs
- no. 1. The pig (Text: Ogden Nash) *
- no. 2. The Pig - A Fable (Text: Christopher Smart)
- no. 3. This Pig Went to Market (Text: Anonymous)
- no. 4. Dickory, dickory, dare (Text: Anonymous)
- no. 5. Three Little Pigs (Text: Sian Davies) *
- no. 6. The Spectre Pig - A Ballad (Text: Oliver Wendell Holmes)
- no. 7. Piggy Patter, Piggy Platter (Text: Mary Buchanan)
- no. 8. The Star and the Pig (Text: Sara Teasdale) FRE
- no. 9. Politics is where the pig (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- no. 10. The Three Little Pigs (Text: Alfred Scott Gatty)
- no. 11. Early Bacon (Text: Archibald Stodart-Walker)
- no. 12. Any Part of Piggy (Text: Noel Coward)
- Ringelnatz in dreiviertel Takt (Ringelnatz in 3/4) ENG
- no. 1. Ein Kehlkopf (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- no. 2. Beim Mittagessen! (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- no. 3. Ein Nagel saß in einem Stück Holz (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- no. 4. Ein Stahlknopf (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- no. 5. Die Nacht erstarb (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- no. 6. An einem Teiche (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- no. 7. Der Spiegel, der Kamm und der Schwamm (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- no. 8. Weißt du's? (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- no. 9. Schon gut! (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- no. 10. Ein Lied (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- no. 11. Liebens Malzbonbon (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- no. 12. Ein Nadelkissen (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- no. 13. Ein Schwefelholz (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- no. 14. Miliz (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- Schmetterlingslieder
- no. 1. Goldne Sterne, blaue Glöckchen (Text: Karl Friedrich Henckell) CHI ENG FRE
- no. 2. Schwebe, du Schmetterling (Text: Karl Friedrich Henckell) ENG FRE
- Sechs letzte Wort-lieder
- no. 1. Wortschlingen (Text: Manfred Neber) *
- no. 2. Strandlust (Text: Manfred Neber) *
- no. 3. Das Licht (Text: Manfred Neber) *
- no. 4. Tanz (Text: Manfred Neber) *
- no. 5. Stille (Text: Manfred Neber) *
- no. 6. Wo die Stille aufspringt (Text: Manfred Neber) *
- Seven Presidential Pardons
- no. 1. I'm not a crook (Text: Richard Milhouse Nixon)
- no. 2. American efficiency (Text: Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr.)
- no. 3. To drown my troubles (Text: James Earl Carter)
- no. 4. The second-oldest profession (Text: Ronald Wilson Reagan)
- no. 5. No exaggeration (Text: George Herbert Walker Bush)
- no. 6. It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is (Text: William Jefferson Clinton) SPA
- no. 7. The strategery (Text: George W. Bush)
- Seven Silly Little Songs
- no. 1. Animal Fair (Text: Anonymous)
- no. 2. Eve, apropos de Rien (Text: Oliver Hurford)
- no. 3. The purple cow (Text: Frank Gelett Burgess)
- no. 4. Reasons for drinking (Text: Henry Aldrich after Henry Aldrich)
- no. 5. Judged by the company one keeps (Text: Anonymous)
- no. 6. The purple cow again (Text: Frank Gelett Burgess)
- no. 7. The frog (Text: Anonymous)
- Sieben Goethe-liederchen
- no. 1. Ich, Egoist! (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- no. 2. Gleich und gleich (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) CAT ENG ENG ENG FRE ITA
- no. 3. Der Saldo (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- no. 4. Der Rausch (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- no. 5. Nein (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- no. 6. Im neuen Jahr (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- no. 7. Der Abschied (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- Songs for the Victims of AIDS
- no. 1. Clever Death, Stupid Death (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- no. 2. It was a cross (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- no. 3. Room A-460 (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- no. 4. Yesterday (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- no. 5. A Litany of Finger Pointing (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- no. 6. The Quilt (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Songs of War
- no. 1. In Time of 'The Breaking of Nations' (Text: Thomas Hardy) HUN
- no. 2. The Send-Off (Text: Wilfred Owen) FRE
- no. 3. Attack (Text: Siegfried Lorraine Sassoon) FRE
- no. 4. Dead Man's Dump (Text: Isaac Rosenberg)
- no. 5. Gethsemane (Text: Rudyard Kipling)
- no. 6. Danny Deever (Text: Rudyard Kipling)
- no. 7. The dead (Text: Rupert Brooke) ITA
- "spoke joe to jack" and other songs
- no. 1. spoke joe to jack (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- no. 2. red-rag and pink-flag (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- no. 3. the way to hump a cow is not (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- no. 4. there are possibly 2½ or impossibly 3 (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- no. 5. these children singing in stone (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- no. 6. love is the every only god (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- no. 7. up into the silence (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- no. 8. love is more thicker than forget (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Strumpfsinn Lieder (Strumpfsinn Lieder) ENG
- no. 1. Die Schnupftabaksdose (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- no. 2. Ein männlicher Briefmark (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- no. 3. Ein große Genie [multi-text setting] (Text: Bötticher) ENG
- no. 4. Eine gelbe Zitrone (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- no. 5. Unterm Tisch (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Ten Poems of Edward Thomas
- no. 1. The Trumpet (Text: Edward Thomas , as Edward Eastaway)
- no. 2. Tall nettles (Text: Edward Thomas , as Edward Eastaway)
- no. 3. Head and bottle (Text: Edward Thomas , as Edward Eastaway)
- no. 4. The huxter (Text: Edward Thomas , as Edward Eastaway)
- no. 5. Sowing (Text: Edward Thomas , as Edward Eastaway)
- no. 6. The gallows (Text: Edward Thomas , as Edward Eastaway)
- no. 7. When he should laugh (Text: Edward Thomas , as Edward Eastaway)
- no. 8. Like the touch of rain (Text: Edward Thomas , as Edward Eastaway)
- no. 9. In memoriam (Text: Edward Thomas , as Edward Eastaway)
- no. 10. Will you come? (Text: Edward Thomas , as Edward Eastaway)
- The Circus Band and Other Delights
- no. 1. The Circus Band (Text: Charles Edward Ives) SPA
- no. 2. The see'r (Text: Charles Edward Ives)
- no. 3. The cage (Text: Charles Edward Ives)
- no. 4. The Side Show (Text: Charles Edward Ives after P. Rooney) SPA
- no. 5. Waltz (Text: Charles Edward Ives)
- no. 6. 1, 2, 3 (Text: Charles Edward Ives)
- The Sum of Life
- no. 1. If I Should Die (Text: Benjamin Franklin King)
- no. 2. The Hair-Tonic Bottle (Text: Benjamin Franklin King)
- no. 3. The Pessimist (Text: Benjamin Franklin King)
- This Perfect World
- no. 1. Memories (Text: David Fries) *
- no. 2. Friends (Text: David Fries) *
- no. 3. The Dance (Text: David Fries) *
- Three Abortion Carols
- no. 1. Away in a basin (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- no. 2. O little child unwanted (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- no. 3. Silent child, wholly defiled (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Three Airs from the Beggar's Opera
- no. 1. A fox may steal your hens, sir (Text: John Gay)
- no. 2. If the heart of a man (Text: John Gay)
- no. 3. Youth's the season made for joys (Text: John Gay)
- Three Blake Settings
- no. 1. The sick rose (Text: William Blake) CAT FRE GER GER IRI NYN RUS SPA
- no. 2. The lily (Text: William Blake)
- no. 3. Ah, Sunflower (Text: William Blake) CAT FRE SPA
- Three Cummings Songs
- no. 1. may i feel said he (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- no. 2. if i believe (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- no. 3. buy me an ounce and i'll sell you a pound (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Three Johnson Ballads
- no. 1. The faiery beame upon you (Text: Ben Jonson)
- no. 2. The hourglass (Text: Ben Jonson)
- no. 3. So breaks the sun (Text: Ben Jonson)
- Three Little Americana Songs
- no. 1. Nature (Text: Anonymous)
- no. 2. Ann Street (Text: Maurice Morris) FRE
- no. 3. Like a sick eagle (Text: John Keats) FRE GER HUN
- Three Magical Songs
- no. 1. The stolen child (Text: William Butler Yeats)
- no. 2. The Song of Wandering Aengus (Text: William Butler Yeats) CHI FRE GER
- no. 3. The Second Coming (Text: William Butler Yeats) GER
- Three Poems of Walter de la Mare
- no. 1. Alas, alack! (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- no. 2. The song of shadows (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- no. 3. Silver (Text: Walter De la Mare) CAT FRE GER
- Three Psalms
- no. 1. A Tree By the River Side (Text: Thomas Sternhold after Bible or other Sacred Texts) FRE FRE FRE GER SCO
- no. 2. Like as the Hart (Text: John Hopkins after Bible or other Sacred Texts) GER
- no. 3. Give Laud unto the Lord (Text: John Pullain after Bible or other Sacred Texts) GER GER
- Three Songs for Roger
- no. 1. Life (Text: Gary Bachlund after Jeppe Aakjær)
- no. 2. Who Am I? (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- no. 3. Love (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Three Songs of a Woman
- no. 1. What will I be (Text: Eva Bauche-Eppers) *
- no. 2. In need (Text: Eva Bauche-Eppers) *
- no. 3. Spiral (Text: Eva Bauche-Eppers) *
- Three Songs of Immanuel Frances
- no. 1. את אחזה חנה (Text: Immanuel ben David Frances)
- no. 2. עיני צביּה (Text: Immanuel ben David Frances)
- no. 3. אי סןחרים (Text: Immanuel ben David Frances)
- Tres Canciones de Ana María Fagundo
- no. 1. Malvas en la pradera (Text: Ana María Fagundo) *
- no. 2. A la poesía (Text: Ana María Fagundo) *
- no. 3. Rosas en diciembre (Text: Ana María Fagundo) *
- Trois Chansons de Gidé
- no. 1. Si le jour est passé (Text: André Gide after Rabindranath Tagore) ENG GER SPA
- no. 2. À mes côtés, il est venu s'asseoir (Text: André Gide after Rabindranath Tagore) ENG GER ITA
- no. 3. Lumière! ma lumière! (Text: André Gide after Rabindranath Tagore) ENG ENG GER GER ITA
- Two Poems of Louis Untermeyer
- no. 1. With a Volume of Heine (Text: Louis Untermeyer)
- no. 2. Matinée (Text: Louis Untermeyer)
- Two Possum Songs
- no. 1. Sling Along (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- no. 2. Possum (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Two Simple Songs
- no. 1. Renaissance (Text: Virginia Ann Bachlund) *
- no. 2. A Seeking Heart (Text: Virginia Ann Bachlund)
- Unsinn Poesie
- no. 1. Ein Zungenzerfitzler (Text: Brigitte Peter)
- no. 2. sonnett (Text: Gerhard Rühm)
- no. 3. Professoren-Liedchen (Text: Martin Walser) * ITA
- Vier kleine Lieder (Four small songs) (Quatre petites cançons, translated by Salvador Pila) ENG CAT
- no. 1. Die klare Welt (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) CAT ENG
- no. 2. Nichts (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) CAT ENG
- no. 3. Einheit (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) CAT ENG
- no. 4. An Gottes Thron (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) CAT ENG
- Vier Lieder von Else Lasker-Schüler
- no. 1. Nun schlummert meine Seele (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler) ENG FRE
- no. 2. Ich träume so leise von Dir (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler) ENG FRE
- no. 3. Weltende (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler) ENG FRE
- no. 4. Versöhnung (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler) ENG FRE
- Vier Unsinn-lieder
- no. 1. Sagga-lieder (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- no. 2. Kuh (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- no. 3. Klapphorn-Verse (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- no. 4. Icke! (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Vogel-lieder (Bird-songs) ENG
- no. 1. Fink und Frosch (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- no. 2. Der weise Schuhu (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- no. 3. Der hinterlistige Heinrich (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Wiegenlieder
- no. 1. Alles still in süßer Ruh (Text: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben) CAT DUT ENG FRE ITA POR
- no. 2. Schlaf auch du! (Text: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben) ENG FRE
- no. 3. Dein Sternlein wacht (Text: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben)
- Zehn Morgenstern-lieder (Ten Morgenstern Songs) ENG
- no. 1. Das Lied vom blonden Korken (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG FRE
- no. 2. Das Wasser (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG
- no. 3. Die Mitternachtsmaus (Text: Christian Morgenstern) DUT ENG FRE
- no. 4. Kronprätendenten (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG
- no. 5. Tapetenblume (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG FIN
- no. 6. Himmel und Erde (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG FRE
- no. 7. Die beiden Flaschen (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG FRE
- no. 8. Unter Zeiten (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG FIN FRE
- no. 9. Die beiden Esel (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG FRE
- no. 10. Der Traum der Magd (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG FRE
- Zwei Rilke-lieder
- no. 1. Herbst (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG FRE ITA
- no. 2. Frühling (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) ENG FRE
- Zwölf Kinder-lieder für Erwachsene (Twelve Children's Songs for Grown-ups) ENG
- no. 1. Rosenringel (Text: Elsa Bernstein , as Ernst Rosmer) ENG ENG
- no. 2. Kinderland, du Zauberland (Text: Detlev von Liliencron) ENG
- no. 3. Rabenschabelschnupfen (Text: Manfred Kyber) ENG
- no. 4. Ball der Tiere (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- no. 5. Gottes Segen (Text: Joseph Karl Benedikt, Freiherr von Eichendorff) CAT ENG ENG ENG FRE
- no. 6. Es flogen drei Enten... (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- no. 7. Neue Bildungen (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG
- no. 8. Zwei Knaben (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- no. 9. Ich und Du (Text: Friedrich Hebbel) ENG ENG ENG FRE
- no. 10. Die zwei Wurzeln (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG
- no. 11. Liebe (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- no. 12. Als ich ein kleiner Bube war (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Zwölf Morgenstern-Lieder
- no. 1. An meine Taschenuhr (Text: Christian Morgenstern)
- no. 2. Die Beichte des Wurms (Text: Christian Morgenstern) DUT FRE
- no. 3. Der Flügelflagel (Text: Christian Morgenstern)
- no. 4. Auf dem Fliegenplaneten (Text: Christian Morgenstern)
- no. 5. Möwenlied (Text: Christian Morgenstern) FRE
- no. 6. Der Purzelbaum (Text: Christian Morgenstern)
- no. 7. Geiß und Schleiche (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG FRE
- no. 8. Die Probe (Text: Christian Morgenstern)
- no. 9. Der Aesthet (Text: Christian Morgenstern)
- no. 10. Denkmalswunsch (Text: Christian Morgenstern)
- no. 11. Wiegenlied (Text: Christian Morgenstern) FRE
- no. 12. Der Tanz (Text: Christian Morgenstern) DUT
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- 1, 2, 3 (in The Circus Band and Other Delights) (Text: Charles Edward Ives)
- A Ballade of an Anti-Puritan (in Drolleries and Wisdom) (Text: Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
- A Ballade of Suicide (in Drolleries and Wisdom) (Text: Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
- A Banjo Song (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Abel (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler) ENG FRE
- Abendlied (Text: Manfred Kyber)
- A boy's summer song (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Accountability (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- A Chorus Girl (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- A death song (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Advent (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) ENG ENG
- Advice to Little Girls (Text: Samuel Langhorne Clemens , as Mark Twain)
- Advice (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Aesopus und der Esel (in Fünf Fablen) (Text: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing) ENG
- A fox may steal your hens, sir (in Three Airs from the Beggar's Opera) (Text: John Gay)
- A frolic (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- After Apple-picking (Text: Robert Frost)
- After church (Text: Samuel Alfred Beadle)
- After love (Text: Sara Teasdale) FRE GER
- A game of fives (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll)
- A golden day (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- A Government Song (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Ah, Sunflower (in Three Blake Settings) (Text: William Blake) CAT FRE SPA
- A Hymn to God the Father (Text: John Donne)
- A hymn (Text: Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
- A la poesía (in Tres Canciones de Ana María Fagundo) (Text: Ana María Fagundo) *
- Alas, alack! (in Three Poems of Walter de la Mare) (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- Ale (Text: William Henry Davies)
- Alicante (in Deux petites chansons) (Text: Jacques Prévert) [x]*
- A Litany of Finger Pointing (in Songs for the Victims of AIDS) (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- A Litany of Symptoms (in Love Songs for Dorothy) (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- A little song of life (Text: Lizette Woodworth Reese)
- Alle meine Entchen (in Kinderlieder) (Text: Ernst Gebhard Salomon Anschütz) ENG
- Alles ist Eins (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke)
- Alles still in süßer Ruh (in Wiegenlieder) (Text: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben) CAT DUT ENG FRE ITA POR
- All Lovely Things (Text: Conrad Aiken)
- All that's past (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- all the girls (Text: E. E. Cummings) [x]*
- Almendros en flor (Text: Ana María Fagundo) [x]*
- Als de ziele luistert (in Kleengedichtjes) (Text: Guido Gezelle)
- Als ich ein kleiner Bube war (in Zwölf Kinder-lieder für Erwachsene) (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Altes Lied (Text: Frank Wedekind) ENG ENG
- American efficiency (in Seven Presidential Pardons) (Text: Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr.)
- America (Text: Claude Mckay)
- Amerika (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
- À mes côtés, il est venu s'asseoir (in Trois Chansons de Gidé) (Text: André Gide after Rabindranath Tagore) ENG GER ITA
- Am Weihnachtsabend (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz)
- An Angry Cactus Does No Good (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- Ancient Music (Text: Ezra Pound)
- An die Nachtigall (Text: Matthias Claudius) CAT DUT ENG ENG FRE ITA TUR
- And What Shall You Say? (Text: Joseph Seamon Cotter, Jr.)
- An Easy Goin' Feller (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- An einem Teiche (in Ringelnatz in dreiviertel Takt) (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- An elegy on the death of a mad dog (Text: Oliver Goldsmith)
- An eternity (Text: Archibald MacLeish)
- An Gottes Thron (in Vier kleine Lieder ) (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) CAT ENG
- An Gott (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler) ENG FRE
- Animal Fair (in Seven Silly Little Songs) (Text: Anonymous)
- An meinen Lehrer (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz)
- An meine Taschenuhr (in Zwölf Morgenstern-Lieder ) (Text: Christian Morgenstern)
- Annonce (in Goethe-lieder) (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- Ann Street (in Three Little Americana Songs) (Text: Maurice Morris) FRE
- Anoche cuando dormía (Text: António Machado) ENG ENG FRE
- An Old and Crumbling Parapet (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- An old Fellow of Trinity (Text: Arthur Clement Hilton)
- An Old Lady (in "Calico Pie" and Other Nonsense) (Text: Edward Lear)
- An Old Man with a Beard (in "Calico Pie" and Other Nonsense) (Text: Edward Lear)
- Anrufung der Parzen (in Frivole Lieder) (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) ENG
- Antwort (Text: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing) ENG
- anyone lived in a pretty how town (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Any Part of Piggy (in Poets on Pigs) (Text: Noel Coward)
- A parable (Text: Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir, DL)
- a politician is an arse upon (Text: E. E. Cummings) [x]*
- Apple Pie Dream (Text: Eric Metaxas) [x]*
- Appreciation (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- A Prayer for Today (Text: Ambrose Bierce)
- A prayer (Text: Joseph Seamon Cotter, Jr.)
- A prayer (Text: Claude Mckay)
- A prayer (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- April's lambs (Text: William Henry Davies)
- A Rational Anthem (Text: Ambrose Bierce)
- A regular sort of a guy (Text: Eugene O'Neill)
- Arie des Orpheus (Text: Carl Meisl) ENG
- Art [multi-text setting] (Text: Pound)
- a salesman is an it that stinks Excuse (Text: E. E. Cummings) [x]*
- A Seal Upon Your Heart (in From the Song of Songs) (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts) FRE
- A seaside romance (Text: Donald Robert Perry Marquis , as Don Marquis)
- A Seeking Heart (in Two Simple Songs) (Text: Virginia Ann Bachlund)
- as freedom is a breakfastfood (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Ashes and Eyes (Text: Anton Gill) *
- as joe gould says (in "crazy jay blue)" and other poems) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- A Solitary Triumph (Text: Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse KBE)
- A son of a Gambolier (Text: Charles Edward Ives)
- A square poem (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll)
- A summer night (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- A sword-great story (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- A Thanksgiving fable (Text: Oliver Herford)
- A Tree By the River Side (in Three Psalms) (Text: Thomas Sternhold after Bible or other Sacred Texts) FRE FRE FRE GER SCO
- Attack (in Songs of War) (Text: Siegfried Lorraine Sassoon) FRE
- At tea (Text: Thomas Hardy)
- At the tavern (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Aubade (Text: Edith Sitwell)
- Auf dem Fliegenplaneten (in Zwölf Morgenstern-Lieder ) (Text: Christian Morgenstern)
- Auf den Berge Sinai (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Auf ein altes Bild (Text: Eduard Mörike) CAT ENG FRE FRE ITA SPA
- Aufgegeben Endreime (Text: Friedrich Rückert) ENG FRE
- À une femme (Text: Victor Hugo) CHI ENG ENG GER SPA
- Aunty Flo (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake)
- Aunty Grace (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- Aunty Jane (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- Aunty Jill (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- Aunty Mig (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- Aunty Nag (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- Aunty Vi (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- Aus meiner Kinderzeit (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Autumn (in Four Seasons) (Text: Anton Gill) *
- A-waiting and a-watching (Text: Joseph Seamon Cotter, Jr.)
- A warm day in winter (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Away in a basin (in Three Abortion Carols) (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- A Young Man and His Sister (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll)
- Az amar shlomo (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- Bacchantische Couplets (in Frivole Lieder) (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) ENG
- Ballade aus dem 15. Jahrhundert (Text: Anonymous)
- Ballade für Frank Wedekind (Text: Alfred Henschke , as Jucundus Fröhlich Klabund) ENG FRE
- Ball der Tiere (in Zwölf Kinder-lieder für Erwachsene) (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Barter (Text: Sara Teasdale) FRE
- Bauchweh (Text: Erich Kurt Mühsam) ENG
- Beautiful Women (Text: Ezra Pound)
- Beauty (Text: Elinor Wylie) GER
- Because I could not stop for death (Text: Emily Dickinson) CAT FRE GER GER ITA
- Beer (Text: George Arnold)
- Beim Mittagessen! (in Ringelnatz in dreiviertel Takt) (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- Belsazar (Text: Heinrich Heine) CAT CZE DUT ENG FRE ITA SPA
- Berliner Ballade (Text: Alfred Henschke , as Jucundus Fröhlich Klabund) ENG FRE
- Beschränkt (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Bessie's song to her doll (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll)
- Be strong (Text: Anonymous after Judah ben Teima)
- Be the best of whatever you are (Text: Douglas Malloch)
- Between the Sunken Sun and the New Moon (Text: Paul Hamilton Hayne)
- Between two hills (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- Bewaffneter Friede (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Beyond Debate (Text: Hervey Allen)
- Bills (Text: Samuel Langhorne Clemens , as Mark Twain)
- Bis auf weiters (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Bist du bei mir (Text: Anonymous) ENG ENG FRE IRI ITA SPA
- Blindekuh (Text: August Kopisch after Volkslieder ) CAT DUT ENG FIN FRE
- Blumen (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Albert Laighton)
- Bonjour (in Poèmes pour la paix) (Text: Eugène Émile Paul Grindel , as Paul Éluard)
- Born like the pines (Text: James Ephriam McGirt)
- Brer Rabbit, you's de cutes' of 'em all (Text: James Weldon Johnson)
- Broadway (in New York Sorrows) (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- Brüderlein (in Busch-lieder ) (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Buffalo Bill's (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- Bumerang (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Bumpity ride (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- Bürokratismus (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- but the other (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- buy me an ounce and i'll sell you a pound (in Three Cummings Songs) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Buzz, quoth the blue fly (Text: Ben Jonson)
- Cahoots (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- Caliban's Song (Text: William Shakespeare) FRE ITA
- Calico Pie (in "Calico Pie" and Other Nonsense) (Text: Edward Lear)
- Calling the Doctor (Text: John Wesley Holloway)
- Captain Stratton's Fancy (Text: John Masefield)
- Central Park at Dusk (in New York Sorrows) (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- Chanson des escargots qui vont à l'enterrement (Text: Jacques Prévert) * ENG
- Chanson des peintres (Text: Charles Cros)
- Chansonette (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz)
- Chanson (Text: Oscar Wilde)
- Chanson (in Deux petites chansons) (Text: Jacques Prévert) [x]*
- Chat, chat, chat (in Deux Chansons) (Text: Arthur Justin Léon Leclère , as Tristan Klingsor) ENG
- Chicken Little (Text: Margaret Free; Harriette Taylor Treadwell)
- Childhood Dreams (in "Alice" Songs) (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll) FRE FRE
- Choose (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- Chrismus Is A-Comin' (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Chump Change - variations on Mulberry Bush (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Chutspeh (חוצפה) (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Cigarette Smoke (in Love Songs for Dorothy) (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Clever Death, Stupid Death (in Songs for the Victims of AIDS) (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Cobbler! Mend my shoe (in Nursery Rhymes and Children's Prayers) (Text: Anonymous)
- 'Come, Break the News to Me, Sweet Horse' (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- Come unto these yellow sands (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE FRE FRE FRE SPA SWE
- Companion to the other (Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
- Companion (in Chamber Music) (Text: James Joyce) FRE
- Compensation (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Complete Destruction (Text: William Carlos Williams)
- Coney Island (in New York Sorrows) (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- Consolation (Text: Ambrose Bierce)
- Coyote (in Harte Songs) (Text: Bret Harte)
- crazy jay blue (in "crazy jay blue)" and other poems) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Creed and not a creed (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Crisis (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Crocodiles (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake)
- Crowned with dreams (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Rainer Maria Rilke) FRE
- Crown Me With Hairpins (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- Daffodils (Text: William Wordsworth) CHI CZE GER GER HUN POL
- Daglega (in Lausn) (Text: Hallgrímur Pétursson)
- Danny Deever (in Songs of War) (Text: Rudyard Kipling)
- Dann (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler) ENG FRE
- Das alte Lied (Text: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben) ENG
- Das Alter (in Goethe-lieder) (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- Das ästhetische Wiesel (in Das tierische Lied von der Erde) (Text: Christian Morgenstern) DUT ENG FRE
- Das Beste (in Goethe-lieder) (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG FRL ITA
- Das Bild (Text: Christian Morgenstern)
- Das Ei (in Kleine Wesen) (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Das Gesetz der Quadrille (Text: Franz Kafka) FRE
- Das Häschen (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Das Karussell (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) ENG FRE
- Das kleine Mädchen (in Kleine Wesen) (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Das Köhlerweib ist trunken (Text: Gottfried Keller) CAT ENG FRE TUR
- Das Krokodil (in Das tierische Lied von der Erde) (Text: Hermann von Lingg) ENG
- Das Licht (in Sechs letzte Wort-lieder) (Text: Manfred Neber) *
- Das Lied des Trinkers (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) ENG FRE
- Das Lied vom blonden Korken (in Zehn Morgenstern-lieder) (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG FRE
- Das Lied von der roten Nase (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Das Nasobēm (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG FRE
- Das Parlament (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz)
- Das Pavianmutter-liedchen (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler)
- Das quiekende Ei (Text: Paul Scheerbart)
- Das Samenkorn (in Kleine Wesen) (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Das traurige Röslein (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Das Wasser (in Zehn Morgenstern-lieder) (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG
- Dawn (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Daybreak (Text: John Ernst Steinbeck) *
- Day (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Dead Cleopatra (Text: Conrad Aiken)
- Dead Man's Dump (in Songs of War) (Text: Isaac Rosenberg)
- Death snips proud men by the nose (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- Death stands above me (Text: Walter Savage Landor) ITA
- Death (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Decoration (Text: Samuel Foster Damon)
- De Cunjah man (in Echoes from the Cabin) (Text: James Edwin Campbell)
- Deep in the night (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- Dein Sternlein wacht (in Wiegenlieder) (Text: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben)
- Demain, dès l'aube (Text: Victor Hugo) CHI ENG
- Denkmalswunsch (in Zwölf Morgenstern-Lieder ) (Text: Christian Morgenstern)
- Denkst du (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Der Abschied (in Sieben Goethe-liederchen) (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- Der Adler und die Eule (Text: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing) ENG
- Der Aesthet (in Zwölf Morgenstern-Lieder ) (Text: Christian Morgenstern)
- Der alte Förster Püsterich (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Der alte Marabu (in Das tierische Lied von der Erde) (Text: Edwin Bormann) ENG
- Der alte Narr (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Der Edelstein (in Kleine Wesen) (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Der Esel (Text: Matthias Claudius) ENG
- Der Faulpelz (Text: Erich Kurt Mühsam) ENG
- Der Floh (in Kleine Wesen) (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Der Flügelflagel (in Zwölf Morgenstern-Lieder ) (Text: Christian Morgenstern)
- Der Fuchs und der Storch (in Fünf Fablen) (Text: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing) ENG
- Der Funke (in Kleine Wesen) (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Der genügsame Liebhaber (Text: Hugo Salus) ENG ENG FRE LIT
- Der grosse und der kleine Hund (Text: Matthias Claudius) ENG
- Der gute Hirte (Text: Martin Luther after Bible or other Sacred Texts) CAT ENG ENG ENG ENG FRE FRE LAT
- Der hinterlistige Heinrich (in Vogel-lieder) (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Der innere Architekt (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Der Kehlkopf (Text: Eduard Mörike) ENG
- Der kleine Junge (in Kleine Wesen) (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Der kleine Kunstreiter (Text: Erich Kurt Mühsam)
- Der Knopf (in Kleine Wesen) (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Der Komiker (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz)
- Der kriegerische Wolf (in Fünf Fablen) (Text: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing) ENG
- Der letzte Weg (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Der Misanthrop (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- Der Poet (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Herbert Allen Giles) ENG
- Der Purzelbaum (in Zwölf Morgenstern-Lieder ) (Text: Christian Morgenstern)
- Der Rabe Ralf (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG
- Der Rausch (in Sieben Goethe-liederchen) (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- Der Saldo (in Sieben Goethe-liederchen) (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- Der Sänger (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz)
- Der schönste Anblick (Text: Justinus Kerner) ENG FRE
- Der Seufzer (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG FRE
- Der Sperling (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Der Spiegel, der Kamm und der Schwamm (in Ringelnatz in dreiviertel Takt) (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- Der Stein (in Kleine Wesen) (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Der Storch (Text: Heinrich Seidel) ENG
- Der Tanz (in Zwölf Morgenstern-Lieder ) (Text: Christian Morgenstern) DUT
- Der Traum der Magd (in Zehn Morgenstern-lieder) (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG FRE
- Der Wassertropfen (in Kleine Wesen) (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Der weise Schuhu (in Vogel-lieder) (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Der Werwolf (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG FRE
- Deserted (Text: Madison Cawein)
- De snee (in Kleengedichtjes) (Text: Guido Gezelle)
- De winden (in Kleengedichtjes) (Text: Guido Gezelle)
- Dialogue (in Of Time and Eternity) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Dichter und Kämpfer (Text: Erich Kurt Mühsam) ENG
- Dickory, dickory, dare (in Poets on Pigs) (Text: Anonymous)
- Die Ahnung (Text: Erich Kurt Mühsam) ENG
- Die Ameisen (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Die Arche Noäh (Text: Wilhelm Müller)
- Die Beichte des Wurms (in Zwölf Morgenstern-Lieder ) (Text: Christian Morgenstern) DUT FRE
- Die beiden Esel (in Zehn Morgenstern-lieder) (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG FRE
- Die beiden Flaschen (in Zehn Morgenstern-lieder) (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG FRE
- Die Dämmerung (Text: Alfred Lichtenstein) ENG
- Die drei Spatzen (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG FRE
- Die Enten laufen Schlittschuh (Text: Christian Morgenstern)
- Die Faulheit (Text: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing)
- Die Feder (in Kleine Wesen) (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Die freizügige Geliebte (in Frivole Lieder) (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) ENG
- Die Gedanken treuer Liebe (Text: Eduard Mörike) CAT DUT ENG ENG FRE FRE ITA
- Die Geschichte vom Hänschen (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz)
- Die große Sehnsucht (Text: Paul Scheerbart) ENG
- Die Heinzelmännchen zu Köln (Text: August Kopisch) ENG
- Die klare Welt (in Vier kleine Lieder ) (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) CAT ENG
- Die Lampe (Text: Christian Morgenstern)
- Die Mitternachtsmaus (in Zehn Morgenstern-lieder) (Text: Christian Morgenstern) DUT ENG FRE
- Die Moral (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Die Nacht erstarb (in Ringelnatz in dreiviertel Takt) (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- Die Nadel (in Kleine Wesen) (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Die Opfergabe (in Frivole Lieder) (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) ENG
- Die Probe (in Zwölf Morgenstern-Lieder ) (Text: Christian Morgenstern)
- Die Rose sprach zum Mägdelein (in Busch-lieder ) (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Die Schnupftabaksdose (in Strumpfsinn Lieder) (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Die Seifenblase (in Kleine Wesen) (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Die Selbstkritik hat viel für sich (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Die singende Muschel (Text: Francisca Stoecklin)
- Die sonnige Kinderstraße (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Die Stadt (Text: Theodor Storm) ENG FRE
- Die Wahl-Esel (Text: Heinrich Heine) ENG
- Die Wasserschlange (in Fünf Fablen) (Text: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing) ENG
- Die Zärtlichkeiten (Text: Stefan Zweig) ENG
- Die Zeit ist hin (Text: Theodor Storm) ENG FRE
- Die Zeit (in Busch-lieder ) (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Die zwei Wurzeln (in Zwölf Kinder-lieder für Erwachsene) (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG
- Directions for Singing (Text: John Wesley)
- Dir singe ich, Gitarre (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Not Applicable) ENG FRE
- Disillusionment of ten o'clock (Text: Wallace Stevens)
- Doch möcht ich (Text: Heinrich Heine) CZE ENG ENG ENG FRE FRE
- dodecophonoclast (Text: Elaine Fine) *
- Doll's boy's asleep (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- dominic has a doll (in "crazy jay blue)" and other poems) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Don't laugh, boys (Text: James Ephriam McGirt)
- Don't you see? (Text: Katharine Lee Bates)
- Dora's Girls (Text: John Ernst Steinbeck) *
- Dreamland (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll)
- dreck (in Drei Kleinigkeiten) (Text: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) ENG
- Drei alte Tanten (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Drei wilde Gänse (Text: Alfred Henschke , as Jucundus Fröhlich Klabund) ENG FRE
- Drink on (Text: Thomas Shadwell)
- Drittes (in Kindergebetchen) (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz)
- Drum (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Du armer Vater Adam (Text: Matthias Claudius)
- Du bist die Ruh (Text: Friedrich Rückert) CAT DUT DUT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG FRE FRI HEB IRI ITA POR SPA
- Du lieblicher Stern (Text: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben) CAT DUT ENG FIN FRE
- Du musst verstehn! (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- dying is fine)but Death (Text: E. E. Cummings) [x]*
- Early Bacon (in Poets on Pigs) (Text: Archibald Stodart-Walker)
- Eddi of Manhood End (Text: Rudyard Kipling)
- Edmund's speech (Text: William Shakespeare) FRE
- Eginhard und Emma (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Egotist (Text: Ambrose Bierce)
- Eine gelbe Zitrone (in Strumpfsinn Lieder) (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- eine menge Nobleße (in Drei Kleinigkeiten) (Text: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) ENG
- Eine philosophische Maus (in Fünf Fablen) (Text: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing) ENG
- Einer Unglücklichen (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz )
- Ein Esel-lied (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Eine traurige Geschichte (in Das tierische Lied von der Erde) (Text: Joseph Viktor von Scheffel) ENG
- Eine ungenehme Überraschung (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Ein galantes Abenteuer (in Busch-lieder ) (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Ein große Genie [multi-text setting] (in Strumpfsinn Lieder) (Text: Bötticher) ENG
- Einheit (in Vier kleine Lieder ) (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) CAT ENG
- Ein Herbstlied (Text: Francisca Stoecklin)
- Ein Hund kam in die Küche (in Kinderlieder) (Text: Volkslieder ) ENG IRI
- Ein jüdisches Kind (Text: Erika Taube) ENG ENG FRE
- Ein Kehlkopf (in Ringelnatz in dreiviertel Takt) (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- Ein kleines Lied (Text: Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach) ENG ENG ENG
- Einleitung (in Kleine Wesen) (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Ein Licht (Text: Bertram Kottmann)
- Ein Liebeslied (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler) ENG
- Ein Liebeslied (in Elses Liebeslieder) (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler)
- Ein Lied (in Ringelnatz in dreiviertel Takt) (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Ein männlicher Briefmark (in Strumpfsinn Lieder) (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Ein Nadelkissen (in Ringelnatz in dreiviertel Takt) (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- Ein Nagel saß in einem Stück Holz (in Ringelnatz in dreiviertel Takt) (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- Ein Säufertraum (Text: Paul Scheerbart) ENG
- Ein Schneider fing 'ne Maus (in Kinderlieder) (Text: Volkslieder ) ENG
- Ein Schwefelholz (in Ringelnatz in dreiviertel Takt) (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- Ein Spruch (Text: Justinus Kerner) ENG
- Ein Stahlknopf (in Ringelnatz in dreiviertel Takt) (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- Ein Ticktackliedchen (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler)
- Ein Wiegenlied (in Das tierische Lied von der Erde) (Text: Matthias Claudius) ENG
- Ein Zungenzerfitzler (in Unsinn Poesie) (Text: Brigitte Peter)
- Election Day (Text: Ambrose Bierce)
- Eletelephony (Text: Laura Elizabeth Richards)
- End of the Comedy (Text: Louis Untermeyer)
- En El Entierro de Un Amigo (Text: António Machado)
- Entwurf zu einem Trauerspiele (Text: Christian Morgenstern)
- Eros (in Elses Liebeslieder) (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler)
- Erotisches Variété (Text: Alfred Lichtenstein)
- Errare humanum est (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz)
- Er stellt sich vor sein Spiegelglas (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Erstes (in Kindergebetchen) (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz)
- Es flogen drei Enten... (in Zwölf Kinder-lieder für Erwachsene) (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Es stot ein lind in himelreich (Text: Heinrich Loufenberg)
- Es war eine Mutter (in Kinderlieder) (Text: Volkslieder ) ENG
- Es wohnen die hohen Gedanken (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Euclid (Text: Vachel Lindsay)
- Eve, apropos de Rien (in Seven Silly Little Songs) (Text: Oliver Hurford)
- Every man (Text: George Reginald Margetson)
- Eyes (in "Calico Pie" and Other Nonsense) (Text: Edward Lear , as Derry Down Derry)
- Fair, rich, and young (Text: John Harington, Sir)
- Fame's penny-trumpet (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll)
- Father, where do the wild swans go? (Text: Charles Wharton Stork after Ludvig Holstein) FRE GER
- Felix Randal (Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins)
- Fink und Frosch (in Vogel-lieder) (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Fisches Nachtgesang (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG
- Fliege und Wanze (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- For a poet (in Five Poems of Countée Cullen) (Text: Countee Cullen)
- Forbidden fruit (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- Forever (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Fortuna lächelt (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Frau Holle in ihrem himmlischen Haus (Text: Christian Morgenstern)
- Frau Teemaschine (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- Freedom (Text: Ambrose Bierce)
- Freibeuter (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- Freude (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Friede (Text: Albert Ehrenstein) ENG
- Friends (in This Perfect World) (Text: David Fries) *
- Frühlingsglaube (Text: Johann Ludwig Uhland) CAT DUT ENG FRE FRE ITA SPA
- Frühlingsnacht (Text: Max Bernstein) ENG
- Frühling (in Zwei Rilke-lieder) (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) ENG FRE
- Frustration (Text: Donald Robert Perry Marquis)
- Fuchs, du hast die Gans gestohlen (in Kinderlieder) (Text: Ernst Gebhard Salomon Anschütz) ENG
- Fuchs und Bär (Text: Matthias Claudius)
- Full moon (in Pieces of Peacock Pie) (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- Fünf Mark (Text: Alfred Henschke , as Jucundus Fröhlich Klabund) FRE
- Für ewig (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
- Gebet (Text: Eduard Mörike) CAT ENG ENG FRE FRE ITA SPA
- Gedder in yo' grain (in Injun Summah) (Text: Benjamin Franklin King)
- Gedichte (Text: Walter Hasenclever) ENG
- Geiß und Schleiche (in Zwölf Morgenstern-Lieder ) (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG FRE
- Genialisch treiben (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) CAT ENG FRE ITA
- Gentle lady (in Chamber Music) (Text: James Joyce) FRE POL
- Geometry (Text: Alfred Kreymborg)
- George (The boy who played with dangerous toys) (in From Cautionary Tales for Children) (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- Gesang der Intellektuellen (Text: Erich Kurt Mühsam) ENG
- Gesang der jungen Anarchisten (Text: Erich Kurt Mühsam)
- Gesang der Ungeborenen (Text: Hugo Hofmann, Edler von Hofmannsthal) ENG
- Geschmacksache (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Gethsemane (Text: Kurt Heynicke) ENG
- Gethsemane (in Songs of War) (Text: Rudyard Kipling)
- Give Laud unto the Lord (in Three Psalms) (Text: John Pullain after Bible or other Sacred Texts) GER GER
- Gleich und gleich (in Sieben Goethe-liederchen) (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) CAT ENG ENG ENG FRE ITA
- God's Bottles (Text: Anonymous)
- God's Grandeur (in Four Songs of Gerard Manley Hopkins) (Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins)
- God's Will (Text: Mildred Howells)
- Goldene Jugend (in Frivole Lieder) (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) ENG
- Goldenhair (in Chamber Music) (Text: James Joyce) FRE IRI POL
- Gold leaves (Text: Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
- Goldne Sterne, blaue Glöckchen (in Schmetterlingslieder) (Text: Karl Friedrich Henckell) CHI ENG FRE
- Go, lovely Rose (Text: Edmund Waller; Henry Kirke White) SPA
- Good and Clever (Text: Elizabeth Wordsworth, Dame)
- Goodbye (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz)
- Good morning, Life (Text: William Henry Davies)
- Gottes Segen (in Zwölf Kinder-lieder für Erwachsene) (Text: Joseph Karl Benedikt, Freiherr von Eichendorff) CAT ENG ENG ENG FRE
- Gott ist alles (Text: Elisabeth Amalie Eugenie, Herzogin in Bayern)
- Government (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- Green (Text: D. H. Lawrence)
- Green (Text: Paul Verlaine) CAT CHI ENG GER POL
- Growing gray (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Gute Nacht (in Busch-lieder ) (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Gute Nacht! (Text: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) ENG FRE
- Hab ich nur geschrieben (in Goethe-lieder) (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- Halbe Arbeit (Text: Theodor Storm) ENG
- Hamburger Hurenlied (Text: Alfred Henschke , as Jucundus Fröhlich Klabund) ENG
- Happiness (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- Hashkiveinu (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- Head and bottle (in Ten Poems of Edward Thomas) (Text: Edward Thomas , as Edward Eastaway)
- Heavenly Days (in Hot House Ballads) (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- He had his dream (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Heidenröslein (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) CAT CHI CZE CZE CZE DUT ENG ENG ENG ESP FIN FRE FRE HUN HUN ITA POL
- Heimlich zur Nacht (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler) ENG FRE
- Henry King (in From Cautionary Tales for Children) (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- Henry Purcell (Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins)
- Herbsttag (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) CHI ENG ENG ENG FRE GRE ITA
- Herbst (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Albert Laighton)
- Herbst (in Zwei Rilke-lieder) (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG FRE ITA
- He wishes for the cloths of heaven (Text: William Butler Yeats) FRE GER HUN
- Hide and seek (in Pieces of Peacock Pie) (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- Hier bin ich, Lieder dir zu singen (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Rabindranath Tagore) ENG ENG FRE
- Himmelstuch (Text: Bertram Kottmann after William Butler Yeats) FRE HUN
- Himmel und Erde (in Zehn Morgenstern-lieder) (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG FRE
- Hinz und Kunz (Text: Matthias Claudius) ENG
- hist whist (in chansons innocentes (1923)) (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- Hog Meat (Text: Daniel Webster Davis)
- Hokku (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- Hollywood (Text: Michael Hamburger after Bertolt Brecht) *
- Honky Tonk (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- Hope won't survive (Text: Julie Dalton Williamson) *
- Horreur! (in La Mort) (Text: Charles Baudelaire) CZE GER RUS
- Hot and Blue (in Hot House Ballads) (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Hot House (in Hot House Ballads) (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Hours (Text: Max Forrester Eastman)
- Howdy, honey, howdy (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- How Fly the Birds of Heaven (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- How pleasant to know Mr. Lear (Text: Edward Lear)
- Hoy creo en Dios (in Las Canciones de Bécquer) (Text: Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer) ENG ENG
- Hugo der Finstere (Text: Ludwig Kalisch) ENG
- Humpty Dumpty (in "Alice" Songs) (Text: Anonymous) FRE
- Hymn (Text: C. S. Lewis)
- I am black but comely (in From the Song of Songs) (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts) RUS
- I Am Freedom's Fool (Text: Robert Service)
- I am sick with love (in From the Song of Songs) (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts) FRE FRE LAT
- I am the one (Text: Thomas Hardy)
- I am the wind (Text: Zoë Akins)
- I bin Tenor (in Lächerliche Kleinigkeiten) (Text: Andreas Scheidegger)
- I Cannot Give You Reasons (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake)
- I Can Trust (Text: Daniel Webster Davis)
- Ich bin aus Bern (in Lächerliche Kleinigkeiten) (Text: Andreas Scheidegger)
- Ich bin (Text: Bertram Kottmann after John Clare)
- Ich, Egoist! (in Sieben Goethe-liederchen) (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- Ich liebe dich, weil ich dich lieben muß (Text: Friedrich Rückert) ENG ENG FRE
- Ich lieb ein Mädchen (Text: Alfred Henschke , as Jucundus Fröhlich Klabund) ENG FRE
- Ich machte (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Ich möchte Gott sein (Text: Erich Kurt Mühsam) ENG
- Ich sah dich gern im Sonnenschein (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Ich träume so leise von Dir (in Vier Lieder von Else Lasker-Schüler) (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler) ENG FRE
- Ich und Du (in Zwölf Kinder-lieder für Erwachsene) (Text: Friedrich Hebbel) ENG ENG ENG FRE
- Ich und Du (Text: Friedrich Hebbel) ENG ENG ENG FRE
- Ich will alleine über die Berge gehn (Text: Erich Kurt Mühsam) ENG ENG
- Icke! (in Vier Unsinn-lieder ) (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- I could do with a drink! (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Friedrich Rückert) CAT DUT FRE ITA
- I died for beauty (in Of Time and Eternity) (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER GER
- If freckles were lovely (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- if i believe (in Three Cummings Songs) (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- If I Should Die (in The Sum of Life) (Text: Benjamin Franklin King)
- If love be all [multi-text setting] (Text: Carman)
- If the heart of a man (in Three Airs from the Beggar's Opera) (Text: John Gay)
- If we must die (Text: Claude Mckay)
- Igel und Agel (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG ENG ENG FIN
- I Have My Price (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake)
- I Hear an Army (in Chamber Music) (Text: James Joyce) FRE GER
- I hear the stars still singing (Text: James Weldon Johnson)
- I like Americans (Text: Ernest Hemingway , as "a Foreigner")
- I like pigs (Text: Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, Sir, ) FRE
- Im heißen Bad (Text: Hans Bötticher; Ferdinand Kahn) ENG
- Immer wieder (in Busch-lieder ) (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Im neuen Jahr (in Sieben Goethe-liederchen) (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- I'm not a crook (in Seven Presidential Pardons) (Text: Richard Milhouse Nixon)
- Im Park (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- i'm so drunGk, dear (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- i'm very fond of black bean soup (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Incantation (Text: Elinor Wylie)
- Incantation (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Joseph Karl Benedikt, Freiherr von Eichendorff) ITA
- Incident (in Five Poems of Countée Cullen) (Text: Countee Cullen) GER
- Inconstancy (in Little Love Poems) (Text: Joseph Seamon Cotter, Jr.)
- In de blijde mei (in Kleengedichtjes) (Text: Guido Gezelle)
- In der Hütte am Berg (Text: Eduard Mörike) ENG
- Indifference (Text: Anonymous)
- Individualität (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- In Flanders Fields (Text: John McCrae) FRE GER
- Injun Summah (in Injun Summah) (Text: Benjamin Franklin King)
- in Just- (in chansons innocentes (1923)) (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- In meinem Schrank (Text: Victor Schapìel) ENG
- In memoriam (in Ten Poems of Edward Thomas) (Text: Edward Thomas , as Edward Eastaway)
- In My Grave (Text: Frances Ginzer) *
- In My Own Nursery (in Drolleries and Wisdom) (Text: Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
- In need (in Three Songs of a Woman) (Text: Eva Bauche-Eppers) *
- Innerer Wert (in Busch-lieder ) (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Interlude (in La Mort)
- In the forest (Text: Oscar Wilde)
- in time of daffodils (in "crazy jay blue)" and other poems) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- In Time of 'The Breaking of Nations' (in Songs of War) (Text: Thomas Hardy) HUN
- into the strenuous briefness (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- Invocation (Text: Max Forrester Eastman)
- In Winter (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Volkslieder )
- In Zelle 108 (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz)
- Ironic Poem about Prostitution (Text: Eric Blair)
- I sang (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- I saw a peacock (Text: Volkslieder )
- I saw three witches (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- i sing of Olaf glad and big (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Itching heels (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is (in Seven Presidential Pardons) (Text: William Jefferson Clinton) SPA
- it is at moments after i have dreamed (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- It Is Most Best (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- it may not always be so; and i say (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- It's drink that uplifts (Text: Turlough O'Carolan)
- It's Great When You Get In (Text: Eugene O'Neill)
- It was a cross (in Songs for the Victims of AIDS) (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- 'It Worries Me to Know' (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- I want to die while you love me (in Four Songs of a Woman) (Text: Georgia Douglas Johnson)
- I went to thank her (in Of Time and Eternity) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Jabberwocky (in "Alice" Songs) (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll)
- Jaja! Das kommt von das! (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Janneke (in Kleengedichtjes) (Text: Guido Gezelle)
- Ja, schelte nur (in Goethe-lieder) (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- Jeden Abend werfe ich (Text: Erich Kurt Mühsam) ENG
- Je rêve (in Poèmes pour la paix) (Text: Eugène Émile Paul Grindel , as Paul Éluard)
- Jimmie's got a goil (in e. e.'s songs) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Jim (Text: Bret Harte)
- Johnny B Blue and Suzy Q (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Joy (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- Judged by the company one keeps (in Seven Silly Little Songs) (Text: Anonymous)
- Jumbled (in Love Songs for Dorothy) (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Justice (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Käferlied (Text: Robert Reinick) CAT ENG FRE
- Kartoffellied (Text: Matthias Claudius) ENG
- Katzenpastete (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- Kein Elend (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) CAT DUT ENG ENG FRE ITA
- Kein Ros’ von solcher Tugend ist (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) FRE
- Kinderland, du Zauberland (in Zwölf Kinder-lieder für Erwachsene) (Text: Detlev von Liliencron) ENG
- Kind und Pfau (Text: Erich Kurt Mühsam) ENG
- Klabautermann (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG
- Klapphorn-Verse (in Vier Unsinn-lieder ) (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Kleine Geschichte (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG
- Kleiner Rat (Text: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) ENG
- König David (Text: Heinrich Heine) ENG
- Kracht der Topf in Scherben (Text: Erich Kurt Mühsam)
- Kronprätendenten (in Zehn Morgenstern-lieder) (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG
- Kühle (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler) ENG FRE
- Kuh (in Vier Unsinn-lieder ) (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Kurze Freude (Text: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben)
- La eterna primavera (in Dos Canciones de Rosalía de Castro) (Text: Rosalia de Castro)
- La fin de la journée (in La Mort) (Text: Charles Baudelaire) CZE ENG GER
- Lager beer (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar , as Pffenberger Deutzelheim)
- La luz divina (in Las Canciones de Bécquer) (Text: Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer)
- La mort des amants (in La Mort) (Text: Charles Baudelaire) ENG ENG GER ITA POL SPA
- La mort des artistes (in La Mort) (Text: Charles Baudelaire) CZE ENG GER
- La mort des pauvres (in La Mort) (Text: Charles Baudelaire) CZE ENG GER
- Lange nichts gegessen (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- La noria (Text: António Machado)
- La rêve d'un curieux (in La Mort) (Text: Charles Baudelaire) CZE GER
- Lass lieben mich (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Sara Teasdale)
- L'chol Ish Yeish Shem (Text: Zelda Shneerson Mishkovsky) [x]*
- Lead gently, lord (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Lean Sideways on the Wind (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- Leave the Stronger (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- Lebenslust (in Goethe-lieder) (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- Lebensregel (Text: Erich Kurt Mühsam) ENG
- Le faune (Text: Paul Verlaine) CZE ENG ENG ENG ENG GER GER HUN
- Lenz (Text: Bertram Kottmann after William Blake)
- Le Panneau (in Fantaisies Décoratives) (Text: Oscar Wilde) HUN
- Le Pot de fleurs (Text: Pierre-Jules-Théophile Gautier)
- Les Ballons (in Fantaisies Décoratives) (Text: Oscar Wilde)
- Le silence (Text: Alfred Victor de Vigny, Comte)
- Less than the cloud to the wind (in New York Sorrows) (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- Les vrais Voyageurs (in La Mort) (Text: Charles Baudelaire) CZE GER RUS
- Let me live out my years (Text: John Gneisenau Neihardt)
- Let me love (Text: Sara Teasdale) GER
- Letter to Saint Andrew (Text: Samuel Langhorne Clemens , as also known as Mark Twain)
- Letztes Lied (Text: Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim) ENG
- Liebens Malzbonbon (in Ringelnatz in dreiviertel Takt) (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- Liebe (in Zwölf Kinder-lieder für Erwachsene) (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- Liedchen (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz)
- Lied der Rosa (Text: Susanne Paasch) *
- Lied des Harfenmädchens (Text: Theodor Storm) CAT ENG FRE
- Life (in Three Songs for Roger) (Text: Gary Bachlund after Jeppe Aakjær)
- Life (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Life (Text: James Weldon Johnson)
- Like a sick eagle (in Three Little Americana Songs) (Text: John Keats) FRE GER HUN
- Like as the Hart (in Three Psalms) (Text: John Hopkins after Bible or other Sacred Texts) GER
- Like the touch of rain (in Ten Poems of Edward Thomas) (Text: Edward Thomas , as Edward Eastaway)
- Lines for a Christmas card (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- Lions and Ants (Text: Walt Mason)
- Little Drops of Water (in Nursery Rhymes and Children's Prayers) (Text: Julia Abigail Fletcher, Carney)
- little man (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Little Questions (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Little Spider (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- little tree (in chansons innocentes (1925)) (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- Loam (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- Lob der Faulheit (Text: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing) DUT ENG FRE ITA
- Lofa þinn guð (in Lausn) (Text: Hallgrímur Pétursson)
- Logik (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Lore Lay (Text: Clemens Maria Wenzeslaus von Brentano) ENG FRE
- Losses (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- Love is a bubble (Text: Pearl Mary Teresa Craigie , as John Oliver Hobbes)
- Love is a sweet light (Text: Emily Ezust after Matthäus Kasimir von Collin) CAT DUT FRE ITA SPA SPA
- love is more thicker than forget (in "spoke joe to jack" and other songs) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- love is the every only god (in "spoke joe to jack" and other songs) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Love song (Text: Harriet Monroe)
- Love you, too! (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Love (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll)
- Love (in Three Songs for Roger) (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Love (in Little Love Poems) (Text: Joseph Seamon Cotter, Jr.)
- Lügenmärchen (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Lüge und Wahrheit (in Busch-lieder ) (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Lullaby (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Lumière! ma lumière! (in Trois Chansons de Gidé) (Text: André Gide after Rabindranath Tagore) ENG ENG GER GER ITA
- Ma belle (in Poèmes pour la paix) (Text: Eugène Émile Paul Grindel , as Paul Éluard)
- Madrigal (in Frivole Lieder) (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) ENG
- Make Music Sweet (in Chamber Music) (Text: James Joyce) FRE POL
- Malvas en la pradera (in Tres Canciones de Ana María Fagundo) (Text: Ana María Fagundo) *
- Manual system (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- Marietta (Text: Alfred Henschke , as Jucundus Fröhlich Klabund) ENG
- Married and single life (Text: Volkslieder )
- mary green (in e. e.'s songs) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Mary Had a Little Lamb (in Nursery Rhymes and Children's Prayers) (Text: Anonymous)
- Matilda (who told such dreadful lies) (in From Cautionary Tales for Children) (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- Matinée (in Two Poems of Louis Untermeyer) (Text: Louis Untermeyer)
- Mausfallen-Sprüchlein (Text: Eduard Mörike) CAT ENG ENG FRE ITA
- Mauskätzchen (in Mäuselein, Mauskätzchen und Spätzchen) (Text: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben)
- may i feel said he (in Three Cummings Songs) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Mein blaues Klavier (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler) ENG
- Mein kleinster Fehler (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Mein Tanzlied (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler) ENG FRE
- Melodie (in Elses Liebeslieder) (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler)
- Memento (Text: Igino Ugo Tarchetti)
- Memories (in This Perfect World) (Text: David Fries) *
- Memories (Text: Charles Edward Ives) SPA
- Memories (in Little Love Poems) (Text: Joseph Seamon Cotter, Jr.)
- Merry-go-round (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Metapheren der Liebe (in Busch-lieder ) (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Metaphysics (Text: Oliver Herford)
- Mietvertrag (Text: Olivia Melton) *
- Miliz (in Ringelnatz in dreiviertel Takt) (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- Miss T. (in Pieces of Peacock Pie) (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- Mistelzweig (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Walter De la Mare)
- Mistletoe (Text: Walter De la Mare) GER
- Modern Art (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Mon bras pressait ta taille frêle (Text: Victor Hugo) ENG ENG
- Mon enfant (in Poèmes pour la paix) (Text: Eugène Émile Paul Grindel , as Paul Éluard)
- Mon jardin (in Poèmes pour la paix) (Text: Eugène Émile Paul Grindel , as Paul Éluard)
- Montparnasse (Text: Ernest Hemingway)
- Morgenwonne (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz)
- Mors et Vita (Text: James Edwin Campbell)
- Mortality (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Möwenlied (in Zwölf Morgenstern-Lieder ) (Text: Christian Morgenstern) FRE
- Mrs. Judge Jenkins (in Harte Songs) (Text: Bret Harte)
- mr youse needn't be so spry (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Musicological Marx (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Music, when soft voices die (Text: Percy Bysshe Shelley) CZE FRE GER GER RUS
- Music (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- Mutter (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler) ENG FRE
- My fairy (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll)
- My fancy (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll )
- My heart, waiting (Text: Harmony Twitchell after Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) AFR CAT CHI CZE DUT DUT FIN FRE FRE GRE HUN IRI ITA ITA RUS RUS RUS SPA SPA
- My little dreams (in Four Songs of a Woman) (Text: Georgia Douglas Johnson)
- My Love (in From the Song of Songs) (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts) FRE LAT LAT LAT
- My Sweet Mistress (Text: William Shakespeare) FRE
- Nachtgebet (in Kinderlieder) (Text: Johann Wilhelm Hey) ENG ENG
- Nar Hem (in Kleengedichtjes) (Text: Guido Gezelle)
- Nature (in Three Little Americana Songs) (Text: Anonymous)
- Negro Serenade (in Echoes from the Cabin) (Text: James Edwin Campbell)
- Nehm ich Abscheid (Text: Heinrich Heine) CAT DUT ENG FRE ITA
- Nein! (Text: Christian Morgenstern) DUT ENG ENG
- Nein (in Sieben Goethe-liederchen) (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- Neue Bildungen (in Zwölf Kinder-lieder für Erwachsene) (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG
- Never stew your sister (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll)
- Nichts (in Vier kleine Lieder ) (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) CAT ENG
- Nimm mich ENG FRE IRI
- No Aigs fo Breakfast (Text: William Chambers Barnett II) *
- No Body Blues (in Hot House Ballads) (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- nobody loses all the time (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- Noch einmal (in Drei einfache Lieder von Theodor Storm) (Text: Theodor Storm) ENG FRE
- Noddin' by the fire (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- No-e in the Ark (Text: Anonymous)
- No ending (Text: Julie Dalton Williamson) *
- No eres vano sueño (in Dos Canciones de Rosalía de Castro) (Text: Rosalia de Castro)
- No exaggeration (in Seven Presidential Pardons) (Text: George Herbert Walker Bush)
- No frigate (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- Not All There (Text: Robert Frost)
- Nothing to Do (Text: James Ephriam McGirt)
- Not they who soar (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (in Nursery Rhymes and Children's Prayers) (Text: Anonymous)
- Nun schlummert meine Seele (in Vier Lieder von Else Lasker-Schüler) (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler) ENG FRE
- Ob ich dich liebe (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- o by the by (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- October (Text: Robert Frost)
- Ode to Stephen Dowling Bots, dec'd (Text: Samuel Langhorne Clemens , as Mark Twain)
- O'er Seas That Have No Beaches (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- Of Pygmies, Palms and Pirates (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake)
- O hehre Sangeskunst (Text: Erich Kurt Mühsam)
- O Here It Is! And There It Is! (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- Oh, for a bowl of fat Canary (Text: John Lyly)
- Oh it's always someone else's fault (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Ohrwurm und Taube (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- oil tel duh woil doi sez (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Olas gigantes (in Las Canciones de Bécquer) (Text: Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer) ENG FRE GER
- Old manuscript (Text: Alfred Kreymborg)
- Old men (Text: William Butler Yeats) FRE
- Ol' Doc' Hyar (in Echoes from the Cabin) (Text: James Edwin Campbell)
- Old (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- O lieber Gott (Text: Clemens Maria Wenzeslaus von Brentano)
- O little child unwanted (in Three Abortion Carols) (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- O Little Fly (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- O Love! O Death! O Ecstasy! (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- O Mäuselein (in Mäuselein, Mauskätzchen und Spätzchen) (Text: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben) FRE
- O! mes amis! (in Poèmes pour la paix) (Text: Eugène Émile Paul Grindel , as Paul Éluard)
- O mistress mine (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE GER GER GER IRI ITA NOR POL
- On Broadway (Text: Claude Mckay)
- One bright day in the middle of the night (Text: Anonymous)
- One's-Self I sing (Text: Walt Whitman)
- Onkel Kaspers rote Nase (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- On receiving news of the war (Text: Isaac Rosenberg)
- On the Death of a Politician (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- On the Mississippi (Text: Hamlin Garland)
- On the vanity of earthly greatness (Text: Arthur Guiterman)
- Opera, n. (Text: Ambrose Bierce)
- Oración de Abuelita (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- O sweet spontaneous earth (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- Oui, je le sais bien (Text: André Gide after Rabindranath Tagore) DUT ENG GER GER ITA
- Où le coq a-t-il la plume? (in Deux Chansons) (Text: Arthur Justin Léon Leclère , as Tristan Klingsor)
- Our Ginger Moggy (in Four Little Cat Songs) (Text: Julie Dalton Williamson) *
- Our life is but a dream (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Johann Gottfried Herder) ITA
- Overly philosophic (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Robert Walser)
- Over silent waters (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- Over the hills (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- O Vrije, vlaamsche poësis (in Kleengedichtjes) (Text: Guido Gezelle)
- Owls - an Epitaph (Text: Edward Elgar, Sir) GER
- Pain (in Chamber Music) (Text: James Joyce) FRE
- Pat-a-cake, Baker's Man (in Nursery Rhymes and Children's Prayers) (Text: Volkslieder )
- Peace (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- Peas (Text: Anonymous)
- Pflück dieses Blümlein (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Rabindranath Tagore) ENG FRE ITA
- Philosophy (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Pied Beauty (in Four Songs of Gerard Manley Hopkins) (Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins) FIN
- Pierrot (Text: Sara Teasdale) GER
- Pig and Pepper (in "Alice" Songs) (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll) FRE
- Piggy Patter, Piggy Platter (in Poets on Pigs) (Text: Mary Buchanan)
- Pigs is Pigs (Text: Ellis Parker Butler)
- Pit'chu li (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- Plain Language from Truthful James (in Harte Songs) (Text: Bret Harte)
- Plainte (Text: Antoine Girard de Saint-Amant) ENG
- plato told him (in e. e.'s songs) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Poesie (Text: Justinus Kerner) ENG
- Pogrom (Text: Alfred Henschke , as Jucundus Fröhlich Klabund) ENG FRE
- Politics is where the pig (in Poets on Pigs) (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Politics (Text: Ambrose Bierce)
- Politics (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Poor Henry (in Pieces of Peacock Pie) (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- Portrait of a Barmaid (Text: Edith Sitwell)
- Possum (in Two Possum Songs) (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Postskriptum (Text: Hans Davidsohn , as Jakob van Hoddis) ENG
- Pour être heureux (in Poèmes pour la paix) (Text: Eugène Émile Paul Grindel , as Paul Éluard)
- Pour l'enfant (in La Mort) (Text: Charles Baudelaire) CZE GER RUS
- Pour le voyage (in La Mort) (Text: Charles Baudelaire) CZE ENG ENG GER ITA RUS RUS
- Prähistorische Ballade (Text: Friedrich Theodor Vischer) ENG
- Pray tell, my brother, why (Text: Rudolph J. Rummel) *
- Prélude (in La Mort)
- Près de toi (in Poèmes pour la paix) (Text: Eugène Émile Paul Grindel , as Paul Éluard)
- Primer Lesson (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- Problem (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- Professoren-Liedchen (in Unsinn Poesie) (Text: Martin Walser) * ITA
- Prophezeiung (Text: Alfred Lichtenstein) ENG
- Pst (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Punch, Brothers, Punch (Text: Samuel Langhorne Clemens , as Mark Twain)
- Punctuality (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll)
- Quand je te vois (Text: Pierre de Ronsard) ENG
- Queen Alice (in "Alice" Songs) (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll) FRE
- ¡Qué hermoso (in Las Canciones de Bécquer) (Text: Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer)
- Question (Text: Langston Hughes)
- Quodlibet (Text: Philipp Hafner) ENG
- Rabenschabelschnupfen (in Zwölf Kinder-lieder für Erwachsene) (Text: Manfred Kyber) ENG
- Rain has fallen (in Chamber Music) (Text: James Joyce) FRE GER POL SPA
- raise the shade will youse dearie? (in e. e.'s songs) (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- Raise those taxes! (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Raisin Pie (Text: Edgar Guest)
- Rätsel (Text: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben) ENG
- Reasons for drinking (in Seven Silly Little Songs) (Text: Henry Aldrich after Henry Aldrich)
- Red-Headed Girl (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- red-rag and pink-flag (in "spoke joe to jack" and other songs) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Regen in der Dämmerung (in Drei Lieder von Hugo von Hofmannsthal) (Text: Hugo Hofmann, Edler von Hofmannsthal) ENG FRE
- Renaissance (in Two Simple Songs) (Text: Virginia Ann Bachlund) *
- Rendezvous (Text: Erich Kurt Mühsam) ENG
- Requiescat (Text: Oscar Wilde) GER GER RUS
- Return! (in From the Song of Songs) (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts) FRE FRE LAT RUS
- Revolutionary Tea (Text: Volkslieder )
- Reward (Text: Joseph Seamon Cotter, Jr.)
- Rezept (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz)
- Rich Man, Poor Man (in Nursery Rhymes and Children's Prayers) (Text: Volkslieder )
- Romance Novel (in Love Songs for Dorothy) (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Romanze (in Busch-lieder ) (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Room A-460 (in Songs for the Victims of AIDS) (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Rosas en diciembre (in Tres Canciones de Ana María Fagundo) (Text: Ana María Fagundo) *
- Rosenringel (in Zwölf Kinder-lieder für Erwachsene) (Text: Elsa Bernstein , as Ernst Rosmer) ENG ENG
- Ruf vom Berge (Text: Georg Friedrich Treitschke) ENG FRE
- Ruhe in Frieden (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Oscar Wilde) RUS
- Sagga-lieder (in Vier Unsinn-lieder ) (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Saph goes under the bed (in Four Little Cat Songs) (Text: Julie Dalton Williamson) *
- Sarah and Sandy and Sally and Sue (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Satan (Text: James Ephriam McGirt)
- Saturday's child (in Five Poems of Countée Cullen) (Text: Countee Cullen)
- says ol man no body - (in e. e.'s songs) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Scamp (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Schein und Sein (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Schenken (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Schlaf auch du! (in Wiegenlieder) (Text: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben) ENG FRE
- Schlaf nun, Jesus! (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) DUT ENG ENG ENG FRE
- Schlechte Zeiten, guter Wein (Text: Wilhelm Müller)
- Schlußstück (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) CAT ENG ENG FRE ITA RUS
- Schnauz und Miez (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG
- Schneidercourage (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- Schon gut! (in Ringelnatz in dreiviertel Takt) (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- Schönheit (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Elinor Wylie)
- Schwebe, du Schmetterling (in Schmetterlingslieder) (Text: Karl Friedrich Henckell) ENG FRE
- Sea Poppies (Text: Hilda Doolittle)
- seeker of truth (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Seid mir nur nicht gar zu traurig (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Seliger Tod (Text: Johann Ludwig Uhland) ENG FRE RUS RUS RUS SPA SWE
- Sence You Went Away (Text: James Weldon Johnson)
- Septembermorgen (Text: Eduard Mörike) CHI ENG ENG FRE
- Serenade (in Frivole Lieder) (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) ENG
- Shrink, Shrink (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- Siehst du mich (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler) ENG FRE
- Sie war ein Blümlein hübsch und fein (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Sigh no more (Text: William Shakespeare) DUT DUT FIN FIN FRE FRE GER ITA ITA POL
- Si le jour est passé (in Trois Chansons de Gidé) (Text: André Gide after Rabindranath Tagore) ENG GER SPA
- Silence (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Silent child, wholly defiled (in Three Abortion Carols) (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Silver filigree (Text: Elinor Wylie)
- Silver (in Three Poems of Walter de la Mare) (Text: Walter De la Mare) CAT FRE GER
- Si mundus vult decipi (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- Sir I Exist (Text: Stephen Crane)
- Six from Sevenoaks (Text: Bertram Kottmann) GER
- Sklaverei (in Busch-lieder ) (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Sling Along (in Two Possum Songs) (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Slow, slow, fresh fount (Text: Ben Jonson)
- Small Homes (Text: Carl Sandburg) *
- So beautie on the waters stood (Text: Ben Jonson)
- So breaks the sun (in Three Johnson Ballads) (Text: Ben Jonson)
- Sobs en route to a Penitentiary (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- So fand ich gestern Nachmittag (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- so, ich bitte (in Drei Kleinigkeiten) (Text: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) ENG
- Solch ein lauer weißer Tag (Text: Max Dauthendey) ENG ENG
- Sol de invierno (Text: António Machado) ENG
- Sole e amore (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Solitude (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll)
- Some one (in Pieces of Peacock Pie) (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- Sometimes I wonder (Text: Samuel Langhorne Clemens , as Mark Twain)
- Song in a minor key (Text: Dorothy Parker)
- Song of Medical Dick and Medical Davy (Text: Oliver Joseph St. John Gogarty)
- Song of Summer (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Song of the secret (in Pieces of Peacock Pie) (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- Song of the witches (Text: William Shakespeare) FRE FRE
- Songs of a Fool [multi-text setting] (Text: Yeats) FRE
- Song (Text: Susanna Haswell Rowson)
- So nicht (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Sonnet VIII - "Music to hear, why hear'st thou music sadly?" (in Five Sonnets) (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE FRE HUN ITA RUS
- Sonnet XVIII - "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" (in Five Sonnets) (Text: William Shakespeare) DUT FIN FRE FRE GER ITA RUS RUS
- Sonnet XIX - "Devouring Time" (in Five Sonnets) (Text: William Shakespeare) FRE FRE ITA RUS
- Sonnet XXX - "When to the sessions of sweet silent thought" (in Five Sonnets) (Text: William Shakespeare) FRE GER ITA RUS
- Sonnet LXVI - "Tir'd with all these, for restful death I cry" (in Five Sonnets) (Text: William Shakespeare) CZE FRE GER ITA POL RUS RUS
- Sonnet 116 (Text: William Shakespeare) FRE GER GER ITA
- sonnett (in Unsinn Poesie) (Text: Gerhard Rühm)
- Soup (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- Southern Pacific (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- So wars (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Sowing (in Ten Poems of Edward Thomas) (Text: Edward Thomas , as Edward Eastaway)
- Spaghetti (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Spanish Johnny (Text: Willa Cather)
- Spatz und Katze (in Mäuselein, Mauskätzchen und Spätzchen) (Text: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben)
- Spiral (in Three Songs of a Woman) (Text: Eva Bauche-Eppers) *
- Spiritual Love Song (Text: Roger Bourland) *
- Splendide! (in Poèmes pour la paix) (Text: Eugène Émile Paul Grindel , as Paul Éluard)
- spoke joe to jack (in "spoke joe to jack" and other songs) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- spring omnipotent goddess (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- Spring (in Four Songs of Gerard Manley Hopkins) (Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins)
- Spring (in Four Seasons) (Text: Anton Gill) *
- Squat Ursula (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- Steht nicht an meinem Grab (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Mary Elizabeth Frye)
- Stephano's Song (Text: William Shakespeare) FRE ITA
- Stille (in Sechs letzte Wort-lieder) (Text: Manfred Neber) *
- Strandlust (in Sechs letzte Wort-lieder) (Text: Manfred Neber) *
- Strictly Germ-Proof (Text: Arthur Guiterman) ITA
- Stufen (Text: Hermann Hesse) CAT ENG ENG FRE
- Stupidity Street (Text: Ralph Hodgson)
- Sturmnacht (in Drei Lieder von Hugo von Hofmannsthal) (Text: Hugo Hofmann, Edler von Hofmannsthal) ENG FRE
- Summa Summarum (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG ENG
- Summer night, riverside (in New York Sorrows) (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- Summer silence (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- Summer stars (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- Summer (in Four Seasons) (Text: Anton Gill) *
- Sungið, sagt og téð (in Lausn) (Text: Hallgrímur Pétursson)
- Supplication (Text: Joseph Seamon Cotter, Jr.)
- Sweeney among the nightingales (Text: T. S. Eliot)
- Täglich zu singen (Text: Matthias Claudius) CAT DAN DUT ENG FRE ITA
- Tag um Tag, o Herr meines Lebens... (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Rabindranath Tagore) ENG IRI
- Tag um Tag, o Herr meines Lebens ENG IRI
- Tag (in Drei einfache Lieder von Theodor Storm) (Text: Theodor Storm) ENG ENG FRE
- Talent (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- Tall nettles (in Ten Poems of Edward Thomas) (Text: Edward Thomas , as Edward Eastaway)
- Tango (Text: Alfred Henschke , as Jucundus Fröhlich Klabund) ENG
- Tante Qualle und der Elefant (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Tanz (in Sechs letzte Wort-lieder) (Text: Manfred Neber) *
- Tapetenblume (in Zehn Morgenstern-lieder) (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG FIN
- Tears (Text: Launcelot Alfred Cranmer-Byng after Wang-Seng-Yu) GER
- Tes Souvenirs (Text: Kundry Van Mechelen) *
- Teufelswurst (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- ...that better things might be (Text: Charles Edward Ives)
- The Adventures of Footfruit (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- The Bear Hunt (Text: Abraham Lincoln)
- The bells of Hell (Text: Anonymous)
- The Big Bell in Zion (Text: Theodore Henry Shackelford)
- the bigness of cannon (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- The Birds Sat Upon It (in "Calico Pie" and Other Nonsense) (Text: Edward Lear)
- The Broken Heart (Text: Thomas Moore) FRE GER
- The Broom, the Shovel, the Poker and Tongs (Text: Edward Lear)
- The bureaucrat's memo (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- The bustle in a house (in Of Time and Eternity) (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- The cage (in The Circus Band and Other Delights) (Text: Charles Edward Ives)
- the Cambridge ladies (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- The carrion crow (Text: Anonymous)
- The Child and the Star (in Nursery Rhymes and Children's Prayers) (Text: Volkslieder )
- The Circus Band (in The Circus Band and Other Delights) (Text: Charles Edward Ives) SPA
- The City of Sleep (Text: Rudyard Kipling)
- The cloud (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- The Cow Slips Away (in Injun Summah) (Text: Benjamin Franklin King)
- The Cudgel'd Husband (Text: Jonathan Swift)
- The cupboard (in Pieces of Peacock Pie) (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- The Daddy Long-Legs and the Fly (in "Calico Pie" and Other Nonsense) (Text: Edward Lear)
- The dance (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- The Dance (in This Perfect World) (Text: David Fries) *
- The dead (in Songs of War) (Text: Rupert Brooke) ITA
- The Debt Unpayable (Text: Francis William Bourdillon)
- The divine image (Text: William Blake) GER RUS
- The donkey (Text: Gilbert Keith Chesterton) GER
- The Double Standard Song (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- The drinking song (Text: John Fletcher)
- The Duck and the Kangaroo (in "Calico Pie" and Other Nonsense) (Text: Edward Lear)
- The Dwarf of Battersea (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- The eagle and the mole (Text: Elinor Wylie)
- The Emperor of Ice-Cream (Text: Wallace Stevens)
- The Englishman (in Drolleries and Wisdom) (Text: Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
- The faiery beame upon you (in Three Johnson Ballads) (Text: Ben Jonson)
- The four angels (Text: Rudyard Kipling)
- The frog (in Seven Silly Little Songs) (Text: Anonymous)
- The gallows (in Ten Poems of Edward Thomas) (Text: Edward Thomas , as Edward Eastaway)
- The ghost (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- The gift to sing (Text: James Weldon Johnson)
- The girl in the tea shop (Text: Ezra Pound)
- The Gourmet's Love Song (Text: Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse KBE)
- The Hair-Tonic Bottle (in The Sum of Life) (Text: Benjamin Franklin King)
- The Hammer (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- The Harlem Dancer (Text: Claude Mckay) GER
- The Harlot's House (Text: Oscar Wilde)
- The hearse song (Text: Anonymous)
- The heart of a woman (in Four Songs of a Woman) (Text: Georgia Douglas Johnson)
- The Hideous Root (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- The hoard of the Gibbelins (Text: Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron Dunsany)
- The Holy of Holies (in Drolleries and Wisdom) (Text: Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
- The Horrible History of Jones (Text: Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
- The hourglass (in Three Johnson Ballads) (Text: Ben Jonson)
- The House of Dreams (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- The huntsmen (in Pieces of Peacock Pie) (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- The huxter (in Ten Poems of Edward Thomas) (Text: Edward Thomas , as Edward Eastaway)
- The Idol-Maker Prays (Text: Arthur Guiterman)
- The Inexpressible (Text: Ernest Hemingway)
- The irreverent Brahmin (Text: Arthur Guiterman)
- The Jumblies (in "Calico Pie" and Other Nonsense) (Text: Edward Lear)
- The Junk Man (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- The King-fisher Song (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll)
- The kiss (in New York Sorrows) (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- The Late Singer (Text: William Carlos Williams)
- The Law the Lawyers Know About (Text: Harry Douglas Clark Pepler)
- The Lawyers Know Too Much (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- The Lawyers' Way (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- The lily (in Three Blake Settings) (Text: William Blake)
- The Lion and the Unicorn (in "Alice" Songs) (Text: Anonymous) FRE
- The lip and the heart (Text: John Quincy Adams)
- The little creature (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- The Little Crocodile (in "Alice" Songs) (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll) FRE
- The logical vegetarian (Text: Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
- The Lord Is My Shepherd (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts) CAT FRE FRE GER GER GER LAT
- The loss of love (in Five Poems of Countée Cullen) (Text: Countee Cullen)
- The lost shoe (in Pieces of Peacock Pie) (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- The Lugubrious Whing-Whang (Text: James Withcomb Riley)
- The Mad Gardener's Song (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll)
- The Margaret Sanger Song (Text: Margaret Sanger)
- The Men in Bowler Hats Are Sweet (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- The minuet (Text: Mary Mapes Dodge)
- The Mock Turtle's Lament (in "Alice" Songs) (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll) FRE
- The Negro Speaks of Rivers (Text: Langston Hughes) GER
- The new river (Text: Charles Edward Ives)
- The new road (Text: Anne Lafeber) *
- The news (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Then (in Pieces of Peacock Pie) (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- the old almost lady (in "crazy jay blue)" and other poems) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- The old maid (in New York Sorrows) (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- The Old Men (Text: William Carlos Williams)
- Theology (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- The Opening Game (Text: Ernest Hemmingway)
- The Owl and the Pussy-Cat (in "Calico Pie" and Other Nonsense) (Text: Edward Lear) GER RUS
- The Pelican Chorus (Text: Edward Lear)
- The Pessimist (in The Sum of Life) (Text: Benjamin Franklin King)
- The Pig - A Fable (in Poets on Pigs) (Text: Christopher Smart)
- The pig (in Poets on Pigs) (Text: Ogden Nash) *
- The Pilgrim Soul (Text: William Butler Yeats) CHI FRE GER HUN ITA
- The Place of the Damned (Text: Jonathan Swift)
- The prism of life (Text: John Addington Symonds)
- The purple cow again (in Seven Silly Little Songs) (Text: Frank Gelett Burgess)
- The purple cow (in Seven Silly Little Songs) (Text: Frank Gelett Burgess)
- The Quilt (in Songs for the Victims of AIDS) (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- The Rain Is Failing (in Nursery Rhymes and Children's Prayers) (Text: Gary Bachlund after Robert Louis Stevenson) FRE ITA
- The real question (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- there are possibly 2½ or impossibly 3 (in "spoke joe to jack" and other songs) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- The red wheelbarrow (Text: William Carlos Williams)
- There will come soft rains (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- The river of ruin (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- The River St. Joe (in Injun Summah) (Text: Benjamin Franklin King)
- The Sand-Man (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- The sea-wash (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- these children singing in stone (in "spoke joe to jack" and other songs) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- The Second Coming (in Three Magical Songs) (Text: William Butler Yeats) GER
- The second-oldest profession (in Seven Presidential Pardons) (Text: Ronald Wilson Reagan)
- the secrets of living (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- The see'r (in The Circus Band and Other Delights) (Text: Charles Edward Ives)
- The Send-Off (in Songs of War) (Text: Wilfred Owen) FRE
- The sick rose (in Three Blake Settings) (Text: William Blake) CAT FRE GER GER IRI NYN RUS SPA
- The Side Show (in The Circus Band and Other Delights) (Text: Charles Edward Ives after P. Rooney) SPA
- The silver swan (Text: Anonymous) FRE GER
- the sky was (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- The Snow-Blossoms (Text: Clark Ashton Smith)
- The snow man (Text: Wallace Stevens)
- The Social Democrat's Song (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- The song of shadows (in Three Poems of Walter de la Mare) (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- The Song of the Quoodle (Text: Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
- The Song of Wandering Aengus (in Three Magical Songs) (Text: William Butler Yeats) CHI FRE GER
- The Spectre Pig - A Ballad (in Poets on Pigs) (Text: Oliver Wendell Holmes)
- The Spirit of Air (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- The Star and the Pig (in Poets on Pigs) (Text: Sara Teasdale) FRE
- The stolen child (in Three Magical Songs) (Text: William Butler Yeats)
- The strategery (in Seven Presidential Pardons) (Text: George W. Bush)
- The sum (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- The Table and the Chair (Text: Edward Lear)
- The things our fathers loved (Text: Charles Edward Ives)
- The Thread Remains (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- The Three Little Pigs (in Poets on Pigs) (Text: Alfred Scott Gatty)
- The Town Rabbit in the Country (Text: Camilla Doyle)
- The Trouble With Geraniums (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake)
- The Trumpet (in Ten Poems of Edward Thomas) (Text: Edward Thomas , as Edward Eastaway)
- The Tyranny of Party (Text: Samuel Langhorne Clemens , as Mark Twain)
- The Virgin's Cradle Hymn (Text: Anonymous) DUT ENG ENG ENG FRE GER
- The Wanderer (Text: Beulah May)
- the way to hump a cow is not (in "spoke joe to jack" and other songs) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- The wild goat (Text: Claude Mckay)
- The Wild Horse Travels (Text: Gordon Bachlund) *
- The wise (in Five Poems of Countée Cullen) (Text: Countee Cullen)
- The year (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- The Young Housewife (Text: William Carlos Williams)
- this is the garden (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- This Pig Went to Market (in Poets on Pigs) (Text: Anonymous)
- Three Little Pigs (in Poets on Pigs) (Text: Sian Davies) *
- Þurfamaður (in Lausn) (Text: Hallgrímur Pétursson)
- time, be kind (in e. e.'s songs) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Tintinnabulum (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- Tired Tim (in Pieces of Peacock Pie) (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- את אחזה חנה (in Three Songs of Immanuel Frances) (Text: Immanuel ben David Frances)
- To a dead friend (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- To America (Text: James Weldon Johnson)
- To Call Thee Love (in Four Songs of Gerard Manley Hopkins) (Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins)
- To drown my troubles (in Seven Presidential Pardons) (Text: James Earl Carter)
- Toilettenkünste (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG
- To Lizbie Browne (Text: Thomas Hardy)
- To music (Text: Robert Herrick)
- To Rosa (Text: Abraham Lincoln)
- Totalität (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- To the States (Text: Walt Whitman)
- To Women As Far As I'm Concerned (Text: D. H. Lawrence)
- Travaille (in Poèmes pour la paix) (Text: Eugène Émile Paul Grindel , as Paul Éluard)
- Travel (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- Trinklied (in Frivole Lieder) (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) ENG ENG
- Trouble in de kitchen (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Trunken müssen wir alle sein [multi-text setting] (Text: Goethe) HUN CAT FRE ITA ENG
- Tumbling-hair (in chansons innocentes (1923)) (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- Tweedledum and Tweedledee (in "Alice" Songs) (Text: Anonymous) FRE
- Twell de night is pas' (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Twilight (in Chamber Music) (Text: James Joyce) FRE
- Twilight (Text: Hazel Hall)
- Überall (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Ufm Bergli (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) CAT DUT ENG ENG FRE
- Un beso (in Las Canciones de Bécquer) (Text: Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer) ENG
- Uncle Eph's Banjo Song (in Echoes from the Cabin) (Text: James Edwin Campbell)
- Uncle Jake (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- Uncle Sam (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- Uncle Wog (in A Book of Nonsense) (Text: Mervyn Peake) [x]
- Under the harvest moon (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- Une amoureuse (in Poèmes pour la paix) (Text: Eugène Émile Paul Grindel , as Paul Éluard)
- Unerhört (Text: Ludwig Kalisch) ENG
- Union Square (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- Unser Liebeslied (in Elses Liebeslieder) (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler)
- Unterm Tisch (in Strumpfsinn Lieder) (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Unter Zeiten (in Zehn Morgenstern-lieder) (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG FIN FRE
- up into the silence (in "spoke joe to jack" and other songs) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Upstream (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- Va'ani Zot (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- Vayomer shalcheini (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- Venez à lui (Text: Victor Hugo) ENG
- Vengeance is sweet (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Verborgenheit (Text: Eduard Mörike) CAT ENG ENG ENG FRE FRE SPA
- Verona (Text: Rudolf Hagelstange) ENG
- Versöhnung (in Vier Lieder von Else Lasker-Schüler) (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler) ENG FRE
- Vetter Franz auf dem Esel (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Vin was my cat (in Four Little Cat Songs) (Text: Julie Dalton Williamson) *
- Volkslied (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- Waltz (in The Circus Band and Other Delights) (Text: Charles Edward Ives)
- Wankelmut (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- wanta spend six dollars kid (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- Warm summer sun (Text: Samuel Langhorne Clemens , as Mark Twain)
- Wärst du ein Bächlein (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Was bleibt denn (in Goethe-lieder) (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ENG
- Was gibt es doch für Narren! (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Was haben wir Gänse für Kleider an? (in Kinderlieder) (Text: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben) ENG
- Was ist der Mensch? (Text: Erich Kurt Mühsam) ENG
- Was ist ein Original? (Text: Paul Scheerbart) ENG
- Wassermaus und Kröte (in Das tierische Lied von der Erde) (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Wasser und Wein (Text: August Kopisch) ENG
- Was? (Text: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- We all declare for liberty (Text: Abraham Lincoln)
- Wedlock (Text: Benjamin Franklin)
- Weihnachtslied (Text: Bertram Kottmann after George Mackay Brown)
- Weißt du's? (in Ringelnatz in dreiviertel Takt) (Text: Hans Bötticher) ENG
- Well, we are out of money now (Text: Barack Hussein Obama II)
- Weltende (in Vier Lieder von Else Lasker-Schüler) (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler) ENG FRE
- Weltflucht (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler) ENG FRE
- W'en de sun shines hot (Text: James Ephriam McGirt)
- Wenn Eicheln fallen (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Alfred Austin)
- Wettstreit (Text: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben) ENG
- We two boys (Text: Walt Whitman)
- We wear the mask (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar) GER
- What about it? (in Love Songs for Dorothy) (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- What could I do? (Text: Richard Le Gallienne)
- What lips my lips have kissed (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay) FRI GER
- What's the use? (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- what the hell (in "crazy jay blue)" and other poems) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- What will I be (in Three Songs of a Woman) (Text: Eva Bauche-Eppers) *
- When A Feller's Itchin' To Be Spanked (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- When all is done (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- when any mortal(even the most odd) (in "crazy jay blue)" and other poems) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- When Cap'n Tom comes home (Text: Katharine Lee Bates)
- when god lets my body be (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- When he should laugh (in Ten Poems of Edward Thomas) (Text: Edward Thomas , as Edward Eastaway)
- When I go free (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- When I have passed away (Text: Claude Mckay)
- when life is quite through with (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- when mack smacked phyllis (in "crazy jay blue)" and other poems) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- When Ol' Sis' Judy Pray (in Echoes from the Cabin) (Text: James Edwin Campbell)
- When the rose is faded (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- Where Love Did Sometime Go (in Chamber Music) (Text: James Joyce) FRE
- Where's Madge then (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- Where the Bee Sucks (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE FRE GER SPA SWE
- Where the mind is without fear (Text: Rabindranath Tagore after Rabindranath Tagore) GER
- Whip-Poor-Will and Katy-Did (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- White shoulders (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- Who Am I? (in Three Songs for Roger) (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- why did you go (in chansons innocentes (1925)) (Text: E. E. Cummings)
- Why fades a dream? (Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar)
- Wiegenlied (Text: Clemens Maria Wenzeslaus von Brentano) ENG ENG ENG FRE
- Wiegenlied (Text: Ludwig I, König von Bayern)
- Wiegenlied (in Zwölf Morgenstern-Lieder ) (Text: Christian Morgenstern) FRE
- Wie nah? (Text: Rachel Harnisch) *
- Will ever? (in Pieces of Peacock Pie) (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- Will you come? (in Ten Poems of Edward Thomas) (Text: Edward Thomas , as Edward Eastaway)
- Wine and water (in Drolleries and Wisdom) (Text: Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
- Winter Is Coming (Text: Waverley Turner Carmichael)
- Winterweihe (Text: Karl Friedrich Henckell) CAT DUT ENG FRE ITA SPA
- Winter (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- Winter (in Four Seasons) (Text: Anton Gill) *
- Wir Kinder der Vergangenheit (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Wir sind... (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz) ENG
- With a Volume of Heine (in Two Poems of Louis Untermeyer) (Text: Louis Untermeyer)
- Wo die Stille aufspringt (in Sechs letzte Wort-lieder) (Text: Manfred Neber) *
- Woher, wohin? (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Wohl bete ich (Text: Bertram Kottmann after Emily Dickinson)
- Wolken (in Drei Lieder von Hugo von Hofmannsthal) (Text: Hugo Hofmann, Edler von Hofmannsthal) ENG
- Wollen (Text: Franz Drey) *
- Wortschlingen (in Sechs letzte Wort-lieder) (Text: Manfred Neber) *
- Wynken, Blynken and Nod (Text: Eugene Field)
- Xanthippe (Text: Frank Wedekind) ENG
- Ye Carpette Knyghte (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll)
- Yesterday (in Songs for the Victims of AIDS) (Text: Gary Bachlund)
- עיני צביּה (in Three Songs of Immanuel Frances) (Text: Immanuel ben David Frances)
- Youth's the season made for joys (in Three Airs from the Beggar's Opera) (Text: John Gay)
- Youth (in Four Songs of a Woman) (Text: Georgia Douglas Johnson)
- אי סןחרים (in Three Songs of Immanuel Frances) (Text: Immanuel ben David Frances)
- Zauberschwestern (Text: Wilhelm Busch) ENG
- Zebaoth (Text: Else Lasker-Schüler) ENG FRE
- Zirkus (Text: Alfred Henschke , as Jucundus Fröhlich Klabund) ENG
- Zoe! Zoe!/ Come down off the shelf! (in Four Little Cat Songs) (Text: Julie Dalton Williamson) *
- Zum Bockspringen (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz)
- Zum Jahresanfang (Text: Bertram Kottmann)
- Zu Neujahr (Text: Wilhelm Busch)
- Zur Ruh', zur Ruh' (Text: Justinus Kerner) CAT ENG FRE
- Zwei Knaben (in Zwölf Kinder-lieder für Erwachsene) (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Zwei Ritter (Text: Heinrich Heine) ENG
- Zweites (in Kindergebetchen) (Text: Hans Bötticher , as Joachim Ringelnatz)
- Zwischen mir und Dir (in Drei einfache Lieder von Theodor Storm) (Text: Theodor Storm) ENG FRE
Last update: 2025-01-24 04:42:37